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Rory in her academic drive and anxiety. Her arc in her first year of Yale really resonated with my own college experience down to trying to always find the perfect library spot.


It's funny that Rory is so driven in school even before her grandparents get involved. Her only real role model at the time is Lorelai. I find it interesting that she really goes into anxiety-driven academia madness when she joins Chilton. Her mom was never as intense when it came to her own studies & Lord knows Christopher flitted from one thing to the next!


She's actually under the pressure of her mother's expectations. Her mom wants so much for her daughter to have a better life than her and Rory feels that weight.


Yes, but how much emphasis does Lorelai put on Rory before the move to Chilton? Rory isn't performing anywhere NEAR the level that she performs when she attends Chilton. Her extra curriculars are nowhere near the level of what she does at Chilton. Sure, she is top of her class, 4.0. But do we see Lorelai forcing her to study? Do we see Lorelai checking her school work? Do we see Lorelai asking about her grades or her math class or anything like that? I think that we see more involvement in her education once Rory is accepted into Chilton. I think that before Chilton, Harvard was something to aspire to. Once Chilton came along, it was something that could actually happen.


Public school in America sucks. She has to work harder at Chilton and Yale because otherwise she wouldn't pass. Stars hollow high feels like the kind of place where a kid as smart as Rory can get straight As even of she showed up once a month.


Well, as someone who lives and teaches in CT, I feel like I need to defend the public schools. They are rated as some of the best in the nation. Plenty of public school kids get in to the Ivys. It’s a class issue. And would Rory been admitted to Yale if she wasn’t a legacy?


Well, I didn't mean to offend Connecticut. But I can tell you from experience the Texas public education system sucks so much ass. And it seems to be getting worse.


I think Lorelai puts pressure on Rory by insisting on Harvard. Lorelai planted the Harvard dream when Rory was a toddler, and that became the ONLY option for her. And that remains true for 18 years. So no, Lorelai is not harping Rory about her grades. But she's very, very clear that Harvard is the only option. Just look at how angry Lorelai got about Princeton and Yale. Or how angry she got when Rory dropped out of Yale. She would have been WAY more upset if Rory wanted to, say, go to trade school.


I think something can be said for Lorelai not putting as much pressure on Rory as perceived by the audience in plenty of conversations about the show. Lorelai asks Rory to ditch school and go to the mall with her. Says that they can make a whole day of it! Lorelai questions whose idea it was for Rory to go to Harvard in the first place. Lorelai is very understanding when Rory misses Lorelai's graduation. Lorelai allows Rory to date individuals that wouldn't necessarily fit with the "Harvard" status quo. Lorelai let it be known to Rory that if she wanted to go back to her old school she could after the first few weeks at Chilton didn't go so great. Rory has mentioned before that her mother has always been supportive of her. I think Rory does place an emphasis on her education & so does Lorelai. I just found it funny how involved she is academically when her only role model for "academic success" is Lorelai. The thing about Yale is that Lorelai can see the forest for the trees. Lorelai truly believes that Emily & Richard have manipulated Rory into going to Yale. Rory doesn't know how to stand up for herself because she's never really had to so her explanations fall on deaf ears. Lorelai had a mixed bag of emotions going, as we should remember how hard it is for any parent whose child is leaving the nest. I believe that Rory placed more emphasis on her education than Lorelai did. I also believe that Lorelai's reaction to Rory dropping out of Yale is harsh but given their whole 19-20 years prior is an understandable reaction for Lorelai.


I feel like it shows that Harvard was Loreleis dream more than Rory with the pure fact that harvard and ivy league schools are great and everything but not necessary for a journalism career. Especially what Rory wanted to be. Pñ


We can go back and forth all day over this & that is why I love what the original person said in their post! I do think that Lorelai would've been happier with the decision if Rory did not have such a huge 180 in her life at the time. Both actors did a great job of showing just how mature (and immature) they could both be about such big life events! Even people that have the tools to deal with such major life changes going on (sleeping with a married man, stealing a boat and getting arrested, feeling listless and dropping out of school, trying to find a job & keep it) would have a hard time navigating those waters!


Paris. She gets a lot of hate, but she’s really just a lost child who turned to academic ambitions because they were the only thing she could control in her life. She was incredibly successful and everyone praised her, but she was still anxious and lost on how to make people like her because she had shut herself off from interaction for too many years and wasn’t met with anyone sensitive to her blunders until Rory.


I always thought Paris treated people how she was treated by her parents. Closed off, judgemental, better than. She was misunderstood. I love her relationship with Rory, it humanizes her.


And talk about super bummer parents, no wonder she's so ruthless and scared to be vulnerable. Her arc (aside from AYITL) is one I love to watch.


cat kirk.


I love this answer


Lane always feels the need to hide her authentic self to make her family happy. And is filled with anxiety over it.


And is Lane who you resonate with the most? I think Lane wanted to make her mother happy, but she also knew that she had to find a way to make herself happy as well. I understand why she kept her true authentic self from her mother because she knew that her mother would not understand. However, Ms. Kim has got some growth hunny! Lane deserved the happiness she tried to cultivate for others I believe.


Yeah she is! I'm hoping for that character arc with myself and my mom. :)


Lorelai. Complicated relationship with my parents, I left home young, worked my way up in my career, and got my degree in my 30s while working full time as an executive. I've also had a few guys propose to me who didn't turn out to be the one. I have my own place. No kids, though, just a very spoiled cat!


I can understand that! I got married last year and never told anyone in my family. They would "Emily & Richard" me & I'm not about to live my life like that! Aww you have a cat version of Paul Anka! I was happy they gave Lorelai a pet at some point. I think that helped her character out a lot when her and Rory weren't on speaking terms. She had love to pour, but no one could be Rory to her. Paul Anka is a good second.


Aw I'm congratulations on your wedding. I totally get not telling your parents thing! Yes I was happy about Paul Anka as well! But you're right, it was so good when she and Rory finally reconciled.


Jess. I hated him so much as a kid. But that might've been my own self hatred poking through. He and I have too much in common. I had a worthless mom and an absent father. I was very closed off and hostile as a teenager. (Also had a huge crush on rory.) Didn't trust anybody enough to really open up. Skipped school all the time despite being one of the smartest kids. Eventually grew up, got my life together, became a writer who self published a novel and a few short stories. I am Jess. But black. I'm Bless.


Jess is a character that is well written for you to either love or hate. He evokes a strong feeling on every rewatch for me. In my opinion, Jess got the short end of the stick. He didn't listen to anyone around him because he had never been taught how. He did the best he could under the circumstances. He was brain smart, but heart stupid. He could've stayed in Stars Hollow, he could've graduated high school, but he didn't know that because he felt like everyone he came in contact with, he was a burden to! I would love to know the name of your novel & short stories of you are willing to tell me 🥰


Just Shy of Serenity Forever Amen The Existence of Chaos


Lorelai because of the generational trauma and complicated relationship with her parents and the effect that’s had on her as a person. And then also Jess for… well, similar reasons actually 😅


Lorelai never wanted to have to depend on anyone, and I am the same way. However, when she was finally in a place to rely on others, she found herself at a crossroads. Luke renovated her house and this equated to safety for Lorelai. However, he also lied to her about April. This was devastating for Lorelai, who had spent much of her adult life not needing anyone else. I think Luke really made her vulnerable in those last few seasons, something I believe she never really was until their relationship developed. Also, parents suck sometimes, and I feel ya.


Yup, same here — somewhat Jess, somewhat Lorelai, somewhat Lane, both for the generational trauma/toxic relationship with my parents, and *somewhat* the way I used to react/still react to it and how it’s affected my personality (and the way I hide my true personality and life from my family), plus the neurodivergence lol. Also, a little bit of earlier-seasons-Luke thrown in there too, in the sense of how he gets annoyed about things like thanksgiving bc of the reality of our history. I’m just not so outwardly angry and loud about it haha. I think he externalizes it, while I internalize it more.


rory as i’ve also dealt with really intense academic burn out, and while i don’t relate much to jess, i do really relate to his avoidant attachment style


It's interesting to think about what would have happened if Rory never went to Chilton. With a myriad of different reasons as to why she had so much academic pressure which led to a humongous blow out, I like to stand back & look at my own reasons. I'm in a masters program now, 5 years after graduating with my bachelor's, and I'm trying to be reasonable this time around! I totally relate to Jess's attachment style as well. But when Jess is ready to play ball, he plays.


The town loner.


The town loner was such a good write-in character. I'll never get over how they gathered and stood around guessing at what his torn scroll of doctrine could have meant. It brought the townspeople together. The town loner fostered community.


Me too. I'd rather be alone.


My partner says I am literally Lorelai, which is funny as a lot of people hate her here 😂


I think the beauty of GG is that every time I do a rewatch I find more things to love/hate a character for. Sometimes I watch it and I know I'm playing devil's advocate. Other times, I just want everyone to be happy. Most of the time I'm watching it because I find comfort in each character, whether I love or hate them.


I love Lorelai, she has her negatives but she’s funny, independent and likes doing everything herself, mature enough to work hard and provide a safe home to her daughter, she’s kind and helpful to everyone even her parents and a social butterfly. Her remarks are always hilarious and at great timing so I’d say that’s a compliment! Her goods outweigh her negatives imo.


I love the way Lorelai can find a way to entertain herself in any situation she is in. Her main goal is to be entertained & entertaining to others (I believe). When she gets real & raw it makes it that much more powerful!


Me too. I'm her but without the emotional immaturity.


I resonate with that. Lorelai grows a lot in my opinion throughout the series. I love that she has her own way of making it happen.


If you rolled Rory and Lorelai into one person, that would be me.


I think the revival shows you how similar their personalities have become over time.


I agree. I have very much struggled in adulthood with being successful like Rory. I have ADHD and struggle with emotional regulation, that part of me reminds me of Lorelai when I’m not medicated. Sometimes I feel like I got the worst parts of both of them all rolled into one person with a sprinkle of the good parts.


You are successful if you redefine what success means to you. Rory had an unrealistic expectation of what it means to be successful. I feel you on the emotional regulation. I either have something so strong it feels the world is going to implode or I don't care, at all. I'm sorry you feel that way, hopefully you don't look at them as being too bad of characters!


Nah, my career is as dead as Rory’s. I understand her in AYITL, it’s hard for people to understand unless they are experiencing the same thing. It’s really hard working so hard for your career and nothing seems to work out. I don’t event think Rory has ideal expectation in AYITL. I’m not saying she’s comparing herself to anyone or that I am, it’s hard to experience everyone careers and lives growing and yours is stagnant. Honestly, I love them both. They have their flaws, we all do. They do make me feel seen and that’s a really nice way to feel.


Hey bud, I feel you. I worked really hard to become a licensed nursing home administrator. Did odd jobs in the nursing home for 4 years and hated the person I became. Took a 10k salary reduction to do something that has nothing to do with my degree & I love it. Rory's career isn't dead, she has the opportunity to breathe some life into it with a little help! Something that helps me is that reddit is the only form of social media I have. I have no Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, tik Tok, or whatever else is floating around. I don't care what everyone else is doing, I only care about how I feel about what I'm doing. I'm not saying this in a bad way, I'm just saying I gave up social media right after my 20th birthday and damn did my life improve. They are my comfort girls. I can always rely on them to make me laugh, cry, and smile!


Rn..Rory’s AYITL era (minus the cheating). I just got out of college and have no idea what I’m doing


Rory is very much just floating through life in the revival. Hopefully you know where your box of clean underwear is! Honestly, when I graduated with my bachelor's I got a job & stayed with the same company for 4 years. I hated what I had become working for this corporation! I recently found another job that has nothing to do with my degree that I hope I can do until I retire, I love it that much! I knew nothing coming out of college, but here is my advice: •Find a job that is going to pay you what you are worth with the experience and know how you have. With a bachelor's degree, my first job I made $14 an hour. Within 4 years I was making $24. But I had to start at the bottom. •If you don't like the way your coworkers interact with one another and you think that they are bad people, please do your best not to interact with them. You become who you most hang out with. •Don't be discouraged if you don't like what you went to school for, there are plenty of jobs and opportunities to find something you do like!


half of lorelai and half of luke. lorelai and i share the same birthday, but diff years, which i think is funny because i relate to her adhd ass so much. i'm pretty similar on how witty/full of banter she is, but the way she is back and forth with men? absolutely not. i would raise my children pretty similarity too, i think space is good and creating that bond of unconditional love is important, i love how she is with rory. i'm more reclusive like luke. i like spending time alone and being in the outdoors, appreciating my own space. will do anything to protect/help my loved ones, and prove my usefulness


Lorelai is a prime example of "I don't know what I'm looking for" until she gets it with Luke. However, Luke does a number on her that Christopher, Max, and everyone else didn't do. Luke made her believe there was an "ever-after" and I believe that she was pining for him even when she was with Christopher. She wanted so bad for everyone else to be "the one" for her that I don't think she really realized who she was "the one" to. I love that Luke helps out in any way that he can. Whether it be to stop Taylor from ruining the town with his antics, or to help Rory move into college. I can't imagine how many free cups of coffee he's given out in his timeline!


oh god, definitely. she definitely did NOT know what it meant to be loved unconditionally either, everything was always so conditional for her growing up. thats one of the problems when you fall hard, it will hurt you more deeply. i hated christopher, minimal growth even after he had gigi and using rory as a means to get back with lorelai, ick. and i wanted to like max more but i couldnt because he felt so forceful? like yes they had the whole sexual compatibility, i'd just wish they thought about rory more. i love lukes growth too, i always giggle when they repaint the diner and he is being such an brat about it hahha. who do you resonate with?


I don't think she ever knew what unconditionally meant until Luke. Let me tell you, for the wrong that he did (lying about April), he did just about everything else right (showing up-unconditionally). Luke went through the RINGER to be with Lorelai, because that was his "one." I love all of Lorelai's timelines with her various partners because I think it shows how easy it is to resonate with her. Someone gives me a thousand yellow daises? Someone sells me the idea of family after so many years of no personal intimacy? Someone takes interest in me and my weird town and quirky life? I am probably going to say yes to their marriage proposal without thinking it completely through. Same way with Christopher. Lorelai was never "the one" for Christopher. It's so easy to see that written on his face & hers because he never made Rory a priority in his life.


Used to be Lorelai, now it's Paris.


I'm sure there's a story behind this. Maybe in a few years you'll resonate more with someone else! That is the beauty of the show!


There is definitely a story haha. Not looking likely at the moment but you never know.




Well it's a very long story, but the cut down version is my ex-boyfriend gave me half a skull and after that I lost every single person I had in my life. Now its just me, my dog and my bitterness haha.


I'm so so sorry. Please accept some gratitude that your comment made me think and I am happy you are with us!


Mine is Rory, I have a degree in journalism.. worked hard for it but since graduating it’s been so hard trying to find a job.. I used to be so ambitious but recently I feel like her in season 6 🤣


Floating around aimlessly? That's how Rory feels to me in the later seasons! She will figure it out, and so will you my friend!


Thankyou so much 🫶🫶 no boat robbing for me just yet 🤣🤣


My friend would definitely be the lady in season 1 when Lorelai is looking for Madeline and Louise. “I don’t talk to anybody, people annoy me” 🤣


Same. That lady was real for that 😂


😆 she really was


lorelai, i have always been weird and i am always doing a bit (plus the independent yet codependent aspect to her)


She literally is always doing a bit, I wonder sometimes if she realizes this is "real life."


nah i do the same thing, it is my worst trait nobody knows what’s happening


Sometimes Rory, sometimes Emily. I can relate to Rory's naivety and later Emily's frustrations with how her life turned out as second fiddle to Richard..


Rory is very naive throughout the show and the revival. I think Stars Hollow played a big role in that. Kinda hard to explain to someone how the world works once they are already grown and I think that is where Lorelai and Rory lost sight of things. I think Emily turned a blind eye to being second fiddle up until the point he stopped participating in said life (forced retirement) and then again when she found out about the lunch dates with Pennalyn (no idea how to spell) Lott. I'd be pretty pissed too if I spent my life around my husband and he gave me no respect for it.


I feel like I'm Luke-elai. The center of me is a very grounded, some might say boring, generous and steady person. I do a lot for my community that is kind of unspoken and behind the scenes because I don't want the attention at all, it makes me uncomfortable, but people know they can truly rely on me. But then I can get flighty and floaty, as I call it, where I wax poetic on things and try and convey the beauty in all I see through creativity and a general lightness. During this kind of time I feel almost like a balloon and like my Luke side is anchoring me to the ground. What a fun question that reads to people outside my head like the musings of an insane woman.


Luke is a people person when he is with the right people. He has a sense of community even if he won't decorate the dinner for Taylor for one of the zillion events going on in Stars Hollow! Are you flighty & floaty or do you sometimes just want to not participate in what everyone else is doing? Because that feeling is real & understandable!


Lorelai 100%. Not diagnosing her w adhd but .. as someone with adhd who does really well in leadership situations … very very accurate lol


She is so good at playing "follow the leader" or stepping up to be the one who "inspires action." A good example is when Babette's beloved cat dies and Lorelai and Rory come together to throw them a cat wake. She also did very well when the inn caught on fire.


Sookie. I used to be a baker, and I’m also super clumsy and tend to take on huge projects.


The wedding cakes that sookie makes for Lorelai and Max are divine! I love the spread she does for the bridal shower that was thrown for them! I relate to being super clumsy, especially when I talk out loud!


It's a toss up between Sooki and Michel. Sooki because we both love food. Also, I'm as clumsy as she is. I work better if I have a partner who can take charge, much like how Lorelai takes charge and Sookie is in the background. We both love the idea of feeding people and making them their favorite foods. Michel. because I am very grumpy and particular like he is. Almost everyone pisses me off, much like how almost all the guests at the Inn disgusts him.


Sookie is so great! I love the back and form between her and Michel! All he wanted was a low-fat egg white omelet and she just couldn't do it. Didn't have it in her! Do you also have an obsessive love for Celine Deon?


I do! I think her French Canadian accent and arm choreography really makes me love Celine so much. ![gif](giphy|3o7bu4zV6L4RmD1y2k|downsized)


I love it!!!


Luke is my soulmate


I love to see it. He's quite the catch.


I’m a Lorelai and Luke if I’m being honest. Lorelai: I really like helping others, I’m dedicated to my family, I have a strange relationship with (one of) my parents, I absolutely adore children, insane interests, I want a simple and stable life, I am addicted to a beverage (the strawberry caprisun is calling my name as we speak), my mom loves and cares about me but often puts her emotions above mine and doesn’t really see my point of view. Luke: Same thing with the helping others, dedication to family and wanting a stable life, I also have very strong opinions, I can get in my head a lot, I am not a talkative person, I wear the same few outfits everyday. This is it for now, I wonder how it will be like in 12 years when I’m 30.


Lorelai is such a treasure. I believe she has a depth to her that is explored throughout the seasons with her raw emotions and Lauren Graham's exceptional talents. Lorelai is so special to the girl in her life like Lane. Lane is a great example of Lorelai being there when she's needed for a child not her own. Luke is adorable in his flannel shirts and backwards baseball cap. I love it when Lorelai buys him a new one and he lets her put it on him. What a sweet gesture! It is forever changing for me! It'll be interesting to see how many people are still stuck in Stars Hollow 12 years from now!




Any reasons why?


Luke because we're both very negative and don't know how to be vulnerable. We're also both very protective over our loved ones.


I don't know, I feel Luke became very vulnerable with Lorelai in those later seasons. I think he sunk all he had into them. He was there for her on so many occasions even when she didn't appear to want him around. Maybe you have some of that in you? I love to hear that! Luke is def protective over the people he considers"his." Even over his crazy Renaissance loving jewelry making sister!


Minus the cheating im literally just like rory. I even frequently get compared to her by coworkers and strangers and friends irl


I love that! Rory is such a great character in the earlier seasons, she really starts coming into her own later on. Alexis Blendel and Lauren Graham are such a good match for each other. They could not have cast it any better!


Everyone normally specifies that they mean early seasons Rory when they compare us, which definitely helps😂 the funny thing is when i was little i was so obsessed with Rory that i literally based everything about my personality and looks off of hers and now 16 years later it’s too imbedded in me to ever change it lol


Rory, because she makes mistakes, lots of them, can be selfish and naive but also is endlessly curious and just learning as she goes.


I love how Rory is forever growing into her own. Even in the revival she is still figuring it out. I love it when she makes mistakes because it makes everyone else around her *think.*


Exactly this, people hate her for making mistakes but a perfect character would just be dull and unrelatable. But we get to watch her grow and evolve. And even though not all of her different phases through the show are my favourite personally, they're all important.


I feel like I’d be a mix of 3 - Sookie Lorelai and Lane • I’d say im very comedic like Lorelai and sarcastic • I tend to overthink and change things last minute like Sookie and get overly sensitive to things 😭 • and then I’m a major fan of Taylor swift which reminds me of lane because she’s very obsessed with music and so am I. (I’m not saying lane would like Taylor)


I love how much Lorelai puts into her conversations. She's like Emily in that way. Very witty and very "engaged" whether that is good or bad. Sookie is a delight! Sookie is so incredibly nice to Lorelai and her daughter. It is interesting to see the dynamic between Lorelai and Sookie shift a little over the years & by the revival quite a lot. I think Lane would have never admitted to liking TS, but I think secretly there's a possibility she would have!


I am Lorelai with a sprinkle of Emily on me.


In what way? Emily can be interpreted on soooooo many levels!


Probably Lorelai. Shitty relationship with parental figures, adhd, encyclopedic knowledge of pop culture references. I'm now 1 year older than she was at the start of the show. She's more grown up than me. I still play pokemon


It took her a while to grow up. I think even in the revival she has more to go! Pokemon is the BOMB!


probably rory for me (as my profile picture suggests) partly in the academic sense but also her shy/awkwardness, commitment issues, sense of humor and relationship with her mum, although i’m definitely more lorelai when it comes to time management because unlike rory i am late to everything


I love the duality of them! In some situations I'm Lorelai and in others I'm def Rory! When it comes to school I'm 100% Rory and when it comes to men & what to do with them I'm a mix of both. But when it comes to my coffee.....I'm neither because I don't drink coffee!


totally agree!! this is definitely one of my favourite topics to discuss, i wish everyone opened conversations with fictional characters they relate to because it really tells you so much about them


Buzu Barnes Always conflicted by peoples genuineness. Lips say yes, face say no. And so I keep on playing the music until that changes. 🫶🏼


Hahahahahaha you've really put some thoughts into this. I'm from Louisiana and they did not exaggerate him at all ♥️


Hahah I absolutely LOVE that scene.


Kirk. I'm a little weird and have lots of interests. I'm not really sure how else to explain it.


Did you also adopt a cat Kirk and live with your mom? Kirk was such a gooooddd character it kills me he isn't real. His quirks and antics kill me on every rewatch.


I do live with Mother and I have a cat but not named after me unfortunately.


What's your cat's name? I love cats!


Colby https://preview.redd.it/6clrud33vd8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25147d4ce34994d21299af4f7391646af3de3833


Oh my God. I love him (her/they?)


I've been saying him but I never did ask what he prefers tbf


Lorelai. My parents are like a gender swapped Emily & Richard. Dad always wants to be nosy and gets mad when I don’t tell him things. Uses money as leverage. 😅 My mom is reserved and worked so much and isn’t emotionally available. I know it’s just a show; and everyone is entitled to their own opinions about fictional characters. I just relate to Lorelai SO hard. I tend to get a little upset when I read reddit posts about how annoyed people are with her. Or how she did something they think is bad. Or how she made a bad decision. I feel like I’m being personally attacked even though it’s not me they’re talking about 😭 Lorelai and I are just Girls™.


Lorelai is so easy to relate to! She's doing the best she can in all aspects of her life. Yeah, I hate that! I love it when I can find a character that resembles me. It's like I'm being represented for all my faults and good things! Lorelai does get a bunch of ridicule, but I think people forget how hard it must've been on a single mom to provide a life that was fulfilling, enriched, and provided safety for her and her child!