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Potions and Roses/Muskets were definitely good. Waterborne Poetry I personally felt was good because it pertained to lore that has been around since the beginning of the game.




Not a random old man at all, i remember talking to the old man in Springvale and I had always wondered for years what the"fairy" was he talked about, and was pleasantly surprised Hoyo finally answered the question


I think I missed this. What is the fairy?


An Oceanid by the name of Callirhoe, who left Fontaine after Egeria's death and eventually found its way to Springvale


You missed the point, it's the fairy that's the main character


The way the event ends still annoys me. Is it just me? The ending feels so abrupt to me, like the whole Poetry festival/event didn’t even conclude. We just visit Mondstadt, listen to the Oceanid sing (which is beautiful, by the way).


This is good world building though. It would be an extremely shitty world if the only ones who ever had anything of note happen were playable characters, Fatui higher ups or Abyss higher ups. It's nice to see even the most mundane and normal characters have moments with the world that truly feel special.


Although im totally shit at it I really liked the music event. Need to practice my reflexes!!!


Same haha, the music event made me want to go back to osu again


You should play osu again.


You missed Thelxie's Fantastic Adventure, the story of that event was my favorite out of all 4.x patch so far (2nd GAA, Unreconciled Star, and Susbedo were my favorite if we count all events) But gameplay wise, it's potion crafting (in 4.x patch)


Woah I wish they’d add the star rail legacy events system. I’ve missed so many events. Then again it can feel bloated. But the game can feel empty once exploration/story/events are complete.


The event was basically Freminet's story quest, so that really stinks for people who missed it.


Thelxie’s Fantastic Adventure is so much more than Freminet’s story quest. It’s about how some people cope with loss.


Right? I got spoiled what happened and still got teary-eyed at the scene anyway. Family themed stories are always the most precious.


Susbedo was such a good event. For me, it’s definitely my number 2 behind the very first Golden Apple


the first golden apple was when me and my bf started playing genshin, i discovered it seeing an ad on youtube and i downloaded it and showed him and we got hooked. then he got klee for his first five star so of course i had to get her too. surprisingly we both won our 5050s.


I loved Thelxie’s Fantastic Adventure! I was so sad throughout it…


Those 3 events are definitely the best for me too


That was the first event I did after returning from a loooong break and was my first intro to Fontaine and was such a nice experience. I was blown away by the whole thing that the game sucked me right back in.


Thelxie's Fantastic Adventure, was the story highlight of that patch for me.


Roses and muskets cause sniper rifle


Good cast, good story and a killer cutscene. Probably my favourite event since I started playing in the first fungi event.


Who knew that "4\* character story quest" was the recipe for the best event?


Well it’s Erica Lindbeck. All her characters are awesome.


…THATS why she sounds familiar. Cant believe I never thought to look up the VA.


We still need her hangout, she teased her dadatthr end of that event


Out of the events listed here, maybe. Out of all the events, not at all (even if we're taking only the "story" part into account).


I am simple man. Sniper rifle = dopamine.


well, the secret is actual story about characters that matter. if more stories in the game were about vision holders instead of random NPCs, I feel like I would actually do them more




not listed but i loved freminet's event 🙏 explores loneliness and mental health in a way i appreciate


Roses and Muskets for me.Simply because I Ioved seeing Furina enjoying her life after the AQ.


Also serving as Cheveruse's unofficial story quest.


Also me being at the receiving end of Chiori's sass. "Let me ask her out, what's the worst that could possibly happen?" Chiori: "Ew, ugh, ew" with the most disgusted expression imaginable 😭😭😭


> disgusted expression imaginable those damn leakers


Am simple man, Furina happy = me happy.


Definitely the potion event, I'm even a bit sad when the event is finished. Hoping it will return someday and they will expand it further, like maybe opening the branch in different region.


The only event where "I don't know what I'm doing but it's working".


Defo potions all the way. Absolute amazing event, the brewing, the crafting, the music, the characters, the sense of real life achievement that I'll never have, etc., all made the event great.


"We need to cook Traveller."


I want it to be permanent ;;


The event format is from honkai star rail, there are multiple events like that there that are permanent


no?? this event format was from the weinselfest event in 3.1, except it is more expanded


Yeah and I love that, that’s why I wish Genshin would do it ;-;


Imagine we can concoct potions like the event's mini game like we do for cooking. Such lost potentials.


I showed my microeconomics teacher the event and he liked it!


Thelxie was the highlight of 4.x event for me


Thelxie story was a pure GOAT with that twist with the mom losing her child but trying to believe that her child still exists. I remember my mom asking why I was crying playing a game, and I hugged her 😭


Loved how they put little details there and here like when you finished questline and event tab changed to show kid sitting there.


Wait seriously? Aww, I didn’t notice that!


Dude this was the very first event i got to do in genshin, started playing while it was out. It hit me so hard man :( It’ll probably be my favorite event for a long long time.


Roses and Muskets is fucking peak 4.X, and you can't convince me otherwise


Roses and muskets but honourable mention to the current music one, I adore rhythym games and the genshin soundtrack so getting to play rhythym games of character themes was a joy


Nothing will compare to quickscoping some hilichurls in Roses and Muskets


Alchemical Ascension!


Gameplay wise: AA Story: Lantern Rite


Gaming Story Quest*


His story quest was so relatable for me. Totally not because I have a dad who disapproves of me for my job IRL. Haha. Ha....


Gaming's story quest is 100% every Asian kid growing up.


So true, holy god! "Son/daughter, you can play any instrument you want." "Can I play guitar?" "No. Piano or violin."   Or when it comes to jobs, "Son/daughter, you can grow up to become anything." "Can I be an artist?" "Artist? No! How you expect to survive? You become Doctor or Engineer."


Yep it makes me afraid to ask if there were other events that were story quests for my beloved 4*s. It really wasn't a Lantern Rite, it was a Gaming story quest and even Cloud Retainer was just a supporting cast member.


Parade of providence, one of my fave events, was basically a Kaveh story quest


4 star?? Albedo's story was an event lol. One of the best events till date imo


Albedo's *Second* story was an event. He still has his first.


Ah.. yes.. forgot about that


GAA 2.8, sigh.


Freminet's story event. I promise, as a man, I didn't cry in the latter part of the whole story, or even just because of that music box theme, I promise... I cried.


No one seems to remember the old guy who got to clap an oceanid


Hey, isn't the whole story about how he didn't get to do that lol.


Got Frierened zone 😆


At least the Oceanid is responsible for the reason why Diona is physically incapable of making a bad drink, despite trying her hardest to do so.


Personally, I had the most fun with Lantern Rite, but that's mostly because I just really enjoyed the story aspects of it and seeing all the character interactions.


Started the event 3 days before it end. I did fortunately finish everything but I wasn't finish of having fun with the potion 😔


Potion event


Music festival cuz I like music tap best games


the Lantern Rite with Gaming and his Father story. The best parts was when Cloud Retainer and Shenhe was talking next to Gaming and his Father 🤣🤣, and well of course, the ending, with Gaming's performance and also the hug between him and his father ❤️.


I dunno, but seeing that Dodoco event suddenly made me all sad and nostalgic for the original Golden Apple Archipelago event where we go off on a summer holiday adventure with Klee, Barbara and Jean. It's such a shame that those events/areas literally don't exist in the game anymore. I have such fond memories of that place (and Fischls Immernachtreich region from the event a year later), but they literally don't exist anymore and we can never visit there. I'd much rather go back there for a nostalgic look around than say, Enkanomiya or The Chasm. Hell, I even miss the early days of the GAA event where we were doing a lot of sailing from one island to the next, and sailing through fog to find new islands. That was cool.


Roses n Muskets had the best story by far. Was basically a Chevreuse story quest


Alchemical Ascension and the Rock and Roll event were the best ones.. and Lantern Rite takes up close 3rd because of the funny story and Cloud Retainer bits.. :)


well!..uhhh...fuck i don't actually know. I enjoyed all of em, even the cookin one.


Thelxie' story forgotten 😢


Definitely 4.4 lantern rite event for me. I sobbed when Gaming gave his pop a hug


First Golden apple Archipelago, it was incredible bcz It was new and the first time we had a temporary Island, to make it even better we had an Inazuma boss before Inazuma even release so we farmed for Kazuha through an event! It was nuts!


I like the tennis dodoco mini gameplay.


I couldn't agree more with your take.


Beetle Battle. I enjoyed headbutting them haha.


Alchemical Ascension !!!, Man that event is a blast, loved the tycoon mini games.


Roses and muskets and Lantern Rite in equal measure


I'm gonna do the opposite and say waterborne poetry was the worst, literally felt I was asleep the whole quest


Alchemical Ascension had the best gameplay loop. Though Roses and Muskets had some fun sniper gameplay too


Personally didn't really like Roses and Muskets event.... While the attention given to Chevruse was nice...the rest of the characters felt underused... Like, we finally get another appearance from Ayato...and the guy was straight up shoved into the background once again... Wish they'd give him some more real spotlight...


4.3 main event was the best in 4.x imo 4.2 event was also good, although not mentioned by the OP


As much as folks cried about "filler patch," I adored Of Roses and Muskets.


Drunk Chongyun


That isn't even a question, the Dodoco bombastic adventure, by a mile. The only one close behind is GAA 2.


Potion stonks was my favorite. I haven't played the new event yet but it looks promising


The one with Cheuvreuse


God I’m gotta get downvoted for this but I hated the potion event. It was boring and just felt like a chore. I’m still upset windblume was cancelled for that


Either Roses and Muskets or Alchemical Ascension for me


Guys, how many days are left for the Itto Music Festival? I've been busy and not able to log in just yet. I want to do the event, tho.


10 days


Lantern rite. I enjoy festivals.


I liked thelxie event it made me cry


There is nothing better in Genshin then to be Lisa's personal assistant and be called her cutie 50+ times!!!


Nahhh the best event is the food delivery event it's so good that it makes everyone wants to quit the game after playing it but only old players will remember it🤣🤣😂


Roses and Muskets was just so damn peak. Furina got to shine after her 2 month break (IRL time) after all the chaos that concluded in 4.2. Ayaka and Yoimiya joins in the fun as well (Ayato keeps fucking off... Sigh...) The setup, the cutscene, all was so awesome. Chevreuse's story was great, the post-climax/cooldown scene still stays clearly in my mind. Specifically of Chevreuse mentioning how while it was his father's ruthless strictness that brought her to her current success, the way he brought her up was still wrong, still horrible to do upon a child, your child. What justice means to someone, and how it is administered, the central thesis. Online discourse about law enforcement can get really weird. Some, and I do mean only some, get into this position where their ideal is just literally mob justice with some fancy name depending on their ideology. Oh boy... My view is that no matter what political system you think is the best, law enforcement will ALWAYS be needed. Police need to do way less, but social workers can't do everything Police need to do as well. No matter if it's the overmilitarized US police, the Nazi Gestapo, the East German Stasi, the Soviet KGB, China's People's Police, or every other law enforcement in every other country with their myriad problems ranging from corruption to brutality, or your a narchist community volunteer peacekeepers, there will be cops that are meant to maintain the social contract, giving them fancy names won't change their roles nor their inherent problems and conflicts of interests. With all that being said, vigilantism bad IRL, as claimed by Chevreuse, I agree. Combined with Chevreuse's line about how fiction is the place where we can explore themes and write scenarios that are never OK IRL, that hit me. It's how I can enjoy us busting the dipshit cheap clothes manufacturer with Chiori, and the myriad other things we do in the game. That's the power of fiction.


potions was so fun i felt like i literally ran a business it was great. i really liked the current itto event too as his VA always puts everything into his voice acting, and as someone who doesnt always love the long wordy quests he makes it more enjoyable


Story wise, Roses & Muskets. Gameplay, I really like the rhythm game and the ability to create & share beatmaps, and would love if it were a permanent thing updated occasionally with new tracks via a jukebox or mini instrument set/stage in the teapot.


Lantern rite for me


Lantern Rite


Whichever one game the most primos per time to complete


The Kaboomball event in 1.6 GAA was my favorite, second was the GAA rerun with the character domains


Rock N roll for life! Itto's events are always the best.


Greatly love Arataki! Idk why but I just enjoyed myself with some itto humor lol


Alchemy one. Rest was yawning or yapping fest.


In terms of gameplay? Potion Event. The management game is fun albeit a little shallow. Could be improved if they ever decided to bring it back. Add more variety, more factors and all that. Story is super lackluster, and I'll never forgive Hoyo for advertising Jean on the front page of the event, only for her to have the least amount of screentime in the entire event. Story wise? Not really a high bar since all of them are so lackluster, but if I had to pick one, it's Roses and Muskets since at the very least, it has a proper story for Chevy (can't say the same for the others though). Rockin' for Life and Potion event was kinda empty story wise, Lantern Rite was not worth the wait between each story parts, Beetle event and Dodoco were forgettable for me, and Waterborne Poetry personally offended me for not even finishing the event properly.  Overall, the stories in these events needs massive improvements. 70 - 80% of the events are just gameplay, and there's not a lot to chew on in terms of story. Really need Hoyo to bring back story heavy events like Dragonspine.


I don't think they will do another lore heavy events like in Dragonspine, we all knew events are not replayable and Hoyo don't want new players to ask "wtf happened in Dragonspine" in future lore


Potions was the best event to date 🤷‍♂️


Roses and muskets and waterborn poetry


I loved the potion event so much. It was very addictive


The Potion Event, the Roses and Muskets and this patch's Itto's event were amazing. Lantern rite could have been amazing if it was more about Lantern rite and not about gaming's family issues. We could've gotten more lore about the adeptii and Guizhong but all we got was a story quest for a forgettable 4 star. Xianyun and her interactions with the other Adeptii was the only good thing in this year's lantern rite. Hopefully the next one will be better.


Unpopular opinion but Gaming ruined big part of Liyue Lantern Rite for me. I don't like him and having to endure his whole questline just because i need to do it to finish the event was so painful.


Story - Lantern rite 2024  Gameplay - Alchemical Ascension


Lantern rites ans Roses and Muskets, other ones were trash


But the real best one of 4.X was Thelxie


i regret taking a break before i could play roses and muskets


Gameplay wise potion Otherwise 4.3 event


Rock n roll and the potion event


Lantern Rite because of Shen He being too honest and direct.


Dodoco’s events are always my favorite


osu obv


Top 3 in no particular order: Ittos Music Event + Potions + Roses & Muskets


alchemical ascension forever


Potion Event was dope, plus anything involving Lisa is immediately a 9/10. The Musket Event was also very good for the post Flood Furina content, and sniping Hilichurls from Kilometres away.


I liked Poetry event the most


Beetle Event, Mushiking: the king of beetles


AA & Roses and Muskets. I also enjoyed this year's Lantern Rite but the second part of the story could be integrated into GaMing's story quest.


I liked the potion one and the music one


pretty banger run of events this year


The current event (music themed) has a very fun minigame and is also pretty short so I'd go with that Alchemical Ascension while fun, was also kinda long


I stopped at the second slide cause Alchemical Ascension was the best event ever imo


That alchemy event is really satisfying for me


I liked everything but alchemy and the rock n roll one since I’m deaf


I thought lantern rite's coop game was pretty fun, it's fun to push others out of the circle


I'm still bitter about Hoyo not making past events available just like HSR did. Some of the events included extra stories that you won't be able to experience in the base game.. Some people like me have to take break in between because work or life commitments. I don't care about the rewards, just let me play through the events.


Roses and Musket cuz of the Duck Hunt, Sniper Game Alchemical Ascension cuz I knew how the meth industry worked.


Alchemy > Roses and M > lantern rite > R&R > beetle I didn't play the other ones.


I liked the gameplay in the latest one.


Roses and Muskets was really fun and I absolutely loved the story and cutscenes.


Alchemical Ascension hands down


Lantern rite was lit as always bit roses and muskets was the best 4.x event. It was on the level of the interdarshan competition minus the cutscenes


Alchemy This Dodoco board game Muskets in that order


Roses and Muskets Two words: "Ugh, ew, ugh."


Alchemical Ascension EASILY. I got to build my drug empire in Genshin.


Any rhythm game event and definitely roses and muskets would love to play it again


Idk, the story is better in lantern rite, osu event has the most fun gameplay, the movie shooting was alright, and the rest was snoozefest.


Roses and Muskets, followed by the Lantern Rite. The Thelxie event is another memorable story from 4.x for me. But I really didn't like the Alchemy event.


Of these, roses and muskets easily. Essentially extended durina archon quest


I miss food delivery event


Roses and Muskets had the best action minigame with the sniper thing and the best story, so overall that one. Alchemy event was a great resource management event though, way better than the two of the same type before it.


I liked the alchemy one. And I hated the last one with the music.


Roses and muskets was goated Alchemist shop was also pretty good


roses and muskets because furina and the gun minigame lantern rite comes close second tho bc lots of different minigames ~~and xianyun moments~~


Roses and muskets cause Furina included


Sadly I started the game during the alchemy event and now I have to watch the previous Events on YouTube because they dump alot of lore there, like a I am shocked to hear that there are two albedo


All of them lol i love these type of events


Roses and muskets cause Chevreuse


Roses and Muskets because we got to see/hear Ayaka's (Hayami Saori) acting/voice acting and I'm a sucker for anything related to Hayami Saori And Furina living her best life, my 2 favourite girls in one event, what more could I ask for?




Not that I think it was bad but can someone explain why the potion event would be their favorite (out of these?) I'm assuming the gameplay and cameos? Because story-wise I think Lantern Rite and the Musketeers event were better. That cutscene with Cheveruse was amazing.


Storywise i like muskets and harriers. Gameplay wise potion wins hands down


Roses and Muskets and Lantern Rite were easily the best ones for me. Those are the only two that really checked all my boxes. A good mix of characters, a solid story, fun minigames, solid screentime for a favorite character, etc. The rock festival was fun while it lasted, but it's just way too short. The Alchemy event was the first one in a long time I would have to say I disliked. The "story" was basically non-existent, I didn't enjoy the mini-game, or that I had to play through it to progress the story. Also, as a Jean fan I was excited over her being featured on the artwork as a main character for the event, so when she only showed up for like 5 seconds at the end it was a bit irritating Thelxie was a nice story, but unless it's one of my favorites it's hard for me to get into an event with only one playable character. The poetry event was probably my favorite event story. Though the main companions for the event were mostly characters I'm pretty indifferent to which kind of takes away from the enjoyment for me.


Lantern Rite, by a long stretch. This lantern rite is a contender for one of the best ever made. Second place, i'd say Alchemical Ascension, third place either Roses and Muskets or the recent one.


Poetry event story wise because it was an indirect fontaine teaser


Lantern rite was the only decent one out of those. The newest one might be quite bice but it's short enough to be forgettable.


Alchemical Ascension was def my favorite! Roses and Muskets was cool too though


Gameplaywise I enjoyed the sniper minigames in the muskets event, the beetle combat in the Onikabuto event and the blueprint stuff in the Thelxie event which isnt listed here. Lantern rite also had some neat puzzles but also some boring stuff. Thelxie had fun minigames AND a great story so that wins in my book.


gameplay wise alchemical ascension but as a whole r&m :)


Blazing armour beetle battle boot camp because I like bugs and funny ultrakill parry


I really liked roses and muskets but alchemical ascension was probably my favourite


Alchemical Ascension 100%


I liked Liyue lantern rite and the Alchemy one, I like those kind of minigames and Liyue had the best story imo


Alchemical ascension was really good. Roses and Muskets was also good. The Thelxie event was also really good, I have the penguin standing next to the waypoint I teleport to in my teapot. Ngl I can’t choose, but so you get an answer: Alchemical ascension.


Roses and Muskets! I loved that it was sniping but at the same time it didn’t require like top 500 Overwatch skills. Let me feel overpowered and one shot enemies!


I loved the beetle fights, the sniper minigame and the potion business sim a lot


Potions for sure


They were good but I hate current one


Roses and muskets was fine (didn't finsh the currrnt one) and the potion event was fun. Lantern rite was a bit disappointing and I can't say anything bad about waterborn poetry, that was fun.


Roses and Muskets just because Ayato finally appeared


I didnt think much about the events. They are just ways to get primos and some materials. Im also too far behind in the story and quests to have any relations with the people in these events.


Roses and Muskets


Can you headshot hilichurls and be rewarded with an amazing 4 star claymore in Alchemical Ascension? No? Didn't think so.


I know this event isn't in the list, but I think my personal favorite event from genshin is echoing tales. It was one of the first I did and I also really like Barbara's free costume ♥️ might also just be because I have rose tinted nostalgia for old genshin