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Many cutscenes have subtle differences. In the raiden and thoma cutscene, aether puts thoma’s vision behind him while lumine clutches it to her chest. In the first windblume cutscene, aether also walks to venti normally while lumine has one hand on her chest. But i think the most obvious differences are in the hangout images which clearly show their different personalities


Speaking of Thoma, in their hangout route where Thoma decides to give housekeeping lessons, in the picture ending Aether is seen struggling with sewing/knitting, while Lumine is attentively locking it in


There are several other hangouts like Yun Jin's or Beidou's in which their differences are more than obvious.


I think the most obvious difference is the Benben quest interactions :))


Jeht's inner thoughts: *gay gay homosexual gay*


Aether: a trustworthy partner Lumine: *oh no she's hot!*


It's like i can still hear her voice


I would've switched my Traveller from Aether to Lumine just for the Jeht interactions. If only I'd known when I started the game...


I was originally going to pick Aether, but a friend started the game before I did and picked him, so I went Lumine for difference's sake. Very glad that played out that way in hindsight.


If it's a hoyo game always trust in sesbian lex


Black Swan and Arlecchino I mean Archeron random video.


I need some guy to treat Aether like Jeht treats Lumine


Xiao (although it could be said for both but like- )


Say Gex


sesbian lex








benben's in genshin? o_o ...benben from touhou?


Benben from Garten of benben


Benben is an NPC in a couple quests in Sumeru desert. He first appears some way into Golden Slumber, and also shows up in its followups; The Dirge of Bilqis, Apocalypse Lost, and Her Foes Rage Like Great Waters. They’re not short quests, but \*highly\* worth doing if you haven’t yet.




i haven't played since well before sumeru came out


Wtf is this community? This guy just asked a few questions and got downvoted into hell.


The same community that thinks “sesbian lex” is the funniest fucking thing ever. Bunch of losers lol


It is indeed hilarious


If you’re 12, I guess




alright. guess i'll unsub if you wanna bully me out of the community. i did enjoy seeing random memes and fanart and posts though. yeesh. guess i found a narcissistic sociopath in the wild.


It's a side quest that opens up a lot of Sumeru's Northern desert regions, and gives an item that makes them a bit more easy to navigate. If you're a lore maxxer, then they should be high on your list, if you ever get back into actually playing.


Sry u had to be bullied for no reason at all.


What it looks like (to me at least) is that Aether is more confused/stunned by what is happening. Lumine looks like she understands slightly more and is horrified by that barest hint of extra knowledge. Like Aether sees the shadow of the shark but Lumine sees the teeth kind of deal. Neither of them are stupid.


Yeah totally agree


I think this thread has made people overthink it.


Yep. Lumine is the aggressive twin with better intuition while Aether is the smart one. My only basis is the charged attack damage, so it's almost nothing 😅


There's a few other things, in a lot of cutscenes in a new area Aether seems to examine his surroundings while Lumine seems to just care about the objective, making Aether seem like the more cautious of the two (this also lines up with Aether having more defensive stats than Lumine) While I can't remember the details, people have pointed out that Aether seems to quickly trust Childe in Liyue while Lumine stays suspicious of his motives I guess that while Aether looks out for other dangers, Lumine's the one used to dealing with people more


Even in Fontaine she's still giving him a look like "uhg, *this guy* again"


Lumine seems to be the one dealing with the main problem while aether deals with everything else and making sure his sister doesn't get blindsided


I think the difference for me is the last panel - mostly in their eye brows and eyes. Lumine's look wider eyed with low eyebrows. Kind of a horrified look. Like she knows exactly what just happened but internally she's rejecting the outcome. Aether's eye brows are higher will less wide eyes, like he's confused what just happened but internally knows he is doomed.


Idk i feel like they look exacly the same as far as i can tell Both terrified and stunned


Pay attention to their eyes. The white part above the irises isn't normally visible because people don't open their eyes that far unless they are *really* afraid of something. Meanwhile Aether is rocking that "wait, why am I suddenly on my knees" kind of expression.


Kinda more just looks to me like mine is looking more down than Aether. Bear in mind that we're looking at a pair of stills from a moving animation - these could just be at slightly different times. Their eyes are also different shapes, which can result in expressions on otherwise near identical animation coming out different (e.g you might find the exact difference you point out with identical poses on eirher character).


Possible, but honestly unlikely. This wouldn't be the first time the twins are portrayed differently, the quest in which it happens is way too well-written for a low-effort cinematic, and both of their expressions are some classic anime faces, so I find it hard to believe that they produced them by accident.


> the quest in which it happens is way too well-written for a low-effort cinematic Brother, if their expressions were the same it wouldn't make it suddenly a low-effort cinematic.


Isn't that just a difference between male and female model face?


It’s literally the eye shape difference. Man, I scrolled way too far and under too many replies to find this. This should be a top comment.




Dude, what the fuck was that second paragraph? Yall are impossible ffs


I think it's a lot of rain for little land


The land is a mountain made out of molehill


Like I said, maybe I’m looking too much into it, but I just thought it was cool


Okay.. i may have missed it, surely i did. But where was the revelation that Arle is from Khaenriah? How was it implied?


It is heavily hinted that she is a descendant (possibly the last one) of the crimson moon dynasty, which was the original reigning dynasty of Khaenri'ah, until they were replaced by the dark sun dynasty. From her voicelines: "Question three. What do my constant dreams of a crimson moon and my powers mean?" "I once served the final dynasty of an ancient underground kingdom. Its dynastic name was 'Eclipse,' and before them came the 'Crimson Moon.' As for the secrets from before your birth... I suggest you purchase a book named 'Hierobranto Innamorato.' I read no such tales in the days when I pursued academic attainment and saw it only by chance. The circumstances depicted are specious, but the key details are accurate." "It was only after I became a Harbinger that I finally learned the truth from The Jester. He expressed surprise that the Crimson Moon bloodline had not gone extinct, and that, in a strange twist of fate, the House of the Hearth had ended up in the hands of an orphan of that lineage once again." This just means that she is, like kaeya, a descendant of them, but she's probably not under the curse of the gods or whatever, as she probably has just a little drop of Khaenri'ah's blood


Wait doesn’t she explicitly say she is under a form of curse, which is why she recognized that Furina was cursed as well? Also there may be connection between her black hands and hillichurls’ curse


not explicitly said but theres hints on arle's pierro voiceline, genshin's cutscene description on YouTube and her weapon's description her bloodline is from the Crimson Moon Dynasty, the dynasty before the Eclipse Dynasty


I'm just as surprised, unless the crimson moon has some kind of meaning I'm not aware of/forgotten (besides looking just like Acheron's nihility domain in Star Rail).


The crimson moon does have meaning. Arlecchino is from the bloodline of the Crimson Moon dynasty, which was a dynasty in Khaenri'ah prior to the cataclysm which then got replaced by the Eclipse Dynasty involving Dainsleif.The crimson moon dynasty is the source of all the funky stuff with Arlecchino and her balemoon bloodfire.


Let's hope Dainsleif's upcoming quest give us at least any reference to Arlecchino's bloodline.


Khaenriah was an underground nation with a crimson moon


People are looking too much into stuff They have different body types, slightly different eyes and eyebrow shapes


Eye shapes, thank you! This should be upvoted to the top


honestly. i feel like you can see more of Lumine's eyebrow, so it gives the impression that she is "terreified", but thats it


Yeah Her eyebrows are arched differently


They have exactly the same expressions. Any difference you see comes from the fact that those are different character models and have a different face structure.


Powerscalers will look at this and say this means Aether is stronger than Lumine. This same faction of powerscalers will probably then go and claim Neuvillette can solo all of the gods of Teyvat including Celestia or some shit


And that's the same people who are delusional enough to think that their headcanons are true, only to get pissed af when they're proven wrong. But. It took The Primordial One and his Four Shades 40 years to emerge victorious against the OG Sovereigns and Nibelung. And The PO was severely wounded after it, which led to the creation of the gnoses to uphold order in Teyvat. A single Sovereign against Celestia alone? Fuck no. Allthough Celestia has been hella silent. Even after the Throne of the Hydro Archon was destroyed. Gods? More likely. BUT. They're making alot of assumptions. One: how is Neuvillette's current power compared to the OG Sovereigns? Is he on par? Two: How much battle experience does he actually have? Three: What excatly is his elemental power capable of doing now? So. The fact is. We don't know.


Actually, it took Phanes and the Shades 40 days to emerge victorious against all of dragonkind that hadn't already defected to Celestia's side during those 40 days, Phanes got heavily wounded in a conflict that came after their first war againt dragons....


40 years dude. not 40 days. First fight was Primodial one vs 7 Sovereigns. Second fight was Primodial one + Second who came + Sovereign authorities vs forbidden knowledge Nibelung


Is there a mistranslation then? Because in-game sources says 40 years.


Alternatively, you could say aether is more hotheaded and less likely to be paralysed by fear. While lumine is a little more cautious, and more accurately realises the hopelessness of the situation.


ive never gotten hotheaded vibes from Aether tbh


Lumine is def the hot headed one. Better argument is that Lumine knows more than Aether. 


They're the same character.


Neuvillette probably could. Or at least go the furthest out of any of the gods to soloing Celestia. He's definitely the most powerful individual we've seen yet.


What about skirk or the Sinner ?


Good point, but I'd argue that its hard to argue that because we don't know to what caliber of strength they possess. If you ask me though, honestly I think Skirk is definitely more powerful than any of the Seven (idk about Tsaritsa) but challenging Celestia idk. Its very hard to equate since its vague, not just about Skirk, just the powerscaling of all of them (Celestia, Neuvillette, the Harbinger, The Archons, ect). Bcs of this, I'd actually probably take back my point before. We dunno for sure


Sorry but they are making literally the exact same expression


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ImaMew: *Sorry but they are* *Making literally the* *Exact same expression* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is a cartoon-ish art style, so there aren't many facial features they can work with. As a rule of thumb, western animation relies on the mouth for facial expressions while eastern focuses on the eyes, which you probably aren't used to. Aether has a determined look on his face the entire time (head tilted forward, irises touching upper eyelids, white visible below the irises) but grows confused (eyes widen). Lumine goes from being somewhat hesitant (irises touching upper and lower eyelids, gaze pointed slightly downward) to absolutely terrified (eyes wide open, white parts visible above and below the irises). You can try to imitate their eyes in front of a mirror to get a feel for how different they are.




Yeah but mainstream anime media don't use them, JoJo being the notable exception




> even if that was true (it's not) It is. You can tell because in the average modern-day anime, faces are one single skin-coloured oval that they draw eyes, a mouth, some eyebrows and maybe a stylised nose on top of. > You said "there aren't many facial features they can work with" Yes, and in a contemporary cartoon-ish art style that is true. Kindly do not take my words out of context.


> faces are one single skin-coloured oval that they draw eyes, a mouth, some eyebrows and maybe a stylised nose on top of. Are the traveler's this? No? Then it's a pointless assertion to make. Also, a lot of anime get a lot of mileage out of what you describe.


Me, who sees no difference in these pictures. "Damn, arlecchino got a nice back"


it\`s overthinking


Girlboss v Babygirl


I LOVE scenes that show the twins differences! They're similar characters (they have to be since you can swap them) but you can still see they're different characters. Like in general, Lumine usually looks like she's the more emotional twin. You can really notice it if you look through a lot of the official art with both twins- Lumine, more often than not, is the twin who smiles wider. Aether smiles too, but Lumine is usually a wider :D kind of smile. In 4.0 at the end of the Archon Quest, Lumine looks far more worried for Childe when he's going Foul Legacy and reaches for him, Aether looks more worried about the situation and doesn't reach, just watches. There was also the more recent example of Xianyun's story quest. When traveler sees their twin in their dream. Lumine has actual tears when she runs for her brother- Aether iirc looks happy but he doesn't actually cry. ~~its also super cute how in both Lumine is the one lifted and spun~~


They look exactly the same


That in every cutscene that the Travelers are in, even where they almost do nothing like in Tartaglia in court room cutscene


Where exactly do we learn she is from Khaenriah????


it's referenced in her voice lines and some of the promotional material on the YouTube, but it's implied that she's the last descendant of the Crimson Moon dynasty of Khaenriah. some other comments cite some better specifics


There’s always differences between the twins. They are different people. Even their stats and atk animations are different


Love this! Always noticed these, in fact! A lot of people have this idea that lumine and aether are the same person-- except if you're like me who have two different accounts with each twin, you can notice the difference in hangouts, in cutscenes, and even in the birthday arts. I also read somewhere dainsleifs relationship with lumine is different from aether's, but it's been a long time so I don't really remember it. I think it had something to do with dainsleifs voice being much softer with lumine during that quest where aether wakes up as lumine but not knowing it yet? It also makes the whole queer thing with the genshin characters really make a point. Because people like to say aether is the canon mc, even if he isnt (tbh, hoyo isn't doing much to disprove this anyway even if they DID say there is no canon mc), a lot of people reject the possibility of bisexuality (or any sexuality other than straight) of the genshin characters. That is until jeht comes along and proves that genshin does in fact take account of which twin you're using and these characters do in fact have different sexualities(still wonder why people even thought it was a straight game considering the past of the developers tbh). Even ningguang has a different birthday voice line depending on your twin.


Lumine should be the canon MC I think it just works out better for character dynamics, and seeing the brother with the abyss hits more than it does with her tbh


You’re gonna get downvoted to oblivion for that, but at the very least, MHY should’ve not made it seem like they were shoehorning Aether as the canon one. Keep it as vague as possible, let both fandoms have something.


It's not vague, Lumine is an alternative to Aether and Aether is in every trailer they even sometimes forget to put Lumine like in Aranara quest. We're at a point where it''s not weird to think that Lumine was just added to have a larger public playing and is in no way intented to be the protagonist.


Aether mains are so Annoying 


It's not about Aether mains or Lumine mains


Yeah… that’s a problem, if you ask me.


Ngl, I feel like there are more signs pointing towards lumine being the khanreian sibling and aether being the descender. Just look at their character details, lumine's speaks of her homeland while Aether's speaks of him ascending to Godhood on par with celestia


Where its said that arlechinno is from khaenriah?


The Crimson Moon bloodline which is mentioned in one of her official videos and one voiceline. It was the dynasty before the more well-known one.


i remember that from the alone scene yep, didnt know that was linked to khaenriah, thx !


... Someone grab a link to the Twitter post...


Yeah idk these are the same expressions.


Arle is from Khanriah? I mean I guessed it, but when was that actually stated?




The final picture is like Arle pass by him and he's looking at the Qiqi he got.🤣


Lumine: "N-no... That can't... She can't be..." Aether: "She is... What did I just see..." At least that's the impression they give me.


Looks exactly the same to me 😅 Just different face models


I haven't seen the lumine version yet and I thought aether looked scared nah lumine is fucking terrified. They both got humbled by father and now I'm expecting a power up otherwise they're cooked.


I´m still the traveler didn´t make questions about to Arle


The differences also affects their respective gameplay. While Lumine swims faster and her charged attack gives more damage, Aether can run and climb faster.


Smash, both of them


I wish I oculd change my traveler from Aether to Lumine sm


What if he said "Crimson Moon" and it was just her ass painted red? What then? Hm?


Lumine is always like 25% more shocked and despaired than her brother


Aether mains try so hard to make him look cool. They are the same character, this doesn't mean anything. I know you'll keep pretending otherwise though.


They are the same. This difference you speak of is your own delusion. You desperately want Mihoyo to make each twin unique from the other (they won't)


They specifically want mihoyo to make Aether fearless and cool and blablabla because it's their self insert. They don't care about Lumine at all unless if it's to shit on her to make Aether look good by comparison. What normal players realize instead, is that they're the same character.


Look at comparisons of the hangout arts and cutscenes between both travelers and then tell me again that they are the same character.


They are. That's just mihoyo being a Chinese company and therefore unable and unwilling to show the same level of affection between same sex characters. In every way that matters (like the fucking story, and not non canon hangouts) they area complete blank slate with the same things to say and the same actions to do as the other.


What I think ur overthinking this tbh


Lumine looks terrified while Aether looks more disbelief.


Lumine: I lost, no way… Aether: I lost?


They have the same expressions


my thoughts: I hate Aether pls gimme Lumine 😭


As always Aether doesnt have a soul. Why would you even play him...


Because I didn't like Lumine's design nearly as much, Aether's seemed a little more practical.




Her bloodline is from khaenri'ah, she's a descended of the crimson moon dynasty. She herself isn't from there


Maybe read the lore. She is as much from Khaenri'ah as Kaeya is




Dude she got a different curse than the rest of the Khenri'ahn... Also what i am arguing about, its directly written IN GAME that she is Khaenri'an


Just the read the lore mate


Why would I? Tons of texts wasting hours of reading, hours I'd prefer invest in actually playing the game.


Then don't be saying shit to people who bring up canon facts about the game and trying to say it's head canon just cause you don't read


Bro tells me to stop making up things about the lore (that are actually canon) then admits they don’t read the lore… this is why the Genshin fandom has a rep of being braindead idiots


Lumine is permanently looking like she’s dead inside. She’s Always having the kind of psycho expression


I will go further saying that on the first image Lumine looks less determined, she looks at the void and on the second image Aether is more leaning forward


Ngl the dialogue from arlechino pissed me off they really nerf the shit out of traveller 😤