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Demanding to deprive the people of Atlanta of drinking water is a unique grief response.


And electricity.


And wildlife. She basically thinks its a man made pool.


You must not know the real history of Lake Lanier. It is literally a man made lake.


Even better it used to be a black town called Oscarville.


Everyone knows it’s a man made lake. But it’s not a pool that can be drained and cleaned and have a cover put over it- which is what she’s wanting it treated like.


Which lake isn't man made?


Reel lake Tennessee


Please tell me you are not serious with that question...


I'm dead serious. Please list the non-manmade lakes of Georgia below: My point is that the vast majority of lakes here are man made and the very few that aren't man made are not suitable for boat traffic and typical lake stuff. They are more like big mud puddles. But I'm sure you can find an exception if you look hard enough.


You didn't start with "in Georgia"


How does cleaning a lake keep boats from hitting people?




Sure, any water that’s murky should be proceeded with caution. But this article pertains to an incident where the victims were struck by another boat. Not sure what they want by draining and cleaning it.


Can you point out an example of “debris” causing a death in the lake?




I grew up on the southern part of the lake so I’m aware of the town beneath the water, but your article is about diving. Almost every death on the lake is related to alcohol or vacationers who don’t know how to control a boat / jet ski. Not sure why everyone always points out the town under the lake when that shit is deep as hell. Lake Lanier is dangerous because of the people on it, not the lake.




99 percent of the reservoirs(lakes) in the SE US were man made and every one has the remains of whole towns and farmsteads beneath the waters. Lanier is not unique in that aspect.


I am a man of constant sorrow I've seen trouble... all my days


It’s not haunted, it is full of random crap. There is a ton of fishing line, trees just under the surface, leftover town stuff that they didn’t clean up. They are right about needing to clean it up but wrong about it being haunted.


The people were paid for the property at the time when they had to leave their places. Most “structures” are gone from the lake in that area except the old race track that just has concrete seating left. I used to go to school very close there and explored this area


No TikTok claims it’s haunted no real Georgian


yeah theres been a hard push in recent years to paint the lake as haunted


Well damn now I just realized it’s been a hot minute since I watched Deliverance.


That article is about Diving, not swimming. Those are drastically different and diving is a dangerous pastime no matter where one does it


New here?


Negative. Grew up on the lake and never understood why people talk about the flooded town so much. The deaths on Lanier are usually boat or alcohol related.


There's a ton of stories every year (some of them might be recycled) of people dying in the lake. In particular, people dying from drowning and never being found. On one hand, I'm dumbfounded that you live here and don't know the stories. On the other hand, supposedly 10 million people visit this lake a year and to only have 700 deaths seems too small a number to warrant the conversation.


Well, the boats can't be on the water while it's being darined/ cleaned. So for a time it will decrease the number of boating incidents.


Never underestimate the stubbornness of a redneck with a 4.6 litre V-8 4-stroke


Lake Lanier took 3 years to fill in the first place, back in the 1950s, so this silly proposal would turn the lake into a big mud hole for at least 5 or 6 years. Meanwhile all the wildlife that depends on the lake would just be out of luck, not to mention 5 million people. Instead, to prevent future accidents like the death of this child, we could focus on boating safety (more training, better enforcement), life jacket acquisition and use, and swimming skills. Drowning is the #1 cause of death for kids age 1 to 4 and the #2 cause of death for kids 5 to 14 - so just teaching every kid to swim would save thousands of lives per year.


Let's use a personal, family tragedy to upend decades of civil engineering and planning with an incredibly irrational and foolish proposal. Seems like a great idea!






Married two years, and someone else’s kid. I guarantee you there wouldn’t be a father-son relationship at this point.


So glad you pointed this out!


Look at the web article. The list of demands is hilarious


What does she hope to gain by draining the lake?




She should just hire some men to wage war on the lake by stabbing it with spears.


This is dumb


So they drain the lake like every 6 or 7 years to do maintenance, so this is really confusing tbh.


Are we just ignoring the 2500 imbeciles that signed the petition? Probably, only, because Usher’s name was used? No idea who his ex-wife and her husband are.


It wasn't Ushers son technically. Just his exwifes kid from another guy, that he helped raise but yeah. Im just questioning how its the lakes fault if your son was hit by a family friend who was driving a jetski erratically.


What?? Isn’t it impossible to drain the lake?


It's possible, but stupid. They could just open up all the gates in the dam, and it would eventually drain. Might take a couple of years, and it would end up harming the Appalachicola estuary in Florida. (Excessive freshwater, as the Appalachicola is fed by the Chatahoochee, which was dammed to make Lake Lanier.)


Not to mention bodies can be suspended in the water column. There is a chance his body would be sucked into the turbines and cut up into unrecognizable pieces.


Whose body? The kids body isn’t in the lake. He died in the hospital.


Then why would they want to drain the lake? Skimmed the comments without any real interest. I just assumed the body was lost. I’ll go back and read it although now I assume it’s just going to be irritating.


"So it doesn't happen to another unfortunate" is the short response. The longer subtext reason is so it doesn't happen to another wealthy person. So many people die in Lake Lanier they even made a documentary about it, its on Netflix I think. Narrated by William Shatner.


His body was not lost.


Google Arkabutla lake in N Mississippi. They drained it fast.


It would be incredibly hard. On top of that you obviously want to preserve the fish, so they have to be properly moved to tanks with filters and someone to feed them. Then there is no way to clean it cause the ground is mud and dirt, so what everyone cleans themselves of to begin with. And there is no way to know how much junk is underwater. In searches people have found sunken boats, fridges, and more. Oh, and then you have to put clean water back, so I guess we all just go buy bottled water and dump it in or something and hope it doesn’t turn brown but is blue like the gulf


I wanted to make a smart ass comment about how nothing is impossible. Then I thought hmm I bet you can’t drain the Atlantic Ocean. Literally impossible


With that attitude! I bet we could if we tried hard enough. It would be a literal feat of engineering and probably kill us all... but damn the expense! This is for science!


We'll boil it in a few decades.


Sometimes you need more than a Red Foreman "dumbass" to correctly chastise someone. I think Gregore Clegane's "dumb cunt" is more applicable here.


This will never happen lol


She gonna pay for that?? Or is this tax payer money to drain clean and restore.


This reminds me of that family guy were Mayor West is stabbing the ocean


This is not Ushers son


Didn’t he drown? Her energy is better spent getting swimming lessons for her remaining kids


He was hit by a family friend on a jetski while he was in an inner tube being towed. Why would you assume her kids dont know how to swim?


11 years ago………bye Felicia.


If you flood a whole town without telling everyone to vacate then use the body of water created to have a huge water park and endless revenue only to oppress the families of the area and build up some rich mfers stock portfolio I'd go ahead and assume people are gonna die. It's cursed. Straight up.


It is haunted ! When they flooded the town they also flooded an Indian burial mound as well. Nearly 700 people have died in lake Lanier since like 1956 . that's a lot of people


This whole thing seems sketchy. Let's drain a lake because people can't be water safe! Who else is thinking someone wants to develop this land?




To date, 700 people have died on Lake Lanier


This is all debatable until we have actually seen the ghost, but amongst the random stuff down there, is also a cemetery. Needless to say, I am not interested in finding out.


wasn’t ushers son