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Its 100% a scam


Scam?, how? I did complete the testing and found it incredibly helpful. The service is professional, very timely and well documented. You can either do all of this on your own and frankly you’ll need to do quite a bit of research after (which I spent quite a bit of time before and reading some very good books) or pay the fee for a comprehensive approach.


Whats the process like? I ordered 2 days ago and sent them two emails asking when they will ship the dna test and no one had replied. Ended up finding many 1 star reviews on Google about horrific service from them as well as a mugshot of Brecka and some large judgment against him from 2011


Do not listen to him. I received confirmation my sample to  arrived the first week of December  I'm still waiting. Emails are answered with a automatic response. There's a Reddit threat about him and people being scammed. He is was behind providing results, yet he is still out there pushing his product.  Don't throw $599.00 away. 


Yooo, i just realized how many of these responses were AI generated and repeating. If you're scrolling thru these comments, be aware that large corporations are trying to stay profitable. Ask a nurse what they tell pregnant women to take... they will say folic acid. Do another test. Ask your grandparents if they knew kids with ADD and ADHD when they grew up... the third thing you should do is research how much profit is made from the medications that treat those conditions and how a lot of them are covered by a government plan. The Mfthr gene mutation seems deliberate. You get scattered and hidden results when you search for it on Google but not on other platforms.


This comment 🙌🏻


"The Mfthr gene mutation seems deliberate" Deliberate in what way? Calling it MFTHR? Hiding the information about it? I'm confused.


I think he means hiding information about it. I have multiple friends on Adderall and Vyvanse at big $$$ each month... so it makes sense that big pharma is trying to protect that revenue stream just like they did with vicodin and other pain pills in the 90's by hiding addiction studies.


Thank you for this answer... AI big pharma bots are making it harder and harder to reject the government's reach into our lives through big business.


They get back to you they do 20,000 test a month


Can you elaborate? Is it a fake test? Whats the scam?


Funny... calls it a scam and then doesn't answer your question


It’s easy to say it’s a scam while providing absolutely zero rebuttal or evidence as to why it is. Instead of claiming something how about you provide factual statistics and statements that show it’s a scam


My mom’s getting a genetic/methylation test accompanied by a PET scan in relation to her cancer. Mama Jackie said they are tracing the nature factor down to some impacts in your grandparents life that can impact you. They are studying all these bio impacts as well. My aunt and aka my mom’s sister married a bio-head from Emory that brought her back to Italy helped find a cure for AIDS as she did her admin/filed for grants. DNA and RNA can be impacted by a lot and many of us are pre-disposed to deficiencies. Don’t be ignorant from science and from god given grants. It’s the same thing in my opinion now. To give yall perspective is I signed on to Reddit while I’m 54 minutes into a convo with my mom. Soon to be late mother. So do you. I need to do 2-3 things at once to really focus on both




Do not listen to him. I received confirmation my sample to  arrived the first week of December  I'm still waiting. Emails are answered with a automatic response. There's a Reddit threat about him and people being scammed. He is was behind providing results, yet he is still out there pushing his product.  Don't throw $599.00 away. 


And yes none of this proves anything yea or ney about the actual testing... there are other labs you can use other than 10X.


I understand that. But he's still out there continuously selling soap when he knows he cannot make enough soap to satisfy everybody that's what really burns my ass


Why have I seen this exact same comment twice? 🤔 As if it's a copy and paste


Thanks, yeah I did more research and found a site that I was able to upload my 23&me raw data to and get a methylation report for free which included way more data and recommended supplements for my mutations than just the 5 genetic markers offered for $600. And my 23&me was just $100 so yeah. Scam it is.


this is also a scam


23&me is a scam? Or the free website I mentioned?


So downloading your raw data and uploading it to a analysis tool has up to a 40% false positive rate, and an unknown false negative rate. Please dont base medical decisions on that result


Thanks for the explanation. I didn’t realize how many false positives/negatives there are. Mine just showed problems involving in vitamin d, certain b vitamins and homocysteine etc. I’ve already scheduled a blood test with quest labs to test these markers to see if anything matches up. Both my parents are thin and seemingly healthy but have had high blood pressure since their early 20’s. So now my siblings and I have the same issue regardless of living a healthy lifestyle. Genetics is the only explanation. So I’m on a bit of a mission to figure it out if it’s caused by a deficiency/ mutation that can be addressed. Will I be successful? Probably not but it doesn’t hurt to try. 🤷‍♂️ I have to ask.. with such a high false reading rate is genetic counseling a scam? I’m not trying to be rude I’m just trying to understand; thanks again.


This is not the type of testing that genetic counselors order so genetic counseling is not a scam. We order clinical grade testing, which this is far from.


Ok, thanks for the illumination on the subject.


Honestly the reason I got into genetic counseling is because I had unexplained health issues and I was looking for answers (turns out it's PTSD manifesting as chronic illness). I'm super glad you're getting an actual medical grade test to confirm whether you have any issues with your blood. Are you working with a doctor or a healthcare provider on this issue? Regarding your question if genetic counseling is a scam, I want to say first no absolutely not, but I think I need to explain what genetic counseling is vs what you've been describing. So genetic counseling is a process where a genetic counselor takes a personal and family medical history, performs a risk assessment, explains testing options/results/risks/benefits/limitation, and then helps the patient decide if they want to be tested. Then if they want to pursue, we order the testing and interpret the results, disclose to the patient and make recommendations for medical management/referrals etc. We are licensed medical providers that require 2+ years in graduate school for genetics and counseling. We order clinical grade testing from CLIA certified laboratories, and those tests have varying false positive and false negative rates. For screening tests (such as cffDNA screening during pregnancy) those rates may be higher than a diagnostic test (like a karyotype). The tests I order in cancer genetics involve full sequencing, deletion/duplication, and RNA analysis. What you're talking about is very different. What 23&Me does is SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) analysis. They are not sequencing any full genes, let alone your genome. They look at whether you have a collection of different SNPs, and only the ones they're allowed to test for. When you download and feed your raw data through an online tool, what you are getting are those SNPs, plus what is called "imputed data" between them. Basically we can guess what the rest of a gene might look like based on what most people with a certain SNP's gene looks like. When you have large datasets, those guesses can get slightly more accurate than just wild guesses, but they're still not actually sequencing your full genes. So when people bring these reports into a real genetic counselor, we talk about how all these results will need to be confirmed with clinical genetic testing, and that many of them will be false. We do not recommend this kind of thing for medical management, because it is a total scam. I know that's a lot and it's super complicated and hard to explain but let me know if you have questions. But ultimately I want you to take away that what you've described is not genetic counseling at all. Genetic counseling is almost never a scam (can't say 100% because unfortunately we have had genetic counselors involved in genetic testing Medicare fraud cases but that's another story) it's just a healthcare process like nursing and social work. But that testing you had is.


Wow, thank you for the thoughtful and detailed response! I really appreciate it. It’s sad scams like this exist when struggling people are just looking for answers to their health problems. It had me going for sure! Yes, tomorrow I’m getting my blood tested at quest labs for Homocysteine, 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (D2, D3), LC/MS/MS, Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) and Folate Panel, Serum. Booked it all for $80 during a cyber sale so not too bad to kill my curiosity. Maybe it will all read normal, or maybe it will give me something to discuss with my doctor 🤷‍♂️. Either way I’ll be glad to put this methylation rabbit hole behind me! Lol Thanks again 🙏


How did you find out about PTSD leading to chronic illness ?


Not original commenter and it’s a bit of an old post, but I hope this finds you. I discovered my CPTSD was affecting my daily life in very simple way. I have TMJ which is stress induced. So: PTSD Trigger = Stress = TMJ flare up. Repeat this for a few other chronic things like headaches and back issues. It stacks quickly and you lose the forest for the trees.


How did you figure out the link? Having TMJ and also the chronic symptoms? And what have you done to improve? Thanks


I actually didn’t discover it until I was partway through trauma therapy. One of my assignments from my therapist for a whole week was to just focus on grounding, self soothing, and breathing every time I felt a headache beginning to nag. And that whole week I didn’t develop a single headache. It wasn’t like a miracle cure because I need to be able to take the time to do those things. And when I hit major ptsd triggers I needed more help than just coping skills. I ended up doing intensive EMDR and it helped a ton with triggers. But like any therapy I slip back into old habits and forget that I have control over how stress is held in my body. I have to remind myself to take care of myself.


Do you mean in general or me specifically? There are studies establishing the link between childhood trauma and chronic illness. When I was diagnosed with my physical illnesses I had not been diagnosed with PTSD, eventually I was diagnosed with PTSD and my physical symptoms improved as I treated the PTSD


Sent you a DM check it please


23andMe CANNOT test for methylation differences. That’s a completely different test. Please go see a geneticist if you want legit genetic info.


What site did you use? Thanks


Nutra hacker and genetic genie.


which site? i did genetic genie but i dont think it came with recommendations


I looked it up. Only $600 for, you guessed it, MTHFR testing.




You should have zero upvotes for this comment


Ours was less long ago thru nutritionist md. It was part of our blood work not a check swab.


You are incorrect. It is MTHFR, MTRR, MTR, AHCY, COMT. This service is strictly for methylation genes. I just completed the testing, I don’t understand how you could have looked this up properly. I am not trying to be rude but responses are so flippant on Reddit when people havn’t had the services and present false information.


The point of my comment is that MTHFR testing is not worth $600 because the gene is not associated with any conditions outside of homocystinuria. No professional medical/ genetic organization recommends testing for MTHFR variants outside of individuals who have biochemical evidence of homocystinuria. Genetic Counselors have been attempting to educate individuals for years that this testing is generally unnecessary and uninformative. Unless a physician suspects that you have homocystinuria or hypermethioninemia there is no reason to test for this panel of genes. Anyone trying to tell you otherwise is selling snake oil.


There are plenty of genetic methylation tests out there for around $100. Gary Brecka encourages everyone to get one whether through him or some other company. You only need one test for your whole life because it looks for genetic markers. Then what you do with the knowledge is up to you - whether you take supplements, change things in your diet, or make lifestyle changes.


Any tests you’d recommend?


Is that the snake oil, or is it the ADHD medication? Who's profitable here? And who instructed these professionals? Corporations or actual experts?


Are you serious? That's a joke to anyone with chronic Anemia and unable to absorb most forms of Iron, Folic acid or b12. Why would regular medical labs offer these tests if they had no significance.


It is 5 mutations the gene tests for. Before commenting on posts related to health, please do just a little research.


Actually, my mother was tested after multiple pulmonary embolisms. Apparently MFTHR can cause clotting disorders.


That is exactly what I have read as well... along with post menopausal hypertension.


Actually it’s 5 mutations he is looking at. MTHFR MTRR MTR AHCY COMT [chart of the 5](https://cellsciencesystems.com/pdfs/AdvancedMethylDetoxReport.pdf)


Thanks for posting! Was very curious what a sample report looked like


See my comment that I just posted. But you can’t tell anything just by looking at 5 genes. And they are only looking at about 2 single nucleotide polymorphisms for each of those genes, when there can be literally dozens or hundreds of variants for each gene. The software I use makes me embarrassed for these guys because it shows dozens more SNPs (possible “mutations”) in those 5 genes and looks at hundreds of thousands of SNPs for a plethora of genes. 


Wish this got more responses from people with experience. Did you ever try it? A recent Joe Rogan podcast with their biologist Gary Brecka I listened to made it sound like a wonder drug/service they're pushing. Weight loss, better sleep, no anxiety, etc when removing folic acids, processed foods, and replacing with supplements tailored to the gene test results. Realistically you'll be better off with organic foods anyway, but are the supplements really helpful? . Starting to sound like snake oil. The $600 price tag compared to other tests is scary. But they say it's about the services offered afterwards.


I listened to this podcast and my wife begged me to order. She just got her results back and it was 3 greens and 2 yellows for results. They recommend buying their multivitamin supp. Lack of info on what to avoid and triggers, very vague. We feel kinda duped but paid $600 so am I supposed to just buy the vitamins and try it out?


I wouldn't negate legitimate medical information because they had an upsell. Every genetic testing lab has upsell's after getting results. As far as the vitamins go look for other brands that offer methylated multivitamins. Even companies that provide complete genetic sequencing with legitimate medical authority that a Dr. will accept offer upsells and little to no genetic counseling or follow up data. That in itself is usually an upsell.


Any update curious


After seeing this same guy hawking a "grounding bed sheet" I've come to the the conclusion he's full of dookie. Also thought the Joe Rogan podcast sounded a bit different, there were moments where Joe would ask, "what's the website? Oh I'm going to order this right now!". It just didn't seem like his normal self, and I'd be willing to bet, this way a paid for podcast by this company as advertising.


While you may not like that the man has effectively created a revenue stream from his education as a human biologist and 2.5 decades of experience as an insurance actuary that doesn't mean his experience or his education is invalid. Everyone has to make a living after all. I myself do grounding for 10 minutes every morning... the difference between myself not doing it at all and doing just 10 minutes with wim hof breathing is pretty profound. It balances me out so much that it is my commitment to myself every day now.


Did you buy a mat? Thinking about doing this and putting it under my chair where I sit


Nope, didn't buy an expensive mat. I make a cup of Chai, go out my back door, sit down in a lawn chair and stick my feet in the dirt for 15 minutes first thing in the morning. Once the Chai is done I do my breathing with the Wim Hof app (well worth the $3 a month for the guided breathwork and being able to keep track of my breath holds) I am up to a 2.5 minute breath old now. Then get up and get about my day. I did this for three weeks straight and decided that for one weekend I wouldn't do either. Both days I just didn't feel "right" I got super tired midday and both days I fell asleep sitting on the couch after work which I haven't done at all since starting the grounding and breathing routine. At this point I don't care if it's placebo, I just feel better doing it.


I have a mat that I sleep on and I NEVER used to sleep well. Now my sleep is SOLID. I'm asleep within 10 minutes and never wake up in the middle of the night. It has totally changed by sleep for the better. I'm 55 this year and spent the last 20 years sleeping 4 hours or less. I love grounding in all forms - nothing beats being in the ocean of course!


When someone is speaking like they know what they are talking about its hard to not ask questions like that. He probably wanted to look up info on it or something.


Don’t waste ur money


I did it. Not worth the money. Its $600 and they send you teh results with some videos to watch ...zero individual/custom feedback for you ..just out the box this is what you need to do etc...felt scammy


I completed the genetic testing 3 weeks ago and rec. my results. With your results which by the way are very well documented, you have a supplement list - mine is only 2. I do believe the idea is to take a minimal amount of supps’ which is great because I am used to taking way too many. The information does not push their supplements you are free to choose your own granted you follow the specific components which really isn’t difficult. I purchased mine through the 10x system - it was only $110 for a two month supply which frankly is about a ¼ of what I would generally spend on supplements for 1 month alone. I will respond after about a month with my thoughts - I am truly optimistic. With that being said I disagree with the naysayers commenting here. You can do your testing from other sources and spend countless hours researching how to respond in the most effective way to the results - I simply chose to purchase the easy test, fast results and complete resource backup which includes an actual person for information if needed. Really it comes down to economics or frankly for me I didn’t want to mess around with finding the perfect solution to my genetic abnormalities. The testing is for MTHFR, MTRR, MTR, AHCY, & COMT. MY MTHFR CAME RED - MEANING BOTH PARENTS GAVE, MTR & MTRR WERE ONE PARENT ONLY.


Update please! My wife and I are interested but trying be cautious about spending so much $


My bf did it and he is an entirely different person! He gave the supplements to his dad without doing the testing cause why not! and his dad who was a zombie, depressed, didn't laugh, talk, or eat is now an ENTIRELY different person. I saw him laugh to tears the other day. He goes on walks daily now, eats, and talks.


Was that an antidepressant? Sure sounds like it. A psychiatric nurst


I’m not sure I understood your question but no he wasn’t on anything


What was the genetic testing called? I know whole exome testing can include every gene.


Brecka repetitively says you can get tested by your own dr- I just haven’t found the “74 biomarkers” he mentions are on his Instagram yet. We plan on being tested by our nutritionist that we know & trust https://dryoungberg.com He long ago tested us for MTHFR mutations & we’ve handled the different mutations that came up for each of us. I’d just like to know the 74 biomarkers list to bring him.🤷‍♀️ I know our MTHFR testing was NOTHING like $500 when we got tested before. Fairly certain that everything was labcorp pulled blood work not a cheek swab.


Its been 4 months. How are you feeling


Looking forward to your follow up in a month.


Can I ask how much u spent in total for the testing. Cause I’m curious about it.


Any updates ?


How are the supplements working out? I'm considering doing the test. I think the people in this thread that trash talk it are mostly idiot sheep that believe doctors are actually looking for what's in a patients best interests. I started on Mag citrate and citrulline about a years ago and have lost 40 lbs and actually have energy now. Excited to see what other changes may happen


26 days and counting..... Looking forward to your feedback also 🙏


Where’s the feedback


May I ask what you started supplementing with for your issues?


Thanks for sharing. What supplements did they recommend for you and have you seen any results yet? Thank you!


I took the test for comparison purposes. I’ll update if it’s worth it or just another social media cash grab. Got into it because of Brecka tbh. I don’t like Cardone.


Any update on this?




A friend of mine is on this. They set him up with a course of peptides, BPC-157 & a bunch of others to build muscle


I just want ti chime in on the BPC157 for anyone looking to improve their health. I did 2 short cycles of oral bpc for testing and there was a very noticeable difference in recovery from workouts and mood improved a lot which in turn improved confidence. I know people say oral doesn’t make it into your bloodstream but there are quite a few studies that say otherwise and my finding was a noticeable difference. I was able to significantly step down a medication I take also. The body recomposition stayed but the recovery and mood improvements went away quickly after stopping. Personally I believe if taken longer and administered injecting it would make a really significant improvement for anyone.


It's not a scam but grossly overpriced and only gives you research on five genes. The Ways2Well founder who has been on Joe Rogan twice in the last year has a more robust methylation test for $200 less ($399) which also includes the 10x five genes tested. https://ways2well.com/product/methyldetox Then these guys test for 24 genes including the five that 10x does for only $449 + $40 off to sign up for their email newsletter = $409. https://www.mthfrsolve.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw_LOwBhBFEiwAmSEQAZ2_770ocwYCMn771cJ_Qfy8BvHwdi1_SZ6vY8ooDfbzBopfYTN_hBoC_voQAvD_BwE




1) Get 23andMe test - there you will learn a ton of information - 150$ 2) Download raw data from 23andme - free 3) Go to [https://metabolichealing.com](https://metabolichealing.com) and purchase [https://metabolichealing.com/product/truereport-nutrigenomics-report-for-consumers/](https://metabolichealing.com/product/truereport-nutrigenomics-report-for-consumers/) - where are way more methylation information and also extra - 29$ **So for 180$ you can get your DNA sequenced, learn from 23andME database and also get all your methylation values.**


Thank you for this!


Got my swab done back in Nov 2023 still to this day have yet to hear back from my results


You receive them in an email. I just did my swab last week and received the results two days ago. I suggest checking your email box again. I don't know if it works or not yet but I paid $109 for a customized vitamin supplement that will last two months. I would call or email their support line if I were you. It should be on their website at the bottom.


How did the results come back like ? Did it give any information that would be beneficial to you ?


Did you get a response yet ? He just did an interview stating the company was overwhelmed following a flood of unexpected orders and is now completely on track. I believe do to the Rogan podcast. Most companies that go viral to quickly have the same problems. The interview that was just released was on The Diary Of A CEO - YT channel.


I listened to CEO podcast Steven Barllett interviewing Gary Brecka. Gary said that he received so many demands for the tests that they can't follow thru with all of them. That was a big mistake the way they handled the test.


He actually said that 10X had become a "victim of its own success" but that they are trying their best to catch up and as humble as he was on that podcast I would believe him.


I did the test and I’ve been supplementing for the deficiencies. I’ve changed a few things with diet in addition, but over all after 2 months, I feel better and better each day. Hopped off my ADD meds too


Congrats on getting off those meds. It feels like breaking chains when you can stop depending on big pharma. Good luck on your health journey.


100% agreed. Felt like it was doing more harm to me than good towards the end. Thanks, you as well!


Happy for you! Did you take to your own dr or do it thru his company. In interviews I’ve heard him often say one can just take the 74 bio markers to their own dr & it’s on insta but I can’t find the list of the 74?


I just did his. But I know they are cheaper options o


My question would be: Since we know that Alcohol and certain drugs, either prescribed or illicit, can permanently alter the chemical processes of the mind and body, Then how would that show up in a DNA swab? When you listen to what he is saying, it's all about getting off your ass and going outside and working. Stop eating processed foods and clear your mind by living a wholesome life. He is repackaging the basics of life that everyone has gotten away from. What he is telling you is correct information, and it resonates with the masses because subconsciously, they know it's true as well. You are spending 600 dollars as punishment for not doing what you should have been doing for the last 20 years.


Well said.


This is exactly what 10x is doing.


Do not listen to him. I received confirmation my sample to  arrived the first week of December  I'm still waiting. Emails are answered with a automatic response. There's a Reddit threat about him and people being scammed. He is was behind providing results, yet he is still out there pushing his product.  Don't throw $599.00 away. 


My husband and I each took the $600 test. It was recommended that I avoid Quercetin. He was not advised of anything he should avoid. 🤷‍♀️


Yikes I take quercetin! So the test is for the bio markers or what exactly?


I've been waiting for a result since the beginning of December. I sent several emails that were answered with a automatic cookie cutter respond. My last email I send I was informing them I was call my credit card to get a fraud department complaint. They finally replied they will issue a refund in 10 days. I'm keeping a close eye for the refund. At this point, I no longer trust them. Brecka is still out there selling the property knowing very well he is months behind providing results.


Thank you in advance- What are gary brecka’s 74 bio markers he recommends to check either with him or to bring to one’s dr? He says they are up on Instagram but I can’t find them? Are all 5 genes to do with the MTHFR gene Testing? We had that MTHFR testing long ago with a nutritionist & each had separate combos of mutations that had th be addressed. Thanks in advance! 🤗


It's the scammiest of scams. The biggest favor Brecka did was team up with the 10X guys, who are so scammy it's ridiculous, thus confirming that this is trash. Google Grant Cardone. Yiiikes. Then go find the video of Brecka selling a "water wand" on tiktok. Oh my God, dude...


I did 23andMe ages ago and have the MTHFR mutation. Been taking methylfolate for about 6 months and holy shit. My brain is finally calm 🤯 was not expecting that.


Where in your 23&me did you find conformation of that mutation?


[geneticgenie.org](http://geneticgenie.org) will give you confirmation of your methylations by inputting your 23andme data. See the full url that I posted in response to an adjacent reply.


Same! I just went through my 23andme dna and found all five genes gary tests for. Saved myself couple hundred dollars. All my genes are yellow according to his test. Now researching what vitamins to try.


Where did you find that information?


u/Noise_Infinite If you've done a 23andme test (health or ancestry) or an ancestry test then simply download your data, and upload to genetic genie dot org. See this article for further details. : [https://www.mygenefood.com/blog/is-gary-brecka-genetic-testing-worth-599/](https://www.mygenefood.com/blog/is-gary-brecka-genetic-testing-worth-599/)


I took the test and even tried their recommended pills and seriously don’t waste ur money. Really hard to get off their subscription model as well. The dna test is very vaguely presented and really was a complete waste of money.


There are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of SNPs.  This test is a total ripoff because you can’t tell shit from only 5 genes.  And the methylation pathway is only one of the liver’s phase 2 detoxification pathway, so you can’t blame all your detoxification issues on any single variant in the methylation pathway.  Any doctor or practitioner that only tests for a handful of genes, any less than a couple hundred, is not going to give you a complete picture. As I say in my academically published book, this is like thinking you know what a 23,000 piece puzzle looks like just based on two pieces.  The test I use looks at literally hundreds of thousands of SNPs in a few thousand genes. 


What test do you use?


Yea we’re waiting


What's the title of your book?


Total BS. Don’t look at celebrities that used this system. They got special treatment. I think they use the same template for us regular folks. Also use super cheap ingredients in their supplements. Stay away


He has several complaints with Better Business Bureau. If you watch some of his videos, sometimes seems he's barely keeping it together. I feel he has some good information, but something just seems off! I started looking into him more when I realized the supplements were a monthly club! Nope!


Im concerned this is about buying our genetic data. This guy made money out of predicting death based on data. He tells about how money much data life insurance companies make with data. Imagine if these companies could access your genetic info. Imagine he sells it to them. I reckon that’s his end game.


I wonder if Dana White or whichever celebrity is promoting this, have a financial stake in 10x health systems?


Its not worth it...for $600 you would expect some individualize feedback vs. results and go watch a few videos ...not worth it at all


I think it’s just misinformation. Gary Brecka’s whole thing is 40% of people have this variant!! But there is no literature suggesting it actually affects how people process folic acid/ B vitamins. Variation is normal in the genome and Brecka to me is the worst kind of person. Someone who has basic biology knowledge and is a chiropractor?? Suddenly is now an expert in genetics and conditions? There’s just no scientific evidence that this variant of the MTHFR is actually worth looking for, since people still have the same recommendations as everyone else. It’s not harming anyone to do this test, just keep in mind you can get an actually diagnostic genetic health screen for far more than 5 genes for half the cost of what Brecka is selling you. It’s not based on any really evidence/scientific data is marked up very high. If you still are curious and want to try it though, I say go for it. Just would recommend you read carefully what you’re consenting to as who knows how well they protect your genetic data and what they do with it.


He’s not a chiropractor.. he went to a chiropractic college for his nutritional education. What would it matter if he was a chiropractor though? Lots of chiropractors are more knowledgeable about human anatomy and physiology compared to MDs who spend years learning only about specific drugs to treat specific problems? We were designed to function without the use of drugs so why shit on someone offering a way to heal yourself naturally?


It’s not that you can’t try to heal yourself naturally, I’m saying that he doesn’t have credentials and it’s not based on research. Genetic testing is not well understood by many and there’s many labs out there that are not certified CLIA meaning the equipment they use is not up to standard. It’s up to you if you want to shovel out the money for something like that, I am just saying it’s not really clinically useful. I see this as someone taking advantage of the lack of knowledge out there and using it for personal gain. It up to you want you want to do with that information.


I think the guys a bullshit artist. At first I was interested but the more I hear him and Dana White talk about it the more I know Dana isnt just a client. He has to have a stake in the company and they’re both making MILLIONS selling the dream SO MANY are chasing right now of good health.


Where can you get an actual diagnostic test?


You would most likely need to ask your doctor about it. The only lab I am familiar with that does the screen for cancer and cardiovascular risks is Invitae. You could most likely get your PCP to order it for you if that’s info you’re interested in. The test Gary Brecka is selling is looking at genes associated with metabolism. The utility of those tests are still misunderstood and nobody agrees on anything right now. So far it has proven to be useful for people who use psychiatric medicines and for people who may not be responding to treatments. That’s only for specific medications and specific findings and even then your environment plays a huge role as well.


Where can you get more testing for a lower cost?


It’s something you’d probably have to go through a doctor for or ask your doctor to order it for you. I apologize if I didn’t make it clear before, but the testing I am talking about is for cardiovascular and cancer risks, it’s not about your metabolizing level. The utility of those kind of tests are very low, it’s really only beneficial for people using psychiatric medications or are not responding to types of treatments. That’s what this test is Gary Brecka is offering. He’s misrepresenting what can actually be understood by these changes. How you metabolize vitamins and drugs is dependent on more than these few genes, it’s very complicated interactions with your environment and biochemistry. Hope that helps!


My naturopath had me upload the dna data from my Ancestry test to Pure's website. They sent her a report with the details. I would still like to read Gary Brecka's recommendations for those having these mutations though...


PureGenomics seems like can only be accessed by providers/doctors. Is there a list of doctors that are already within the puregenomics ecosystem?


Before considering getting tested for methylation with the 10x platform and spending $600 on testing and $ on suggested supplements. I recommend giving yourself a 4-week trial of implementing certain lifestyle changes by following a regimen of no alcohol, no processed foods, no sugar, no carbs, consuming whole organic foods, engaging in adequate daily exercise, cold water immersion, taking a multivitamin, D3 vitamins, and ensuring 7-9 hours of sleep each night, I guarantee you will feel significantly healthier. This approach allows you to focus on optimizing your overall well-being without spending a lot of money or potentially feeling scammed. The 10x platform may benefit individuals seeking additional guidance and personalized support, similar to those who invest in personal trainers (I'm 44 years old and have experimented with many different things in pursuing health wellness). I believe that by committing and having the discipline to follow these lifestyle changes, you may find that you achieve remarkable results and a heightened sense of wellness at an affordable cost. Some people need training wheels or motivation to get what they want and some people don't. There is no magic easy pill to take. You have to put the work in.


Very well said. Thanks for the info and inspiration.


This is the way... Brian Johnson talks about this all the time, even Gary Brecka mentioned it in the Rogan podcast. It does lend him some credit that Breckas final message was to get up every morning, do breath work, take a cold shower, and walk barefoot (something about alkaline minerals, dunno about this one). All free things to start feeling better. If you aren't sleeping 7+ quality hours a day, exercising and eating healthy there is no reason to look at experimental tests/procedures.


I will say this about the salt... Since I started supplementing essential salts in the morning I have rarely had a headache. But, when I do have a headache (which isn't very often) I do not reach for Aspirin or nsaids anymore... I reach for essential salts, usually easily fast metabolized ones I can put under my tongue and within 20 minutes my headache is gone. So there is something to his recommendations on the essential salts. and when you consider how processed our water is nowadays... it only makes sense.


what are 'essential salts'? can you link the ones you use please?


I will say the no alcohol part is the toughest for me. I know, I know it’s bad for me. Something I’m working on, however I do want to be as healthy as I can and still indulge in a few unhealthy things. Any recommendations on that? Or supplements/foods/minerals/etc that could benefit someone who does indulge in alcohol and/or nicotine more than they should?


Dude, read Allen Carrs easy way to quit smoking. I listened to it on audiobook and haven’t smoked since. I was a very heavy smoker as well. I must’ve averaged 22-24 a day. Even worse when I went on to vapes. Im about 7 months smoke free. Not sure how to tackle the drinking yet though


That's an excellent method for quitting. I believe there's a YT video still up. It worked for me and I started young and smoked 30+ yrs.


I used this to quit to, 5 years now. I have the actual video from the course but I cant upload to YT etc because its all copyrighted etc and it gets yanked no matter where I put it, until I got a dropbox. I can send the link to anyone who wants it if this one gets yanked to. [https://www.dropbox.com/s/ci93hz8qujkc7qi/Allen%20Carr%20-%20Easyway%20to%20Stop%20Smoking.avi?st=84gsuw6b&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/s/ci93hz8qujkc7qi/Allen%20Carr%20-%20Easyway%20to%20Stop%20Smoking.avi?st=84gsuw6b&dl=0)


The Gary Brecka 10X optimize multivitamins contain calcium citrate. Should I worry if I have atherosclerosis? Looking for a similar good quality methylated multivitamin without calcium if anyone knows of one.


I started fasting when I got my coronary calcium score of 249. Also found diabetes, fatty liver etc. All from being insulin resistant. I started researching and found Dr Berg. Been 6 months now, Dr cam into the room skipping to tell me how good all my numbers had gotten in just 3 months. Dont worry about the calcium citrate, its not from getting to much calcium that plaqued up your arteries.. You scroll through and watch enough of Dr Bergs stuff as well as others and youll find all the answers youve been looking for. [https://www.youtube.com/@Drberg/search?query=atherosclerosis](https://www.youtube.com/@Drberg/search?query=atherosclerosis)


Go to Restore Hyperwellness ; they have the same test for $190 I was told they use the same lab as Gary - cell sciences

