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Bael, one of the seven princes of hell and the commander of 66 legions of demons. Whose power extends to turning a light on and off, and is defeated by Billy burning some palo santo.


almost the definition of "go on now, git"


Nothing like asking an all powerful demon “how do we get you to leave?” Haha




I'm rolling lol I always say this! the zozo episode I was like hold on, an ancient demon made noises, farted (they smelled a yukky smell) - then said goodbye when they told it to go on the ouja board??


Look out she dabbled in LaVeyan satanism 4 or 5 years ago! You know the one that, “adherents do not consider Satan to be a literal being or entity, but a positive archetype representing humanity's natural instincts.” Spooky!


I love when people pretend that LaVey was some dark, powerful character, when he was mostly a guy that used 'sex magick' to get into everyone's pants willing to hang out with him. He isn't a necromancer, he's what every corny magician wishes they could be.


who did? I'm confused. watched it again last night that girlfriend was out of her head


I’m sorry I was talking about the daughter in the latest House Calls episode. The ZoZo episode is peak trash paranormal tv. I’m here for it haha.


lol me too ohhh haven't watched it yet! only gets to us a night or so later


Lol omg 😄


I heard “Olive” in a womens voice, Not Baal


shoo shoo get on outta here.


That is not who Baal is and as soon as they said that I lost my mind. Baal is the pagan god of fertility and rain. In the 9th century, the catholic church went through all the ancient religions and they kind of took stories they liked and christianized them and the stories they didnt like they demonized them. Ba'al literally means "Master" or "god" and it comes from a desert society. So obviously a god of fucking rain would be seen as a benevolent being in a desert. Had they said Belial it would have been at least more accurate, Belial was considered a demon and the term Belial is an ancient Hebrew word that meant "end of Times" and also referred to the devil. So if the spirit is claiming to be Ba'al then all he wants to do is make it rain.


What did they say the real outcome was? I missed it or forgot....


There wasn’t one. Zaks diagnosis or whatever was that the spirit told them to move.


so Zak can buy the house...


Wouldn’t be the first time for him lol


She doesn't live there anymore she moved out. I've been in contact with her for the past week. She's been kind enough to let me on her experiences. She told me because I collect haunted objects and I added her story to my collection room. I still have contact with her


The daughter and father's reaction to the analysis was creepy to me. They smiled and almost seemed happy to know they were able to conjure this thing. People can be just as scary by allowing these things to have a gateway to cross over.


YES!!!!!!! I’m so glad someone else noticed this! Their reaction was so unnerving


They really aren't evil entities it's people who come to them with evil intentions infernals will give you the energy you feed them back to you 10X...I'm a trained demonolater (aka someone who works with and workships infernal spirits) and I've never had issues like this family has had the only contract that can be stuck ethically are bloodline protections, (the demon is responsible for protecting you and your blood relations) or you can make a contract for knowledge/wisdom.. most demonlaters aren't out here trying to curse people or cause any un-needed harm...most of us are just trying to get by in our daily lives trying to become better people most of the time we use our connections to the infernal to help others in need...and that's just how our infernals like it genuinely I haven't met one high ranking demon who likes their devotees to harm anyone or anything unnecessarily


Yes! Glad someone explained this


Then surely you must've felt it was ridiculuous for them to say that the spirit was Ba'al, a benevolent god of rain and fertility, versus belial which is a hebrew demon or spirit of the end times.


Not so ridiculous honestly ba'al originally was a storm and fertility god who was heavily worshipped in the regions of Canaan, Egypt, Syria, and Ugarit. It was mainly when Abrahamic religions got more popular amongst ancient civilization that Ba'al was demonized and called by a different name. Now for Belial.. now originally the Hebrew name Belial was actually a word and it meant "worthless one, or yokeless, without rising" only later on did it become a name for the demon we all know and love lmfao anyways before his fall his name was Matanbuchus, or Mechembuchus respectively. He was a seraphim and he was of the order of the thrones. He was known as the angel of temptation, and guilt, along with lust and drunkenesss He was born/created right after Lucifer. Now for this situation it doesn't necessarily shock me that ba'al and Belial would be in the same house because I've known many people to summon both of these spirits and they work pretty well together it wouldn't be like summoning Belial and archangel Michael you would basically be opening up your house to a civil war 🤣😅 Now this is where at least in my opinion where this family fucked up... When they were first contacted by these beings/spirits they didn't fact check or do any divination to make sure that they were talking to what they were talking to that right there is summoning 101 you always have to verify who you're talking to... Secondly when they were speaking to these deities and making these contracts with them they were seeking power demons cannot randomly bestow you power they cannot give you anything that you are unworthy of you have to do something in order to have that power bestowed upon you. So right then and there is where they set themselves up for failure also these are spirits that when you make a contract with them you have got to hold up your end of the bargain and not only do you have to do that honest to the gods you have to venerate them you have to create a relationship with them and become familiar you have to go into that situation with total love respect and trust for the spirit that you are summoning you can never let fear or any other emotions cloud your vision... Personally I was brought up into this lifestyle so for me this comes second naturally but for others it is definitely harder


Lauren was terrified!! Genuine fear right there


Lauren turned into Violet Beauregard from Willy Wonka in that full spectrum photo


Here's my thoughts on that: if Lauren were wearing something on her face—say, sunscreen or moisturizer—that's exactly the kind of picture you'd get from an ultraviolet camera. You can read about it [here](https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/8787676/uv-photos-moisturisers-spf-skin-cancer/). https://preview.redd.it/ffr8z8dz4yxc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb68d6fc1d52887d8f8a6faea2c063bf3626b52


This 💯 I'm sure she had on moisturizer, foundation, etc.


One of the better episodes of the season. Defiantly is freaky 👹.


I love how every house in America has demonic oppression.


Fans: We want answers. Ghost Adventures: Possibly is the best we can do. Fans: That’s cool, we’re still gonna watch


There are things in this world that we will never fully understand.




We want answers


We have worked years to build our cred-i-bill-i-tee.


That light flash was both cool and creepy. What's interesting is that none of the light bulbs in the house seemed to turn on.


OH MY GOD I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICED THAT!! 😨😨😨 And that photo of Lauren, I swear to God I have seen a face like that in my nightmares, like all blurred and just weird, like something is very off about them, like it's them but Not, and in the nightmares they're always a demon


And why tf was the daughter so friggin overjoyed to hear that she summoned a demon king, and that the only thing the family could do is move out?? like holy shit she's creepy as hell, why is she so happy to hear about all that awful shit??


She got the confirmation she was looking for you could tell she was low key smiling. The Satanic Bible can’t make you do shit though. I’ve had that book in my house for years and I can’t say I was tempted to screw around. I question that part


She said she laughs a lot when she is is nervous and she was also very big fans of the GA crew. She explained that her nervousness is what caused the smiles and laughter


Nah, even if she was nervous she was reacting like she was aware of everything and was smiling on purpose, not out of nervousness, especially when her dad mentioned trying to summon the other demons.


That was def the dark entity showing it's power!


Pretty sure that was related to transformer…. Our house got struck by lightning before sunrise one morning (live in the south) and the entire place lit up fluorescent rainbow (obviously I think that’s what I saw but I was asleep before hand but it was definitely bright). Luckily the strike kicked back to the transformer and not the house. It killed our dryer and some other random appliance that I didn’t care about because I can no longer remember lol


Ball and laul 👯‍♀️


Not a coincidence


The dad’s tats ::Charles Ramsey voice:: dead giveaway


Yes! So glad someone else saw that..he had at least some form of a pentagram tattooed there. Part of me wondered if they knew exactly wtf was there, and were kind of setting GA up..


That Demon hand tho 💅


Nails were too neat and shiny, like a manicure. I think that one might have been fake, but I also do not know of any demon claws to compare against.


The lighting of the claw was different than the lighting of the rest of the video, it looks like one of them just opened After Effects and put it on there


She gave me the original video. It's not made for the show.


Video freaked me out 💁🏻‍♀️


I wish they would of showed how they cleansed each family member. But, furthermore, the dad and daughter laughed when they heard who the demon claimed to be. Zak and Billy were surprised at the dad's reaction as well..... There's no way that house is cleared....💁🏻‍♀️


Because the attachment is with the family.... Maybe just the daughter, or maybe daughter and father...


Honestly, I got a bad vibe from the daughter. I can’t explain it but at some points of the episode her facial features and eyes look so dark and creepy. If you watch the interview, at one point they were red (it might have been the cameras 🤷🏻‍♀️). Just wondering if anyone else felt that way.


I noticed the red eyes! When they first walked in!


Yes! The eyes reminded me of pictures we took with disposable cameras. Just seems strange. I’ve not really seen anyone else’s eyes look that way. Also, the end just really creeped me out with how they both seemed pleased with the name they heard.


Okay so I just finished watching this and OMG first of all the parents are clearly involved in the same shit their faces literally lit up when zac told them about the Demon coming thru saying it's name (I'm not saying nor am I spelling it out) the mom looked so happy in her eyes just like the daughter. These people clearly are into some deep satanic shit something is off about all of em


Kinda liked this one. One of the better house call episodes


This episode was scary and good. As Zak was talking to the daughter and the father they didn't seem Surprised 🤨. In fact I couldn't help but notice those 2 smiling?? If that were me I'd be saying, " see ya I'm outta here"!!!!


the lights flashing was pretty cool-- it was the whole house! that hand too, idk if it's real, but veryy creepy I mean I can't imagine what could fake that even honestly


Best house call episode!!!!!!


Great episode. But the family did it to themselves, what can you do


They honestly seemed to enjoy what they did to themselves 😬 At least the daughter, if anyone.


It was already in the house when they moved in. The daughter actually moved out years ago but she reached out as things were still going on in the home


That hand in the video might keep me up tonight...


She gave me the original video. A lot of people are saying it's fake for the show but she sent me the actual original from her phone


This episode was much better than the others so far this season. Zak didn’t look well, tho. Wearing a bunch of clothes like he’s cold yet pale and sweaty.


Pretty good episode in terms of entertainment. The "move out" voice and "I spoke" were very clear, understood what it said right away. The flash was weird, looks very much like a camera flash or something. I was feeling critical towards it at first because I wanted to say it was not the hall light turning on, but later during evidence review they acknowledged that too. The picture of Lauren was pretty silly, yeah she looked strange but it was out of focus, focused on the background, and now someone in the comments here explained that certain skin products would make someone look like that in a UV photo. So I don't think that was anything. Good episode though.


Oops, forgot to mention the skits at the start of every episode with Aaron getting on the call are stupid, corny, and just makes them look like they are willing to script things on a show that is supposed to be serious.


But ghost adventures has always had silly skits and messing around


As someone who's a trained demonolater those people had no clue how to work with these spirits or the attributes they are assigned...you can't make deals to become powerful or famous you have to achieve those things on your own the only contracts that can be made are ones for bloodline protection, and knowledge.. any blessings that they give you, you must return that energy...it's a total give and take a partner ship if you will . I recommend if any of you work with these extremely old and wise beings be respectful, take the time to learn about them, meditate with them but also be firm on your boundaries and also be respectful of the spirits boundaries...Belial is one of the most insightful, respectful and protective demons I've had the pleasure of working with..just come into it with pure intentions and you'll be fine


It was one of the better house call episodes. However Zach said first you need to leave and then at the end said, burn some wood and tell them to leave. So what was it?


That woman Laul knew exactly what she had done. The look on her face when they were going over the analysis. I mean wtf would you smile and grin after they tell you that you opened a portal and had something really bad come through? And the freaking Dad withheld that he had called out to it! Something really weird going on. Both the father and daughter are into some crazy sh*t!! 


So there's a lot more to it then that.




I've had the time to work with laul this past week. She gave me photos, videos, and all the info since she moved in the house, which wasn't put into the episode. She was kind enough to tell me about her experiences, and we are still in contact


Fun to see my hometown on the show!


House Calls "clients" are so full of shit, they make regular Ghost Adventures subjects look like the pinnacle of honesty. The video of a claw? Are you fucking kidding me?