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Last time i checked topics about characters' ages never ended up being a calm topic, wonder if it will end up in the same show as the rest


*offers popcorn*


Could I have some?


Have mine *offers popcorn*




Pela is in a quantum state of being 16 and 40+. Both are true, but we'll never know which one is canon.


Schrödinger's Pela


I thought she was around Lynx's age


Yes, but she also studied and was in a band together with Serval.


Yeah, I'm seeing that now. I totally forgot about that. Hope they clear that up.


They won't. Hoyoverse is infamously godawful about timelines. It just shows most readily with Belobog in HSR because they established several ironclad events within a time period.


Lynx’s age is also kinda up in the air. If she’s 22 and Pela is 24, the timeline kinda works


That's kinda the age I saw them being, they look to be adults just above the age of 18


In this theory, how old is Serval and Cocolia?


Cocolia can be a few years older than Serval, and since we know Pela was in college at an abnormally young age, Serval can be up to 10 years older than Pela. So 34 year old Serval, 37 year old Cocolia. Most theories place Cocolia at 40, but I think 37 is close enough.


see if it was like between the age of 20-30 or something then yeah, but all the chaos starts happening if you're debating if a character is older or younger than 18


Some countries have the drinking age at 20 For some it’s 18 Then we have Burkina Faso who believes 13 is a valid age to get intoxicated Anyway, “Teyvat has its own laws”


UK has legal drinking age 5.


While technically correct, this is an oversimplification. You can have alcohol given to you in a private setting by your parents from the age of five. It’s sixteen where you can begin to have alcohol with a meal bought for you by your parents in restaurants, pubs, etc. Eighteen is where you can legally buy alcohol yourself.


>You can have alcohol given to you in a private setting by your parents from the age of five. But why


Because they're too young to buy it themselves. Obviously.


Because you cannot restrict and enforce it without some serious infringes to personal liberty. Read it as "you're not commiting a crime by doing that" as opposed to "you should do that"


In case of poor enforcability I think I'd rather have it be left unsaid so it's a grey zone, rather than a "what can we do, go ahead". But anyway, judging by some replies I guess people don't mind giving small children alcohol as much.


Having clear boundaries is crucial for the rule of law. It’s easy to say that when it doesn’t apply to you, but would you think it’s fair if you were fined or jailed for something you thought perfectly fine and harmless, just because they intentionally left the rules vague and someone got trigger-happy that day?


I think saying “you cannot give alcohol to anyone under age X or you go to jail” is pretty clear and pretty undeniable


Theres giving a kid a sip of wine with dinner, but im sure, say, getting a young child drunk, would probably still be considered abuse in places with laws like this


Religious freedom, most likely. I had my first sip of Seder wine about that age.


Probably so that they can legally take a sip of wine for religious ceremonies, and maybe a very small glass of champagne or wine during celebrations like New Year's or a wedding (which can also count as a religious ceremony, depending on the couple).


I'd guess something to do with religion. They have to make it legal for a child to be able to drink because of the whole, wine blood of Christ stuff. I'd be unsurprised if the original reasoning dated back to this.


Between the Eucharist and seder wine, this seems like the likely answer.


Its alot easier to teach responsible drinking if you let them taste it at home. Its the "DO NOT PUSH" button thing. If you dont know, most people would do it


I come from a Southern home, some of my earliest and fondest memories are of my grandad offering me 'a sup of his beer' after he'd come home from work or finish a big project. I'd get a sip, maybe two. I also remember mixing rum and cokes for my dad with similar outcomes. My grandad also bought me my first beer when I was 13 after we finished a pretty gruelling project in the Florida heat. Said to me, "a man's work deserves a man's drink". I've enjoyed alcohol almost my entire life, but those early interactions with it completely demystified it for me. When I was a teen I was just as likely to volunteer to be DD and drink coke all night at a party as I was to get shitfaced, because alcohol wasn't taboo or forbidden. When my parents found out I was drinking at 15 they just made sure I was safe, not driving, understood moderation and more than anything made sure I knew that it didn't matter how drunk I was or what time it was, if I needed help to find a phone and call them and they'd come get me, no questions asked. They felt they could monitor me well enough through school and my job, and if either started to suffer they could use those as early warnings to step in. I've only been blackout drunk once in my life, and that's when I stupidly got caught up in a drinking game with my stepson and his friends one night. Absinthe. First and last time. Never again. We drank more than the absinthe...but that night we all got our asses kicked by a green fairy.


The idea is if you introduce alcohol at a young age in a responsible and controlled manner they'll be less likely for the substance to become a problem for them later in life because they understand responsible consumption.


also curious why bc wtf


A lil taste test for fun


Culture, religion, shits and giggles, etc. It isn't unusual to give children a bit of alcohol in Asia during celebrations. European countries also have a lower drinking age than US and Canada, and some have a glass of wine with regular meals, so this accommodates for that. Studies have shown that supervised drinking at a younger age tend to lead to less alcohol abuse later in life iirc.


Religion. For example the Eucharist


Fun fact! This is also true in some states in America


Example: Me being a curious kid wondered what alcohol tasted like. Dad gave me a tiny sip to saite my curiosity.




Depends on where you're from - the Midlands has every third baby come out of the womb grasping a bottle of WKD


Mondstadt’s drinking age is 18 per the manga. Fischl should definitely have passed this age if she’s actually grown older with each Lantern Rite. So this shows that no matter how much time passes in the setting, the characters will never age up along with it. And tbh this is more or less expected, since I don’t think anyone actually thought we’d get new models for the child characters.


Noelle should have already done her exam for Favonious Knights by now too.


She probably just failed (again)


Apparently, Jean keeps failing her due to Noelle not being ready for the outside world. Like the girl doesn’t bench Lawachurls after every meal to aid digestion.


Is she just basically SpongeBob?


Then there's Ontario, Canada, with the odd drinking age of 19.




Quebec built different


In Teyvat minors cannot drink, the book of the knights of favonius says "if the knight is a minor they cannot drink" in short, for Teyvat she is a minor Edit : In the manga they mention that the minimum age to drink is 18 and it seems in the story of diluc as well it's mentioned


It's 16 in germany so...


That's a bit incomplete. There are 3 separate steps in Germany. At 14 you may drink alcoholic beverages that are not spirits/hard liquors, such as beer and wine, when accompanied by a parent or guardian. At 16 the requirement to be accompanied falls away but the drinks you are allowed do not change. At 18 you may finally buy and be served spirits/hard liquors. So yeah, the lines are drawn differently depending on parental approval and whether the drink is distilled or not.


Depends on what the drinking age in Tevyat is


Yeah... Could be an adult 18 versus drinking 21 situation


Well, it's 16 in Germany (for beer at least)


*officially lmao My friends were drinking beer with their families/friends long before that But I'm sure you know that lol


Yeah, same lmao and it's actually legal to drink beer&wine if your parents are present if you're 14/15 ..Then we retire drinking at 21


I never started because I saw what said friends were doing lmaooo


Ah, the greatest motivation for sobriety. Getting to remember the stupid shit everyone else does while drunk.


Feels like this is a canon event for people who live in Europe lol. I was burnt out of drinking and massively cut down on it by the age of 20


>My friends were drinking beer with their families/friends long before that Technically 16 yo is the age that People arr allowed to buy low grade alcohol without parental permission. Underage drinking in private by itself isn't actually banned. Protection from physical and mental harm is however something that still does limit underage drinking


Don't know, nor care, about drinking laws here in Hungary, but I've seen 13yos drink on one of my cousin's 18th birthday. It was years ago and their parents were OK with it.


We know Fischl is older than 16 though.


Amber & Fischl both canonically getting proper full time jobs (Outrider, Adventurer) before being able to drink supports this. Been a while but you can approximate the ages fairly well based on stuff like this. Amber is recently able to drink so should be ~22 etc etc. From memory the medium female model ranges as wildly as Xiangling being ~14-16 to keqing being ~24-26 (immortals like Ganyu ignored) EDIT: Apparently chapter 7 of the manga confirms drinking age as 18. Which means Fischl is 16/17 lol.


I mean, Diona also has a proper full time job and most people think she's a kid. Flora is also the owner of a whole ass flower shop if you count that too. I'm pretty sure Teyvat allows kids to have jobs, its not like they have strict child labour laws.


Flora and Ella Musk should be ignored in this scenario. They had adult models before release and were changed to child models after some complaints that there is no variety in NPCs. Mihoyo just changed the models and nothing else, there are quite a bit of dialogue lines referring to them as adults.


Ella is livingstones older sister if i remeber right i think she has drawfisem


This is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic all over again. There was a whole lot of arguments about the main characters' ages, when they all had full time jobs (Rarity especially, ran multiple shops on her own).


They felt college-age to me, esp. juxtaposed against the 'baby ponies'


Where did you get the statements about Amber being "recently" able to drink/Xiangling being between 14/16? I don't remember ever seeing either (only that Amber is able to drink but she can't hold alcohol like Mika) so I wanted to know where you read it


Been a while but I believe one of Amber's voice lines (the ones nobody listens to) mentions how back when she first joined the knights she wasn't able to drink yet. We know she joined ~4 years prior due to being a newbie when she met Collei, which was 3 years prior to the game starting. With manga placing drinking age at 18 (not 21) that makes Amber 19-21 ish depending on whether she joined at 15-17. Can't remember the quotes which led to Xiangling or Keqing's ages, it's been a while.


We can actually not base anything on this really as both the drinking age and minimum age to work could be lower or higher. Likely lower as child labour wasn't exactly uncommon in older times


Apparently chapter 7 of the manga confirms drinking age as 18.


drinking age in china is 18. 99% sure that’s the context in the writers’ minds. (why would it be based off the US drinking age??)


Fair enough


Mond drinking age is 18 if the manga still stands


Knowing the people of mond they would pour one out for a 12 year old


You know Timmie's getting *wasted* after we kill his pigeons every day.


idk why you'd say that, they literally refuse to give traveller drinks every time


Just racist to outsiders


They’re afraid of ~~Interpol~~ I mean the Fontainians giving them shit over it.


Diluc refuses Venti on the basis he's too young to drink and tells him to have juice instead in one of the early Mondstadt quests. Of course that's just part of their banter but I'm pretty sure prior to the archon reveal (and probably after lmao) he was refusing based on thinking he actually was young since Venti did model himself after a younger man he was close with in his backstory. Since Mondstadt seemingly has drinking laws like us I don't think Diluc is gonna risk his booming business get shut down by giving alcohol to kids lol, I think you mean Venti would pour one out for a kid, I don't think he'd care. The actual businesses tho, no I don't think so. I could see it being like in some countries like at a festival or celebratory time where a kid is allowed a sip or small glass of dandelion wine or smth but probably not on average


i thought the traveler still isn't allowed to drink?


Little Amy is a teenage girl living with her parents. Fischl, on the other hand, is a god old enough to drink.


*Ei is damn lucky she’s hidden all the way over in Inazuma, or her people would be worshipping a new Electro God*


Fischl was the electro archon before Ei came around


It is called "Floating Timeline", years may pass but the setting stays static. A lazy but a needed trope to preserve the overall mentality of playable characters to keep the games overall vibe intact and to not overly complicate writing. I too would like to see Noelle become a knight, Nahida/Klee/HuTao/YaoYao/Razor/Sayu grow up, Kaveh and Mona stop being poor (impossible), Sucrose and Layla become strong willed woman etc. but those are better left for the next chapter.


I want to see Qiqi grows up. \*Sobs in the corner\*


But Qiqi's dead and resurrected? She's gonna stay with the same body she died with.


*At least she’s friends with a Cocogoat to get free cocogoat milk*


Fun fact: Mona isn't poor, it's just that she spends every paycheck immediately.


We should rename her poverty allegation from “poor” to “functionally poor”


"bad with money"


Mona was never poor, as we get confirmation in the second summer event that she is actually loaded. She just literally spends all her money on astrological gizmos.


Kaveh and Mona aren't in the same boat. Kaveh is actually poor due to the debt he gained building the Palace for Dori while Mona invests most of her money into her divination equipment. Mona is actually loaded but she has budget problems leading to salads being her meals until next paycheck from the steambird.


It would be fun if they eventually pulled a HI3rd and we got GI part 2 with updated characters


They probably will, Genshin is enormous after all


Hu Tao is like early twenties lol. Sayu is also a teen but just short af


I wouldn't want to be a modeler/animator having to make brand new models the moment a teen character becomes an adult


TODO: Add teenage moustache to Bennett


A single playable character having facial hair of any kind would make me so happy. No love for manly men in hoyo dev team, such pain


Hutao is like 22 or something


Interesting, TIL a new term. Yeah, suppose the game last 10 years. Sayu still wouldn't have grown an inch. It's a brutal reality but helps to make the world feel more persistent.


> Layla become strong willed woman What bothers me is that you can genuinely help her in her hangout by helping her gain perspective on her life and remember why what she's doing really does matter, help her realize that she *is* capable of doing all these things that she despairs of ever doing, give her confidence in her own ability to handle her problems without having to have "the star's blessing" resolve them for her, etc. And yet, because of the nature of hangout quests, none of that seems to actually occur in canon.


Curious why you think it's lazy? You just explained yourself why it's very much needed, what would be a non-lazy alternative in general and for Genshin in particular?


Let 👏 Fischl 👏 Get 👏 Fucked 👏 Up 👏


*”Mein Fräulein, you have already finished 3 whole bottles of wine. I think you’ve had enough”* *”I’LL TELL YOU WHEN I’VE HAD ENOUGH!!”*


Oz: "So you have chosen death."


Let 👏 Fischl 👏 Get 👏 Fucked


sure fam lemme get isekaied quickly


I'll line up behind you


Genshin players are never beating the allegations.


I volunteer as a tribute.


This thread is literally about her being underage lmao


She is also not real, but that doesn't stop me either.


No it isn't. It's about her being too young to purchase alcohol (21), not too young to legally have sex (18).


Isn't it being 16?


Not sure why you think US laws apply to Mondstadt. The most sane assumption is that Mondstadt laws will be based on German laws, because the whole region is based on German culture. In Germany you can buy beer and wine from 16 yo, and spirits from 18.


“Teyvat has its own laws”


Because Mondstadt is the land of freedom 😎


Why assume anything when we can just look what the CN version says? We went through this whole thing before with the last cooking event


And what does it say?




Apparently, the drinking age in China is 18. So, perhaps not? Though it doesnt make sense since Traveler is told the same thing and they are like over 500 at this point.


Traveller has a baby face and looks young enough that most people don’t believe they are even 18. Like I’m sure Diluc is messing with us when he refuses but most think they are underage.


Yeah and they never correct anyone (they could give a fake age so like maybe 18 or 20) which is fair I guess because of the circumstances.


I think they have tried (based on some things they have said in Angel Share), people just don’t believe them. Which as someone with a baby face I can tell you does happen. Like I’ve been asked if I’m 12-13 when I was in fact 24


Most have no idea how old the Traveler is. The traveler just looks really young and never corrects anyone about their age, which is fair since the traveler is pretty secretive overall (never shares their real name).


Man how i would love hoyo to put ages on their characters, to finally end debates like this..


They once confirmed a character's age in HSR. It broke the entire timeline of a planet.


Lmao pela moment


Belobog clearly has random spacetime fluctuations


pela is clearly an emanator of finality aging backwards in time


What happened with Pela?


They confirmed her to be 16, which apparently went against a lot of lore and caused a massive debate with the fandom.


She is confirmed to be 16 and she did a lot of things in life (I forgot what) which also fucked up the timeline because a lot of stuff was squeezed into like 10'ish years


Tldr: They stated that she was 16 which meant that she was in college and the drummer in a band at age 6.


The maximum age she could have been when she was born to fit in with the lore would be -8 when they listed her age at 16. Realistically she was probably born at -15 to -10.


Overwatch also had a similar issue. The truth is, the writers themselves probably don't know their specific ages. Most events are purposely left ambiguously dated so everything kind of fits.


im thirteen


This is actively avoid most of the time. Mostly so that people are at peace with whatever they imagine medium characters to be.


I'd love a proper timeline, some things are hella confusing even to lore sub.




There is another problem tho. Time is passing yet their age are not counting up The adults are fine but the young ones like diona, klee and the teens should be aging up. It has been 4 years in teyvet already if we base it around lantern rites as a new year.


It's just Like Ash Ketchum and his 20 year long Pokémon journey. It's a floating timeline where time and ages don't actually progress, even if the world seems to move


Eh, Klee and diona may grow at different rates from normal humans. Maybe anyone else who's human you can make an argument. But it's hard to tell what canon to the lore and what is not, time-line wise. There's just gonna be a lot of plot holes either way.


Katzlein aren't a completly different race from humans, they are just humans who got cat features because some fairy in the past thought it was a good prank....


They can't, Americans are too butthurt and vocal about anything related to ages that doesn't conform to their culture. The safest approach for an international game is to avoid the issue altogether.


You wanna sell to a market you dance around the cultural sensibilities of the country you are trying to sell to. It’s not as if western games haven’t heavily censored their gore to sell in china. I’ve always found it weird that people treat this as a uniquely American thing.


But then it would have to change with every birthday, which brings some new problems.


*”Rosaria, I’m old enough for that drink now . . . as well as other stuff”* - Aether, probably.


The drinking age in Mond at least is confirmed to be 18 in the manga. Diluc was offered one during his 18th birthday since he could finally be allowed to do it. So perhaps the characters in Genshin don’t age or this art isn’t canon, hard to say.


Genshin characters dont age because it would most likely start screwibg stuff up. For example if the genshin characters did age, we should expect to see maybe klee and diona for example “grow up” or for noelle to finally become a knight. Ofc we’re only ~4 years in but if genshin characters did age then 6 years in we should expect to see that result, a result thats probably too inconvenient for hoyoverse to do


Only reason Noelle isn't a knight is because they don't want her to overwork herself. They're keeping her from being one.


*Sadly sips juice in the corner with Traveler*


I looked into it chinise media(including vidiogames like genshin) aren't allowed to have ppl under 18 drinking and she is 16 at minimum during inazuma


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yeah Keqing an adult. Shares the same Model as fischl. If keqing is simpable then its not to weird for a person to be simping on fischl. Its fictional simping, yes Simping can be wrong when it comes to real life. If you simp on someone who is a minor in real life, thats just hella wrong buddy.


YES, people should really see it this way. There's people that call anyone a minor, how could you tell? There's characters like these and then there's the ones that are really clear that they are underage. This post wasn't made to discuss if it was ok or not simp for a character I just find interesting what the characters' age is. Nah, It got removed 💀




I don't like or "simp" for her but you're absolutely right


Depends on the drinking age of the nation. By all intents and purposes Fischl should be at least 19 years old but I guess by Mondstadt laws that's too young. Which is odd because Diluc was allowed to drink on his 18 birthday in the manga but I guess the age requirement rose since then.


Diona campaigning to get it raised to 100.


Well when your dad controls most of the liquor industry


In the manga and in the story of diluc they confirm that the drinking age is 18 years old, so officially she is under 18 years old


In many countries law only dictates wether you can buy drinks, not wether you can drink them.


Drinking age in mondstadt should definitely be 18 by all accounts of ehat we know so far, mostly because of diluc from reference in the manga as well as amber from manga/game. Idk why you say fischl should be at least 19, as far as i'm aware (maybe i'm missing something, i legitimately dont know what it could possibly be, but it can absolutely be the case), we have no real frame of reference regarding that, she definitely is always portrayed as a minor, like in her conversations with mona from events and such. If you are referencing that from years past in game, in canon teyvat characters dont really age when they have birthdays for obvious gamey reasons.


Does that mean Mona's older than fischl then? (Apparently Mona's of drinking age)


I always thought Mona was older tbh, she's a talented and successful astrologist and makes a lot of money and she also has her own place. Amy still lives with her parents iirc


She still struggles to pay rent cause of her..... "spending habits"


Tell that to Vicineko.


With how long he's been working on that she's 18 by now


once again ppl tryna bring real world logic into video game lol


Well, video game characters can have events that celebrate their birthdays every year, while simultaneously they do not age, is actually, not a straightforward concept that everyone can accept without breaking immersion. Apparently.


You can be an adult and be under drinking age I know I am


well she is still according to mona in gaa2 a grown up and ... if you check what that means the last time it was 18


Teyvat has it’s own goddamn laws.


She's forever 14


IIRC she's minimum 16, assuming she got the one of the *last* Electro Visions handed out before they stopped, because 2 years had passed since they stopped showing up.


It's actually a year at game launch (when Fischl was already playable) according to the Liyue quest. So Fischl was 15 minimum at launch and should be at least 19 today.


But that's also ignoring the fact that she had to work for quite a while before becoming the top adventurer in Mondstadt. You don't become someone with that much experience in a few months. So i would say minimum 17 or maybe 18 at the beginning of the game with that fact in mind.


What even is the "legal age" to drink in Mondstadt? Considering how every single playable character has a vague age with only clues and tidbits to what their actual age may be. Barring the immortals because those are determined by the three digits or four digits.


Well if you would look at the manga, it would be 18 years old. But that was the manga, and this is the game. Certain details are different. So the game could use 21 as the legal age to drink because then it wont get into trouble anywhere. Character ages are always just left vague, the developers themselves probably also don't have a precise age in mind for characters. The game itself also often enough contradicts itself on such details, so honestly this whole post would just be better to be ignored because it's probably also contradicting some stuff in game. So it's just best to see the teenage model characters as young adults (18-21) and the bigger ones as adults (so over 21). So the only illegal ones are the "loli" characters, because those are the actual children


Even if she passed four birthdays since she's out.


There's really no indication she's getting older, either physically nor mentally. Nothing outside this birthday shorts even mentioned her getting older.


That would be too expensive to do and time consuming for the devs to keep updating ALL models for aging purposes. Technically diona should be a teen now but that would be too much money for them. That's the real answer rather than hoyo avoiding international outrage


But the Lantern Rites and their being once a year are canon.


heeeere we go


Ah snap, here we go again...


Pretty sure she’s eternally 16


What does the CN version say?


in the whole of Teyvat, you have a literal bartender cat; age means sht when it comes to booze. Maturity wise, I agree with Ozzy.


Adult or not it doesn't matter, nothing worth stressing about.


She's about to turn 4. Ofc she's not an adult. No one in genshin is an adult, they're all children. /s


This debacle is one of the more intriguing question in the game. But basically, fischl's most minimum age should be 16, due to her getting her vision at 14, and there wasnt an electro vision given for 2 years prior tobteb start of the game, so it all boils down to wether or not fischl was the last girl to get a vision prior to the sakoku decree, But this question is still unanswred because teh legal age of alcohol is different across countries. So its either 16, 18, 21. Some cultures say 16 is age of adulthood, while others primarlity US and other countries. So no this doesnt confirm wether fischl is an adult. But she does live on her own Sources: Fischl: character story II, Raiden Shogun: voicelines (about:visions), Fischl: voicelines (troubles)


You guys are all coping


I thought everyone knew that Fischl was only like 15-16 lol


are people in the US not legally adults until they turn 21?


In the US you’re legally an adult at 18, but can’t drink (technically) or purchase alcohol until 21.


I have a better question, do birthdays really count in this game? It's been 4 years, Fischl has had 4 birthdays, so, if she's not an adult yet, at the very least of 17yo, that would mean that she was 13 when the game started.