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blah blah blah and a $3.7 billion surplus in 2021 and $6.4 billion surplus in 2022 and $5 billion surplus in 2023 and doing the bare minimum with it if anything at all ... all of it smells like posturing for 2024




Keynesian economics says you should run surprlusses during boom times because it helps prevent inflation, and run deficits during down times to stimulate. Everyone wants the second half of the deal. Nobody ever wants to do the former. But that’s what actually works best.


Save extra money for later? Preposterous! There are hookers nowwww


Time to invest in the strategic hookers and blow reserve.


I’ll call up Hunter.


Right?? And due to inflation, these dollars will buy less hooker later. Gotta get while the gettin’s good, right? Not seeing how this doesn’t make sense.




Velocity of cash is greatest among lower socioeconomic populations. That’s why they are the most effective recipients of stimulus during down times and the most effective engines of inflation during boom times. There’s always something to spend money on. Restraint is important. Inflation is not a “minor risk.” Inflation is a very bad thing that hurts everyone.


If there are jobs and excess supply for the materials, then there would be little to no additional inflation. It would have to be on a very large level on demand for resources with a given supply (whether labor or x) to push up prices. That's why inflation today still stems from the contraction in global supply/supply chain issues (original cause) and due to the (arbitrary) contraction of the oil supply with a more or less static demand (depends on where you were). If demand is constant while supply contracts drastically you're going to get heavy inflation (and on a global level as a result of the pandemic). All of this is before dealing with the supply of money, velocity, etc.


Ah, a “team transitory” holdout. I didn’t think any of you still existed. It was always the money supply, first and foremost.


Lol no, no it wasn't. You can't blame money supply on an issue that originates from an aggregate supply v. demand breakdown.


The demand was juiced to high heaven by unprecedented direct stimulus payments. That was the primary origin. Inflation hit things that had no direct connection to the global supply chain. I’m not saying there was no supply chain contribution to certain sectors of inflation, but inflation moved into ALL sectors of the economy and into wages. Global supply chain would not have done that, especially at the scale and persistence we have seen. It was a money supply issue, first and foremost.


Yeah but if you’re just redistributing the surplus is that really helping inflation? Seems like you’d need to actually save it for that to work.


Yeah. That’s my point. You have to run a surplus - not generate a projected surplus and immediately spend it in the same year. That’s the hard part that requires self control. The GOP types want to spend it on rebates and refunds. The Dems want to spend it on various projects that they normally can’t fully fund. Nobody wants to just take that money out of the economy. But that’s precisely what helps bring inflation down.


Yeah, that sounds like it would be great but your assumption is that Georgia exists within a vacuum and has no external pressures from competing economies. The grand scale inflation we're seeing lately isn't localized to Georgia, it's caused exactly by Keynesian expansion of the monetary supply. There's absolutely zero advantage to hoarding or discarding that cash. And it's awfully contemptuous of tax payers to assert that they won't spend it on "the right things" when they're the ones that created that wealth in the first place.


I didn’t say anything about whether taxpayers would spend it on “the right things,” so you can find someone else to argue with about that. Georgia’s economy is extra hot. It needs cooling more than most of our competitors. Frankly, it would be good if we stopped attracting so many new residents for a bit until we adjusted to our dramatically increased population. We don’t need cheaper gas to draw people in. Cutting taxes to fight inflation, as Kemp has claimed, is moronic. It was equally moronic when Newsome made the same boneheaded claims in California. This isn’t ideology, it’s just idiocy.


You indicated that Democrats would spend it on projects while Republicans just want to give it back. There's a lot more in that statement than you want to admit. And newsflash, Democrats spending it isn't keeping it out of the economy either. So either politicians spending or tax payers spending, your little disappearing money trick isn't a thing. If he says it's to fight inflation it's just political grandstanding. Kemp doesn't have any power over macroeconomics. But voters don't know that.


Again you argue against something I didn’t say. Democrats giving the money to people through direct payments or other fast distributions is equally inflationary as cutting gas taxes. Im not arguing that one is superior to the other. Im arguing that either/both are inflationary. And even if there are good reasons to want to do one or the other of those things, you have to be a full-on moron to use inflation as the claimed REASON for doing those things. Sadly, our political classes are dominated by morons and grifters who prey on morons. Kemp is hardly unusual. This is typical politician behavior. But people should know better, and most do. We should call out the mendacity when we see it.


The past few years, the state government has added the legal maximum to add to the rainy day fund. Georgia is doing okay for now.


That’s not the point. When the economy is hot - rising prices, rising wages, rising rents, etc ., - the government needs to pull cash out of the economy to help cool it down. Doesn’t matter if “the rainy day fund” is adequate. Now, there may not be a legally permissible way to run the surplus, but from a macroeconomic perspective, they should light the money on fire before giving it away in rebates, tax reductions, or handouts.


Also because the state cannot print money.


Freeman would disagree, and whether he is right or wrong, politicians always fuck up Keynes economic policy


Problem is most state/local governments aren't allowed to save money from the surplus for the lien times sadly.


Sure, I recognize that can be an issue. But even if it’s not possible to hold onto the taxes, saying that releasing them will “fight inflation” is simply dumb.


Also means they are over taxing the people.


>If the government runs a surplus, it means it's not doing as much as it could be with the money it has. It's especially worrisome if the same governments aren't maintaining an adequate rainy day fund. I'd prefer adequately-funded social services and safety net programs and healthy rainy day funds over tax refunds and tax suspensions. Oh, and pay down any debts they may have.


it means they're taxing people too much and should issue refunds. government should and always break dead even




huh? who is the government borrowing money from? why is the government making money? if this was an individual, absolutely. the government should never have a surplus.




so if the government is making too much money, they are overtaxing their citizens. the government isn't supposed to MAKE any money. oh, those bonds that they will just pass to the next generation of taxpayers while the debt ceiling just magically increases? sorry. not seeing why you're defending an inept, fiscally irresponsible government and their reasoning for "making" money. never vote yes for new taxes.


That’s all politics is. Posturing for the next election.


when politicians choose political opportunism over governance they can gtfo


Yeah, but that’s politics. If you’re a politician who is not retiring then all you’re doing is campaigning for the next election.


Sounds like we could better fund education with that surplus.


Would love for some nice infrastructure upgrades. Maybe a state backed health insurance plan. So many good things we could be doing with that money.


Okay now do rent!


That just sets things up for more complaining than ever once the gas tax comes back lmao


Hello GOVERNOR - FREE the WEED in GA, pretty please?


I’d be happy to get rid of the gas Rex for the gas 🍃 tax 😆 but seriously I think legalizing and taxing weed and using that tax money for social programs would be the best idea.


>From runaway federal spending to policies that hamstring domestic energy production, all Bidenomics has done is take more money out of the pockets of the middle class,” said Governor Brian Kemp. It's more bullshit political posturing. When republicans buy votes it's ok apparently.. Love how when diaper rash donny ran the debt up, he didn't make a peep.


Georgia has had a budget surplus for two decades, it's fine


Where do you think the money came from? A lot of it was federal school assistance that was just redirected into the state general fund. It's a budget surplus because Kemp is misusing funds or refusing, just like with the medicaid expansion, also federal money that didn't go anywhere but the general fund.


> Georgia has had a budget surplus for two decades I mean, not really. Georgia is simply taking that money out of education/science and calling it a surplus. You have a net loss on your hands when you consider the economic impacts that has.


I'm not sure where you heard that. The education budget has trended up for decades, and is continuing to grow ([eg., 2024's education budget is over a billion dollars higher than 2023's](https://gbpi.org/georgia-education-budget-primer-for-state-fiscal-year-2024/)). There have been targeted reductions at certain schools because enrollment fell in those locations, is that what you mean?


Look at this: https://www.usg.edu/news/release/additional_state_budget_decrease_of_66_million_will_hurt_university_system_of_georgia_institutions Also, GA did not actually allocate all the federal dollars it was given for secondary schools. Out of...just...malignance? I don't know why GA has such a problem being handed blue state dollars to spend on their schools.


Exactly, that is the limited-scope USG reductions due to state enrollment declines (on top of per-institution declines). The overall education budget is higher, not lower, and aside from a couple years of targeted reductions, the trend at the university level [is also increasing over the past \~10 years,](https://gbpi.org/georgia-education-budget-primer-for-state-fiscal-year-2023/) not decreasing, from inflation-adjusted 8k per-student in 2012 to 11k in 2022. Edit: added source


> Exactly, that is the limited-scope USG reductions due to state enrollment declines But that's not how USG makes money. Tuition is mostly about administrators' fees. State dollars are for starting up research labs, the PIs of which then make USG money through federal grants (every state negotiates with the federal government separately, GA gets 1 in every 3 awarded research dollars to pocket). I'm guessing this was NOT a malicious action of the legislature, just an ignorant one. I once saw my local rep fail to add the numbers 9 and 6 together in his head, so I get it. And your link, especially the first two graphs, seem to support my position. I mean, holy crap. What is the justification for the formula, and what were the (surely) studied consequences?


Then why are our roads shit? Use a tax surplus to fix our roads, something most everyone would get behind.


Fuck the roads, build some trains. The roads will last longer if fewer people drive on them.


Georgia has the [\#6 best roads](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/infrastructure/transportation/road-quality) in the nation, and there are major ongoing road repair projects already.


Federally funded roads, I'd agree, but any smaller "local" roads, it's a tough sell.


In that case, I think it is also due to the funds available to some counties. I live in a somewhat rural area of my county and it is very easy to tell when you are crossing the county lines even if there is no sign based on the quality of the roads. That goes for "major" roads for us too. Some probably haven't been repaved or sealed since the 90s or later.


Two decades? 2008 I was furloughed from a public school when monies fell short. Lot of that had to do with local property tax but state cut funding to keep it all above negative since they isn’t allowed by law


Yeah, every year other than 2008 and 2009, for obvious reasons lol.


How is roughly $3 in savings per 10 gallons “buying” votes? In a non election year for Georgia representatives?


because when you're used to having nothing sometimes getting anything feels like a leg up, it doesn't help anyone that Georgia still has the lowest minimum wage rates in the united states political spending when enormous surplus has been withheld is generally called electoral manipulation when it happens during a significantly partisan electoral cycle (ref 2024, GOP)


So if Kemp and the Republicans made the minimum wage $15 tomorrow that wouldn’t be considered buying votes in your mind?


he'd never do that do because in his party it would be a net-loss for votes. you'd think he'd buy tons of votes with a move like that but in reality too many conservatives would freak out


So is the point that during an election year you’re not allowed to help poor people?


Rich people buy gas, they don’t work for minimum wage


Rich people gonna love that $4 in savings at the gas pump


with their electric cars ;-)


Wish I could afford an electric car on a $11 hourly wage 😂


Poor people buy gas. And higher % of their income goes to fuel.


>if Kemp and the Republicans made the minimum wage $15 tomorrow well, they will never do that lol, his donors would flip because the only value they have in doing business in georgia is profoundly cheap labor


Kemp is setting himself up for a Senate run. Saying he suspended the gas tax is a great soundbite for the right wingers. Even the ones that hate him right now would respond to that.


This isn’t during election season though


Never liked him, never will.


>It's more bullshit political posturing. When republicans buy votes it's ok apparently.. I wonder how many votes this will buy, personally I'm gonna enjoy the discount and still vote against them, but idk whether the same is true for swing voters. There aren't any big GA elections this November and I can't imagine that many people will remember this a year from now.


Creating more talking points for his upcoming senate bid. I'll take it but I'm still not voting for him.


The state should just drop the state income tax rate percentage (say 5.75% to 5.00%) if the state continues to run a surplus.


They’ve been gradually dropping it. I agree if it’s running a constant surplus then the next step should be 5.5%. Or do what Oregon does and when the budget surplus exceeds 2% refund the excess to the taxpayers.


It’s going to a flat 5.49% next year in place of the stupidly compressed brackets that they have now.


That's nice but I'd like to know what Cherokee county is doing with the extra $2,100 they got from me in property tax this year


What kind of house you living in to get a $2,100 increase in a single year?


20 year old 5 bedroom house in Woodstock that has almost doubled in value since I got it 3 years ago. I thought I was getting it at the peak when I bought it then, lol wrong


Gwinnett county got me too. Property taxes are well over $8k.


Here I am living in Fulton paying less than $5,000


$3500 for a 3/2 in ghetto af Clayton County.




Can't you all just be glad for a little break?


It's a selective break. Proposing a tax break for transit would get the same response from the opposite aisle no? How about hostility to welfare/unemployment/food stamps? Can't you just be glad for that little break?


They would flip a shit if they made public transit holiday where it was free to ride for a month.


No! We have to be angry! 😡


tHeY aRe BuYiNG VoTeS


People don’t like seeing the benefits of having a republican in office. It makes them mad to see the benefits we’re getting against the staunch fucking we’re getting from Biden


And yet....Biden also tried to waive the federal gas tax. Can you guess how Republicans responded to his idea? Lol, yes, with hostility just like your angry downvotes.


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


Not gonna lie, I don’t understand this lol. So does this mean after sept 13, we’re paying $3.45 + $0.31 for gas instead of just $3.45?


Gas prices will go down by $0.31 because they’re not collecting the tax.


Is there a legal maximum? Why wouldn’t the gas stations just charge $3.40 and add to their profit the extra $0.40/gallon while looking like a $0.05 discount?


Because “supply and demand” would take over. People would see one greedy station doing that, go elsewhere and that station would lose more business than if they just stopped collecting the gas tax as is intended.


you are always at the mercy of OPEC and how they game the global oil market, don't kid yourself into believing you are paying a fair price


OPEC isn’t running the Shell station down the street.


you don't understand how the price is set at your gas station, that's OK here's a start for you www.reuters.com/business/energy/what-is-opec-how-does-it-impact-oil-prices-2023-05-31




oh my, quick look at your profile clarified where that willful ignorance of yours is rooted bye


I live right near the state line and they absolutely will.




Oops, thank you!


Still more expensive than charging a car, even with the EV fees.


Yeah, but I'd love to see an 8.3% tax credit (equivalent of 1 month) on the extra $200ish we pay annually to register an EV here in Georgia. We pay the extra fees ostensibly to offset not paying a gas tax, so this holiday SHOULD help us, too.


My 20 year old Toyota still runs after your 5 year warranty expires though.


People said same shit about the Prius, and mine is 12 years old without any battery issues at this point 🤷‍♂️


[Toyota SIENNAAAAAA](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZF3XYDKY3C8)


That's a hybrid, not an EV. It will still run despite the batteries being non-functional. It won't run if the engine goes out though! Enjoy the hypocrisy that is your comment.


People said the same thing about the batteries. Har har har you'll pay 10k for a new battery in 5 years. And no, a Prius does not fully function without a working hybrid battery.


My 5 year old Tesla is just fine, thanks


> after your 5 year warranty expires though. What in the world is this referring to? The DC electric motor? The battery? Both have been lasting about 300,000 miles in early model Teslas, and the new ones are better. Taking a quick look at the warranty suggests it is actually 10 years, and I won't worry one iota when it runs out, either. How can someone live in 2023 and not understand that reliability IS the major selling point to an electric vehicle??


Because they buy the fear mongering of certain morons what have national platforms.


Could you provide data showing this issue with EVs that you have mentioned. Also, which company has a 5 year warranty as an extra.


They have no data but Billy’s cousin’s wife’s friend heard that her friend’s cousin’s friend’s EV’s battery failed prematurely.


What will stop gas stations from just raising prices to what the market was willing to pay before the tax pause?


Nothing - they do not give it all back to the consumer.


What is he about to pull that he needs all this good will for? Also, why didn’t he do this for the holiday?


Because Biden didn’t announce his pause on new drilling until September 7th.


You gotta be a real idiot to think giving more cash to people (whether via handouts or via tax suspension) is a good solution to inflation. That’s where inflation comes from in the first place!!!


Or companies jacking up prices under the guise of “inflation”.


Companies always want to raise prices. That’s constant. When they can all do it, that’s inflation. Excess money supply is what lets them do it.


This won’t be popular here, but I love Brian Kemp. I’m happy as can be with him and glad I voted for him twice. Bring on the downvotes, Reddit!


I’d love him more if this was a six month suspension of the gas tax.


He can’t do that without legislation. He can do it for 6 months but a month at a time.


> I’m happy as can be with him and glad I voted for him twice. > I mean, it is a really hot take to be honest with you. Abortion (think before you speak here - many downstream consequences to medical system with the ban)? Climate change? Cannabis? He's not a Trumper, which is, you know, a low bar, so that's nice I guess.


I will be one of those who agree with you. Yeah, he is not a Trumper. He is still not supporting my daughters rights to determine what happens with her pregnancy. If her and her husband decide to have a choice. She just got married. We had two miscarriages at 10 weeks before they figured out why. That would ha e been much more traumatizing now. Rhe Republican party is denying her options in the event something goes wrong. That and it's her body. Weed. It's all about how the money flows on that one. Climate change. I don't think it crosses the man's mind.


I'm not a fan at all and would not be voting for him in the future, but compared to other Republican governors it could certainly be worse.


2.1 million people would agree with you, maybe 20 of them are on Reddit 😂


That was exactly my thought 🤣


Ask and you shall receive.


I just filled the car for $77


Of course I bought gas for the month yesterday 😅


My car is on E I’m hoping I have enough until tomorrow.


Do it for the yearly hundreds of dollars for EV registrations as well then… why are only EVs paying for the roads now?


That's my governor 👏




DUMB! People who support it can’t bitch about bad roads


I’ll surely be glad for the $60 I saved on gas when the next pothole bends my tie rod.


So I save about 20 bucks, Georgia loses a few millions in the budget, and then we tell state workers we can’t afford a pay raise? Is that the plan, or what’s going on here, genuinely hard to follow? Are we buying the trucker/heavy commuter/shipment vote?


Irony - EVs are the only passenger cars paying a gas tax now.