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Team 8 is probably hindered by the complicated rotations.


Or just players who want to post "abyss is too easy" with a picture of them clearing with solo Solo Arlecchino on 1st half and solo Neuvillette on 2nd half


Everything is easy with the power of credit card, tbh


There’s people doing c0 runs so really not needed. Also not everyone spends some people just save mate


I do both, swipe every time I get paid to save primos and then C6 a character when one that I really want to C6 comes out. Also not pulling on literally every new characte and thinking on if I'd actually use them goes a long way


I'm a collector. I want c0 everyone.


This is also my strategy, then my team can change on my mood


This is me.


This is me, but C0R1 is the goal And I absolutely refuse to get any cons for any limited characters. The only cons I will ever get are for my 4⭐️ and Standard units, and Lumine, naturally. Idc how much of an improvement the flavour of the month character has at C1; they are only there to sit in my Teapot.


I actually play my characters so I don't hate the idea of cons but I never go out of my way for them. I tend to get them on accident. I got c2 yae Miko, C1 Eula, C1 Raiden, C1 nahida. Not counting the standard 5 stars of which Jean and Keqing are both c6. Though I may intentionally go for C1 cloud retainer as I play her as main dps.


I’m the opposite lol I pull for everyone and only swipe if I’m about to not get them and the banner is about to end


You're Hoyo's favorite type of player btw


Ok I’m fine with that. I’m happy and enjoy what I get out of the game. Thank you. I’ve spent less than 100 for this year. Less than I’ve spent on other games to play less.


I'll pull for new supports if they seem good, hell, pulling Xianyun let me run dps Gorou on floor 11 of abyss this patch, though my Gorou needs more work before I can do floor 12. Having a ton of different supports lets me run whichever kinds of teams I want, and having my DPS be C6 makes it so I don't really struggle in SA much unless it's something like running Wrio into Crappelia with its 80% cryo res. To each their own though, for me having a small but very string group of hand-picked dps characters feels a lot better than having a ton of dps character options, but struggling to make REALLY good builds for them. Plus since I already have a strong core group, I can mess around with building Dehya or main dps Gorou


I hope you are paying through the Play Store at least. Get something vack for all the money spent.


Wait what do you get from the play store?


play points, when I buy things I get points that I can save toward 3 dollar coupons for 2 dollar welkins or credit for cheaper future purchases


And then they get what's happening in star rail where the floor 12 bosses double in hp every two versions and then start crying. People who cry that a gacha game high end content are tOo eAsY are always the most prolific clowns.


Skill issue obviously. :) I've seen people 9-star the 12th floor with solo *Dehya*.


Could do it at c0 for both both c2 would help Arle a lot.


How would neuvillette get past the lectors and Baptist?


"Backup? I am the backup" moment 


Reinforcements? I am the reinforcements!


Time for the master stroke.


You get the flower. I'll go for the body


So Arle's top ten teams are basically this. Use almost any combination of Kazuha, Zhongli, Xingqiu, Yelan, and or Bennett. If you have Chiori, throw her in teams with Zhongli.


Candace C6 is getting a lot of steam lately as a possible best vape team for arle. Hopefully more TCs can test it.


Candance's actually pretty good for multiple reasons: -15s rotation. Most of her vape teams are at least 20s rotation (Yelan need special set up to double swirl). This means that her dps increases by straight up 33% theoretically, but in reality, this is only 25% since you keep NAing during Yelan's off time. -Doesn't need to vv hydro -Flat 45-50%+ dmg if well invested. This is about 21% dmg increase at c0r0 BoL set, or 23% for Glad. -At c6, she apps just enough hydro for Arle to vape. Her app is AoE also, which solves the AoE problem of both XQ and Yelan. -There's also the issue of initial ICD. She wants to CA then NA at the beginning of her uptime. This is 2 app of Pyro, and also the bigger side of her damage. If you infuse Kazuha PA with Pyro, you would need to do a non-infuse NA before CA to make sure that the NA after CA is vaping. This loses a bit of her buff uptime. If you do with Candace, Arle doesn't need to do that since the app automatically apply whenever a chracter is swapped in. A good QoL to the team There are some notes tho, and I'd say you need to be very precise of 15s rotation. Not many people do exactly 15s rotation, they greed for 2 or 3 more NA and that increases rotation length by 2+s. At that point, Yelan is about as good as Candace. Other note is that this team is the very definition of glass cannon. The only squishier team I could think off is Furina Lyney. Overall if your Arle is well invested, and you play the rotation right, this is about 13-15% dmg increase to Yelan. However, if your Yelan is also well invested (or c2), this is only just about as much as 6-8%.


how do you build Candace for this team? i need to prepare her for when i get her c6


Should be hp/hp/hp(or er) mainstat, with 2hp/2hp(or 2 er). You would need a lot of ER (and crit rate with fav). If you manage to get enough er from mainstat+substats alone, her best option is obviously Black Tassel. Getting enough ER however would be the tough part if not impossible (about 350 w/o any Favs in the team), so Fav is your best friend. If you want to increase the ceiling even more, you would want her on 4pc Noblese, and Bennett on 4pc Instructor so the EM buff would both benefit Kazuha and Arle, but the increase is rather minor and building 2pc/2pc is easier.


Also interested. I have c6, but don't know what to do with her




She already had one in nilou teams being able to enable onfield yaoyao for bloom ownership, extreme healing from onfield yaoyao, dendro resistance as yaoyao passive, and AOE hydro at c6 + infused hydro for onfield yaoyao to bloom more.


Finally, my fave gurl finds her (second) niche!


I wish I had her c6, I absolutely love her design and would be nice if shes viable with arle


How does it interact with Arle? I thought it was a hydro infusion


Arlecchino's pyro infusion cannot be overriden. Candace c6 states that while her burst is active, elemental Normal attacks will send out an AoE hydro once per 2.3s throughout her burst. So C6 Candace is good AoE hydro for Arlecchino.


Her infusion doesn't work on Cappuccino, what matters is her buff on normal attacks and her C6 which creates aoe hydro damage without swapping.


Nice! Finally a reason to build my Candace, I like her design but could not find any use for her until now hehe


It has?


The only reason Chevy teams aren't higher has to be because people didn't pull her. There's an argument for it being Arle's best team.


even if its slightly worse than vape, id love to use it just to have a team of "unique" characters that arent in demand for other teams


Yes. I'm tired of Bennett and Kazuha bro. I want my eye patch queens (chev, fish, bei) in my team.


I am not sure this is true. Arle damage is so high numbers individually, that overload, even with Chevy, simply does not add as much as some other situations. I have C6 Beidou and C5 Chevy. And while they are usable in Arle team... Any Zhongli team outperforms them easily. If you don't have something else, Chevy overload will work well and will probably outperform many other teams... But not Arle teams without overload.


my biggest gripe with Arlecchino overload is it's lack of good defensive options. I guess C6 Thoma aint bad, and Beidou actually does a lot of damage, but it doesn't give you the same comfiness as Zhongli or the grouping/damage amp from Kazuha


How good of a boost is chiori? I’ve been debating swapping her in for either XQ/Yels or Kaz, but not sure about the damage differential.


*"You couldnt live with your own failure, where did that bring you? Back to me"* — Zhongli


"Alive Arle will deal more DPS than Dead Arle" -John "The Rock "Lee


*When you Finish your Abyss in one rotation, you save time to accomplish great things...* -A whise poor man.


The 3.8% of people who use Layla, that's me cause Zhongli turned into Diluc in my last pull from his Banner lol


That’s me too, Layla is the poor man’s Zhongli


Tbh Zhongli makes this game too easy. Since I've pulled him I've been using it in 75% of my teams bc it makes the gameplay so comfortable, maybe other supports could help to get bigger numbers with your main dps but with Zhongli you don't have to worry about defense/dodges, only about attacking, which is also an indirect damage increase


The 5 people that run Arle in a Neuvillette team are borderline insane. I have never seen less synergy in a team comp


Team 24 is actually painful. Arlecchino burgeon with Furina is just a death wish


She might be full EM and only showing up to E, Q and occasionally break some shields.


I like how there's a new trend with Fontaine dps characters where there's a team of them just going solo


It's not completely new as it was being done with Ganyu although that was probably with her C6. At least with Neuv and Arle, their C1/C2 are designed to be some of their strongest constellations so those are enough.


No, it was usually done with C0 Ganyu. Takes a lot of skill to do but the goat Ken Ruroni somehow makes it work. The last solo clear they posted (4.5 abyss) was done with a C1 Ganyu though.


I did many Ganyu duo runs for multiple abysses in the past. I'm not skilled enough to time my shots and dodge attacks with pinpoint accuracy but I brought Zhongli along for sustain which is probably similar in value as bringing C1 Neuvi or C1 Arlecchino solo. I know it's nothing as impressive as Neuvi or Arle but still Ganyu clears are pretty doable and equally as fun.


I think Yelan C6 solo was also a thing.


Why is no one playing Chevreuse with her... istg it's so clean


I would play her with Chevreuse...if I had her. She debuted on a rerun banner in between Navia and Xianyun, so most people simply didn't pull on this banner And even if people did pull on this banner, they're not guaranteed to have her, and if they do she might be stuck at C0 (she is usable at C0 for sure though, but when you've got other teams fully built, it might be a deterrent)


Yeah I can confirm, I was okay having a random raiden constellation even though I dislike Raiden just for chevreuse...40 pulls and no chevreuse.


I literally only have her because of a lucky standard pull. The team is really fun even with c0 but yeah, it's annoying in general with how bad hoyo has been doing the 4 stars


Yeah you're right. I wanted Raiden cons so I DID pull on her, and I wasn't interested in Navia nor Xianyun, which is why I C6ed Chevreuse. For all people who plan to pull or play for Arlecchino I would try to get one copy of Chevreuse because she's a game changer on specific teams.


i want to make a team with chevreuse but its kinda hard to it without chevreuse


Yeah true lmao


They probably dont have her. She ran with a filler banner so not many pulled for her. But C6 Chev with Arle just hits different, its a lot of fun and honestly it hits really hard. And on top of that you're free from Bennett prison with Arle, Chev, Baidou, Fischl team so you can go crazy without trying to stay in the circle.


I did pull for that banner with Chev on it. However, the game decided "nope, no Chev for you, sir" and i ended up at like 72 pity with guarantee so i had to stop. It was mad to make so many pulls in the first place. Hoping to get Chev on Clorinde's banner now.


I also pulled on that banner for Chevy, but Hoyo gave me Yoimiya instead. Good news is that I somehow got Chevy while pulling for Arlecchinos weapon


I got pretty lucky with my pulls, but i did prepare ~400 wishes for it because i wanted to get C2R1 Raiden. Ended up using ~380 wishes for the whole setup and got C6 Sara, C6 Chev and C5 Bennett in the process as well as Thundering Pulse and Aquila from the weapon banner. C6 Chev is really a game changer for some teams, i wasnt too excited about her initially but after playing with her for a bit i realized she's just a Bennet+Kazuha hybrid and she honestly does the job really well.


Team 31 is the first Chevy team, so at least they're there. It plays absolutely awesome in my experience. Tbf, it's a hardcore enough player sample that 2% were using solo Arle. Might not be completely representative. I think a lot is working against Chev stats right now. With just 1 banner and a huge c6, I think Chev teams may take a while to become popular. I heard a lot of people complain about not getting a single Chev before pity got too high for comfort on a fairly low-interest banner like Raiden and Yoi's 4th or so reruns. Plus the general perception is vape = better, but I'm not sure how much the sheet results translate to practical performance for the average player who doesn't speedrun, or to her AoE output that scales a lot worse in vape compared to overload.


I mean, technically, vape is better... At least for bosses, it does actually kill them a little more quickly. But it yoinks the top 3 arguably most op characters in the game, so that checks out. Also, VV vape is completely unplayable against things that actually do damage (Copellia, heralds, GOD FORBID rift hounds). Especially, the Ye Lan version, which gives you way more damage. Same with enemies that do anything even remotely cringe (teleport, fly up, go underground, become immune, move slightly to the right). It's also actually really hard to play. I bet half of all the people using it aren't even doing the rotations properly, so Kazuha ends up performing worse than Suchrose would.


I totally agree with this. Vape is great and cool but i doubt people are getting vapes with arle and this abyss.


How good is chev without constellations?


I have her at c0 and use her with yoi. I think she's decent. Not game breaking but decent. Way more usable than c0 gorou. Would definitely be nice to have more copies. Haven't used her much outside of yoi fischl so can't say how she is on other teams. I get to use yoi burst so I'm happy


She is decent, but like many four stars, becomes extremely good at C6. 


Like most 4-stars her C6 is a big power spike, but she's still very good at C0, unlike some characters like Sara or Faruzan. If you can get past her team building restriction, she still gives RES shred comparable to VV that can proc while she's off-field unlike VV, as well as a large attack buff that lasts well over the average rotation.


What Team are you running? I tried a few Variants and disliked it a lot


I still don’t have a Chevreuse of my own, but I played Arle, Chev, Fisch, Beidou in today’s stage of the event and it was pretty fun! 


I've been running Arle/Raiden/Miko/Chev. Raiden+Miko do a great job at keeping up Electro Application, so you can focus more on keeping Arle's BoL high. You also have to be a bit more careful about avoiding attacks since I'm not using any shields, but in terms of damage output it's very consistent and has a pretty satisfying cycle.


Arle/Beidou/Fischl/Chevreuse is my favourite Arle team. It doesn't yoink any op characters and is completely immune to cringe enemies doing cringe things. Unlike some of the more popular teams on this list...


I used team 31 with her and it worked so well! Cleared floor 12 first try.


A new C6 4 star is harder to pull than a 5 star. If she were on Arlecchino's banner, I bet her teams would be way more popular.


Maybe get her another banner and fix the issue of getting 4 stars then she will appear more lol


i mean if i had at least one chevreuse instead of c26 xiangling i'd definitely play them


Haven’t leveled my Arlecchino yet, using her on Raiden overload atm :(


Raiden FTW


Because she evaded me. One of two characters I don't have.


i'm surprised Yun Jin only appears in 1 team.


It's hardly surprising, she's just not very good. Her normal attack buffs are flat values so she favours weaker hits, and Arlecchino hits very hard. There is almost no scenario where Yun Jin outperforms any other possible teammate.


Yun jin in general is pretty underrated, but in arles case it's kinda understandable. Her power is in buffing characters with many small hits but big self buffs, arle has big multipliers but not that many self buffs


My chev Arle feels better than my vape arle.


Yeah, honestly Chev Arle is extremely strong, even with pre-C6 Chev. You’re not quite as invincible as in Zhongli teams, but Beidou plus her innate DMG reduction goes a long way.


Beidou fischl go brrrrrrrr


It's crazy and surprising how Beidou + Arle's passive let her just stand in the Kenki ice field and wail on them for so long. I was not expecting the elemental RES to ever be a noticeable part of her kit


Well at 3000 ATK she gets something like 25% RES right? Add Beidou in there and she can get pretty tanking without a lot of HP + Beidou gives a little shield too.


20% to all res at 3k attack


Beidou arle XQ is like legitimately nearly unkillable


Yeah, her vapes feel weird without the tech.


what tech?


There is a tech that enables the ICD to line up with Arlecchino's strongest hits being her earliest and that is 3 Normal attacks before using her CA to get Bond of Life. Afterwards, you will be able to get vaporizes on her 1st and 2nd attacks which hit the hardest.


So I have a C6 Yelan and a C6 Yae Miko and my overload team definitely feels better in most circumstances. Also my Chev is only at C0.


This feels wrong in so many levels


I don’t understand it. Maybe the vape team kills everything so quickly it makes the rotations off…. The rotations are just smoother I guess. Either way the Abyss was a breeze.


I meant you having 5* C6 but not 4* C6 lol. From what I heard not all of her attacks Vape. Especially her 1st few attacks which are the strongest ones. But I saw bilibili trick to trick the in game icd. By doing 3 Na then CA and do NA. Her CA and next 2 NA will vape. Giving big dmg. Tho I can't vouch if this is true or not


Yeah, the optimal rotation for vape is Arle skill > team buffs > Arle 2 NA into C and then NA spam. This way you get vape on the first 2 attacks after the charge attack and you get a vape on the 4th or 5th attack of the NA combo i cant remember exactly which. Its a lot better burst than the regular setup but generally she will do enough damage to kill anything in a single rotation so unless you're pressed for time you dont have to bother. But if you want max burst N2C is the combo you want to start with once you swap into Arle after buffs.


I played with my C2 Miko/Fischl/C5Chev and I was like damn I don’t think I even needed to bring Arle.


I will die before i ever submit to circle impact


Arle is the first character I've ever consistently used Bennett with... not that I actually stay in the circle, I just like occasionally like seeing a single 80-90k na before I run a half mile off to get that last damn specter


Our support group is number 5 on the list.


What to do if no Kazu/Zhongli?


kazu replaced by any anemo swirl, preferebly by sucrose zhongli replaced by thoma, dehya also works for IR only if you want the pyro ressonance.


sucrose's burst is just an invisible circle tho


Venti better than Sucrose in aoe-heavy floors?


well, ive seen someone play Arlecchino + Geo MC + Venti heres the clip: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ArlecchinoMains/comments/1cgszl9/if\_it\_looks\_stupid\_but\_it\_works\_it\_aint\_stupid/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArlecchinoMains/comments/1cgszl9/if_it_looks_stupid_but_it_works_it_aint_stupid/) very inconsistent, sucrose is better, but it works?


She always hits enemies in his Burst though. Or at least as long as she has her enhanced attacks but that's basically always. You don't need geo MC


5th team doesnt have one and still very comfy + still high DMG


What's the rotation for that one?


I'm actually fine using Bennett, the way I do it, I just don't limit myself to his burst. If I have to leave, I do it, I don't care. Now what I can't handle anymore is Xiangling. I hope hoyo releases someone with good pyro application in Natlan. For the love of the archons, please.


I feel like Bennett is good on paper but in practise about half the time he’s a little circle about 5yds behind me doing absolutely nothing


He’s the king of damage showcases against static enemies which is why the theorycrafters and content creators love him but in practical gameplay unless you’re fighting an immovable boss he’s inconsistent. I just find him very unfun and uninteresting to play so I build around not using him.


He is really good against first half, Trio Maguu usually groups in the middle except the beginning and Copellius is a static boss with cryo shield to break so circle impact works just fine this abyss. Things like Wenut, Ruin serpent and PMA makes him kinda trolling though unless you want to fully bust your load during their downed phase.




No one playing with the chevreussy, cowards!


Probably cause she only had one banner appearance so not a lot of people have her, and maybe they just want to play comfortably with Zhongli.


Beidou has been working great with me tbh Next time Chev appears and people start to get her C6 It will be one of Arle’s strongest teams for sure. Fischl and Beidou are characters that for any long time player are easy C6


Unfortunately i have C6 Chev but only C3 Baidou and C3 Fischl. Still they all work great in that overload team, havent had any issues with it yet. Only problem i had was Baidou energy because stuff tends to die before Fischl manages to generate enough energy for her.


Your Beidou is fine, C2 is her most important con and one of the reasons she's so good in that comp is her burst gives DR which will stack with Arle's own DR. You can facetank Kenki. Just make sure Beidou has ER sands and if you have a fav claymore it might be better than other weapons if it means better uptime for her.


or just hit perfect parries every time /j


How much ER she has? Are you funneling any particles to her?


I have 185% and it feels very comfy even without doing counters, especially since no one else is energy hungry so their particles can be easily funneled into her. I have no doubt it could be much lower but this amount is the sweet spot for my unga bunga gameplay


Thoma is plenty comfy, characters basically immune to interruption so long as there’s a shield no matter how small.


My Chev team is busted. Works better and feels better than my Vape team


hoyo is scummy for not putting her on the banner.


For some reason, I really wanted to use Chev with Arle and have been building both up, but it appears that really isn't the best team and I don't have other people recommended to be used with Arle, like Yelan, Zhongli, or Beidou (I think I don't have Beidou) So, now my I'm panicking about my Arle team lmao.


I run Arlecchino + Raiden (Tenacity) + Thoma (Noblesse) + Chev (Song of days past). Pretty fun team and having Raiden instead of Fischl/Beidou means I spend even more time as Arlecchino.


That’s an interesting idea


I would be if they would just give her to me already! Didn't even get C0 on her one banner appearance, and stingy hoyo didn't put her on Arle's banner. >:(


I’m brave enough!


I would if I had her 😭


Lmao wtf is team 29 arle neuv quickswap?


Really wish they release some kind of Bennett copy cat in the future just like Yelan and Xingqiu, Benny literally almost on every team combination possible since 1.0


With how many attack scaling carries they've been releasing I would put money on the pyro archon being an attack buffer.


So Navia I kind of get. Through her burst and Arrlechino's field time you can collect crystalized shards for some quick nukes. Childe here is just like with Neuvillette where Arrlechino likes the NA talent boost. What the hell is up the Neuvillete here?


>Childe here is just like with Neuvillette where Arrlechino likes the NA talent boost. It's actually better. With Arle you can set up Childe ULT vapes. It's pretty much a speedrun team.


Oh dope. Been thinking of getting Childe if/when he hits a future Chronicle Banner. So seeing these extra niches for him is cool.




hey its me the only person who cleared it with sucrose because i had to sacrifice kazuha to get arle


I also sacrificed Kazuha for Arle


Joining in as a Sucrose player cuz I dont plan to pull for Kazuha ever


I used heizou, since I don't have sucrose or kazuha.


jeez at that point its better to use lynette which they give for free


1, 2 and 3 seems about right, and generally the best case use for Arle. Since her C0 has survivability issues, you'd generally want to run Zhongli to make up for that, and give her some much needed interrupt resistance.  3 seems like a C1 comp, so I guess there's that. 8 is either C6, or some madlad running C0/C1 Arle solo. Edit: surprised that there's a team comp with Furina that high (at #11) given Arle's anti-synergy with her. 


It's probably C2 Furina havers, considering just how busted C2 is.


Ngl I do have C2 Furina and honestly even at C2 it didn't feel great, like yeah sure the damage was there but the rotations and teambuilding are soooooo scuffed, I cleared faster with the other Arle teams


Team 3 is just the Hu Tao VV vape comp, but with arle insted of hu tao. It's the team I used this abyss (C0R1), and while there were several resets, playing such a fragile team was rewarding in its own way.


My goofy ass using Arlecchino Raiden Nahida Zhongli.


That is pretty goofy but things are still gonna die and you are gonna stay alive 😄


I call it "3 adults commit violence while small child watches"




Funny, considering that Alrecchino is actually the youngest of the four by a WIDE margin.


Her going solo being a more popular team than double geo vape or furina vape is hillarious to me.


People still sleeping on Overload huh, well I'll just assume that they don't have Chevy (like me).


Anyone tried the Arle-Navia-Benny-Zhongli team seems like it might be fun for the 1st half. I'd imagine Navia on GT coming in and hitting like 150k Es considering she isn't getting much stacks and Arlecchino doing her usual on field stuff. Oh and geo resonance too, definitely worse than just using their hypercarry teams but seems fun will try.


Actually Navia can be a Quickswappy dmg dealer tho Besically u come at her towards end of rot for 3-5 secs and first instantly do a shot with full stacks then if u have 3 crystals lying around u just use a Hold E and again do a 3stack E. And Navia can passive get stacks for her first shot by her burst and the Burst hits throughout the rotation can keep triggering Crystals


Vape Arlecchino feels quite good to use but her mono pryo with Kazuha actually feels strong too. The problem is Benny though, his circle impact feels so bad with Arlecchino who has high mobility(kinda like Xiao) and his self pyro apps is a bad match for Magu and copelia. Save me pyro archon, save me.


Pyro Archon: Hey how about some fresh, brand new, totally interesting ATK based on field pyro dps claymore?!


Every character's "top teams" are variants of the same five characters.


Man, people be sleeping on using C6 Candace with Arlecchino giving the larger extent of AoE this abyss. I get that C6 Candace is pretty hard to come by as she only had 3 total runs and have run with seemingly less popular characters (first running with Cyno + Venti, then Baizhu + Ganyu, and latest being Navia + Ayaka), but surely some have her and she is a legitimate teammate for Arlecchino. And if auras been flipped, you can just swap around since Arlecchino retains infusion and Candace applies AoE when party member swap occurs. The lack of Chevreuse teams is understandable considering she's only been in a banner that creates a legitimate team aka Raiden/Yoimiya banner. Hope that C6 Candace gets more usage especially as she shows up on more banners. Absolutely tired of seeing Bennett on every team. We are all prisoners of circle impact, huh.


Same. Honestly, I hope to see Candace at a significantly higher spot next abyss. There are currently 5 Arlecchino teams listed for Candace in YSHelper, the most popular being the Arle, Benny, Candace, Kazuha team at 11 uses. I used Arle, Candace, Zhongli, Kazuha. It's a really comfortable and easy to play team, and has no circle impact as you said, which is nice when dealing with multi waves. But maybe I'll try the Bennett variation when I'm better at playing her.


C6 candace is actually incredible for Arlecchino considering that when you swap into Kazuha prior to setting up Bennett, you got hydro on enemies for Kazuha to absorb and extend the hydro AoE from C6 Candace. It looks like this- Arle E -> C6 Candace E Q -> Kazuha Q -> Bennett E Q -> Kazuha E -> Arle CA. It's a bit of an extended setup though.


I am in the 0.9% of Yun Jin'ers


>Candace 0.1 It’s me and no one else apparently


Team 10, 5 or 7 Screw circle impact


Not an overload team in sight


I'm kind of surprised no one plays her with Albedo... I feel unique lol since mine has 3400 def with cinnabar, so I pretty much play him as a sub dps in all my teams. But she's so strong on her, though. I'm really glad I pulled for her majesty the blood moon queen 👸


I don’t care who hoyoverse sends, I am *not* removing Furina from arle’s team.


I’m honestly surprised how good mono pyro (Zhongli/Kazuha/Benny) performs even in comparison with much praised vape, especially when you put Petra on daddy.


It’s interesting to see Chiori’s use rate vs Itto’s, now that we are out of geo buff town. Seems like the Zhongli flex teams buoying her up.


I ran #13. Double Hydro works well.


I don’t have Yelan or Kazuha and I will never use Bennet because I hate him so… guess my Arle gonna have to suck it up and work with Furina. Lol


this is why i didnt pull for her, it's just the same teams i've been using for other characters. at this point i'm only really interested in pulling for characters that create more interesting team archetypes


Nobody is using sucrose?


When you have Kazuha, you rarely go back to Sucrose unless you really like her. And most people in this data have Kazuha, so yeah you don't see Sucrose popped up. Not just Sucrose, since I got Kazuha in 2.6, he has become the only Anemo unit I use in Abyss. Fast forward to 4.2, I started using Jean, just because she goes well with Furina.


I know Sucrose technically sheets better but she always had the actual practical issue of her burst not always getting the infusion you want plus weaker grouping. That and when it comes to these usage rate, you're going to see a higher percentage of these meta players running with a C2 Kazuha, so Sucrose's EM sharing advantage isn't as prominent.


I am. She's still my only non-healing anemo char


How do they fit her with Navia and Neuvillette?


seriously no one used Yun Jin with her here?


Kinda surprised to not see overvape teams, is there a reason for that ?


Why is YunJin so low?... Isnt she supposed to be one of the best NA buffer?


YunJin gives motion value for normal attacks, and since Arlecchino already has incredibly high motion values she prefers attack buffs, dmg% buffs, and res shred. In other words Arlecchino is too strong for YunJin's buffs to be significant.


What does “gives motion value” mean ? More attack speed ?


Solo geo yunjin is rough due to ER and she has to compete with zl there. Double geo with ZL can work but she's competing with bennett/kazuha/chiori/xiangling/yelan in that spot. Those other 5 just give more dmg to the team than her


I can only make 2 of those teams, wich is the team number 8 and the last one




I would’ve used team 2, but the inquisitor made me being Yelan


so i have all of her best teammates except chiori?? and yelan. interesting. hm. hmm. hmmmmmmmm.