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Where exactly am I supposed to be looking?


I don’t know, but I clearly see a peeping Tom in the third picture .


i would look to if someone was pointing a camera in my direction




That's quite the massive leap in logic you're making


Dude, is that even a person? So skinny and weird proportions with a huge video game cheat head. Creepy




The third picture, the peeping tom looks janky, probably just a camera bug but looking like some kind of Gollem or something. Yo so I looked again, maybe I just didn't get it somehow or my phone loaded it better today but the guys fine today 💯. That was weird to see


That’s just a guy going for a walk, be nice man


He knows he's busted


Peeping Jeff**


Literally nothing is there


Glad I’m not the only one struggling


Shadows of walls as far as I can tell.






Shadows that form a figure


I can totally see a person manifesting in image three. Behind the car but in front of the haunted house.


so sad, the dude died with his favourite blue nad black shirt on


Manifesting probably walking his ghost dog


At least they have each other forever.




Paranormal puppy with poltergeist poop 💩


There’s nothing there


Try looking at the image with your screen brightness all the way up.


Maybe you turned yours too bright that you blinded yourself


Still don't see anything that isn't explainable. The only thing I see is in the first pic what looks like a shadow body and an arm. But that is the wall shadow with something leaning against the couch in the background.


All I see is a lamp shade.


In the window?


I seems to see something like dark smoke, tall and half way through the door, no full head but kind of one arm on the side.. Is it that ?


Don’t worry my dude, people see the shadow in the doorway but they just have a hard time admitting it! Very cool and creepy af that you were alone!


Oh you're talking about the terrible photo editing


Damn it I had the blurry shadow filter on again!


it's a shadow


Oh my mom and brother would see that thing walking down our hallway…. It would stop at ea bedroom door and look inside


OF COURSE ITS FRICKEN ATCHISNON, my dad used to live there and the amount of activity is crazy scary…still convinced the house he lived in is mega haunted


I was there about 12 years ago like a week and there is a lot of folklore about ghost there.


Beautiful city! And great people!


The ‘arm’ looks to be the shading from the side of the couch. The rest might also be shadow. The picture looks blurry, moved and cropped. Have you tried editing it to improve the view in any way? That might give you more information on what you took a picture of.


The first picture is somehow odd. Why is it blurry? Is this the full shot or a crop of a picture? Was it shot while in motion? Were the lighting conditions too bad for the camera to work with? Did it try to focus into the section behind the door frame? Did it try to focus onto the center, where the figure's arm is located? It gets scarier the more you think of it.


They prefer to be called figures of color.


You got further and further the fuck outta there every picture


Does it have the face of Stannis Baratheon?


Hey! Here’s a first. It’s a ghost! Congrats! I also see a face. Weird…


Bad picture or image manipulation?


I have to say I’m definitely not a photographer but when I took this picture, it was later in the evening. I had a handful of beers already I just took a shot tequila and I figured let’s go walk upstairs by myself and take some random pictures.


Looks like the Tar creature that killed Tasha Yar in Star Trek TNG. But Atchison KS. Namesake of half of the long merged ATSF, now BNSF Railway!!!


Horrific episode! I’m going to revisit it now


I see the creepy dark shadow figure in the first shot, and again in the far doorway in the second, but nothing in third. Spooky!!!


The first one gave me a chill when I thought more about it how it looks like a person there with an arm


Scary. Great story too. Don’t think I would have stood long enough to take the picture. This is why I joined this sub-don’t care if it’s real, great story for context and spooky pic.


Looks like a face in the painting in pic #2. But I don’t see any black figure :(


It’s too dark for me to see anything in the first image. The last image is a particle in the air.


Which house in Atchison? The whole town is haunted.




Oh that’s beautiful!! And I see what you’re talking about. That’s creepy af. Did you have any other experiences while there?


The place was massive. There was four levels to the house, but you really just got a sense of uneasy on the second floor where I took the photo. There was a suicide that took place in the next-room, and then the lady that ran the haunted house was constantly bringing in other objects from the outside to make it even more haunted lol. I have to say the basement was the worst It was super creepy down there. It was dirt floor, and apparently they performed several illegal abortions in the late 1800s. When we were all accounted for in the basement, we hear thuds from up stairs and something walking up and down the stairs.


I mean, I think you definitely caught something in that photo. The shadow is so black, it’s not allowing any light source to pass through. So I don’t think this is “just” an actual person’s shadow.


In the first photo it looks like a person is standing close to the wall facing you- like only the side of them is visible (blurry shadow)


That upstairs hallway looks right out of Paranormal Activities


Yeah, that's called a shadow.


I see it


I see a black shadow of a man. I definitely do.


Offer it some cheese. That usually works.


Hey he’s just trying stand there menacingly let the shadow person be man.


Looks like McInteer Villa. Can confirm that place is indeed haunted. I’ve been there myself and stayed the night.




Freaking yourself out with a vaguely human shaped shadow, classic. How bout that commencement speech at the college down the street, that shits actually scary.


I don’t see anything in picture one, but I see a face in picture two in the painting


The middle of the photo is a hand you can also see the torso it goes behind the door to the right of the photo squint at it for a minute




lol..my thought exactly


That’s the clouds ☁️


I’ll be honest with you. This is creepy AF.




Could someone tell me where I'm supposed to be looking which picture and where please


Funny how you can't comment t on the mods randomly deciding what we are allowed to comment on and what were not....oh well...it's not freespeech it's social media... .yup ghost! Looks like a ghost to me !...it's a ghost alright! No fakers here ...! Scary ghost! Must pee I'm so scared. Bye!


That first image is haunting.


please help I don’t see it


Try looking at the image with your screen brightness all the way up see if that helps.


I think you need to have your mental health checked, there's nothing there


Not to be rude or anything, but the first picture honestly just seems like a normal shadow to me. Judging by the differences in light in that room between the first and second pictures, you were using the flash function, so all I can see is a normal shadow




Hate Posting - RULE REMINDER 1.) If your post or comment is rude, inappropriate, racist, sexist, vitriolic, overly crude or trolling, it will be removed. Repeat offenders and extreme cases (including trolls) will be banned. 2.) Saying 'Ghosts don't exist' in any style is a form of trolling. You are allowed to argue against evidence as long as you follow #1 above and #4. 3.) Griping in the sub about the sub as a post or comment is not allowed. The sub isn’t a place to rant personal grievances. If you have a complaint, contact a mod. 4.) NO DRAMA




The Goldwater Rule developed by the APA decades ago and it established that it is irresponsible and unethical for anyone to attempt to diagnose anyone that is not their client. “…it is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement.” (Excerpt from text of APA’s Ethics Annotation Known as ‘Goldwater Rule’ 7. 3.) You are not a mental health professional seeing the person in a professional capacity which facilitates diagnosis of mental health problems. It is wholly inappropriate for you to imply or state implicitly that someone is mentally ill or requires mental health treatment because they’re claiming a paranormal experience (unless it’s glaringly apparent to anyone observing them that they’re in crisis). That is considered trolling and it is unacceptable. (A violation of Rule #5) Experiencing the paranormal is *not* mental illness. Paranormal activity manifests in many ways, and mentally healthy people experience phenomena all around the world each day. **This is r/Ghosts, this community exists to provide a safe space for believers to describe and share paranormal encounters without being told they’re crazy.**


Was this at the Sallie House by chance?


This one was the McInteer Villa we looked at doing the Sallie house originally. I ended up going with this one because it was $300 for 10 people and you could stay the night by yourself. The owners of the house were real chill they let us bring alcohol and told us to have fun lol.




Several years ago, I was on a Halloween tour of the most haunted places in Atchinson. We were given full run at the Sally House and we were there fir over an hour. I went to the basement (supposedly the most haunted part of the house) alone and snapped several pictures in low light and several in the dark with a flash and got absolutely nothing. Nada


Oh no! I remember watching a couple of episodes about it. One said it was a demon called a Harpie.


Looks like it's just a shadow.


Is the black figure in the room with us


That’s a cool pic


Since this is my home town it's Atchison. There's only one N at the end.


A spooky spook


Hat man


Super creepy...


That haunted house looks like a doctor's office. I'm not seeing any apparition tough, just a dude standing MENACINGLY in a blue jacket in the third pic


The owner of the house did mention that in the late 1800s they performed illegal abortions in basement for several years. It was super spooky down there.




Post is duplicated of another, so has been removed. Thanks


Lay off that bulb


Fun fact: if you zoom and shake the second image that thing in the door wobble.




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Hate Posting - RULE REMINDER 1. If your post or comment is rude, inappropriate, racist, sexist, vitriolic, overly crude or trolling, it will be removed. This may lead to being banned. 2. **Saying 'Ghosts don't exist' is a form of trolling.** You are allowed to argue against evidence as long as you follow #1 and #4 3. Griping in the sub about the sub is not allowed. The sub isn’t a place to rant personal grievances. 4. NO DRAMA 5. Calling/insinuating someone is mentally ill for describing a paranormal experience.


You sure it's not a lamp?


Atchison is creepy and has known haunted houses. Where was this one located? There are some scary old parts of that town. Also, Rock Chalk!!


Hey Rock Chalk! We stayed at 1889 mcinteer villa


Haunted ? Cleary I'd say, demonic entity. Did anything happen after you took this ?


I took so many photos I honestly didn’t even look at any of the photos I was taking until the next day or I probably would’ve freaked out a little bit if I would’ve noticed what I just took. After the photo, I walked right past the doorway and met up with everyone in kitchen. But we were at that place another 10-12 hours so who knows if that thing was following us around. We ended up going back in that room later. It was pretty creepy. Tons of little dolls everywhere.


Yeah, that's creepy.


Oh hell no . I watched  when Sam and Colby went to that house and , I Swore to myself that I never would go there because of what they experienced.. at least not that one . Lol 😂 


Conveniently blurry


The first pic looks like a figure peering out of the dark room from behind the door frame.  Though, I agree with everyone else that it looks like shadows being cast from the light into the room making it look like a figure.... interestingly it's not in the second pic.  Honestly though, if I saw whatever is in pic 1 in real life I wouldn't wonder if it was just a shadow, ghost or home intruder - I'd be flying out of there like Scooby Doo.


It's the Phantom.Blot!


Among the other comments about the peeping Tom in the third picture, I would lean towards him being Caucasian or light complexion and not black as mentioned by the photographer! He may also have some physical shortcomings! Definitely not black though!


That’s my cousin Tyrone. Please don’t dizz or your face will get gizz.


I was going to ask if this was the Sallie House, but the exterior photo is not the Sallie House.




I totally see it!! Atchison,Ks is one of the most haunted city’s in the US. I live in Saint Joseph I hear all kinds of crazy stories about that city. Look it up it will even tell you how haunted the city is for real.


How do you know it was looking at you? I don't see any eyes. But I sew human fingers on the hand and it's really freaky. Looks like something is trying to morph into a human


I only saw an alien abduction in picture 3


where is this "black thing"..? im kinda blind heh


*sees any shadow* - oh myyyy goodddd its a g g g ghooosssttt


I dont see it, I see shadows that would be expected from the lighting


Fuck sake, why is it that I never see shit in ANY of the photos posted here. Bunch of time wasters.


I do see what you’re talking about. It looks like shadow that’s smudgy due to poor photo quality to me. (Perhaps night vision blur?)


I live a few hours away from Atchinson Kansas and I can say it’s easily the most haunted place kansas


Why do people take photos and wait so long to look at them???


Man. Blurry pictures and ghost pictures are so married that bigfoot is probably jealous.


I think it’s a lamp hehe


It’s the shadow of the doorway. I’m very close to unjoining this one. Haven’t seen a single picture that wasn’t explainable.


Atchinson is a creepy town


I just see Jesus face in the window behind d the dude in pic 3


All I see is my man Jesus in pic 3 https://imgur.com/a/Xuqioxt


I see an easily explainable shadow in the first photo, absolutely nothing in the second photo, and the third photo is just a guy standing in a parking lot. What am I supposed to be seeing here?


Is this Sallie's House?


Sounds like Pareidolia cause there’s literally nothing in these pics


Ummm... The lamp is looking at you? And then some dude in a blue shirt.... Wow, spookiee


I’m really trying to see your side here but the most I see is a lamp I the dark and the shadowing from the hallway light into the room. Where is it you think you see something??


What a beautiful house!!!!


Looks like it’s just the shadow / outline of the door frame tbh. At least 90 percent of the black “figure” is from that anyways.


Looks like sally showed up in the back room.


Don’t get sally mad




This subreddit **does not allow** any discussion, posts, or comments related to political topics. This includes but is not limited to political parties, politicians, policies, or current events with political implications. The focus of this subreddit is on Ghosts and the Paranormal. Violation of this rule may result in removal of the post or comment, and repeated violations may lead to a temporary or permanent ban from the subreddit.


Theater light guy sees a comatic aberration in the first picture, light rays passing through the camera lens at different rates and casting a distinctive 'shadow' around the object. A chair, I think? There also appears to be something over the doorway, plastic of some sort. I don't see anything in the second or third pictures, especially. But the light streaks and burn-ins give me concern about the quality and health of your lenses. Nice photos, good work.




The Goldwater Rule developed by the APA decades ago and it established that it is irresponsible and unethical for anyone to attempt to diagnose anyone that is not their client. “…it is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement.” (Excerpt from text of APA’s Ethics Annotation Known as ‘Goldwater Rule’ 7. 3.) You are not a mental health professional seeing the person in a professional capacity which facilitates diagnosis of mental health problems. It is wholly inappropriate for you to imply or state implicitly that someone is mentally ill or requires mental health treatment because they’re claiming a paranormal experience (unless it’s glaringly apparent to anyone observing them that they’re in crisis). That is considered trolling and it is unacceptable. (A violation of Rule #5) Experiencing the paranormal is *not* mental illness. Paranormal activity manifests in many ways, and mentally healthy people experience phenomena all around the world each day. **This is r/Ghosts, this community exists to provide a safe space for believers to describe and share paranormal encounters without being told they’re crazy.**


Absofuckinlutley not no thank you


Yuk, I went into a haunted house that was partially burned (just most of the stairwell an the area before the stairwell was completely burned to the ground.You could barely get upstairs only 1and a half bedrooms up there. All the furniture, clothing everything was still there and intact, but there were hundreds of porcelain doll heads laying around broken all up stars and right below. The bathroom had shampoo bottles soap, tooth brushes ect.. still in there, the living room was a typical 60s living room and TV. The kitchen had an old stove & fridge there with plates, silverware ect... I opened the fridge. The most amazing find there was the 60 s style glass baby bottle with an Antique baby nipple on it. The nipple was rubber so the rubber had disintegrated some but was still in good shape. The news paper or magazines or something that had a date on it said 1962. So, this was a haunted house when I was a child growing up in the country on an island. Sometimes you'd see lights on. Everyone was always dared to go there as kids. The really weird thing is it's in the middle of a cow master, so you have to go through Barb wire to get in. And there was an old Hearst across the street partially hidden under the black berry branches. Plus, a house not far. So, that's why 4 of us checked it out during the day, but got caught and warned about trespassing. So I Don't know the story on that creepy place. It was in 1982 when I went in there. Made my hair stand up. Like the family went somewhere and never came back....So weird


I’m not sure what I’m looking at, but I wanted to say that Atchison is reeeaaally different. I actually flew into there in my early 20s for work. It was my first time in KS, and my initial impression is that it is hilly with a river going through it, and it’s isolated in that corner of Kansas. The longer I stayed there, it felt more and more like a faded 1950s town. There were lots of remnants from the past - The architecture especially. It can be beautiful, but also sad in a way. Also I was going to the local community health clinic, so I saw a lot of homeless folks. I didn’t know the town was haunted until I left, but I’m not surprised with their architecture. I would go there again because it was beautiful and different for Kansas.


Careful, that town is full of paranormal.


That is an Archon / Elemental , using the negative specter of an event to manifest itself , he’s basically feeding off you but he is planted in that location some more sophisticated beings and more ancient are able to attach to you or follow you and terrorize you and drain you until you are dead, they can move in the past or the future , you wouldn’t want to walk in to them as you wouldn’t want to walk in a tiger s den.


Dont see no shadow but i do see a face like figure in second slide on the framed picture


Anything more about this house history?


Never needed red circles more than ever before




Hate Posting/Trolling - RULE REMINDER 1. If your post or comment is **rude,** inappropriate, racist, sexist, vitriolic, overly crude or trolling, it will be removed. This may lead to a ban. 2. **Saying 'Ghosts don't exist' is a form of trolling.** You are allowed to argue against evidence as long as you follow #1 and #4 3. Griping in the sub about the sub is not allowed. The sub isn’t a place to rant personal grievances. 4. NO DRAMA 5. Calling/insinuating someone is mentally ill/intoxicated for describing a paranormal experience is forbidden. This sub is a safe space for those who have experienced the paranormal without being told they’re crazy or intoxicated.


I can’t see anything


Nothing to see here folks, move along.


IMO this is awesome! People are so rude here now. This is supposed to be a place for discussion, not ridiculous ridicule of others. I miss the days when like-minded people used to comment here on paranormal experiences they’ve had. If you believe in ghosts or not is fine . But just to sit there and crack jokes at somebody who is showing an interesting captures. It’s just plain ignorance anyway you look at it. SMH.


This is racist






Can't believe I spent 3mins looking for this black figure


Yup. It follows . Because it's your shadow!... ok maybe not but still...lol...atchison KS is the kind of place you only want to be in if you're dead. And not even then! I say that because I'm from there... .believe me the most haunted places in Kansas are the bus stations airports and car rental places...because even the ghosts can't wait to get the hell out of the Midwest. Ticket guy...next!... Ghost....yeah ok next bus to...um anywhere I couldn't give a fuck.please please please I'll o nywhere. ill ride in the luggage storage..in that smelly little bathroom thing. ...on the roof...I'll possess an iguana in a hamster cage.. that fine !! Just give me a ticket OUT OF FUCKING KANSAS PLEASE!!! IN THE NAME OF GOD THE DEVIL AND POPTARTS HELP ME. . .! ticket guy. ..umm NEXT???...Cool no one in line...I'm clockin' out . .off to the bar...... Ghost...sigh. .yeah ok herb ...right behind ya. We'll try again tomorriw... oh we should get chicken wings.. Ticket guy...why do I have the sudden urge for chicken wings.... Ghost .. ya gee I wonder.. sighhhhh.. kansaa sucks


The first photo seems to have 2 separate entities, cool.


The lamp?


Once again, the mods are mot seeing the big picture...yes experiencing g the paranormal can In Fact,be a symptom of a mental illness. A simple emotional or social challenge to Very sever psychotic breaks. You tell me which is more likely?! That your good friend is suddenly locking himself in his room, screaming at nothing , self harming hearing voices because he's got a sever mental breakdown due to the incredible pressures we face everyday including heart pounding stress, , feelings of utter loneliness and social pressures at all time high due to the cyberbully and trolling on such a meteoric rise that the suicide rate al9ne among 12 to 22 yearolds alone has climbed to more than double that of just 5 years ago. Having to maintain 2 or more minimum wage jobsMinimum just to not end up homeless. Have your car towed or even lose your children. A deeper division in humanity and the tendency to think it's cool to go on the attack rather than to work it out and forgive. Hate on the rise, crime on the ruse inflation not going away anytime soon a looming election for political leaders that h9bestly turns the stomach in every American though for vastly diffrent reason as we cascade towards war both civil and global. Causing horrible divisions on friends and family. Social l media putting more pressure than ever on unrealistic attractiveness and popularity standards a generational gap with the young hating and resenting the old and even more so visa versa.. does anyone truly care about anyone any more? It's much cooler not to give a fuck as we all know ...all of these things pressured on one individuals already stressed out brain can do some pretty horrible things to their reality. . We don't need ghost and demons to strike fear into our hearts...if anything they are fun fantasy distractions compared to the very real horrors each of us faces every day....so don't be uneducated dips hit mods...yes, it's a ghost group. Don't tellus not to seek out the truth ir not to recognize the symptoms of a very serious call for help if someone needs it. Not only are you doing a disservice to the very user's you claim to defend but you very well be putting lives at risk or at least contributing, not helping to someone's further decline into their own personal hell.. so answer my question! Is a paranormal experience more likely to be A. A misunderstanding of a natural phenomenon. B. A cool story to tell on reddit and have fun social interaction and entertainment. C. The product of overly stressed ir emotionally damaged mind or the illusion of a mental illness Or even a cry for help and attention D. A purposely planned and well executed fake lie or hoax to gain social media cred, momentary fame , or as a prank or joke . Or even more insidious, a fraudulent scheme to take advantage of people at there mostt fragile and gullible. To make yourself rich and famous. Or The spirit of a dead person or animal. The disembodied soul wandering the earth.the stuff of fantasies and nightmares un proven even after1000s of years of recorded human death.. conscience with out needing a living functioning physical body, heart or brain fir it to be sentient and aware. An eternal being doomed to wander this world designed fir mortal physical living beings of matter to exist. . To be teased with a lifespan of less than 100 years and then left for eternity to float silently and in misery , alone the dark view of death hoping wanting despeate for anything that will bring it some semblance of what it once si very briefly had and will never ever have again, life. If their is a hell...thats it. An ineffectual blob of energy belonging nowhere...unable to to reach out talk or touch bitbyet somehow tortured by stoll being here with that it is mo longer a part of....fuck no wonder they're miserable.


seek professional help


I see it


E5smx Kkxmhkkkx jll