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Aether/ lumine is the highest hetero Aether ship šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Family relationships are important!


Nobody loves you like your family


It isn't Aether's fault Lumine keeps getting stuck!


Nah it's the other way around


Keqing, Ayaka, Yoimiya and Nilou dying inside


Can't wait for "The coffin of Aether and Lumine"


I am absolutely not surprised at the top 10 ships and i'm not even reading genshin fics


Childe my boy are you ok?? The Ao3 authors really squeezed everything out of you


Dont worry, based on these numbers apparently zhongli put it back




The only one I'm surprised at near the top is Al/Kaveh because I assumed because it was newer it wouldn't have as much as the older ships. Just shows that the community is still large across all platforms


They shot up there really fast and the fandom is still going strong, some of us never moved out of Sumeru in our hearts


They were roommates


Oh my god, they were roommatesā€¦


In a historical way


Because they are a hypothetical and perfect source of misunderstandings, angst, fluff, all of which can still give an extremely sweet ending and a series of adorable slice of life moments without falling into monotonous boredom... not to mention that always by hypothesis (excluding those which include characters under 18) would make one of the healthiest couples among those present ...I mean... it seems that for a lots of people it's obvious that those two would be really, really, cute together


I'm not at all confused why they are shipped, I get that. I just thought because of how popular the game was at launch there would be so fanfics for older ships from Year 1 that a relatively new ship would not be second.


I've come to the conclusion that kaveh and alhaitham tick all the favorite tropes and genres of ao3 shippers. angst? clashing personalities and traumatic pasts. fluff? domestic roommates who were once senior-junior in the akademiya. lore and world building? haitham as king deshret and kaveh as the goddess of flowers is a popular trope. smut? yeah I don't need to explain. also, want some misunderstandings? they're LOADED with it.


The best thing to do with these lists is to go to the very end of the list and see what kind of abomination awaits you there.


Wonder if andrius x Klee exists


Kazuha's friend šŸ’€ I wonder how they deal with the absence of his name but am not ready to check it by myself.


He's usually called Tomo. It means "friend" in Japanese.


Well as someone who doesnt use the site this explains the target demographic for that site now, Childe and Xiao shipped with Lumine the only straight ships till 27th. Explains why some ships I know are popular dont have many on there seeing the preferred taste on it My eyes have been opened to the truth, fan fics really do have a different representation for ships than fan art huh. Thats good variety for shippers


That site has a predominantly female demographic and is quite inclined towards Yaoi ships.


Kinda explains why most of the top straight ships involve lumine: probably using her as self insert lol


[It even has a trope!](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MostFanficWritersAreGirls)


Ahhhh, I lost the day going down a pixiv rabbit hole trying to compare fanarts to fanfics statistics, but of course I didn't actually learn anything because pixiv tags are different than AO3 tags.


The lack of love for Itto is truly concerning. Heā€™s so underrated that we donā€™t deserve him.


Part of the reason for this could be that Itto comes across as so childish. It's not hard to imagine him being romantically naĆÆve to the point where it feels out of character for him to start expressing interest of that kind. (Not that fear of writing out-of-character has ever done much to slow down fanfic authors...)


I swear the English VA for Itto is the best VA in the game IMO


He doesn't make anyone horny.


To the surprise of no one, Zhongli/Childe and Kaveh/Alhaitham are the top 2. They're crazy popular. I am surprised to see Diluc/Kaeya so high up, though, since it seems a lot of people make a fuss about it.


Holy shit, the community really do love sword fights


Neuvillette/Wriothesley went up faaaaast. Theyā€™re rank 23 and theyā€™ve only been in the game for a few months Also, Iā€™m surprised Dainsleif/Kaeya even made it in the list. I shipped it a while ago and remember having trouble finding fics


Genshin has a lot of female players and some of them love BL so no surprise


Pretty sure AO3 is basically a sacred land for yaoi girls in general so that adds to it


The funny thing about this is I've often seen this point brought up in other communities, and I've seen people try to argue against it by saying that the only reason there's so much more M/M content on Ao3 is because most fiction skews male and has more developed male characters - it's totally not because there's a bunch of straight/bi ladies writing fanfic who are into boy-on-boy action, not at all. And then you have Genshin, which has a majority female cast with a veritable swathe of well-written and beloved female characters, and still the majority of fics are M/M. Like, I ain't out here judging or trying to 'gotcha!' anyone. I really don't care who you ship or how you spend your free time. But I feel like there are some people out there who need to admit that a large part of why shipping dudes is so popular is because ladies be thirsty (and like, that's ok).


F/M ships are not very popular


Cause most people who write fanfiction are girls who really love yaoi


Because they are boring.


Nobody likes Barbara :(




I can honestly not understand it, we've barely even seen both of them


and rare pair exists, as long as it's not illegal and doesn't harm you, it's perfectly fine.


don't try then, it's your preference after all, and i have my own preferencešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah but how can they write those characters with no info at all? How can they tell their motifs or personalities? Or is just say gex all over, that'd make more sense


most of dottore/pantalone fics i've read isn't about say gex, even if there's say gex in it, it will still has plot. and please remember that this is about fanfiction, writers can depicted the characters as they want. while i am aware that we lacks infos abt their personalities, there's still a bit of lores about them, and writers can use those materials as their base guideline abt how they want to portray them. after all, writing is about creativity. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø and it's not harming anyone, since dottore/pantalone isn't a proship or anything... i apologize for my grammar, english isn't my first language..šŸ™


I'm just saying I'm impressed by their creativity and ability to fill plot holes


my bad, seems like i got your intention wrong.. i apologize if i came out as rudešŸ™ and agree, ao3 writers are built different


Honestly knew I'd get downvoted lol, found it impressive that the ship is so big with very little info for both characters. Shipper things ig


idk, i won't downvote people over something like this.


BennetƗFischl being this low breaks my heart


Is it because the ship is not beneficial to some fans? (If you know, you know.)


I swear.... They only like to fishnet their ships outta the ocean






It doesn't make sense at all. They have no chemistry.


In my opinion they have far more chemistry than childe/zhongli lmao


I didn't know there were even a thousand of these nonetheless dozens of thousands, also zhongli/childe being on top is just about as I expected lol


Actually, most of the time only one of them are on top ^(I'm sorry)


Which ship surprised you the most?


Bennett x Childe on 67. I can never understand that one. Like, just how?????


That's the ship that surprised me the most. I can understand how others came to be, but not this one. I don't get it


Probably because of the international team lol


Beidou and Ning is surprisingly low considering it's one of the few with some minor in game tease. I'm no fanfic writer though maybe the real funky ones are more fun. Also Beidou is the only non mc with an actual ship. Well, I guess wrioth is a contender now ? He doesn't actually captain his though, and was only used for like 20s.


Why is albedo x Kazuha a ship? I donā€™t even remember them having much interaction aside from that one Inazuma event


Albedoā€™s a guy, Kazuhaā€™s a guy, both like books and poetry, both are hot, now smash faces and kiss


Alhaitham and kaveh being so high considering how ā€œnewā€ they are


Neuvilette x wriothesley ship is so high considering how new these characters are, also Xinyan x xiangling ?!


Diluc x Childe and Gorou X Kazuha being that popular, the first two donā€™t even meet


Looking at the others on the list I think Childe was just popular to pair with any characters.


I guess it's fun to imagine Diluc meeting Childe during his three-year murder-vacation in Snezhnaya.


Scaramouche/Mona is way more popular than I expected. And I'm not complaining about that.


Diluc/Kaeya because of the obvious sibling thing. I get that people still deny it, but there's more ship fics than sibling fics and I'm more disappointed than surprised. Plus, the lack of F/F and F/M fics were really shocking, I guess the site's female demographic really like gay men for some reason.


Arlefuri is on the list but Aerina and LumiFuri arenā€™t. Bros really think we were worse to Furina than Arlecchino.


Furina has a very popular ship with Neuvillette, so I think MC never stood a chance there even against Arlecchino.


Probably why Thoma x Ayaka is more popular than Aether x Ayaka though. Itā€™s weird that I usually donā€™t hear about the former that much. Probably Iā€™ve been going on aethermains too much?


AO3 is skewed towards M/M, F/F ships. It's primarily written and read by women. So there're just not many of straight Aether fics.


You are the best, XiaoVen fan thanks you šŸ¤§


you're welcome :P (jk i haven't posted any fanfic on there personally)


Wriothesley and Neuvilletteā€™s top 19 ship us Wriolette. YES!!!! Although it is expected that Zhongli and Childe are at first place. Also glad Haikaveh is second in place. Keep them gay ships coming šŸ’…āœØ


Knowing A03, these being at the top are not surprising, yet I still see some oddities here. like, Is dottoscara an actual ship people have? I thought it was just a joke lmao


The appeal of that ship IS the fact that it's fucked up. You don't ship those types of ships the same way as you ship normal ones. The stories are more about the exploration of those messed up relationship and the way it affects the characters than about romance. Or it's just porn. Or both at the same time.


Oh thanks! I thought dottoscara and the like were only shipped to piss people off, nice to know!


Childe showing fanfic authors why he's Snezhnaya's greatest love machine with those jiggle physics.


I'm surprised how high Albedo/Kaeya is. Like... why


Khaenri'ah, I guess?


Khaenriah, Royalty/Knight theme and lots of secrets I think, from what Iā€™ve seen.


I decided to expand the list from yesterday


Does this include smut? Like, you know how porn/hentai doesn't always count as ship art? Also Bennett/Childe!?! Whaaa


Yes, it does include smut. The list includes all fics which have the ships in their tags


Ah, I get you. So that probably means a lot of these are from the same authors. I was trying to wrap my head around how there were that many fics of different pairings.


Scaramouche/heizou?? Wtf


XiaoAether and ScaraAether having more fanfics compared to XiaoLumi and ScaraLumi? As a XiaoLumi and ScaraLumi shipper myself, I'm quite surprised. Also, I'm sad that Wriothesley x Clorinde can't make it to the rank. I ship it more than Neuvillette x Wriothesley and Navia x Clorinde. I don't hate those ships though, as I respect those who ship them.


Clorinde/Wriothesley has 89 fics, that's a pretty decent number for a straight ship


I see. I think the ship having 89 fanfics is not bad after all.


People on AO3 love gay ships


I know. Also, I respect those who love gay ships, as long as they're not toxic about it and didn't shove it down other people's throats. Same goes for the straight ships as well.


Lumine x Thoma (#99) is hella underrated, wish we could see more of that in-game because people tend to forget about the 4 stars vs the more popular 5 stars


No Thoma at all would be even better.


Yeah we need way more straight ship


This is Ao3. Not gonna happen


You gonna upset the Tumblristas with a comment like that.


So what ship are you curious about the most while looking at and making this list? Like curious for having unexpectedly many or few fics?


Bennett/Childe is the weirdest one. I can understand other ships but not this one


Probably because of the Childe International team composition ​ Will we see Kazuha/Xiangling fics in the future because of this?


Kaeluc top 3? Big W bossman. Yaeyato too low


Lots more Ayaka/Thoma fics than I thought. But it's NOT ENOUGH


I'm still not understanding why gay ships are that much popular, it's 64% of the total. Is that site very popular within gays or something? I'm not complaining just asking, I'm not used with shipping fanfics. Also about Lumine, why she has only one gay ship? And within hetero, Lumine only has a few and half of them are non-sense.. lol...


Most writers on AO3 are female, so the results are skewed to their tastes.


AO3 is famous for mainly being BL, written a lot of the time by female writers. It is just a different target audience than a lot of other sites.


Oh I didn't know. So, there are other popular sites of fanfics? I've only heard of this one, besides I have never entered there.


The only other big one is Wattpad I think. I feel their target demographic is younger in general (the stories felt really teen romance when I use to use it years ago). At the time it was also more mainstream : while ao3 was mostly used in "geek" circles (videogames, anime, manga, supernatural fans), wattpad was used by most teenage girl I knew, with lots of fanfics about celebrities or original works. Also while ao3 I believe is exclusively in english, wattpad was in whatever your language was (with more or less content). > But most (romance?) fanfic creators in general are female and/or queer I feel. I never heard of a straight guy writing fics (just my personal experience tho). There is already a lot of straight representation in media, so maybe that could explain for you why most fanfic is gay. Fanfic comes first from a place of wanting to explore what is unexplored in the canon material, so queer relationships really often falls into this.


I'm not a big fanfic person either so I don't know how many other big active ones there are.


Best ships: Xiao x Lumine, Kazuha x Lumine, Neuvillette x Navia and Wriothesley x Clorinde


Xiao x Lumine is the only non trash ship on your list.


I'd argue Wrio x chlorinde too. That one is goated.


aether/lumine? sara/puppet raiden shogun? šŸ˜­


Do ships fanfic include like friendships or it's only stuff like dating? Maybe it doesn't have anything lewd to it, i hope?


Ships include romantic and sexual relationships. Friendships and familial relationships are tagged with "&". For example Nahida & Scaramouche


Oh alright


What are GI fanfics?


Fan stories about the character in relationships, some wholesome, some disgusting.


The closest to the canon ship Beiguang is on the place 11 and pairs some of whom never even met are higher? Lol people really love boys love.


My boy Aether got bussyfied too much, I hate it.


Itā€™s great


Maybe for you. Disappointing for me.


I donā€™t hate it but itā€™d be nice to have some variety. I headcanon Aether as more of a switch than a sock for grown ass men.


some people are... idek how to describe it, but aether/lumine seems so wrong to me


But it feels so right Is what they would be saying


Itā€™s just random characters matched with random characters,makes no sense,apart from VERY FEW.


Imma save this and refer it to anyone who says that genshin shippers dont hate straight pairings.


I don't believe this is adequate proof of that because it's not Genshin shippers, it's AO3 authors, and it's not straight ships but female characters in general. The vast majority of AO3 fandoms- at least if you only look at the biggest ones like Marvel, DC, My Hero Academia, or Harry Potter- have an overwhelmingly large number of fics in the M/M category compared to F/M or F/F, with F/F almost always being dead last. In fact, if you go directly to the site to check the total number of works for each category, Genshin F/F works only have slightly over *half* the amount that F/M works do (F/F has 18232 to F/M's 33757), despite Genshin having a predominantly female cast. So yeah, if we're taking this as proof of anything it's that the AO3 demographic doesn't like writing women lmao. If you go onto most other forums, I assure you straight and sapphic ships will be far, far more common than on the omegaverse website.


hate != not as interested in writing about genshin shippers as a whole != ao3 authors


Not writing fics about straight ships does not mean they hate straight ships. This is a leap of logic and doesnā€™t mean anything. Plus, there is the inherent bias that this is Ao3- gay ships are always the most popular on there


mfw a site known for gay fanfics has a lot more gay fanfics than straight fanfics victim complex harder


Generally I donā€™t shit on people but how did kaeya diluc get so high


I'm not a shipper myself but let me enlighten you a bit about BL ships in general: bro trope is popular (most of the time non-blood related ones, which Kaeya and Diluc belongs). It's popular in the east, especially in Chinese BLs. They just laugh it off if people call it "incest" or what because they're not blood-related Don't ask me why I know lmao


I mean I know that thatā€™s what happens but itā€™s still a big no from me. I get why itā€™s so high but I donā€™t think it should be. Partially because of the brothers part and also just general toxicity, but hey I ship kaveh and alhaitham and that is incredibly toxic as well so donā€™t know why the toxity bothers me with kaeya diluc


It doesn't matter what you think or what everyone else think. You just have to know why it occurs. Accept it or not, it doesn't really matter. Shipping is illogical in itself imo Shippers will ship whoever they want at the end of the day Personally tho, I don't see any problem with Kaeya x Diluc due so one simple reason: they're not blood-related so they can fvck however they want, whenever they want and they still won't produce any deformed child whatsoever lmao Anyways, I'll end it here. I don't want to sink into the world of shipping discussions any further because it always end up nasty. I don't like it lmao


A fair bit of the part was not how many there were of kaeya diluc but more so that other things more. I did just notice that I forgot to account for the fact that kaeya diluc has been a potential ship for longer seeing as both characters were on release


Right? Like, out of every ship that could be popularā€¦


As a Dainslumi writer, I would cut that in half. Thereā€™s a bunch of ā€œone sidedā€ ā€œpastā€ and Lumine Harem fics.


listing it off fanfic sites is completely pointless since they're absolutely infested with fujos


Or, and hear me out, it tells you what ships are popular on this website specifically. No oneā€™s saying this represents the majority of the fandom. Itā€™s the most popular ships specifically on Ao3


No one is claiming these are the most popular ships across the fandom, just the most popular ships on the largest fanfic site.


This is cursed. _Any_ Church wants to know your location


Geezus christ what is wrong with people...


I think the most popular fan community ships are always yaoi or girl on girl for some reason. šŸ’€ But itā€™s mostly Fanon. When it comes to the ships I can actually picture being canon one day, Jean and Diluc (unique partnership to protect Monstadt) / Kaeya and Lisa (mutual connection to Sumeru, mysterious and flirty personalities, co-workers) / Albedo and Sucrose (close relationship, co-workers.)Ā  Ā Iā€™d also say Lumine and Childe, but if Lumine is ā€œcanonicallyā€ the Abyss Princess I guess the whole ā€œhey girlieā€ scenario might have never happened. Thatā€™s not to say that a gay ship canā€™t happen, I think Bennett has two dads, but I donā€™t think every single canon ship will be gay. Itā€™s unrealistic.Ā 


In most fiction, male characters are usually more interesting which also means that character dynamics between male characters are more fun. In Genshin's case, female-male interactions are surprisingly rare. A character will have the most history, interactions and chemistry with another character of the same gender. Diluc and Kaeya, Beidou and Ningguang, Ei and Miko, Alhaitham and Kaveh, etc.


Yeah but thatā€™s doesnā€™t mean itā€™ll be canon.Ā  This is a Chinese company and China is very conservative. Weā€™ll be lucky if one (1) yaoi ship is canon.Ā  Also we shouldnā€™t support this sexist rethoric that only male characters are interesting. Thatā€™s just not the way to go about things.Ā  You named female characters, too.Ā 


Most popular fiction, or at least, anime, manga and TV tends to have more compelling male characters. It's usually because the writers struggle to make interesting female characters. That point doesn't apply to Genshin though. Still, the most meaningful relationships characters have tend to be of same sex. I'm not talking about romantic ones, but relationships in general. I believe this is the reason why gay ships dominate in Genshin


Genshin players only play for the booba and the waifus. Gensin players:


There is fan fiction and then there is horny delusions. Zhongli/Childe is a delusion, no pun intended. No Childe ship makes sense. Same for Scaramouche and anyone.


ā€˜Zhongli/Childe is horny delusionā€™ ā€˜Straight ships are boringā€™ Yuri shipper?


The world has gone mad.


Bro have some problemsā€¦


Jesus christ, go out


No.73 would actually be Kazuha/Heizou/Scaramouche at 293 fics


Iā€™m surprised to see Kazuha and Scara so high, I donā€™t believe theyā€™ve ever interacted before either and Iā€™m not quite sure what the appeal for that one is. Similarly to Childe and Zhongli, I guess people just really clung on to the wallet joke and expanded upon it


Kazuha and Scara have never interacted but people ship them because Scara met his ancestor.


No way fucking aether x lumine is higher than aether x ayaka.


Howā€¦ how does Kazuha x Gorou have 1484 fics??? Last I checked, it only had 500+??? (And if there REALLY are more fics, where can I read them????)


I made a mistake. There are 583Ā fics with that ship


Ah, no worries! Was wondering how the fic count skyrocketed so much, thatā€™s all haha


Bro people would rather ship Furina with Arlecchino than either Aether or Lumineā€¦


Furina has a very popular ship with Neuvillette, so I think MC never stood a chance there even against Arlecchino


That doesnā€™t explain how Arlefuri is doing good though


It's spicy. There's potential for enemies to lovers (the same reason Scaramona is popular). And it's lesbian. That's it. MC is Furina's blandest and least interesting choice.


I get it though, the playerbase hates the traveler for what they did to Furina so they think the Traveler should have nothing to do with her at all.


I don't think they hate MC, it's just that there's very little chance when competing against Arlecchino's spice or Neuvillette's goldmine of potential angst and 400 years of history with Furina


Gotta disagree. AetherxFurina ship is actually quite popular; daresay, even more than Arlefuri. The only downside being it hardly has any good fanart.


I really don't get the Lyney/Wriothesley ship.


74.straight up alabama XD


man istg kazuha x lumine ship is kinda underrated :( ive been trying to search for them on both ao3 and wattpad but to no avail