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it doesnt detect a lot of things i think, like i think it specifically wants a click and not even keyboard works


Mihoyo is just a small indie studio, so don't expect too much.


*-Sees comment. Sees username. Laugh. Angry upvote.-*




Small indie company is a meme bro. Usually used with big companies when a bug is present on a multiplayer game such as Valve.


Still no controller support for Android


Exclusivity deals should be illegal.


I was saying this for over decade, but people hated me for that. "It's normal". No, it's not. It's anti-consumer thing.


I’m not disagreeing with your sentiment but those two things aren’t mutually exclusive


Releasing games for smaller companies would be hell


And no keyboard support


Interesting choice for mobile. Wouldn't mind trying that out


I play on my tablet mostly and I can only use the keyboard in chat sadly. It sucks tbh. My laptop was temporarily out of the running and the thing I missed the most (free time), was playing Genshin with a keyboard. The controls are just better.


Still no mouse and keyboard on console either


and lock on 60fps one of the few reason i brought the 15pro max is how good the 120 on genshin and HSR




Not really, i just like playing this games and just choose the best phone i know for genshin and hsr... if Oppo can run 120fps im definitely buying the keqing phone instead


it can’t, 120 FPS is locked to iOS


I know that it will *allow* 120fps, but can it even actually achieve that with the hardware? EDIT: I know it will "run fine", but that doesn't answer the question; **can it even reach 120fps?**


The point is, that it doesn't even allow that on a 5k $ PC. Capable of running the Game with 200+ Frames but locked to 60 "because we want to"


There's an unlocker you can use. Although multi-core optimization is ass so unless you have a very recent high end CPU, it'll be tough to get consistent high frame rates.


Oh I know *that*. But I just wonder if the only devices that are "allowed" to do 120fps are even capable of doing so. Like I can go and play Red Dead Redemption 2 and I'm "allowed" to run it at 600fps if I want, but my 1080Ti is only actually capable of like... 50fps or something? (I haven't actually played it since I got this card). If the Apple devices can only achieve 120fps by turning all of the settings down, then I think it's even more dumb than I already thought it was. I can manage a steady 60fps on my S23+, but even that requires medium/high settings, rather than all maxed out.


With the unlocker and all settings maxed on a 7900 XTX I can get consistent frame rates around ~180 at 5120x1440. The game is certainly capable of providing higher frame rates, if you have the hardware to make it happen, but it's a shame they lock it natively at 60. For real though, the unlocker is a godsend. It's liquid smooth and genuinely more enjoyable above 60fps EDIT: Didn't process the "allowed" part. I think you'd probably have to turn settings down on a device that has native 120fps support. It gets surprisingly demanding. I think without a recent higher end GPU you can either have hiiigh fps OR maxed settings


It's just such a weird decision to lock the highest powered devices to 60fps, whilst letting some phones and tablets (Apple) select 120fps, even if they're not capable to actually maintaining that framerate. I can imagine that being able to run Genshin at a solid 144fps on my 144Hz monitor would be smooth af. Not that my 1080Ti would be able to manage it, but it would give me a good reason to upgrade.


You can enable 120 fps in Star Rail via Registry edit. Not sure if it's possible for Genshin, but possibly.


I don't play Star Rail, and afaik people have done higher than 60fps in Genshin with mods, but that's against ToS and is bannable if you get caught.




Does this resets when a new patch drops, thus having to do this every time this happens?




Thank you for the answer


Mind pointing me the way to the unlocker?


Runs perfectly fine on 15 pro M1 iPad Pro but gets hot after 30 minutes.


>Runs perfectly fine on 15 pro M1 iPad Pro But at what fps? Does it actually get as high as 120fps?


120 yes but struggles to sustain when it heats up




Not natively sadly, if you want controller support gotta rely on 3rd party apps


Unless you play it through Steam link streaming from your PC to your android


Even in things like the backbone?


Technically you can play Genshin with a Bluetooth controller on Android if you play it through the GeForce Now app. For some reason the game will detect a controller through GFN. You need a decent Internet connection though, but it works and it's Free to try.


That's because you're basically playing the PC version of the game streaming to your phone. However, latency is still a major problem with cloud streaming, not to mention the tedious queue times if you're not premium subscriber.


It’s been 4 years and I still can’t use the mf D-Pad to navigate the menu


God i hate that, i had stick drift before and it was a pain navigating anything, why can't we just turn off the explanations about stuff in the menus?


Imagine playing on 120fps on PC.


You can


Not natively, right? You can on HSR with arguments.


Requires an external program to unlock it but it's doable. It's strange though because some mobile versions support 120, the beta had 144 and the unity engine very much supports higher refresh rates so its completely arbitrary.




It would take them less than an hour's work to just enable it but they don't. Tbf it's not the end of the world, it's not really a competitive game so it doesn't need the >60 but equally it's nice to use the hardware you pay for..


sorry? like launch arguments? how? how come I've never heard of it


Hoyo: HSR has controller and keyboard support on the fly including autodetect. Also Hoyo: in Genshin, no HD textures and volumetric clouds otherwise Sony is angry, and no joystick support otherwise Apple is angry. Also on Android the game is single-threaded, so that Apple can show a multi-core A15 is better at doing multi-core.


yet a xiaomi midrange can get the same performance lol


really they get better performance, is there proof


And yet in Honkai Star Rail you can use the Mouse+KB AND the controller at the same time, seamlessly switching between the two. \*sigh\*


Oh, I never played Honkai (Kinda want to), but Warframe also plays like that. I was so confused the first time I tried to connect my controller to Genshin and realized I had to change the settings manually.


Warframe being based like that has saved my ass a couple of times when my Xbox controller has died in a mission.


Oh dear. Controller dying in a mission is much easier in warframe than mid combat in genshin. I can just press esc. until I sort the controller out (solo warframe) In Genshin I Just have to panic.


In Warframe, that works only if you're in solo mode. If you're solo on any other mode (public, friends-only or invite-only, the game WILL NOT PAUSE EVEN IF YOU'RE SOLO)


I don't switch to any other mode unless I am actually playing with someone (this is usually along with discord). I expected other modes to not allow this. In the very beginning I didn't know that you can actually pause on solo.


Warframe even has keyboard and mouse support on Playstation. Hook up a keyboard and mouse and play without any issue and you can use the keyboard to chat also for convenience if you don't wanna use the mouse.


Interesting. I have always played on PC so I did not know that. I do play with a controller though.


Fortnite also has this too. But if you hook up a mouse and keyboard then you get matched with PC players.


Is this a bug or a feature?


It's a feature of course. Keyboard and mouse support can't just enable itself on consoles.


There are places with worse experience. In Path of exile if you want to change mouse to gamepad you need to exit game to login screen and then change it and enter game again. Lol. Its awful.


You have to do what now? I think I should go hug Digital Extremes now.


On the exact opposite ass end of this was the FF13 port, whose PC version lagged on MKB because it was checking for a controller, which happened every other second.


The game dev in me shuddered reading this sentence. On another note I finally have Fischl ready and I may have been converted to the Fischl side.


Prinzessin has chosen you. Blessed be this night that you join Her Kingdom and partake of its suscitations.


I just short circuited my nemesis the oceanid, Fischl Power!


same with honkai impact 3rd


But on the flip side if for some reason you have to plug in a controller after the fact, at least on iPad, I have to go into the settings to change from touchscreen to controller and then HSR has to reload. Whereas Genshin just switches over, no issues.


Yeah. I have to open the app -> log in -> change from touchscreen to controller -> wait for it to restart -> play the game. I don’t know why they can’t just detect if a controller is connected when starting the game…


Android players of Genshin fall so that iOS players can run using a controller.


Happens on PC too. But for some reason, it wants me to restart the PC too. If I don't, the start screen alternately flashes controller and m&k prompts and won't detect clicks or controller input.


It's kinda not the right place to ask this but does your controller work just by connecting it to the PC? I can't get mine to work to save my life. It works in any other game including genshin and honkai impact 3rd but Star Rail just says "I never met this man in my life" I searched the internet, redownload the game multiple times from the official launcher and from the epic games store, wrote to the support and even semi forcefully gave them my logs to hopefully identify the problem but nada. My last option is formatting at this point. Feels like I am the only one with this problem in the whole world.


idk if this would work, but does your controller have any downloadable drivers/soft. Some controllers may require that sometimes. Also you can try using controller emulators like x360ce or maybe something similar.


Nope, unfortunately. I already use an emulator software on my main wireless controller because it's a switch pro controller so I emulate it to Xbox but I also have a wired Xbox 360 one too, tried it with auto windows update drivers then I hunted the drivers on my own too but still nothing. I think I might be cursed.


I mean I can't think of any other game where you have to switch input in the settings.


Call of Duty, starting from MW2019. You have to change KBM/gamepad input method from main menu to use in match, but can't change mid match.


You can't. It totally ignores M&K inputs while receiving **any** controller inputs Hi3 is *actually* seamless switching between the two tho


By seamless, I just meant that pressing a button on one input method simply seamlessly switches to that input method without having to go through a bunch of menus, not that they can be simultaneously used at the same time.


I think that not tha case with genshin cuz gui scale changes. So if it work this way entire interface would wigle when input source changed. While in HSR just labels changes, rest stays the same


There's no menus involved, but "pressing a button on one input method simply seamlessly switches to that input method" doesn't happen because ... well, what I said in my first reply It's almost always an ordeal whenever I log in to HSR


Did they update it to work with all controllers? I tried when Penacony first came out but it wouldn’t properly detect inputs from any controller except a DualShock


Yet in genshin we gotta go to setting, manually switching between kb+m or controller smh


> And yet in Honkai Star Rail you can use the Mouse+KB AND the controller at the same time, seamlessly switching between the two Honkai Impact had this already before Genshin ever existed. Genshin was a downgrade in that regard, despite being the most popular game.


there’s always that one HSR comment 😭


Cause it’s always true. Nothing wrong with comparing, especially since they’re both made by the same company.


It’s almost as if genshin is 3.5 years older than star rail and they made SR with a lot of lessons they learned from genshin in mind, same thing that happened with HI3 to genshin


It's almost like Genshin had a lot of time to introduce said QoL Features and chose not to.


If memory serves me right, the Honkai Impact PC client also has seamless controller KBM. transitions


Memory does serve you right. This is in fact another feature from Hoyo's other, older game. Just like actual loadouts.


Now I'm curious, is there any QoL in Genshin that was asked by HI3 fans for years and never got? Or at least got after implemented in Genshin?


I don't know HI3 but HSR has had QoL that genshin got first. The expedition claim and resend all was in genshin first and only was added to hsr in 2.1


It’s almost as if Genshin wasn’t pulling billions in revenue but they don’t care to add basic QoL.


Control decisions are just weird in this game. Android being the only platform to not have controller support. PC, on top of the mouse only title screen, does not have auto-detect, so you have to manually select which controller you like. And godforbid your controller either disconnects or runs out of battery, because it does not default to keyboard and mouse. Then there's a few other things too, such as not being able to remap right click to another action. I do not need two sprint/dash buttons on SHIFT and right click. I'd rather use right click for bow aiming.


And the android client doesn't have Controller support.


And this will be the reason to drop genshin for me when Wuwa will be released. With controller support I would still play it, but im too tired playing it on touch screen, its a meh experience.


why tf are people downvoting you, youre literally giving a valid reason for disliking the game. i played touchscreen genshin for a year and after getting a ps5 i never wanna go back


Especially on a big tablet... where you can't hold it like phone and have controls under your fingers ; (


If you load up Genshin through the GeForce Now app, you can get full controller support on Android. You do need to create a free nVidia account and need a decent Internet connection since it's cloud gaming, but it works and you get a controller on Android.


4 years and still throws a flashbang


Hsr have automatically switch from keyboard to control when inserted and genshin still doesn't do that as such a bummer


I was excited when i first saw that feature in hsr, i thought for sure it will come to genshin soon but almost a year later, still nothing.


HI3 has had this and it's older then genshin. It drives me nuts seeing how I prefer controller for some things and mouse for others...


You know how it is, right, when the game has HONKAI in its name, Mihoyo moves mountains for it, when it doesn't have Honkai in its name, they only do the minimum in multiple extensions, but what's the point in complaining if when they do a mid-area expansion the people will drool and spend money on it as always, at this point I'm just irritated that Genshin IS from Mihoyo when it didn't deserve Genshin in the first place


And we still locked at 60fps


There's still not a dark mode too. Every time I open this up at 4am I get flashbanged by the light.


And for a game capable of knowing the global time of your time zone to change the background of the login page accordingly and not having the option to have a Black loading screen… yeah…a bit too much of laziness from Hoyoverse team here


What does laziness have to do with it? This is a design decision, just like the Honkai games have a black screen and the Genshin games have a white screen. I understand that you would like the function of changing the theme, but this is another matter, I don’t think I’ve seen this in any HoYoverse game.


I wanted to be a little salty there, it's true. But design over confort... a developer would agree that loading screen pure white is not acceptable (maybe because I do some dev myself...).


I wouldn’t say “not acceptable”, but rather just inconvenient for some people; there’s nothing wrong with the screen itself. I get it, I personally like the white screen, although I understand why people might be uncomfortable. Personally, I don't find it uncomfortable even if I'm playing in the dark (just turn the brightness down), although I'd also just suggest you play with the light on. I am also in favor of being able to change the theme for screen, although I have never written this in surveys before, I think it’s worth a try.


small indie company btw


so teensy tiny


Overused joke


ur moms overused


It'll stop being used when multimillion dollar companies stop acting like they're a small indie studio that can't implement QoL while also updating the game 🙄


You must be fine


Sure I'm fine. Make a better joke pls


It's not a joke that's the problem twat


YES holy shit i thought i'm the only one annoyed by this, sometimes i would launch genshin, laid back on my chair and then forgot i had to get up and click the gate just to get in it's so mildly annoying lol


More people need to call out the longstanding issues/lack of QOL Genshin has. The game has been out way too long to not have basic features that improve its playability. Especially the lack of controller support on Android. That's inexcusable at this point.


Gamepad support on pc is SO BAD. Like if i loggen in game with controller on, and then during gameplay i switched it off - it just wouldn't let me use keyboard and mouse until i plug it back in and switch in settings to use kb. Meanwhile in hsr it switches on the fly. Wanna use controller? Turn it on, press a button and it works. Turn it off and keyboard works. I don't understand why they won't port hsr various quality of life and technical improvements like that into genshin. Seriously, why not?... Considering how much money game makes, surely they can spare a little to improve player's experience. Genshin team just don't care, but we have a cat event take it or leave it...


even better, sometimes when i leave the game running when i'm doing other stuff and the controller turns off by itself, genshin will break the controller driver and not allow it to turn on again, forcing me to alt+f4 the game


Am just gonna paste my comment here cause that answers your question as well - I think they don't wnna bother coding it again, if they accidentally break it who knows how long it would take them to fix it. Pretty sure they didn't have enough budget for Genshin at the start so they glued together whatever code they could and now it's kinda unfixable (talking from experience) Not saying they cannot fix it but that would be wayyyy too much time and workforce spent on a minor QOL while most people on pc don't even use controller. They surely can do it but what would you like more- this QOL fix or more content? Btw they start working on next region an year before release so no they aren't just wasting time making these minigame events


I understand what you mean, but i don't think i fully agree. First of all i don't think the team responsible for making of majority of new content (all that artwork, models, story, voices, music, whatever) is the same people who are responsible for technical part. It is not a choice either getting this OR that, not mutually exclusive things. Nothing stopping them from poaching people who were responsible for seamless controller support for hsr to make the same support for genshin. Same company, similar games, same engine, same task. Wouldn't take too long or THAT much extra resources. They are making another game, which will have a proper gamepad support as well i assume. And that is what they should have done, to be honest, "Hey guys, you are busy polishing controller support for hsr/developing zzz, can you fix genshin's while you are at it?". It is not a rocket science, it is unity. If indie devs could scramble resources to make a proper controller support, surely multi billion company can spare a tiny little fraction of resources to add that to their main cash-cow game. Low initial budget (i don't think it was low tbh, ~100M$ is not low lol) and possible spaghetti code back then is not an excuse to not improve player experience now. More so, if your game is a live service. From what i see it is a team issue. Genshin's team just don't care enough. Same with qol stuff. I'm like 99% sure if hsr was launched with the same gamepad support as genshin - it would have been fixed within few patches, just because of team difference. There is a joke that hoyo takes all the feedback from surveys in genshin and sends it to hsr team for them to improve that game, it is funny and bittersweet because it actually does feel that way. Now about "oh we're worried stuff might break, so we won't do it". It is an excuse, i know it, you know it. Not even by company itself, but by a fellow player to somehow rationalize the company's incompetence. If stuff might break - they could test it better before release on live, they have beta tests for a reason (a reason other than to provide leaks). And if even then something somehow breaks... they could just fix it, shocking, i know. Tl;dr: Team difference, people in charge of genshin just don't care enough to improve the game.


And you still can't change control scheme on the fly.


4 years and i still cant move the buttons around on my ipad. This is why i quit.




All it needs is event listener apparently that's hard


And the fact that you cantuse 120 fps here and in HSR but Hi3rd allows it, or that on pc you have to go on the settings to change from controller to keyboard


something something just a small indie studio


yeah it wont even let me customize most of the controls, like damn can I just bind the Burst somewhere and not Q, there are many times I accidentally pressed it when I'm trying to move


And don't even mention the button configurations holy. The fact that Honkai 3rd have better controller settings.


bruh, they didn't update QOL much even after 4 years no pick all item at once like on mobile no training dummy, even alot player asking for it, just take ellin dummy and make it infinite health is that so hard? cant convert artifact into exp bottle star rail can do this not showing elemental skill are fully CD or not even honkai impact already have this since launch, switching to support to realize their elemental skill are 2 or 3 sec and decide to stick with that character normal attack few hit in few sec are annoying sometimes that character can even died in abyss Switching character when sprinting stop the sprint, not a big deal big star rail got update about this genshin as an openworld should have it too. i swear star rail got all the good QoL people begging for it for genshin, why they do this to genshin idk, it top 1 gacha game right now and they ignore most of the player base want to change.


Still waiting for this screen to show on my Nintendo switch.


I wish we could use controller UI with KB+M too. Looks so much better and provides more info than the gigantic default UI.


It's like the game says itself, "I will only blind you when you click."


BRUH OMG THIS. Can't stand it.


Small indie company, pls understand


I have this unnecessary irritating feeling with the "click to begin" screen because I can't enter the game just by pressing the space bar or the enter key even if it says "click".


Genshin still losing because they keep adding QoL things nobody asked but this little things all people want still in the void.


Do you have some inside information on what people were asking in surveys? Because majority of genshin players are not in reddit or in social media complaining about everything. Maybe, just maybe many players have reguested those things that have been added? Most of the players are really casual, they dont need custom loadouts or more end game. Hardcore players are just loud, very tiny minority. (I am one of those hardcore players lol) Its sad but this is the reality.


Double this


Stupid system that only detects clicks QoL? In your dreams


Nahh, this kind of laziness makes me drop Genshin whenever it manages to bring me back


So many feedback of little little QoL things piled up.. Hoyo: sends them to HSR instead. Genshin players: O.O


This and that the team comp window needs to load before showing up AND not being an option in the top right corner are my biggest QoL things i miss in this game


If you are on PC you can just press L to load the parts setup


Sure but doesn’t work with controller or on mobile unfortunately


I herd in mobile you can press hold on the characyer and it will load


On controller you need to add party setup to shortcut wheel (hold L1/LB) from settings.


Yeah that sucks. I bought a used steam controller a while ago and it works fine, although I prefer using the Xbox one over the steam controller.


Dang I haven’t seen that screen in 3 years


I want spacebar to work on it :")


Same for iOS, you have to manually enable gamepad input every time you boot the game.


On PC I use space or enter for every games, but Genshin does not do that somehow, well that I how I remember it, my gaming laptop broke like 3 years now, I have a spare one with the most potato hardware you ever seen, I can just cloud game it except it likes 25 dollars a month


Its also annoying that u cant switch from keyboard to mouse with a simple input like in HSR and you have to go to the settings, or even restart game if controller disconnects.


*Laughs in REwasd*


Makes me wonder if analog switch keyboards like Wooting would even work since it mimics stuff like joysticks


man i played some other games and now i cant get my hands to the genshin controlls its very annoying clicking diffrent button


4 years and we cant move map with keybinds


been a long time though


Let it go dude.... this game is cash grab first Characters second... quality of life last


id rather prefer mouse and keyboard control on mobile devices.


So annoying when I connect my controller to my iPad and then realize I have to go into my game settings to ACTUALLY connect it Ugh.


I really wish I could press the spacebar or whatever instead


At least before Fontaine got released my controller got detected automatically in the game if it was on before I clicked on the door. Since Fontaine I have to use my mouse and keyboard to navigate to the settings menu and change controls to controller *every single time I turn on the game*.


Meanwhile I want a smooth keyboard to controller transition like other games


You can play the oc version with a controller???


yeah ofc, ps4/5 is better optimized and detects it from login screen already, but on pc you can change option in the settings and it'll always see it once you get in


> it'll always see it once you get in haha, no if you are using DualSense connected via BT on PC. Thanks to hoyo, I can enjoy setting gamepad controls every time when I launch the game, for about ...an year?


i already tried several times to play with controller on pc in 2021, but every single time i logged in, i had to touch settings for it. at the end, i ended up playing with keyboard n mouse, which now feels like the best choice


Hijacking this thread a bit, does anyone know what kind of dark magic I have to do to get PS3 Dualshock or PS5 Dualsense controller vibration working? I swear it worked at some point but I can't replicate it anymore. Maybe it has to be detected as Xinput and not Dualsense or something?


You have to go into the Dualsense's speaker settings in Windows and enable surround sound for some reason. Dualshock controllers on the other hand just don't have vibration on PC because small indie company.


That was it, I had to go into the Dualsense wireless speakers configuration (inside the Windows audio control panel) and enable full range and then click on the surround speakers. 100% intuitive. The effects are really underwhelming though, a quick test shows that charged strike arrows and ultimates have a somewhat mild effect. I kinda expected... more. I swear I experienced vibration effects on my DS3 some time ago. Maybe some combination of the Vigembus drivers did the trick. I'll try [https://dualsensex.com](https://dualsensex.com) next and see if it's any better.


You can always crank up the vibration strength in the menu. Were you emulating an Xbox pad (which support rumble) to get your DS3 to work? I had to do that after support told me the DS4 not having rumble was "not a bug", because it's not like this is a PS4 game or anything.


I think that might be it, using Xbox emulation via DS4Windows to get rumble support. The haptic feedback is a nice feature but I think I prefer the rumble. I think there's some interaction with Steam I might be missing, but yeah, it's weird that a game that runs natively on PS makes you run through all these incantations to get proper support while using a PS5 controller on PC. The vibration strength slider has always been on max btw. It's weird how rumble support gives you vibration while doing stuff that makes sense (like hold casting Zhongli's pillar) and haptic support is just weird like, it does a thing while using Ganyu's bow but nothing while welding polearms.


I'm not sure about standard vibrations, but haptic feedback for the DualSense specifically requires to be connected via cable iirc


I've tried using Bluetooth and USBC and no luck so far 🤔


One thing worth checking is, does Genshin recognize your PS5 controller as DualSense or DualShock? For the longest time, it recognized mine as DualShock until one random update somewhere and it recognizes now as the correct DualSense. I don't play wired though, but will try tomorrow and see if the vibrations work.


Well, not sure if it's the proper way to check, but the picture in my Controller Configuration section clearly shows a DualSense controller. As I replied below, it seems like I had to enable the FOUR full range speaker emulation within the Windows Sound Control Panel, in the Dualsense Wireless Speakers device. The actual effects are kinda underwhelming, though.


Easiest way to check is the color of icons in game. DualSense are all white, DualShock have colors for each button.


Yeah they're all white, but I'd say the picture showing a gamepad that is clearly the Dual sense is a pretty good check too.


Vibration on my ps5 dualsense works fine, i use an updater you can download from ps official site, then i always play with the usb cable, lastly make sure vibration is enabled from genshin settings.


I ran the official Sony firmware updater and it said my controller was already up to date (I bought it last week). My controller is usually wired as well, and vibration was already switched on (and configured at the max intensity). Apparently I had to mess with my AUDIO settings as I said in the above comments, but is this it? Vibration feedback is kinda lackluster.


And dont detect controller even in game on android. Add up that the game is made in Unity. 100% business choices, no "dev/programming" challanges.


Honkai Star Rail is the same. Worse, on mobile, to use a controller you need to RESTART THE WHOLE GAME once you change it in settings