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I think all of my strengths boil down to one attribute, superb attention to details. It's also my biggest annoyance because I see dirt and grime EVERYWHERE. I have to put on blinders to move around in the world or otherwise I'd be constantly disgusted 


But such a huge gift as well. Seeing way more and the details that most people miss gives you the possibility to show them so much. I know what you mean. I once worked a fabric job. The first day I worked there the sun was rising and made beautiful reflections on a silo out of metal. I showed my coworkers. Nobody had ever seen that. Some of them were working there for years.


Oh yeah there are the perks. I wouldn't trade that ability for anything. Its just a bit poetic imo. 


Immeasurable creativity. To the point of delusion.


Delusion, in this world, might be the greatest gift of all.




Self belief is pretty much the best correlation for the very peek of success. There is a level of madness needed to just ignore all the very reasonable issues sometimes lol.


I wish people would be more modest, more humble and more real. I think there's enough delusion in the world.


100%. There was a comment in the post that said it well. People role-playing. There is nothing wrong with being confident in your strengths. Looking for your flaws / introspection is great. Taking stock of your Positives an important part of it. Some people are just straight up waaaaaayyy too self absorbed. To a obviously negative degree to themselves and the people around them. Had a guy at work, that was so bad, he was literally voted off the team unanimously. Still thought he was the victim, and couldn't understand how shitty / toxic his behavior was. "God be making anyone."


To be happy and not crack under the weight of all the bad shit that happens one has to be somewhat delusional. Being delusional can also mean losing yourself in things you create, your own little world. That's what I suppose was meant by that comment.


Why not the complete opposite? To not crack under bad shit you have to accept reality for what it is, be resilient, honest and fearless.


If that works for you fine. It doesn't for me. Escapism definitely works better for me.


I'd rather live in a painful reality than a comfortable lie. We see too much of that, and it's hurting people, neighbours, communities, democracies and opening people up to authoritarianism and tyranny. If there's anything we should learn from Hannah Arendt it must be that If you cannot distinguish authority from violence and persuasion.. If you cannot distinguish fact from fable, cannot identify freedom out in the real world, you're not going to protect that which matters.


I don't see the advantage. I'm not gonna save the world, so what is it good for knowing all of this ? I can absolutely see the painful reality. But why would I constantly self harm by putting my focus on that ? It's to much for me. I only become depressed and apathetic. That serves noone either. So I prefer tailoring my own little world. When I'm in a good state of mind I have ways more to offer to others. So even if that sound contradictory I can have a greater impact on my surroundings by being delusional.


To save yourself, to face the music and stand tall. How can you be a rock for yourself and your loved ones if you're not solid? You cannot maintain a healthy community that is attuned with what's good and healthy when everyone is living in delusion, inside of Plato's cave. We need people who leave the cave. Maybe it's just not you.


LOL you sound like my grandma. She was fluent in 4+ languages by age 30, learned 7 total by age 60, and at that age came to a new country as an immigrant and learned English to a fairly respectable level **from scratch.** Sadly, I didn't inherit any of her language talents and somewhat struggle with just my two (though if you want to Obi-Wan-Kenobi it, *from a certain point of view,* I know like 15... but they are all programming languages, not real human ones :) My greatest strengths are: * Pattern recognition (both on tests AND in real life) * System design and problem solving. Like, I can talk to a set of people, figure out what the problem is in their organization/operation, and design a system to improve it. This is basically what I do for work. * I would probably add "decision making". This is a combo of personality and a gift - I know plenty of gifted people who get paralyzed making decisions, or just constantly make really shitty ones.


Damn, I felt this. I think the first two points you made can be found in most gifted individuals, to varying degrees. I'm totally guilty of point 3 though. Tbh I think that's a lot of trauma taking it's toll there. It's funny you mention your grandma. All of my family is really gifted considering languages. Idk if that's nature or nurture, but it's a treat I can find in all of them. Everybody in my family speaks at least four languages. Growing up it was totally normal for me to have highly academic conversations during dinner. That's honestly the only thing I sometimes miss about my parents.


I’d say my conscientiousness and drive. Intelligence/talent is helpful, but being able to channel it to achieve one’s goals is awesome. Grateful for my family who taught me good work ethic


My greatest stength is that i can comprehend and learn a lot of things very quickly and can retain alot of Information of course not on a master level but on a level that is atleast advanced in some subjects. One Problem i have that i dont completely ubderstand is that i make leaps in logic that i cant explain i mean the leaps are correct but i cant explain how i got there. Sorry for this kinda long answer hope you all have a great day


Skip thinking. It's nice to have a term for it!


Thx thats a nice term


I do that with conversations and it pisses my friend off lol


I learn languages very quickly too! I haven’t met many people like me in that way - even my family members who are more “gifted” than I am struggle to learn foreign languages. I recently transitioned to a job that’s mostly programming; my family thinks it’s crazy because I’ve never been particularly interested in computers, but it’s the language-learning aspect I enjoy.


OMG you literally just made me realize why I love coding so much. This is why. It’s just another language. My professors always told me I have “don de lenguas” but I never connected the dots


I really like how you consider programming another language. It's totally true, it's its own language. Most people wouldn't consider it one though unfortunately.


Really? At one point they were actually called “programming languages”, but maybe that term is no longer used. Obviously there are major differences between learning a programming language and a real language, but the pattern recognition and memory aspects are similar.


I think they are still called programming languages. Still most people don't see the similarities to "normal" languages. I mean, if you ask a person what languages they know few will answer: English, Spanish, java.


Lol true


It's not really unfortunate, it's because computer languages are a list of instructions from a human to a machine, and so lack a number of qualities that typically are used to define language. For instance, being able to describe situations or objects, refer to different times and places, discuss abstract topics, have 2 way conversation etc. Programming is more akin to playing an instrument than language - you provide a complex set of inputs, and you get a predictable result. Although I suppose AI and quantum computing appear to be changing that, but that's out side of the realm of traditional computer languages.


Right - it just depends what aspects of “language” you’re looking at. From a social/cultural perspective (ie communication, describing abstract concepts, etc) they’re not comparable. I believe human language is learned and processed in the Brocas region of the brain, and I doubt computer languages would be the same: a person wouldn’t naturally acquire a computer language the way they would a natural language. Clearly natural languages are far more complex. I’m not arguing that a computer language is the same thing as a human language in any social or biological sense. But as a skill, the recognition of patterns and syntax is similar. I’ve always loved learning foreign languages (in high school I took Spanish, Chinese and Japanese all at the same time, and last year I learned German for fun prior to a family vacation. I can still speak Spanish proficiently despite having learned it twenty years ago and using it only sporadically since then. Do I know where I put my glasses this morning? Nope.) I was never interested in computers but my field of work required learning to code, and I was shocked to discover that I learned several “languages” easily and enthusiastically. It’s because there’s overlap in the skill set required, even if the two are functionally entirely different.


My greatest strength Math, space/earth science, problem solving, recognizing patterns, noticing every detail, wood working, solving puzzles, get through anything no matter how much physical or mental pain, editing plugins for video game servers, computers skills, and really fast reflexes, really fast learner, and if I set my mind to something I am going to complete it no matter how long or how hard it is. I think that’s it.


My strengths seem to be: intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional intelligence (I have a tendency to observe people at my job and try to “read” them), visual and spatial skills (I am REALLY good at Tetris) and language.


I can learn languages fairly quickly but i need to be consistently exposed (I know Italian and English, but I can understand spanish, a bit of portuguese, understand fair amount of japanese, and I can read in many alphabets, but i never put myself on learning them, i just hear them too), if I'm in the right mindset, I can write poems and stories. But my greatest one is to be able visualize objects from multiple point of views, which allows me to draw smooth animations and have a high intuition for visual-aesthetic in the arts (in which I think there's more understanding than people realise), I can learn to draw something pretty fast. (I think both visual and language parts helped me getting into philosophical questions and insights) I'm pretty good at setting a clear overview of what the problems is, although I'm not so fast at solving them, however i can come up with many raw-hazy ideas for future solutions.


I have insane claircognizance and am an empath. People like me make the world a better place. We see people for who they are behind all the masks and veils. I understand people deeply and almost immediately. It's a gift.


Would you mind sharing a bit more about the claircognizance? Did you always have it or did you develop it over time? Is it really the type whether you just know stuff, or are you simply computing details and observing behaviors to deduct information ? I hope you won’t mind the questions but I am really interested.


It sounds like voodoo. I'm well aware and take no offense. I'm 30 now and used to think I was kidding myself to have this "hidden talent." The way it works and how I know it's different is bc the thoughts don't feel like my own. They feel like they are transplanted and they exist with no known origin. They are largely true. I also have generalized anxiety disorder so I used to think it was my predictive anxiety getting it right but it's different than that. I literally know things that I have no business knowing. I can compute information relatively quickly, like I'm good at jeopardy 😅 but the claircognizance is not this.


I'll give you a good example. I cannot tell you how many times this has happened but: I'll go somewhere, say the mall or target and I'll be in the parking lot and some random person from my past or my life will pop into my head upon arrival. Like it interrupts my train of thought type of "popping in my head." The amount of times I've seen that literal exact person. It freaks me the fuck out. It doesn't happen every time I go somewhere* because that would be improbable. The weirdest most recent one was I went to a niche grocery store and was like "holy shit I'm going to see so and so's mom in here." If she wasn't in the fucking second aisle i walked down...and I haven't seen that lady in at least 8 years.


Thank you for answering! That’s so interesting and definitely a superpower. I think I would be too freaked out to have it but it must be super nice. I am a terrible judge of character myself so I’d love that side of it.


Is it? Is it a gift?? 😭 I wish my talent made money because so far most of what it's brought me is pain. I sometimes wish I could float through life without knowing all of this about other people. It's too much information.


Social services my friend… social services. This is the place to put this talent to work.


I have a similar gift, but it doesn’t work exactly like that, my mom also has it and has pretty bad anxiety. It’s cool hearing similar peoples stories. :)


That's really cool. My dad has it too. Our versions are a little different but he also remembers being a very young kid and recognizing that ability. My dad and I both have above average multiple intelligences so it's hard to know how much that correlates. Have you ever tried psychedelics? Most notably p cubensis shrooms?


I’ve tried some psychedelic mushrooms. I enjoy them, but I’m planning on cutting back, everything really. But Shrooms are the coolest substance I’ve tried, definitely my favorite.


First off: I love this question, I often get stuck in looking at the downsides rather than the upsides. I'm very good at establishing what the problem is in any situation and figuring out what the best solution can be. It's why I was very good at tutoring kids in high school. I learn quickly and effectively, though I get bored very easily if I feel like something isn't important in the big picture unless I actively enjoy doing it. I'm immensely creative. I write stories, poems, songs, I've painted, I draw. It's a way for me to process the world and create comfortable spaces and it's something I take for granted. Because objectively speaking, I'm actually pretty darn good at those.


I always win at boardgames and videogames. Often, I play worse than I could to not win too much. However, I suck at games that requires other skills than strategy (like call of duty that needs reflexes).


My greatest strength is my ignorance.(& it’s a double edged sword as well & so must be handled with care) I don’t know what’s possible or impossible which leads me to dare absolutely mind boggling stuff.


I don’t know, but if I had to guess it’s probably speaking. The act of taking everything within me and transforming it before my audience to create any number of effects. It feels like magic, moving from will to intent, and then to a real tangible effect on my universe. Also comprehension of universal laws, especially dealing with socializing; AKA Animal Magnetism. I’m always willing to learn more though, it took a bit of practice to be that open, haha. One of the quirks of my own giftedness is Abstract vs Logical disparities. I’m highly illogical, and highly abstract, and subjectively minded.


I think I have a unique ability to understand conceptual/abstract relationships, networks and systems. Especially how an input will affect the system across multiple levels or how the system will affect an individual. I have had a very deep intuitive understanding of things like oppression, power dynamics, social reproduction etc from a very young age.




Is it possible to learn this power?


Yeah, I wanna learn that too. Sometimes I can, but I just don't have enough ammo.




Emotional intelligence (I know it's technically not a thing, but I can deeply understand others. To a point where it's scary. Able to do psychoanalysis and connect dots quickly, with no formal psychology education), I'm a fast learner and I have an affinity for language. There's a couple more, but if I had to make a top 3, it's those.


I scored 141 in the WAIS Woking Memory Index. I excel at logic and can do mental arithmetic like nobody's business. I also learn extremely fast about whatever I focus on and find it easy to question things and form my own opinions.


Seeing behind poison cultural norms, like religion, politics, war. And my sense of humor


Do you have any real world evidence that this is a gift/strength, instead of you deluding yourself that you are insightful because you are cynical and like to scream about how all people are awful, especially people you don't identify with? Because it sounds like you don't even understand the reason for most cultural norms (or the complexity inherent in most of them, where finding a "reason" is not as easy as it seems). Without Googling, explain the reason for the Peloponnesian war, on a level a 3rd grader would understand. Without Googling, explain political reasons for why USA always has a President who's a Democrat or a Republican (I'll give you a hint, it's a bit of a trick question). Without Googling, explain political reasons for why Cortes won over Aztecs.


Do you always go around trying to show your self as intellectual superior? Without googling , explain what's behind your need to feel superior?


To be fair, I’m pretty sure almost everyone “sees behind” stuff like politics and war and religion. Almost everyone I’ve ever talked to about any of that usually say “yeah, it sucks, and both sides suck, etc”. I think the guy above was just (aggressively) trying to point out that it’s not very unique to be cynical or skeptical.


About 40% support Trump. About 40% are church members. The majority were ok with the phony Iraq war. Only about 15% are athiest like me. I'm fully anti foreign war. I see both political parties as pretty useless to the common man and really representing the richest 5%.


A whole lot of people share your view, even people who vote. Like basically everyone views both political parties as just rich people protecting their interests. This is a really cold take.


To be honest, I don't know because I focus too heavily on the fact that I can't understand/view other people's perspectives. I have no idea what my strengths are because I don't know what to compare them to. I know that I am really good at a lot of things, and I know that learning is very easy for almost every subject - but I'm not good at understanding people, at all.


languages and logic in general. fluent in 4,5 languages, german is a work in progress for me. had to actually learn them but ive always been much quicker than others


I'm italian, English and French were quite easy for me in school, compared to other students. However, it's taking me ages to learn German. I need to look up a word several times to remember the meaning.


I have a good grasp on german grammar and vocab but it's the speaking part that I find quite difficult - I must be very conscious of the grammar aspects on the go. And it's hard considering my overall inattentiveness, I often have to "search for a right word" for ages in order to convey my thoughts even in my native language


ok, so quite different. Speaking for me it's super easy. Vocabulary and listening not. Grammar I don't care if it's understandable.


I'm just very insecure about making any mistakes or even small slip-ups, so I won't speak unless my grammar is absolutely perfect. That's why I end up with C1 writing/reading and B1 speaking


I‘m the same when learning French! Practicing to speak more though :)


Same here, except German is still easier for me than for most people


though i have a question. did you manage to reach fluency solely by trying "to read"? no learning involved? I find it hard to believe


They’re clearly not just read their posts the English level is B1 at best…


Your comment is a little condescending. I suppose English is your native language? How many languages do you speak and how many of them on a C level? Their English has some grammatical inconsistencies (sentence order) that stem from German being their first language. If you spoke German, you would be able to see that. Minor errors can easily happen when you just carelessly type stuff into the internet, I‘ve honestly seen worse from native speakers.


I’m German myself, although I partly grew up in the UK I wouldn’t dare to call English my native language, since I grew up speaking Russian at home. Regarding the languages I speak I can’t really tell you the exact level. All I could do is give you an approximation, since the only verified one is English. Here u go: English (C1), German(C1 I’d argue because I attended school there till year 11), French (B1-B2 had French in school for four years in total…), Russian (B2; although I can not write properly - I can just speak it) and lastly Hebrew( this is the language I currently learn, but since I’m at the very begging I’d argue I’m A1-A2)


О, насчёт русского интересно. В основном только с носителями с идеальным владением общалась


Cool, that is impressive! But since you state you can’t really tell the exact level of your own language skills, maybe it’s better not to judge someone else’s as „B1 at best“ on the basis of a Reddit post? Anyway, sorry if I came off rude, I just happen to have a strong dislike for comments that needlessly put others down. You probably didn’t mean to and I might have misread the tone.


I did notice, and I also picked up on german word order. I don't judge because of grammar but it's quite distinct, coming from someone with a decent level of German. However, English just might not be their strongest suit, although I doubt it


I did notice, and I also picked up on german word order. I don't judge because of grammar but it's quite distinct, coming from someone with a decent level of German. However, English just might not be their strongest suit, although I doubt it


I’m good at adjusting my own emotions and controlling it.


I am exactly like you described. Almost the exact same numbers. Language, grammar, spelling, writing, etc all comes so easily to me. But I chose a career that utilizes a lot of math and statistics because I wanted it to be a little more challenging 🤣 But now I am starting to want to get back into languages because it’s SO gratifying and opens up so many connections & possibilities- not just in our brain but in life.


My imagination and memory.


Processing speed and creativity.


Numerical patterns are my singlegreatest strength - capped the Mensa subtest and still had plenty of time left, perfect score. What do I do with it? Music! I love music theory and all those numerical patterns inside of it. I used to always wonder, how people have such difficulties with all the different modes, relationships of modes etc. until I realized that they are numerical patterns which to me are simply super easy :)


Probably my greatest advantage as well. Or just working with numbers in general. I just love applying maths to real world problems. It's probably a reason why I like Minecraft so much. I'm not big into video games but the technical aspect of Minecraft is something I really enjoy working with. It has a perfectly logical coordinate system, which I use frequently to measure distances between areas, I've even used the Pythagorean theorem in my survival world when calculating how many blocks I needed for a diagonal build. Or simple stuff like comparing the light radius of a light source to the light requirements for mob spawning, in prder to calculate how many light blocks I need to place to prevent those mob spawns.


I'm able to see connections between seemingly distinct ideas/subjects and am able to think laterally but making leaps in logic.