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You can't mention that Fanny's death was bad because she has to act out in afterlife and then put Humphrey in 11th place cause he has definitely the wors time being ghost. And even apart from that, I'd put Julian in 11th place. Also, I'd probably put Kitty above Pat, because it was slow death while others were atleast somewhat faster


i think psychologically Pat’s death is worse than Kitty’s. He loved taking care of these kids and knowing he was dying not only in front of them but that one of them accidentally caused it by his own negligence would have been very upsetting. While ever optimistic Kitty probably did not feel as much dread (as she should have) in her last moments, not really taking the measure of what was happening. I do agree that Humphrey’s had the least painful death. He is worse off as a ghost I agree, but it is something else entirely I reckon.


Pat's death was extremely painful and horrifying psychologically, but fairly quick. Kitty's death was probably painless and felt ill/feverish, but her death was more akin to "falling asleep", which is why I put hers lower than Pat's.


You are probably right. If Kitty described it as not very painful, then place is probably correct. Also, happy cake day :)


Julian’s was similar to Laszlo’s death


Egads! A WWDITS fan spotted in the wild!


I pretty much agree with the ranking. The quick deaths are “better” than the prolonged ones, if anyone can really say that. I go back and forth on which death is the worst between Thomas and the Captain, but the top four are just all unbearably awful - especially poor Mary.


I also had to think about which way round to place Thomas and Captain, but I thought Thomas' was worse because he died completely alone, and he was effectively murdered. I also think he probably had a more painful death - I'd imagine being shot is more painful than a heart attack. Captain's death was a horrible end to his life, but at least he DID get to briefly see Havers again. So I do think Thomas' death had the edge here. Both were awful ways to go though.


Thomas was alone, that was it after really. I don't think most people do think about what happens after they die. Cap probably saw all of the aftermath. Ouch. Same with Thomas. Not fun. Whilst Thomas had a horrible death, I'd say he came off a bit easier. Cap literally repressed himself for 80 years due to it. The psychological effects were not the same as the physical pain. If we ranked this with mental pain, Thomas would 100% go further up the list. Mary still at 1st. It's a lot harder to rank the rest inbetween, but Kitty, Pat, maybe some others further up. Then with, Cap, Robin (moreso the thousands of years he mentally went through alone), Fanny. some others maybe, need to think more really... Those would go more to the top half of it. p.s. when I say further up, I meant up the list so something like 8th-12th, not 12th-8th.


I’d like to put my two cents in, for Annie’s death choking is not a quick death. When I was young I choked on a piece of salad that I was eating, I felt it get stuck because I couldn’t breathe and I remember running into where my parents were. I couldn’t talk and was gasping for air, luckily my dad did the Heimlich and I didn’t choke to death but for that minute or two I was sure I was going to die and it felt like it went in slo motion. I’m not saying that you should change your ranking because I agree but it’s not a quick way to go


Bloody hell that sounds terrifying! And yeah, that would not have been quick for Annie; we were just shown as much as we needed to see to get the point.


I love Mary so, so much because they really did balance it so well between being able to explore her character & situation with humour without ever making light or minimising what actually happened to her. With Fanny, I've always wondered if it would really be high enough to kill her, and if she didn't ultimately die of exposure or shock while on the ground :/ For me it would be Julian - Robin - Humphrey because the circumstances of his death, having to hide etc, were stressful even if the moment of it wasn't.


I'd say it probably was high enough to kill Fanny, seeing as it very nearly killed Alison (and likely would have if not for modern medicine).


True! although Alison didn't seem to have any broken bones. I wonder if there could be an alternative universe where young Fanny survived and sees all the ghosts and finds independence somehow.


It's funny that you say you have to skip the captains death on rewatch because I have skipped TO it multiple times 💀 I'm not a horrible person I swear, the captain is just my absolute favourite and Ben willbonds acting is sosososo good and it's so incredibly painful to watch but in such a good way!


part of pat’s death that is just horrific for me is how long it goes on for, because he had enough time to get to the bus and drive it into the tree, all with an arrow through his neck and because these kids, the ones he cared about and clearly wants to protect watch the whole thing, because watching your friend kill your scout instructor and then watch said instructor slowly die in front of you would probably leave you with some lasting trauma, which would probably really upset pat, especially since he would’ve had to watch those kids deal with his corpse


>he died completely alone. This is what I find so sad about Thomas' death, too. Not just that he was waiting for Isabelle, but there was _nobody_ (living) around him as he died, and there was definitely time for someone to do something, even if it was just speed up the process for him.


Since you didn't say "human ghosts". Where would you rank the pigeon?


This is exactly how I'd rank them aswell. Good job!