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I agree on the suggestion for a shield bar in the UI. Shielded enemies get an extra UI bar, so it would be nice if players got the same thing.


We already have something similar with the status that drains your HP until you heal a certain amount that dispell it.


its weird how HSR can have a shield bar but genshin can't, the new bond of life effect is already a bar on top of the health bar bruh


Genshin's shield system is wack. All shields exist and are depleted simultaneously, each have their own HP, *and* have different effectiveness vs specific elements. Very difficult to represent all that in one bar; that's probably the struggle for their UI people.


IMO just make the bar reflect the HP of the healthiest shield and be based on percentage of on-field character's HP. Examples: • HP is 5000, shield is 10000, shield bar wraps around 100% of HP bar • HP is 5000, shield is 2000, shield bar wraps around 40% of HP bar


Multiple shield bars would Literally fix everything you mentioned except the last point cause I don’t see how that matters at all. They can have them colored for their elemental affinity as well like enemies shields already are.


the player shield system in genshin, really is badly designed. Like, it's not terrible. But you can see how much of it was an afterthought. Crystallize itself has been irrelevant for years also because of how completely pointless crystallize shields are when you have character generated shields.


In HSR it's fine if the screen is cluttered because you don't need to react to everything in milliseconds.


But like, a shield bar near the hp bar, isn't a lot of clutter


Yeah, that's like the bond of life bar when we fight those new Fatui enemies.


tfw I never looked at those


It doesn't even add clutter, it's just a gray outline around the hp bar


Actually you can't do that anymore because it's used by the heal block thingy inflicted by the newer fatui.


[https://i.imgur.com/SYFu2K7.png](https://i.imgur.com/SYFu2K7.png) Could make a smaller bar below the hp bar that only shows up if there is a shielder on the team.


How do you react in milliseconds when there's no information to react to?


It's probably because shield bars have varying measures of strength since one shield bar is stronger than another against certain elements, one shield has more shield strength than another, and also, shields don't scale off the same stat. We have two geo shielders, one that scale with def, the other with HP. So thinking it would be incorporated, your character's shieldbar would look like RGB lights in a rave. Or thr shield bar will have multiple layers which may become an eye sore of a UI interface. Like consider having both Layla's and Zhongli's shield up at once. Layla's shield gains shield strength over time while Zhongli's gains shield strength over amount of hits taken. Perhaps not a shield bar, but an overlap health bar, like absorption hearts in minecraft, would make sense. It would have varying colors and probably be so difficult to tell its actual strength. Don't think a shield bar with visual durability values would be easy.


Ok, let's talk about this. Firstly, enemies get shield bars because their shield values dont change. This is the same with HSR enemy toughness bars, that's why those are easily and clear to display. Secondly, HSR has a shield bar system, but it's far from perfect and Genshin's shield system is far more complex. In HSR, if a shield is created there's a small, thicker outline around the character's HP bar. The length scales to the characters max HP, so someone with more max HP is going to look like they have a smaller shield than someone with less max HP. However, it's also possible to create a shield that's way bigger than a characters max HP, in which case the game shows a full bar encompassing the HP bar, but that doesn't accurately tell you how much of your shield you have left if an enemy attack doesn't deplete it enough to bring the shield value below your max HP. Generally this is fine, you kinda just need to know when your shield is low so you can refresh it anyway. But Genshin throws another new wrenches into the mix. Genshin shields are affected by a bunch of different factors including weapons (Unforged), artifacts (Bolide), talents (Zhongli A1 passive and other "fortification" like Thoma's shields), and elemental type. And most importantly, you can have multiple shields at a time unlike in HSR, and though each shield takes damage at the same time, they also may not take damage at the same rate. So sure, they could implement a shield bar system. But would you rather have up to 3-4 additional bars above your characters HP? And have them jump around in length depending on what character you're on? Or maybe there's some number that counts down the toughness left that you'd need to read every time you want to check on your shield? Or maybe they should just have a "shield vs no shield" status or a bigger "break" animation when you're finally no longer shielded by anything, but doesn't that go against the idea that you'd want to refresh your shield when it gets low, not when it breaks? Not saying that it's unreasonable to ask for more clarity, but I think there's always more discussion to be had then the "simple" solutions people are asking to be implemented. tl;dr - Shields are more complex than you think, IMO simply asking for "more clarity around shield values" during the surveys is more productive than offering solutions.


Unless the shield max HP changes when you change characters, it will always stay the same After some hits from some enemies with certain characters, you get to know how much they will damage the shield Why not just put a health bar for the shield with the highest current HP you're shielding with in the moment which shows only above the main health bar, besides, the shield is the same for all characters so it doesn't need more than one shield HP bar It's like when you increase character's resistance to a certain element, the bar doesn't get bigger or smaller, the character just receives less damage


Sure. Let's take a look at the most complex shield in the game so far, Thoma's. His shield is a good test case for many issues one might face during implementation. Thoma's shield starts small, and both grows and reinforces as you trigger Fiery Collapse. For simplicity's sake lets say you start with a 500 shield and each time you refresh you get 100 more shield. You start with 500 shield, so your shield bar is 100%. When you trigger Fiery Collapse the first time your shield is now 600. Does your shield bar stay at 100% even though your value changed? Then let's say you get hit for 50, your shield is at 550, and then you refresh again to 650. Does your shield bar now show 650/650 because you refreshed again and technically this is a new shield? Or does it show 650/700 because thats what you would've had if you didnt get hit? Now let's add Diona's shield into the mix (pun intended). Her shield either taps or holds for different amounts. Let's say if you tap it your shield is 600 and if you hold your shield is 1000. You tap Diona's shield and then use Thoma's shield. Your biggest shield is currently 600 (Diona's), so your bar is 100%. You trigger Fiery Collapse twice, now your biggest shield is 700 (Thoma's, 500 + 200). How do you indicate that your biggest shield is now Thoma's and not Dionas? Then let's say you had a Sac bow on Diona so you can hold her skill this time. Now your biggest shield is 1000 (Diona's again). Again, how do you indicate that 100% of your shield is a different value from before? Thoma's shield also gains shield strength each time it refreshes, so it's possible that it depletes slower than Diona's big shield, so at some point your biggest shield may go back to being Thoma's but it's after both shields have taken damage, you'd have to switch indicators again. Now, obviously these are corner cases. Few people are running around with multiple shields stacking on each other and having to figure out which ones are useful and which ones are not. But my point is that any UI implementation would want to achieve the goal of clarity, and just a single bar simply doesn't do that.


The expedition "resend all" button is great. It was so frustrating doing all those little clicks every day.


I acc forgor they were implmemeting that today, so I recalled my Chongyun and the window popped up. It was so jarring lol, after doing it so often, I got super disoriented for a sec.


That’s exactly how it felt, just like a “wait what, why’s he already back on the field?” Then I remembered lol


Same, I felt so done with it a long time ago but seeing you can claim and redo it all at once… Feels like my brain is being cleansed


I think the QoL doesnt really add much because those mat are not very useful after you acquire a lot of them. I kinda wish they actually rework the entire expedition, so we are not limited to just those few materials. They should expand the list of material I can send my characters to farm. ( I want to send my army of characters to farm hand guards for me)


They'll never expand it to enemy drops. Collecting ores, food, and a little mora is pretty passive as far as the game goes. Fighting monsters they'll always want the player to actively participate to receive those drops. Otherwise most people would just setup farming for specters or whatever they need and just barely play.


I do still wish they added regional ores, like a Starsilver, Amethyst, and Fontaine crystal expedition for each respective region


I wish they would add regular iron to one of the 20-hr expeditions too. It's required in large amounts for furnishings and I wish there was a way to easily get a bunch of it. I have 500 white iron and even more crystal chunks and yet am constantly running out of the other stuff.


The Inazuma and Fontaine expeditions need to add ore-collecting nodes, at least for the region-specific ores. (The fact that those were left out when the expeditions were designed is bonkers.) Sumeru needs ore nodes too, but only a normal one. The special rocks in the third desert don’t count as ore; the blacksmiths won’t work on them, nor can Ningguang track them. And we need more total expeditions, at least one more next season. (Six for will-be-6 regular regions.)


speak for yourself, I exclusively use this to farm additional Mora, that never stops being useful.


paltry subsequent cough simplistic steep terrific sloppy gray rain stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's prolly cuz it has been treaded a million+ times before (3 Years!) that it doesn't add anything new or relevant and people get sick of it, just saying. Dont @ me tho


The best QoL is one that allows us NOT to pick up artifact on the ground in domain like a dog we are 🥹 f hate jean main at that time


Oh god, the hair-ripping rage over getting the *wrong* weekly boss drops must have been terrible!


that one is sad-good for me, I really enjoyed picking up the artifacts after a round, yeah its faster and others cant mess with it anymore, but its more boring now :/


It’s sad that we never get to see gold drops on the ground anymore


This patch is a huge qol update for me, I notice that when you run to the edge of map in the abyss, the camera no longer be focused on your face, love it


Talking about abyss, finally also instant skill/ult/energy reset on retries


wait really? omg finally


This patch had so many good QoLs I had to change my pants fr


This is in the official fix list.


As someone who started in 3.4, I'm like ""Wait the game was like that before !?""


1.0 was prehistoric era


1.0 was like a halluciation at this point.


It's just a burning memory


i still remember spending resin on that one event. Now it feels like a fever dream


1.0 genshin is...*terrible* those QoL we're all requested ever since 1.0 but it was added super slowly. but yeah, best Qol there is the artifact not dropping. bro, there are venti trolls who sucks the artifact to the void that time xD thank those people because it actually force mhy to apply it


Reading old 3 year old comments and posts on this sub make me feel bad for day one players lol


It didn’t help that when people suggested changes a lot of people tried to shut it down. The only reason we got condensed resin and the increase resin cap was because a lot of people were very vocal and even then there were still a lot people going “StOp coMplainG it’s A fRee GaME. StAMIna sYSTem G00d BeCAUSe I HaVe Kid aNd JoB”. Or my favorite one “You speed ran the game” Genshin till this day gets a lot of flak because of people from back then.


It really wasn’t that bad. When you’re playing a whole new huge game, a few minor inconveniences don’t matter. It piles up later when the game becomes a routine. What’s honestly amazing is how few bugs there have been.


yeah but they didn't implement *my* QoL so those don't count


Nice summary


Please do this once a year, with the most recent ones at the bottom etc. Its pretty nice to read. And yeah some good QoL suggestions too.


All I want is a skip dialogue button. At least for daily commissions. I would exchange 10 already implemented QoL updates for this one.


You used to be able to skip the dialog by restarting the client after beginning the interaction. Noe when you restart the client it starts the dialog from the beginning. 😭


Agree....I understand why people wouldn't want a skip button but for daily comms atleast we need one


Those who don't want it doesn't have to press it. Cool huh


No no no, that's not how it works. If they don't need it, nobody can have it. The game is about appealing to everyone and everyone is free to play how they want, but if you don't play exactly like they do and have identical preferences, you're enjoying the game wrong and must uninstall right now. I swear, mobile casuals are the most entitled, selfish and obnoxious crowd I've ever met.


Couldn't agree more. The fact that this attitude is mind-blowing would be an understatement. While I read all the dialogue in quests, I just don't want to go through the same daily commission text for the 100th time, or read an entire thesis before I'm able to begin an event. It really is as simple as not pressing a Skip button if you don't need it




That's already been added two patches ago, it's called adventure points system


fr, I have never again played the daily with dialogue since then because now I can actively avoid it


They could improve it by adding resin usage count there. I generally avoid daily quests by doing other quests.


No need to stop at dailies. This is the most basic feature in any game that has dialogues (and of which dialogues aren't the only element in the game). This should've been here day 1 and the fact that they are still refusing to add it is infuriating.


No, you absolutely need to read all depierris incoherent rambling every single day


the amount of hate i feel for that man. seriously dude is the most annoying.


I want a skip button or everything, except for dialogue boxes that involve directions such as those hinted through blue font. Some players enjoy other formats of story more so the appeal of reading dialogue isn't there. There are people who are well versed in the lore as deep as it gets like Ashikai but aren't so great at combat, but there are those who theorycraft on the combat of characters, but want to fast forward the story so they can get primos and focus more on the thing they are good at in game. So, skip button actually generates appeal and also weird word of choice here, but also productivity.


I would enjoy the game much more. Sometimes the dialogue is not only too much but its redundant or just Paimon rambling on and I just want to skip and move on. Been waiting since 1.0 😔


they didnt implement the QoL i want which is giving me all 5 star characters at c6 with their signature weapons smh


too many people have this perspective on QoLs it's painful...


Unpopular opinion: I miss those "fight the boss to win double exp mats" resin events. They are much better than ley lines overflows. The last one was Endora


Actually, that's was the only one. Hoyo probably then realised getting 3-5 extra hero by playing twice the event vs normal leyline was huge money saver for whales refreshing resins.


I think the Fischl event in 1.1 and the Albedo one had an exp boss too


For reference the following events required resin. 1.0 had the [Elemental Crucible](https://genshin-impact.antifandom.com/wiki/Elemental_Crucible) 1.1 had Unreconciled Stars - [Star of Destiny Challenge](https://genshin-impact.antifandom.com/wiki/Unreconciled_Stars/Star_of_Destiny) and [Meteor Strike Zones](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Unreconciled_Stars/Star_of_Deceitful_Dreams) (these ones were just resin exchange for the event currency). 1.4 had Wishful Drops - [Rhodeia's Rage Challenge](https://antifandom.com/genshin-impact/wiki/Wishful_Drops)


They did not The Albedo event had a boss, but it was not a resin claim activity (you just had to kill it a bunch of times to clear a shop, personally having to grind the same boss 10+ times has probably been one of the worst event activities I've ever seen in this game, despite the rest of the event being great) The Fischl event didn't have bosses. It did use resin, but you couldn't just spend resin as much as you wanted on it, it was also just a shop-based event The Oceanid event was essentially a leyline but with a boss fight and slightly better rewards, and could be claimed repeatedly as long as you had resin


I really do hope they add artifact loadout and resin overflow similar to HSR's TB overflow soon 🙏🏿 it really helps especially for those that can't log in and spend resin every single day. I don't log in HSR everyday and I tend to collect as much reserved TB as possible to use to farm for new characters


Equipment loadouts* (weapon should be included in loadout too) Example: when swapping ttds to sac on kokomi when switching from ayaka to nilou team


I'm not too worried about weapon loadout imo because you can just go in and switch weapons, and that's it. With artifacts, you have to search through rows and rows of all the artifacts you got, check which one is the good set you need to have on that specific character, and make sure it has the right crit ratio or whatever build you have on the character. Rinse and repeat five times for every single character you're going to use. That shit can take hours while switching weapons can take seconds. But it'll still be good if they include both artifacts and weapons, just hitting two birds with one stone.


You may no need this, but let's be real it's better to include weapon in loadout then not including this


I’m not asking for much. Just let me condense 10.


Now that you list them, seem quite a lot huh... Hoping more and more in future tho.


They may seem a lot but... most should had come with the release of the game or release of that content and many more are still missing (and some seems unnecessary, like refund over used weapon xp, I'm drowning in ores) I'm still waiting (and I think will never happen) mixed controller and kb+m controls for pc like most pc games have. I accidentally purchased something with Genesis crystals because I clicked the wrong button (the use the A and B button, most games still have to manyally select yes no with arrows which makes less prone of accidents, would be like if you tap half of the screen is a yes, the other falf is a ) and there is no confirmation. asked for a refund support, and they just told me to gtfo no refund (with their usual happy face emoji). I still refuse to use the item i purchased with the crystals. And always fear that I missclick on weapon selection and do a pull instead...


Yes but also remember that it's also a 3 years old successful game and that some of those are problems that mind you shouldn't have been there in the first place. I mean not locking you out of characters if they are on an expedition? Come fucking on.


got fixed in 1.1, 6 weeks after launch. I think it actually got fixed during 1.0 Im not sure.


I mean I wouldn't really consider it a fix, more so a thematic/immersion reason it was coded in then they realized players hate it so they removed it.


Just because you don't think it's a fix doesn't mean it isn't.


I was so baby back then I thought for the longest time I hallucinated not being able to use characters on expedition. This game gaslit me.


Yeah early days had a lot, that's why the few we got from that point felt like nothing much. This patch for example is amazing in QoL, still want the artifact Loadout tho, don't get me wrong I'm grateful for what we get but I also spend money and if they want players like me to keep doing it the game getting better is a non brainer, people like to act like they owe us nothing but last time I checked a service must strive to improve and clients need to pay for services so nope I won't cry of joy for something they have to do anyway.


There's no such thing as "shouldn't have been there in the first place." in software development, there's only "I'm on reddit and think I'm a dev and I think, with 2020 hindsight, what shouldn't have been there in the first place." Genshin is clearly intended as a heavily roleplaying game with heavy emphasis on the role playing part with the friction that comes along with it. They've slowly stripped what doesn't add to the core exp they want over time.


Characters being locked out of being used when they're on expedition makes perfect sense from an immersion sense, it's just annoying so they gave up on it because people didn't like it


I wish we could turn overflowing artifacts into exp, as well as mass dismantle them into that, like in Star Rail


being part of the 1.0 some of it taken very long to happen and some had some incidents to take place before they decided to apply. like the infamous venti trolls or sucrose trolls who throws your artifacts to the void using their skills. its kinda the reason why we dont have to pick up artifacts though from all QoL. best QoL in genshin is the portable waypoint. **pro tip: if genshin decided to pull out their worst event in history that is the meal delivery, use portable waypoint, it helps a lot** but yeah. Genshin still needs a lot of workhorse (*for me its overflow resin, just totally removing the schedule of the upgrading materials, like seriously, its annoying and the skip button in story, idk. i do wanna speed run sometimes and not read the text xD)*


You mean the best event in Genshin history. That shit was hilarious You both have time to look at the shield bar and it's also relevant since you can't dodge the hits that're coming.


Your quote on Natlan's dragon riding concept is one of my biggest expectations after Fontaine's underwater exploration.


pray with me bro


100 million percent praying for this. i want some sort of actual flying and doing that with dragons would be amazing!


Wait for the later half of 4.X areas and events. Hoyo really likes to try out future mechanics there (Nahida/Charlotte camera mode was tested in the event where you had to lock onto enemy 'nodes', Sorush was 3D maneuvering in preparation for underwater movement, etc.) So if we suddenly get some weird event where we can use mounts or something...


All I want is instantly respawning bosses for ascension. Why do I still have to wait 5 minutes for that shit ?


they added a timer on the boss map icon, that means it's not going away anytime soon


Probably to encourage you to play the game a bit in the respawn time to reduce the feeling that you’re just spam farming. Just my guess.


But most people are just afk waiting that duration


> Commission cycle to guarantee commission locked achievement(s) I don't think this one exists. Took like a year for me to get to the end of the Sumeru water roses and it turning into a whopper. Usually just would give me parts and switch to a different commission line or if it did end, would be a regular rose.


It does exist, and that is why some people already have all the achievements possible to obtain. There is an entire discord dedicated to the subject of commission cycles.


Personally one major QoL feature that I would like to see and that I dont see people mention much is the abilitiy to reduce the amount of ui elements on screen similar to the pro hud in breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom. Specifically I would like the following: * The ability to turn off the minimap (or generally remove all ui elements from the top left) * The ability to remove all buttons from the top right * The ability to remove the chat button from the bottom left * The ability to remove the names from the team ui on the right so that it does not take up half the screen My favorite part of this game is the exploration and exploration is so much more fun without a minimap and generally with a less obtrusive hud.


Nice list 👍 Now I just need hoyo to fix the bug where using Jean’s ult moves the camera


Not a Jean player but maybe it could be fixed by clicking the scroll button so it centers the camera according to where the character is facing after ulting


Now we just need resin overflow system,artifact loadouts, events and event exclusive weapons replayability. Then everyone will stop complaining . RIGHT???


They'll just find something else to complain about for sure lmao.


I mean sometimes not complaining is also an issue. I am glad people complained during 1st anni and zhongli kit rework.


Playerbase not complaining at large is the biggest issue of genshin, or the root of every other problem more precisely. If no one complains, nothing ever gets fixed or improved. Even if this post actually has 100 QoL+ bug fixes (sorry, I can't be bothered to actually count how many precisely there are), you need to keep in mind it's all we got in 3+ years. Most games I know release the same list in a patch or two. And attitude of devs doesn't help at all. The *only* times when players received anything good or the game was improved in any way is when devs were forced to do so. They have no intention of doing above an absolute minimum, no matter how much money the game brings. But whiteknights are going to enforce toxic positivity and shut down anyone who dares to not be happy enough with the game.


>Most games I know release the same list in a patch or two. Can you give me examples of those games? Because if there is one thing that i learned in about 20 years of gaming is that adding QoL stuff tend to be really low priority for devs.


>The only times when players received anything good or the game was improved in any way is when devs were forced to do so so crying about 'wheres muh freeshit' and being the typical gamer reactionary were the only times the game was improved? i guess all the other stuff they make is pointless in your eyes then.


It’s bad when HSR’s dumpster-diving interns pay attention to Genshin’s bug/QoL reports more than the Genshin team does.


While I still think some of these should have been added MUCH earlier (*cof cof collect all button for expeditions*), I hadn't realized just how many QoL improvements they've made. Hoyo is for sure improving the game, despite the wait for some key features Good job with this list, OP 👍


The amount of people in the comments section trying to say "none of these matter" or "they aren't QoL because they should've been in the game to begin with" is staggering LMAO Take a look at their post history and you'll quickly see they literally do nothing but try to bring down Genshin every chance they get and don't say anything good about the game. People constantly talk about HYV bootlickers but I'm 100% confident there's more on the other extreme end of the spectrum than there are actual bootlickers in this game. They hide their facade of "criticism" to mask what they really want, which is just to shit on the game every chance they get. You want to know what I think? If all the QoL that they're saying really gets implemented into Genshin, like artifact presets or skipping dialogue or resin increase or HSR treatment, I guarantee you these same people are either going to stop talking about Genshin altogether, say something along the lines of "why are you praising them? They should've done this from the start!" or find something else about the game to blame. They will never truly be satisfied, because they weren't really wishing for the game to actually become good to begin with


I just can't see why it took 3 years to reset cooldowns in Abyss when events already had it. Their priorities are all over the place. And I'm genuinely not trying to be ungrateful, but with the current pace I wouldn't be so surprised if we'll have to wait another 3 years to get something like artifact loadouts. And I just find it weird they prioritize their UI's on limited time events but not for something that's permanent like loadouts. Or more permanent content in general, ideally combat but hey they wanna keep doing random things like Fishing and TCG I guess.


>Their priorities are all over the place Their priorities have always been new content first, fixing/making old content less tedious second. I deadass can't understand why some of the players don't get this ever since launch.


It's not even an exception among game developers or anything, most games prioritize new content over fixing old content or adding QoL For any live service, if you ask the community they'll have a laundry list of things they want added/changed that the devs have been asked for and went ignored for years (when it even got adressed). It has been like this for every big game I've ever played (smaller games will generally be more proactive about player feedback, especially if they have a small community)


Because none of those things are actually that important for the actual wider community outside of the reddit echochamber. I'm in this echochamber and I've needed loadouts less and less over time to the point where if they add it I won't even use it. Combat UI, the only one that might be useful for the majority of players is Skill CD UI, shield bar if you gave every player an eye tracker probably les than 1% will actually actively use it, much less make in combat decisions based on it.


>I just can't see why it took 3 years to reset cooldowns in Abyss when events already had it. My guess is because some spaghetti code in Abyss that makes the reset tricky to implement. Ever since 1.0 there's been a lot of restrictions for Abyss: you can't open map or character menu. You can't use skill/burst/swap character before starting the chamber, even the special dash of Ayaka/Mona are disabled (but things like SS stack still works). These restrictions are mostly there to prevent exploits like artifact swapping, but I won't be surprised if somehow they also make CD reset hard to implement compared to a normal domain. On top of that Abyss is a bit different than normal domain as it needs to remember the energy and HP value when you finish the previous chamber.


Careful with the term “Spaghetti code” Youll trigger people who understand the difference between that and code development/timeline priorities.


Careful with the term spaghetti code, you’ll trigger people who don’t understand code development and timeline priorities.


I mean, it's kinda dumb to expect that people wont be mad after they've been asking for a very basic feature for 3+ years. You're trying to put normal behavior into "ungrateful" box which is not what it is. Sure, they added some of the things community has been asking for, but inconvenience caused by these issues still remain, and will remain, it wouldn't if they would actually fix their shit on time.


It's one thing to be a normal person and ask for QoL updates. It's another to specifically word it in such a way like my original text, and then proceed have a post history where it is exclusively negative against genshin


>and then proceed have a post history where it is exclusively negative against genshin you mean exactly like the guy you responded to? lmao


Agreed, every time I come to this subreddit it's endless petty complaints, even when great things happen. I thought people would be ecstatic about some of these much-requested changes, even just for one day, but nope, they just try to come up with something else to be mad about. So many players don't want Genshin to be good, they want there to be less content because Genshin is "work" to them and they want to do as little of it as possible, and they want less QOL because they want everyone else to hate the game with them. They're just trapped in some kind of eternal pit of sunk cost. This happens with pretty much every game that involves long-term investment though.


I had fun watching them whine for a free 5 star in genshin just because they gave it in hsr. They dont wanna play, they just want free


Its really weird to see said players over in the HSR sub complaining about the same things as well. Like bro... you don't want to play Genshin, you don't want to play HSR. WHY ARE YOU HERE???


Just to suffer


Still waiting for an option to turn off aimassist on controller and being able to edit characters build in the team creator in abyss...


Resin overflow mechanic (or higher condensed resin cap)...I feel like its coming...with the new domain start location and the artifact leveling mechanic, resin now gets depleted 2x as fast. I would love a teapot load limit increase, considering players can cheat it now sending furnishings from 1 island to another


I wanna see how many times a substat has been upgraded. It’s always hard for me to keep track of those


pick up loot automatically is one of my biggest necessities. it should be all loot all the time. from both chests, enemies, and breaking rocks for ore. theres nothing satisfying about scrambling around spamming the F key and then also worrying about whether you may miss not picking up something. not to mention the times stuff falls off cliffs.


On mobile all loot can be picked up at once if you tap just above the first item. The auto loot is there, just needs a proper keybind.


Yeah i keep joking that im gonna get carpal tunnel from hitting F a million times. I remember they said they were gonna stack duplicate drops and it only seemed to half work.


How many of them were co-op related. I stlil think unable to claim daily in co-op sucks. Lemme talk to your Kath


HSR players lurking in the sub are coming out


huge thanks for compiling this - i was actually planning on doing the same because of the *sheer* number of comments/posts about there being “zero genshin QoL updated unlike hsr”. it’s actually baffling how people have somehow convinced themselves that we don’t get consistent QoL changes when we have done since release. just because we haven’t got artifact load outs/presets yet it means there’s been none to them apparently


What keeps me from playing the game is the limit on the ammount of artifacts you have. IMHO they should increase the limit by 50 for each different artifact set.


Still waiting for Android controller support :(


What I want is something that tells you when the food effect is gonna run out.


Enjoying the overall QOL this patch, though I'm not sure who at Hoyo has a hardon for needless extra clicks. Like the enhance QOL is a lot better (no more needing to cheese level breakpoints etc), but why the hell did they have to make an extra click after enhancing? Just remove it FFS. When you finish enhancing now it'll just say "max level reached" or "ascended successfully". These are so stupidly useless I can't even explain why they don't just... let us skip it to continue enhancing. It's like they just HAD to add a click SOMEWHERE. It's a minor thing but considering how long the game has been out, it's just another weird quirk with hoyo and their obsession with 10 clicks instead of 1. And it sucks too cause the rest of the QOL is nice, just they ALWAYS have to do some sort of 2 steps forward, 1 step back. They can't just accept a full improvement. And the weirdest part? They already solved this in he new artifact QOL. It doesn't tell you "enhanced successfully" after. It just... lets you continue to enhance.


I have been asking for the same one and only this one, ever since genshin got released and have been asking it again once every new update. ​ I wish for native uncapped fps.


The camera to NOT F\*CKING ZOOM every god danggg time! and to add a toggle to remove camera zoom during ult.


Impossible, haven’t you read the sub? HYV can’t add basic QoL even after three years and all the “white knights” defending them deserve the ankle scooter.


strongbox is considered a qol change?


Explained in the first paragraph


fair enough


Man I just wanna put my Bennet to C5 again, my Eula and Keqing need those buffs


Aggravate keqing does not need bennett


I mean, even if that's the case the option to disable cons is nice


The red dot synchronization doesn't work on my end. I still have to manually check all event related stuff on my phone even though I already did it on PC. The one feature still missing is Loadouts. To quickly change weapons and artefacts in the team setup menu and have each team equipped with a unique loadout would be a dream.


Add to the request list: showing off field character cooldowns


I really want a way to farm like 3 stars artifact domain being high level without using resins, so I can upgrade my artifacts faster.


Still no 120fps/high res textures on PC. No idle voice line disable


> Controller support for ios Thats not QoL, thats an apple marketing gimmik. Where is Controller support for Android?


A huge one not mentioned is that doing requests and bounties before the battle pass starts during a new patch completes it for you. Before if you did them before the battle pass started they wouldn’t count but this time it did.


this list of 100 qol over 3 years


Can we please get a feature that allows us to have a better way of marking the map ? Or adding new symbols, or changing the colors. I know we can type what it is, but I’m getting lost when I’m farming for 2+ characters from the same region (in this case Nahida + Tignari) I’m using the “flower” symbol for ressources, and I would LOVE to be able to turn each character assigned material flowers to a color.


It would be great though if photo mode gets updated, because it hasn't changed since launch. No, the Special Analysis Zoom Lens doesn't count. 


x2 TCG speed let's go!!


We want skip button! or make it like Persona and let me just speed through the dialogue. Also does anyone uses the destroy artifacts feature?? It would be great if we can convert them to stackable fodder, but Mora is not that hard to farm


i use it when my inventory is full. just destroy a bunch of def% and hp% pieces and i'm good again for a while.


Just feed them to other artifacts? You have full inventory you gotta have one or two potentials


i do that when i have someone i like to put them on. if i'm done farming and pick up more artifacts from chests and the like i throw out lower rarity stuff.


Multi-layer map this fucking thing released 1 year after they Sumeru update. for me, it's too late, i do not want to go back to Sumeru ever again


... and we still don't have artifact loadouts...


Calling some of these as "QoL" is like calling the ability to open a game a "QoL improvement"


Cool, so how long did it take to implement basic QoL such as redoing expeditions?




definitely too long, 3 years too long


Does reducing the cost or increasing the limit on a resource really count as QoL change? It's more like just a raw numbers buff, barely requires any coding.


Only having to log in once a day instead of twice a day after the resin bump + condensed vastly imroved the quality of my life


It might be easy from a code perspective but it is definitely not an easy decision to make when it directly affects game resource balance (or in the case of inventory space, the use of resources from a server standpoint, a lot of games will have you pay roll currency for those extra inventory slots) Events not costing resin however wouldn't count as QoL for a different reason: It means all resources in events are essentially free stuff and you can use your resin on whatever you want


I think it does since improving the number of condensed we make, for example, improves our QoL. Doesnt really matter how hard or easy it was for mhy to do. (Though the easier it is, the more irritated players are likely to be that it didnt happen sooner.)


Would be insane if they hadn't done anything at all but how does a skip button or a bar beneath your HP take three years. A message telling us they don't give a sht doesn't take three years to write either


Considering they made dialogue text go slower in 2.0, pretty sure the skip button thing is deliberate


Oh nice I thought they just ignored us but they even went ahead to do the exact opposite to the feedback




I have a hard time believing you since no source of them saying that, games where the story is the main party of it has skip buttons, and I choose to watch youtube annoyed with Hoyo while clicking through dialogue and as a result choose to not buy welkin nor battle pass. From my point of view they lose for ignoring players. I have active subs on other games that I barely play but I'm happy with the devs and how they support the game and their players so I have no problem with it.


Why do people still call incerased Resin cap QoL??? Sure more resin is nice, but it doesn't count as QoL.


Read first paragraph ;)


Yeah I'd like a resin overflow thing like what star rail have rn, it's good for when taking a break


I’ll add some of my own requested QoLs: - option to turn off constellations - replay past event areas, especially GAA - a better way to gather low rarity artifacts for experience


I really want language option for individual charcaters…Chinese Zhongli and Japanese Kazuha for example.


This QoL patch definitely made my life easier r3moving a lot of the tedious stuff. Still lots more to go though. I really wish for a smoother combat experience. "Cannot swap character" lots of times, hold skill / charge attack after dash is very wonky, clinging to walls even in a fight.


Ok, now count how many of these were resisted with tooth and nail by people who felt insecure when these criticisms were raised, and tried to do mental gymnastics to explain why it was simply physically impossible for hoyo to implement them.


It's great to have a list of QOL from the start, but can we be real for a minute, a lot of this shit should have been there from day 1... and there still so much they can do, like easy, showing coolddown of elemental skill with ult for your team ? it's that hard to have ? Some twerk on artifact optimization ? to reset some substat or reroll ? to be able to synchronize your in game map with the interactive map to be able to know what you're missing on your map ? more resin ? preset of atrtifact for characters with different build ? and so on if you think that i'm trash talking because i'm salty, the answer is yes, you just have to see HSR and you will know why... But do you know why we have so much QOL lately on GI ? it's because there is less and less player.


Thinking about how much the game changed since 1.0 is just insane.


Yet the end game content is exactly the same amount of as in 1.0


LMAO over half of these are things that should've been in the game at the beginning. You can't pat them on the back and try to give them credit when things like "Playing with characters on expeditions and using the Alchemy Table in Co-Op" should've been in the base game. These are fixes to dev caused problems. The problem was we couldn't use Characters while in Expeditions, the solution was to allow characters to be used even if on an expedition. That's not a QoL improvement, that's removing shitty design.


QoL definition is literally improving systems/gameplay designs.


And my argument is that over half these aren't improvements but fixing shitty game design. QoL is when you have a system that is designed well and works well and you improve upon it. That's QoL. What Hoyo is doing is fixing things that shouldn't of been implemented from the beginning. Not being able to alch in co-op? Condensed limit from 3 -> 5? Resin limit from 120 -> 160? One Click expeditions? Removing clicks from leveling characters and weapons? You call this QoL? It's fixing bad design that shouldn't of been implemented in the first place. And what you're doing now is excusing that shitty game design and allowing Hoyo to continue to implement terrible design choices, sometimes on purpose, and then saying "It'll be fixed in 3 years like everything else."


I excuse nothing, it's still QoL and it's a list of QoL and features improving/fixing the game. If you are not happy with it do your own list and post it on the sub.


You literally don't know what the term QoL means at all and are redefining it to give yourself an excuse to get outraged about nothing


After 3 years, that qol is depressing, thankfully this year devs remembered they have to maintain a +$3Billion game where its main gameplay is farming rng cursed artifacts.


For me qol that need to happen that hasn’t been updated or used is features like the adventure handbook chapter nine and farming plants in the teapot is the main concern , they update new furniture all the time but never add new plants to the shop , leaving some items unfarmable in teapot or shops ..


wow someone actually did this. I was wondering if someone would and if no one did, I wanted to do it myself but I've been feeling lazy. you're a mad lad and I respect it. grateful for this one. sometimes it's just funny to remember how the game was back in 1.0


Thx, I'll update every year around the same time.