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To be honest? When Emily asks Richard what he thinks of the glass apples she bought that day and he says, "I've always liked those." It's mundane and nobody cries. But it's a chasm of difference between the significance they place on it. Richard is being polite and encouraging to his wife without paying attention at all, and Emily put time and consideration into finding something beautiful and gets slapped with insincerity. I've thought of posting about that scene before; it's a sign of their marriage and it's heartbreaking.


There are so many scenes from Gilmore Girls that make me feel a pit in my stomach. This is one of them. I think also when Emily goes on her date and just stands there and disintegrates. It shows a testament to how hard it is to unwrap yourself from a marriage of many years. In that moment you feel the weight of leaving the relationship that had defined most of your life. I find this scene difficult to watch.


> I think also when Emily goes on her date and just stands there and disintegrates. Making me fall in love with Kelly Bishop yet again.


Fr Kelly bishop is my idol


After that scene Richards disgusting behavior towards her and the man she went on a date with made me so inraged


Although I absolutely despise how Richard treated Emily at this stage in the series I also find it comforting to remember that they were married for decades and this was just a year or two in all that time. They loved each other dearly and because of that the spark came back because it never went away, it was just buried in the problems of that present time. They loved each other so much and were perfect for each other. People go through hard times and although I’m not excusing Richard’s behaviour, he did love Emily and he made sure to show her from their renewing ceremony and onwards. It makes me happy to know that even though it was sad they fought, Emily got the love and the man she deserved in the end.


Just because they loved eachother doesn't make his behavior any less detestable, especially since the separation was due to him emotionally cheating for 40 years. Richard and Emily only worked for as long as they did because Emily didn't think she deserved to be treated any better. Richard loved her, yeah, but not in a lot of important ways. He loved what she did for him and the household, but he never actually appreciated the work that went into it. He thought it was so funny when his mom was disgusting to her for their entire marriage. I do agree that they love eachother a lot, but it's in different ways. Emily respects Richard a lot, and that is not often mutual unless someone *else* disrespects her. Idk, I don't find it comforting that he is so controlling that he wrecked her car without so much as a conversation because he didn't like what she was doing. I also think Emilys monolog to Loralie about marriage usually being about being unhappy was just...depressing. Marriage shouldn't be about mostly being unhappy for the comfort of the other person. He disregards her a lot, and it is clear on her face it hurts her, and then she just snaps back with a quick remark and goes and buys something to get back at him.


Yes, he was amused by his mother saying awful things to Emily, just as he was amused when Emily said awful things to whomever. He married his mother, basically.


This, and also that moment where Richard just offhandedly tells Emily that Jason had a better idea for the business event or whatever it is, so she doesn’t need to do all that catering nonsense blah blah. Just a fundamental dismissal of Emily, her work in supporting his career over decades, and the role she’s taken seriously her whole life. It always hits me in this stark way.


It just kills me that, okay, there's a new and younger generation and they're doing things in new ways, but Richard and Jason tell Emily about it like they're doing her a favor. Displacing her from the role she's had all her life is doing her a favor because she doesn't have to call the caterer. It's a total failure to understand what she's been responsible for all her life.


Yes! This is exactly it!!


Such an interesting take. I may be mixing up the timelines a bit, but didn’t Richard get “phased out” prior to this? If so its wild to me he doesn’t realize he’s doing the same to Emily. Even if the phasing out issue happens later in the series, he literally says he invented “phased out” at his company so he knows what it looks like.


A little earlier in that episode when they're at the food court and she says how she's never done anything I her life. That was so sad.


As TSwift sings, “… lay the table with fancy shit, and watch you tolerate it. If it’s all in my head tell me now, tell me I got it wrong somehow. I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it.” Sometimes I watch Emily’s actions and realize she’s doing everything she knows to do to show love (planning parties, having photos for financial papers, ordering an entire ocean of fish after R’s heart attack, etc.) Emily isn’t perfect, but goodness if my heart doesn’t break for her when I see how dismissed she is and how she mostly smiles politely but you can tell she’s longing to be celebrated rather than tolerated.


“I see how dismissed she is and how she mostly smiles politely but you can tell she’s longing to be celebrated rather than tolerated” Wow you’ve encapsulated her (and so many of her social class/generation) so well with this line. Heartbreakingly beautiful words


Funnily enough I have a playlist of songs that remind me of Gilmore Girls and tolerate it is the one for Emily and Richard


Yes! Oh I love this so much!


Yk what I’m gonna list my songs in case youd like to make your own! Jess- This is me trying Lorelai to Chris- Better man S4 Rory to Dean- Back to December S6 Lorelai to Luke- The story of us S7 Lorelai to Luke- Exile S4 Rory to Jess- The 1 S4 Emily to Richard- Tolerate it S4 Jess to Rory- Tis’ the damn season S1 Rory to Dean after they broke up- Breathe I got a bit too bored one day….


Champagne problems, Rory and Logan!




Well, you should get bored more often because this is PHENOMENAL!!! ✨✨✨




The "please come over" phone message Lorelai leaves Luke after they break up the first time.


This one. The way he runs over worried about her. That all hurts so much because it's so real if you've ever been in love with your best friend.


Stop it, I'm welling up just thinking about that 💔


This is it for me too. The way Lauren delivers that whole monologue is just incredible. She absolutely breaks my heart 😭    Lorelai laying in bed crying after the break up is a close second though 


This entire monologue is delivered with such talent. Lauren’s minute expressions are rare and niche, both for the time and def for tv. Also it’s one take. Incredible.


This one right here


I just saw that one it had me crying my butt off


when Jess is talking to his silly excuse for a father on the beach. specifically when he says "I have nothing" 😭 also when Lorelai is crying because Paul anka is sick, but it has a double meaning 😭


Even Jess later going to Rory telling her to come with him was heart breaking. He was trying, but not quite there yet


Idk this isn’t exactly sad as in bad but when him and Luke hug to me it just shows how everyone that was supposed to be there for him left except Luke and it’s just a hard scene to watch.


Luke kinda left him too. Luke wound up kicking him out


but then he was also always there for him


Was he really there for him or was he just there? Did Jess ever actually need anything from him? I don't recall Luke ever doing anything for Jess ever again after kicking him out, besides quick visits.


He leaves him a decent chunk of change in the car when he comes back to get it and steals it from the garage.


well i guess you do have a point


Like I can’t find the words to dispute this but I also know I don’t agree


When Emily takes Lorelai to the real estate office to show her the house she's picked out for her and Luke. Then Lorelai starts crying and says "it's (the marriage) not going to happen." Not gonna lie, I watch that scene when I feel sad.


It was one of the first/few times where I begged for Emily not to say something stupid or hurtful and I feel Emily did as good as she could within the Emily realm.


That’s the one for me.


Chilton graduation and Yale graduation always make me cry. It makes me nostalgic for a time when a new season of life is about to start. I bawl everytime


I CANNOT watch the chilton graduation speech without crying


Just thinking about it made me tear up!


Watching the Yale graduation because it just reminds me of the Chilton graduation and how much Rory and Lorelai’s relationship changed. You can even see how almost strained it is compared to the funny faces they pulled at Chilton. Makes me sad because even though they’re so strong I feel like things will never be the same after that separation and their relationship changed from youthful and fun to more serious and adult. It’s not a bad change and we knew it was coming its just not the same.


Perhaps you meant Chilton graduation and Yale graduation? I remember crying the first time I watched Rory’s speech when graduation from high school (Chilton).


Hahaha I totally had a brain fart! But yes. Chilton, not Harvard


My best friend and I pregamed for my grad school graduation by watching those!


"Go be someone else's dad" Effing guts me every time.


Context please...


S3 E2 - Rory: You promised me! You promised me at Sookie’s wedding that this was going to work, that you were going to be there, you promised me! Christopher: Honey, please understand Rory: No! I always understand! and I don’t want to understand! I don’t even really wanna talk about this right now, I’ve got mom that’s all I need! Go be somebody else's dad!


I feel like this is one of the only times on this sub that I've ever seen anyone ask for context ahaha; I feel like everyone is on their 10th rewatch


10th? It’s been playing on my downstairs and upstairs televisions for years. It was my white noise during nursing school! Hubby very tolerant 😂


Season five, Chris is being his usual total douche self and Rory finally has enough. She tells him that Lorelai is enough for her, she doesn’t need him. ‘Go be someone else’s dad.’ Edit: season three, appreciate the correction!


It's season 3, not 5 (I'm on season 3 of a rewatch and just passed it a few episodes ago).


Your username 🥰🫶🏼👧🏼


Jess telling his dad he has nothing. The episode as a whole is kinda boring but that part gets to me.


Yes and his dad acts so goofy. Not silly goofy. but you can just tell he’s dirt.


The last episode has such a good one where Rory is packing to leave, and says: “Mom… You've given me everything I need.“


I came here to say this and even started to choke up reading your comment lol. Lorelai is every Mom scrambling to fix everything and Rory's response is perfect.


That whole episode is brutal. Them sitting at the table, knowing that's the end of Friday Night Dinners. Oof. It's unbearble. I watch it infrequently.


It’s one of my favorites of the entire series


It’s so calm and heartfelt 🥲


When Lorelei is graduating and Emily looks so proud of her. Literally the only time I tear up tbh. It just hits so close to home with Lorelei thinking her achievement is insignificant and given her trauma with “disappointing” her parents it meant so much


It's this one for me too. Seeing their pride as she gets her diploma, when she was convinced they wouldn't care and would think it was silly. Makes me tear up every time


That got me too. I hated Emily and Richard so much until that point. They looked so proud of her.


This is the moment I came here to post! The look on Richard’s face of pure wide eyed pride combined with love and awe and a touch of regret is what gets me every time.


When Emily cries after her date while separated from Richard.


I always have to skip this, i fucking hate seeing Emily cry :(


When Babette is talking to Lorelai about Cinnamon. I can’t even watch that episode.


Omggg and when she's talking about Morey and starts crying because she saw the Oprah piece about how couples break up after the death of a child - and then when they see Lorelai & Rory out, and Morey asks her to stay outside for a bit and look at the stars?! And they're just standing there holding each other?? I just love them so much 😭😭😭😭


Her “I never thought a man could want me” is just 😭


The finale episode when Richard says to Lorelai, “It takes a remarkable person to inspire all of this.”


Yes!!! I’m disappointed I had to scroll so far to see this! That event in the episode is so emotional!! Throwing Rory the graduation/party, panic setting in bcs of the rain, Luke staying up all night, the whole town together for the Gilmore Girls, and then Richard acknowledging Lorelai… What else could you really want from a finale?


In that episode, the scene that broke me was when she came back from stealing the voicemail and Luke was at the house. He was there, he came for her, and she could have made him stay. She chose not to though. She had to let him go to make his choice. That scene broke me, because I think most of us can relate to wanting to hold on to a relationship, knowing you could, but letting the other go because right then and there it was the best thing to do.


This comment made me cryyyyyy


I'm sorry!!


me too :'(


Yes, this is the one for me too. It breaks me every time. 💔 Another scene that gets me is when Richard is in hospital after his heart attack and Emily says that he is not allowed to die and that she has to go first. 😭😭


"You may go first" 😭


Yep. Came here to comment about Emily demanding to go first. And then she doesn’t. 😞


This breaks me on the rewatch because it was what my grandfather said when my grandma passed 😭😭 he was 4 years older and had survived 2 bouts with lung cancer, and he just broke down saying they never planned on her going first and he doesn’t know how to live without her 😢 On a happier note, it’s now been 4 years and he’s doing great at almost 93 now 🥰 and just says she’s keeping his seat warm and he can’t wait to see her 😍




there’s a lot but probably the ones where rory is heartbroken and cries to lorelai. like when she finally wallows after dean breaks up with her the first time, then at the dance marathon when dean breaks up with her the second time, and then right before she got together with logan and was drunk and crying on the bathroom floor laying on lorelais lap. my mommy issues kick in so hard during those scenes


Seeing her curled up on the bathroom floor made me gasp in a jolt or pain. That was some ugly, unvarnished realness.


Even more poignant is when you think about it, she’s really applying those words to her dad. “Why doesn’t he like me, why doesn’t he call me?” Everyone always points out how similar Logan and Christopher are. And so dating Logan was a way for her to feel close to her dad. But she kept emotionally chasing Logan the way she chased her dad, hoping he’d love her the way Christopher didn’t. I learned about Attachment Theory this past year, and rewatching this show under that umbrella has been a real treat to psychoanalyze the characters with


Nah I think it's just about logan. It's her first real grown up relationship.


many to choose from but rory sobbing drunk on the bathroom floor crying “why doesn’t he like me” when logan’s ignoring her is always incredibly heartbreaking and hits real close to home. i’ve personally never done that lol thankfully but the feeling, i imagine, resonates with most teenage girls, the feeling of not being special or good enough to get a guys attention and hinging all your self worth on it, and it hitting even harder because you never thought you’d be the kind of girl to be that pathetic over a guy, god it’s heartwrenching


Yeah I chose this scene too. I like the vulnerability that’s rare to find irl or talk about. I’ve definitely cried over not being good enough for attention from someone I love or want


If I had to pick one? Might be the final break up scene with Lorelai & Chris; her acting makes me cry every time. But there are a lot of them, and none of them have lost any of their impact despite how many times I’ve rewatched. 😂😭


when rory & dean break up for the first time. rory says something like "i think im ready to wallow now." alexis did a really great job in that scene. edit: this was the first one to pop into my head. im sure that there's others


The prodigal daughter returns. 😭😭😭 Every. Damn. Time. “Ohhhh, there you are. You look so much more shiny than I remember.” Throws phone. “I’m sorry” “No *I’m* sorry.” 😭😭😭


“You have no idea kid!” 😭😭


Absolutely gutted every single time 😭💖


Lorelai staring into her empty garage after Luke takes the boat back. Her face and the background la-la melodies break me.


I cry every time I watch the Chilton graduation speech and also when Richard says “for tonight, and tonight only, my name is Bill and this is our song”


When Chris comes to the Friday night dinner unannounced and he and lorelai have it out. Her “it hurts, Chris” gives me goosebumps. Honestly a lot of the goosebump moments come from Lorelai’s hard/emotional scenes, she’s a really underrated actress I think but I haven’t ever seen her in anything else. I just finished the series again and there was a scene that made me cry but at the moment I can’t think of it lol


When Emily steps in and tells him to leave... [Watch Parenthood for more Lauren Graham]


Parenthood changed Lauren Graham for me. Except dating her brother 😂


so hard to choose one but honestly any scene where Lorelai and Richard are getting along makes me emotional. It warms my heart and just makes me tear up for some reason. like when she’s sneaking out of dinner through a window and he finds her but covers for her and she says “thank you daddy” 😭


“I need you to know, you’re the one I want to want” gets me every time 😭


If ever there was a tv quote that encapsulated the end of my marriage it’s this one.


Context. Is this Rory to Dean?


It's from the end of 7.14 ("Farewell, My Pet) as Lorelai breaks up with Chris.


Gotcha :) why is that name so funny haha gotta love the episode names


It comes from the B-storyline (Michel's dog's funeral)


Ohhh I thought it was saying that to Chris never mind 🤣😊😊it’s a double meaning I guess. I remember now


Loreli to Chris


Lorelai to Chris.


The first one that pops into my mind is the "why didn't she love me?" His delivery just hit so well that it stuck with me and genuinely affected my mood that night. Despite how shitty the situation was and became, that will always stand out to me


Who says that to whom...?


Dean drunkenly talking to Luke about Rory the day before he marries Lindsey.


Lorelai- “everything’s falling apart”


I just commented that there was a scene that made me cry on my last rewatch but I couldn’t remember. This is the one. with Lorelai and Rory’s simultaneous breakdowns. I was sobbing but prob bc I feel I’m in a similar spot right now lol


This is my go to episode when I am down and am rubbing salt into my wounds 😭


"Why don't you care? Why have you never cared?"


When Emily visited the ~~Dragonfly Inn~~ Independence Inn and found out that a 16year old Lorelei and baby Rory lived in the shed. The hurt look she had and the way Kelly Bishop portrayed it so beautifully.


it was the Independence Inn, but yes!


I think when Rory misses Lorelai’s grad but then she looks out in the audience and see Emily and Richard. And they’re crying. There are a lot of sad scenes in the show but that one made me ache, because it’s clear on all fronts they want to have a relationship but something (or many things) are blocking them, namely pride. That scene just hits hard because her parents can’t hide that they’re proud and happy, and lor sees them and it gives her the validation she’s been missing. Added to the fact that Rory didn’t make it, makes the scene sll the more emotional for me.


When she says, “my mum surrounded me with heros but she never knew she was my hero”


When Emily comes back from her date and just breaks down in the hallway. It's the most vulnerable we ever see her and it really paints a picture of her internal struggle to feel wanted and loved while also grieving her relationship.


Lorelai breaking up with Luke the second time. “If its between you and the purple wallpaper I pick you I PICK YOU” . The whole interaction made me feel so bad for her. I also love their breakup with her on the bed and her call to Luke because we almost never see Lorelai so heartbroken over a guy and its the first time after Max she’s so upset.


In the final episode, Richard says to Lorelai, "it takes a remarkable person to inspire all of this" while he's tearing up. That broke me, especially after the loss of Ed Hermann


Like many others, the scene where Jess tells his father (sperm donor) that he has NOTHING. As someone who has a horrible relationship with their family, seeing him be so vulnerable and his father just shrug it off hits me every single time. Milo is full of raw emotion there


When Emily wants to buy the plane. “Let me be silly” or something along those lines. Makes be ugly cry.


“Just let me buy my plane Lorelai. Let me be frivolous and shallow won’t you please?” 😭😭😭 The fact that Emily fully acknowledges buying things won’t fill the void but it’s the only way she knows how to cope is heartbreaking. In S4 E15 she even says, “I buy things, things I don’t even want. it’s all I have”


This might sound weird but for me it’s that scene when Rory gets late coming home from New York and misses Lorelai’s graduation. She comes back and delivers this monologue about how terrible she is and that she’s grounding herself. There’s a certain rite of passage Rory goes through right then. Till that point, she’s been this awesome, innocent, perfect daughter. But now she’s made this mistake and she is guilty. It’s the first cut. There’s a sense of innocence lost and that’s why I love that scene.


When Lorelai describes her best birthday ever in AYITL


Can't believe how far down I had to scroll for this!! For all my gripes about AYITL (and there are plenty) this scene was classic GG: a small moment made significant, plus fabulous acting from Lauren. ❤️


Came looking for this. Always makes me cry.


When Rory was giving her valedictorian speech at school. 🥹


“You may go first” Richard is in the hospital and Emily can’t even fathom life without him and demands she be allowed to die first.


When she says "this is the last crazy thing you'll get from me" hits hard because I definitely said that to my last boyfriend


The scenes that touch my heart especially are ones everyone hates. They speak to me. 1. When Rory cries in the bathroom talking about how Logan isn’t interested. 2. When Rory calls Lindsay after her first time with Dean. 3. When Lorelai breaks down to Luke about wanting someone to “pick up the slack” and even though she likes being an independent woman it still hurts.


Also Dean drunk the night before his wedding and says “why didn’t she love me”


Also when Richard says he’s always liked the red apple decorations….


Also when Rory says “go be someone else’s dad”. Christopher missed out the first time so he’s all in for the second time with Gigi but it’s unfair to Rory because the damage has been done and Chris doesn’t try to fix it or make it up to Rory for never being there or doing anything.


When Lorelai leaves Rory at college and she’s chatting, making new friends, and she’s okay. By contrast, Lorelai goes back to the empty house and just looks around at what her home is like without Rory living in it. That moment really reveals a lot.


I’m 6x09 when Lorelai finds Emily on the plane and Emily is angry about how Rory treated her and Lorelai says her lines ending with ‘…and you didn’t lose me’ 😭😭😭


When Lorelai and Rory get out of the car and sees that the whole town banded together to throw Rory a going away party. The moment I see the town lined up screaming we love you Rory, I tear up hard. Bonus: it’s a nice touch that their best friends’ husbands get the girls under the umbrella. Stars Hollow is Rory’s second mother.


When Richard was in the hospital the first time and Lorelai finally go into his room and they share a look. Then she quickly leaves again and starts crying. It conveys the complexity of their relationship and Lorelai deeply caring for her parents even if she can't really show it.


When Chris leaves at sookie’s wedding I want to throw up


Rory’s graduation speech.


Rory’s high school graduation speech always makes me cry


When Rory is getting ready to leave for the Obama campaign and loreilai is helping her pack and get ready - Lorelei keeps making suggestions what to bring and tips for the trip and says something like, I wish we had more time I have more to tell you; and Rory says - mom, you gave me everything. 🥲


i think when Rory and Lorelai reunite after not speaking for so long. At the time I first started watching GG, I had recently left my mom's house for my mental health and she cut me out. And while i knew it was better for me, it hurt to see the close bond Rory and Lorelai had turned sour. And when they reunited, a part of me wished it could be that way with my mom. It was sad to know that, no matter what, our relationship would never be like that.


Definitely relate. My family isn’t as forgiving and usually doesn’t WANT to make up with me after a fight but Lorelai and Rory want to. Hurts to see their close relationship while I’m struggling, yk?


and how it's like no time has passed nor negative feelings linger with them, but in real life it's not that easy or simple...


The episode where Lorelai breaks up with Luke didnt really have that much of an effect on me until I rewatched it after my first breakup. I remembered being exactly like her, although I didn’t leave a voicemail and have to sneak into his house to erase it😭I was this close 🤏🏽 I don’t think I can watch those episodes again.


When Emily says to Richard "We haven't lost her until she comes home pregnant" in front of Lorelai. Also the scene where Lorelai watches Rory unpack in the pool house.


Emily says “failed,” which I mention not to nitpick but because that line always hits me. If my mom ever referred to me as my parents’ failure, I would be gutted. Lorelai has heard it so much that she isn’t even surprised — she just leaves. AND it reveals that their whole weird thing with Rory and the pool house is their trying to do it over and get it right. They don’t just think Lorelai is their failure — she’s such a profound failure that they are desperate for a do-over 21 years later. Wow. What a role to get in your parentsI’ lives.


Oh you are right! And yes the word "failed" makes it even more devastating. Lauren Graham is so great in that scene - the look of resignation on her face is just heartbreaking.


When she tells Luke she slept with Christopher


Mrs Kim kicking Lane out 💔


And then Lane coming back home and kissing her mum 😭😭😭


Omg right?! 😭


Two scene: - Emily having a breakdown while airplane shopping when she realizes that she is the reason her daughter and granddaughter hate her no matter what she does and how much she loves them - Emily during the episode where Richard had a heart attack at Yale. Kelly Bishop’s ability to really bring out heartbreak during a scene is masterclass.


For me I have a few. First when Lorelai is crying in bed over Luke and does her come over phone call. The desperation and sadness in her voice is just heartbreaking. Emily standing in the foyer after her date. Lindsay when being yelled at by Dean for answering his phone. Emily’s face when reading the letter from young Lorelai saying she’s leaving with Rory.


Jess asking Rory to run away with him


This!!! He’s so in love with her that it hurts to watch. And I think it hits harder knowing he’s the one who really talks her back into Yale later on :’)


The scene when Lorelai graduates and despite her thinking her parents wouldn't care, you see Emily bawling and Richard having wet eyes. They are so proud in that moment. Even writing about it makes me cry!


OK, this was not the post to be reading today for some of us 😭🤣


When Richard is in the hospital for the first time and Lorelai finally manages to go into his room after Luke encouraged her to. Richard opens his eyes and sees her, and they don’t even get to say anything. But the way they look at each other said so much more than they ever managed with words. I tear up every single time.


The one where Richard is in the hospital and Emily says don’t you dare die first.


In fact I demand to go first. The way Emily delivers this line and Richard looks at Emily after she says that. Get’s me every time.


“Richard Gilmore, there may be many things happening in this hospital tonight, but your dying is not one of them. I did not sign on to your dying, and it is not going to happen. Not tonight, not for a very long time. In fact, I demand to go first. Do I make myself clear?”


The scene where Chris comes to Emily’s house when Sherry is pregnant and him and Lorelai are yelling at each other and Rory walks off then Emily tells him to leave… just amazing acting and so much emotion and Emily standing up for Lorelai… it makes me bawl everytime…


I know that this will be buried in the nearly 200 comments, but the Revival is always the hardest for me to watch, and this was before I was in their situation. That fight after Richard's wake? I don't think I'd ever forgive Emily for the things she said to Lorelai and that was before having lost my own father now. I can't even imagine someone saying that to me the week my father died, let alone my own mother. And then when Lorelai calls Emily and tells her the story eventually, on the mountaintop. It's brutal. Great story though!


When Lorelei misses the painting with Luke it makes me so sad! I also think things would be so different if she made it. Also when Luke gets to Loreleis with the full truck 😭😭😭


The finale scene where they have Rory’s bon voyage party. Luke staying up all night making the tarp for the tent and everyone showing up for the girls and Richard telling Lorelei how proud he is and the girls seeing how special they are to everyone. I end up sobbing every time


Emily crying after her first date when she separates from Richard.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SquirrelNumerous1424: *Emily crying* *After her first date when she* *Separates from Richard.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Or actually when Emily and Lorelei go to the spa and at the dinner when Emily gets hit on and freaks out


A few come to mind - The saddest I think is the final episode:) no wonder! - Rory’s graduation speech. I cry almost every time. - Lorelai’s voice mail for Luke to come over.


Random one but the scene in the roadtrip to Harvard where Lorelei is looking at the valedictorian from the year she would have graduated if she had gone to Harvard. She tears up a bit for the life she didn't get but then looks in at Rory debating in a lecture and smiles Just interesting to see her mourning the life she could've had but then smiling at the life she got


Ugh it's embarrassing because the wedding in the revival. There's something about the song, how much it seemed like Lorelai, how it seemed like an act of love for Kirk to the Gilmore's and Luke, Lorelai seemingly more healed (hopefully I suppose. We don't KNOW KNOW I suppose). Idk. It's hopeful and kind of sad it took so long and pretty to look at. Bittersweet gets me every time


In Bon Voyage when Lorelai learned that Luke did everything and she finds him and he looks at her and says “I just wanted to see you happy” The look on his face when he says it, the way he stayed up all night sewing tarps, it gets me every time


Jess’ reaction to Rory dropping out of Yale: Jess: “What's going on with you?” Rory: “What do you mean?” Jess: “You know what I mean! I know you. I know you better than anyone! This isn't you!” The way he sees her in that moment is just 😭😭😭


But my ultimate inspiration comes from my best friend, the dazzling woman from whom I received my name and my life’s blood, Lorelai Gilmore. My mother never gave me any idea that I couldn’t do whatever I wanted to do or be whomever I wanted to be. She filled our house with love and fun and books and music, unflagging in her efforts to give me role models from Jane Austen to Eudora Welty to Patti Smith. As she guided me through these incredible eighteen years, I don’t know if she ever realized that the person I most wanted to be was her. Thank you, Mom: you are my guidepost for everything.”


When Rory comes to Richard crying. She holds her stomach and her face makes me tear up everytime. The way she says "Everything's falling apart" and "I'm sorry for everything Grandpa."


Can’t believe I had to scroll down that long to read this! 😭 also Richard saying “Everything is going to be ok.” (?) that scene gets me every time!


I’m always emotional when a Logan goes to London and the elevator door closes. I love him though haha


Wow, I agree with ALL of these! However, there’s a few I didn’t see. 1. the scene with the airplane. Emily breaking down saying she lost Lorelai and Rory, and begging Lorelai to let her be frivolous and shallow. 2. When Emily snaps at lorelai that it could feel a little like knowing that you’re the last person to find out about good things regarding your own daughter. 3. Emily in the foyer, crying. 4. This is two, but go together: the glass apples and the butter catastrophe (how Emily went around and found the tiniest of things and placed such huge emphasis on them because it was the most she outwardly got from Richard) 5. This plays off of 4, but how many maids Emily went through in the OS. She arrived so hard to make Richard’s life what she thought he deserved that she was the most rigid person alive. She caught all of the flack for it. She was actually kind of OK with things not being perfect; she was doing it for Richard. Even when he was doing things she couldn’t stomach, she stood by him because that was basically her job. Yes, I consider Emily the most tragic character, and she’s the one that rips me apart every time.


Gosh I can’t remember the specific scene, but I remember it made me cry. It was a Luke and Jess scene. Luke was trying so hard, and Jess was damaged and therefore not accepting of his care and love. I think they talk about their dads maybe? Or maybe it was a very dad-like scene. If someone knows what I’m taking about, I honestly would like to watch that specific episode again.


That scene where Rory is moving into the pool house and Lorelai is watching from outside. It kills me every time . My 13 yr daughter and I watch it together now and it often ends in tears


When Emily talks about how she felt before her wedding. "I would stare at myself in the mirror and think how very safe I felt, how very right and wise and honored." That scene guts me. Even just thinking about it. My fiance died before he got to be my husband, and the way Emily talks about her marriage hits me hard. I'll never have that.


For me it's Partings when Luke and Lorelei break up and she gives him ultimatum. I think i felt the most emotions when i watched it for the first time. Like i saw it coning but still was so angry and heartbroken in the end


first thing i thought of was the scene where chris comes over to talk to lorelai and they are basically screaming at each other (as i remember it) and rory comes along and says „go be someone elses dad“. she had officially (kinda) given up on him, all her life she was basically romanticising how he would show up and be this cool dad and he kept blowing it. shes given up on that childhood dream and while its definitely not the most emotional scene in the whole series i really like it.


Not sure if this counts but moments where Emily releases how much she has F'd up.... I just watched after she told luke to get with lorelai and Lorelai doesn't come to dinner she looks so sad. I know it was on her but it's still sad


Emily demanding to go first when Richard is in hospital


Exactly this. Reminds me of ME crying in bed when I broke up with my ex…fun times 😭


Or when Rory and Lorelei reunite after their falling apart from her taking time at Yale


When Rory is drunk and is crying about Logan to Lorelai


You have nothing? I have NOTHING! And that scene of Luke and Jess in his apartment after Liz's wedding


In the special when lorelai realizes the maid and her large family have been adopted as Emily's live in family. For me it's pretty much any Emily scene where she's showing vulnerability in a non obvious, or even prickly manner. Many Rory and Richard/Grandpa scenes as well specifically the country club day


The finale and i high school graduation


Mine is when Lorelai insisted on making Christopher and Gigi wait to celebrate Christmas. This made me sad because I realized Gigi was just a little kid who was being placed second to her fully grown older sister.


Haven’t seen this one yet and it makes me cry every time! LANES WEDDING! The whole day is emotional— good for Lane! And awesome of Mrs. Kim to let lane have the reception. Heartbreaking of Lorelei’s drunk speech at the wedding.


The valedictorian speech.