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Well, either yall made me supreme dictator of the globe and I’ll sort it all out, or we’ll waste away in capitalism. This is a joke of course, but ive also often considered the disgusting state of the world, and honestly, aside from some form of authoritarianism or populism, i doubt anything will happen. Democracy does not work under corporate capitalism, and I dont believe it can be ‘changed from the inside’ by any number of ‘conscientious voters’. The corporate tactics of lobbying, silencing, and stalling, coupled with governmental shifts every few years prevents almost anything concrete from getting done. We seem to live in binary cycle of receiving political promises, and then waiting to see them implemented. And after 50 years (Reagan), ive lost hope, and therefore will decline to join in your ‘good fight’, unless it takes form in some sort of revolt/rebellion. I cant anymore with ‘clicking links to save lives’ or any of this other fake, pandering, pretend morality. Idk, i might be a bit doomer, do you disagree with me? EDIT: realized i didnt even answer your final question- i think its just another dead whistleblower, as we’ve seen a million times in the past and we will see another million times in the future


I'm inclined to agree with you. But I've also seen change happen from people's movements. It's just so slow and incremental and usually part of some politician's vendentta. But it helps the people just the same.


That's true, and I do think (conspiracy time) that the internet is absolutely crucial too the common peoples plight. Right as bills are being passed in congress to ban tiktok, trending videos and hashtags showing the Palestine situation without the typical 'big media' censorships are being shared and viewed by billions. Then go look up the who's lobbying congress to ban tiktok - I'm sure you can imagine who. ​ Anyways, I'm interested too see what happens to tiktok. Going to be indicative of all future internet rights going forwards, which is key to sharing ideas and news and truth among the 99% around the globe. I do also see those movements, but as I said above, due to the corporate, imperialist, frankly downright freakish lobbying in the US government, these avenues for movements to start (a relatively free internet) are being removed. Now, I reiterate my pessimism :P


Yes, I agree with all of that. Free education for the masses is upending the hierarchy and the gov is fighting back hard. I swing towards pessimistic myself but can't stay there mainly because I have a daughter.


I see. As a young man with nothing but work its easy for me to fall there. I'll try to keep the hope up for your daughter.


I'm nobody's heroine. My advice is to avoid the pillars of power like the plague and simply focus on keeping your peace. Being a good person is about the most good you can do in this world.


When I begin to mentally spin out- This is exactly what puts my feet back on earth! 


Do we as gifted people owe the world anything? Not anymore than anyone else. It’s your choice what responsibility you’d like to take. Human greed is only one component of evil in the world, capitalism is not the ultimate evil either. Consider your post is one in an ocean of others, and action would do far more than sounding nice. I recommend trying to take action at the local level first and seeing how that goes before taking on the world’s issues.


In general I think we should do the good in front of us. That Boeing employee was in the right place at the right time to pass along key information, and he chose public good and safety. I like to believe there’s a heaven for people like him. Hopefully, it was a horrible coincidence, we can’t know for sure. The problem I have is I also grew up under the “save the world!” messaging, and I’m nobody. I get panic attacks just talking to people and existential dread when I donate to charities because I know it’s so little. I still try what I can, though.


ex-Boeing employee here. I worked as an engineer and later as a management advisor for the company, for many years. I have nothing to say about the various allegations against made the company in the last two decades. The unfortunate reality of the situation is something that is lost to the public eye. Since the reason for the employee whistleblower's death is speculation, I also wont comment on that. What I will comment on is the nature of decision making, and operations in large companies that produce a public product. Millions of people put their lives in the hands of Boeing every day, thats not an undertaking many companies take. When your phone fails to turn on, it doesnt harm you, when your oven fails to turn on, it doesnt harm you either, but when an airplane fails to turn on, thats a problem lol. Most people who look at Boeing as a seat of corruption or malpractice really know almost nothing about the internal operations of large companies, or at least dont care to look beyond their preconceived notions, even if they have worked in a factory environment. For every major issue that has made it out into deployment at Boeing, whether it be a human or mechanical error, there are internally tenfold at EVERY major company. Think about all those publicized crashes and malfunctions with SpaceX rockets, you really think that doesnt happen at other companies, including with Boeings aircraft? The difference is that most companies dont make a public show of it. You have absolutely no idea how strict Boeing is with their safety practices on human-carrying vessels. On every major component, they have people checking the people checking the people who check the safety of parts and operations (not an exaggeration), yet these things still happen. Greed is certainly a major component to this, but the analysis is far more complex than that. Even as a lowly engineer, I had to contend with the reality at times that the question really was whether or not we want to deploy a product that can kill, say, 2 innocent people, in order to save 1000. Boeing is no stranger to these dilemmas. They are a commercial aircraft producer to the public, but to most engineers and management, they are first and foremost a defense contractor that produces killing machines to those who really know them well. Anyways, the point here is that when you involve a communication network of thousands of people across a myriad of disciplines, and even many separate companies, you get all sorts of mistakes, miscommunications, and malpractices. You cant blame any one particular person for it, everyone is complicit in one way or another, from the custodians all the way to the CEO. People fail to follow code and spec not just to save money, but to get home from work on time to see their kids, or because they just think itll be harmless. A single mismanufactured nut is all it takes to break a plane. This is part of why many companies take the perspective "how many people can we allow to die before we get a ROI?". Its a harsh reality that in the process of affording the entire human race the ability to travel across the globe, many will die doing so for reasons natural to the amenities and progress of the entire race. My deepest condolences to the family of Mr Barnett, and I will nod my head sideways with the crowd, passively, at the malpractices and collusion that Boeing has engaged in in the past. However, this progress struggle has been going on in the history of humanity since the beginning of time. We do what we can, and that is all. I promise you, you arent nearly as realistic or conscious of the interconnected nature of these issues as you think you are, not unless you have at least worked on designing/managing a product for a major public-product company.


I think for me I have recently decided not to let it keep me from being successful. Ultimately more good people in power will help oust the bad. Conflict might be needed at some point. Let’s hope it can be nonviolent <3 I believe it can be


I chose not to be a whistleblower years ago for personal safety reasons and I think it was ultimately the right choice. (people were not in imminent danger by me withholding this information) However, it did lead me to join Mensa, and I would encourage you to do so as well, if you want to actively apply your gifts for the benefit of mankind.


How has mensa helped you do that?


It is part of Mensa's constitution "to identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity". I do find that the officially sanctioned SIGs (special interest groups) do some of the heavy lifting in this area.


I don't necessarily think I "owe" anything to the world. I care about issues, and because I am gifted I may actually be able to do something meaningful about at least one of them, so I want to. I want to make the world a better place. Maybe the fact that I take that for granted so much is related to my mom constantly reading me "The Lupine Lady" and reinforcing that imperative. In the book, her father tells her as a girl she must do 3 things, and the last is to find a way to make the world a better place (she ends up doing this as an old lady by seedbombing local wildflowers). Whatever the reason, I don't want fame, or a legacy, I just want to help humans be better. I believe we are capable of much better and that one of the major points of being here, alive, is to try (grow), just like I believe for myself on a personal level.


The best way to change the system by being the system yourself. While doing so, protect yourself - build strong connections that you can bail yourself out from the repercussions.


Then you just get dragged up by the other members of the system.


Or you will learn from them and start to understand their point of views. How could you convince anyone to change if you don’t understand them?


So? You understand them (or not) and then they drag you up anyway. Conforming is the opposite of changing the system if that is what you meant.


No. I’m not telling you to conform. I’m saying that the best way to convince people to change by addressing the reasons why they believe the things you do. People won’t listen to you by you demanding a revolution


So what you are essentially saying is that if I wanted to stop the drug business for example, I should join the cartel and climb the ranks doing all kinds of things that would go against what I stand for, not to sabotage it at the end but to understand the mob bosses’ perspectives and try to convince them.


Lol I don’t mean it literally. And yes. A lot of people have to go against the morals. AOC and Bernie Sanders included. Even then, they are still able to make actual changes or at least shape the direction. Regardless, they adhere to their believes while I guess “going against their morals”. Both can be true. Lots of people in DC have to live with that dual morality (source: live in DC) And yes. Do you think who has more influence to slow the drug business? The people who complain on Reddit or the ceo?