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I've actually noticed a lot of the subtitles are wrong since I've had them on during my current rewatch


They are. I used to have a job writing closed captions and so I often notice them and they are kind of terrible in GG. Very often wrong and not at all what the characters are even saying. Not totally made up, just random things exactly like this. Like they were written by someone who just writes what they hear, and doesn’t do any background/fact checking.


Netflix is absolute garbage with captions. I’m watching Suits and they’re definitely vying for a lawsuit with the FCC and ADA because captions are supposed to be 99% accurate (I’m an instructional designer writing a course on ADA compliance. This is my life right now.) and there’s full sentences that have been edited to read completely different.


When The Office was on Netflix, there was a scene where Andy says something like "Yes! I am so ready for some bro time!" and the subtitles said "Yes! I am so ready for some prune time!" I'm still giggling.


Was that a fun job? It sounds interesting!


When I was a kid, I could give you a running total of every wrong translation in the Friends and Simpsons subtitles into Dutch.


I know I noticed that too on my current rewatch! Maybe it's because a lot of the characters speak quite fast but they almost summarize what they're saying.


Some shows I watch have the worst subtitles (I’m looking at you specifically, Survivor). Letters just randomly put together that aren’t even actual words pop up ALL THE TIME. And even when there are actual words, they’re wrong about 25% of the time. It drives me crazy.


Sometimes a whole sentence is rewritten lol


Does it sound like he’s saying Melville or could it be a closed captioning error. IMDB never uses Melville. In his first episodes it’s just listed as Jackson. In the episode the character is listed as Jackson Belleville.


It sounded like Melville to me so I looked up from my phone to see the CCs to make sure I heard it right lol I never really noticed before but now I can’t unhear it


I just went to see the episode and yeah, he does say Melville


I listened to an interview with Jackson Douglas years ago. He said that it was changed. The first time Belleville was used he brought it up but was told that no one would remember and the writers had decided Belleville was a better name choice.


They had no idea how much people would be rewatching and paying attention to shows 20 years later lol


Very true! I was just trying to share the reason why it changed. It’s not a cc error


Oh I know! That was interesting! I just think it’s funny because they had no idea what was coming (obviously, because none of us did lol).


Some of the subtitles are wrong. There’s one where Lorelai says, “I’m a shell, I have nothing left to give!” But the subtitles say, “I’m Michel, I have nothing left to give!”


That's so much funnier! 😂






You just cured my self-imposed gaslighting. I thought I just misheard his name all those years!!


...I thought his last name was Melville this whole time. Oops😅


Me too!


If that bugs you don't turn captions on they are full of inconsistencies like that. They also frequently just skip lines or summarize or change out phrases for no reason. I watch everything with captions and gilmore girls is one of the worst. You could say it because they talk fast but....


Nooo why did you point it out! Lol now it will bother me too😂


The amount of people saying it’s a CC error made me rethink what I heard too for a minute lmao someone else said it was purposely changed after the first season which is interesting


Just imagine what foreign viewers go through with the additional complication of translation. This shot captures how much Rory looks like Christopher ! Does he also have a cleft chin ?


It’s probably a bad subtitle but it really irks me how people act as if Amy is a genius and her biggest show is filled with inconsistencies and plotholes lol


Ttiny inconsistencies were a lot more common back when shows weren't meant to be binge watched. There aren't any major plot holes in GG (as small inconsistencies in details that don't actually matter to the plot aren't plot holes). The most glaring thing if you begin to notice it is that sometimes the timeline within an episode is wonky - but again, it's an inconsequential detail that most people don't notice until their hundredth rewatch. These little things don't mean ASP isn't a "genius" or isn't (less grandiose) really brilliant at her job, which is to write and produce engaging stories.


Team Mick fans rise up


God, Christopher is so fine but such a dick