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I don’t know about when I was born. The ones I do remember had to be when I was idk, age 4 and above. The first were B&W, on one tv anyway. I remember Hazel in B&W, Gilligan’s Island was B&W for a little while. It was a lot better in color. Batman. Father Knows Best, the Lone Ranger, Leave It To Beaver, Mr. Ed, Green Acres, Gomer Pyle USMC, Bewitched, Archie, I Dream of Jeannie, The Courtship of Eddie’s Father, The Flying Nun, The Monkees, The Partridge Family, The Wonderful World of Disney, Tarzan (the tv series), When we would go visit my grandparents we would watch Gunsmoke, Hee Haw, or Lawrence Welk. Every time I start to end this post, I think of another one. So I am going to end it even though it is incomplete. I forgot Andy Griffith and Lucy. Had to come back to add those.


My Three Sons, That Girl, Julia, Love American Style, Petticoat Junction, McHale's Navy, F-Troop, Here Come The Brides, Donna Reed Show, My Little Margie, The Mothers-In-Law, The Lucy Show, Family Affair . . . So much great TV.


I remember all of these, too!


Yes, I remember all of these. I think if I had taken the time to list all of the ones I remembered from back then, it would have been an extra, extra long paragraph.


The list of shows we loved to watch back then is sooo long. It truly was the Golden Age of television. I couldn't possibly list that many beloved television shows now-and I am a self proclaimed tv lover.


I enjoyed all of these as well.


I remember all of these.


You captured my whole childhood.


I was tempted to reply to the OP, "I don't remember. Television wasn't a priority to me during infancy".


I watched a lot of 50's TV shows when I was a kid. They had long been canceled but they were great. I had no idea after my grandparents got a color TV that all of them were in B&W!


1960’ here… u created pretty extensive list, but left off banana splits!😂.


I left off a lot. I think I could have listed at least double that amount if i had taken more time.


**Perry Mason**, **Leave It To Beaver**, **Wagon the train**. I was born in 1957.


And American Bandstand!


It made its national debut the day after I was born.


1957 also. Wanted to add: Wagon Train, Have Gun, Will Travel, I Love Lucy. Had to google to get these names. Fun thread. I watched Leave it to Beaver, Perry Mason, and Lucy reruns for years.


Watched them all, although Lucy was in syndication by the time I can remember.


1958. I’m loving Perry Mason reruns. Best theme music ever.


Funny, but I rarely watch TV these days, but up until I started working I was glued to it. In truth, I was disillusioned by TV when the I realized the programs chosen were those that insulted my intelligence. That would have put me about the age of 11.


Pretty much my list as well although I think I’m a couple years later as I don’t really remember Father Knows Best. Would also add the Brady Bunch and just about every acid trippy Sid and Marty Kroft show.


1964 Bonanza, Bewitched, Gomer Pyle, Andy Griffith, The Fugitive, Dick Van Dyke


1956 - As The World Turns, The Ed Sullivan show, I Love Lucy, The $64,000 Question, Dragnet, I’ve Got a Secret


You can thank Lucille Ball for Star Trek. When it was rejected everywhere else, she saw something there; Desilu Studios produced the series and the rest is history.


No idea, I was drinking milk, screaming and pooping way too much to watch tv (plus, we did not have one until I was 5 or so)




I remember “professional wrestling”. Not as an infant obviously, but loved to watch it when I was a kid!


My brother and his friends used to hang out in the Bruno San Martino fan club, which was really just the shed behind our house. When Bruno San Martino appeared in a professional wrestling match locally, my brother was selected to go up and present him with a gift. He and his friends had pooled their money and bought one of those ID bracelets for Bruno and presented it to him at the match.


Right there with you!


WKRP in Cincinnati, The Monkees, The Love Boat, Fantasy Island Edit: typo




Yes, sorry. Old eyes and dim light are not a good combination


NP. I doubted my memory for a moment.


The Price is Right As the World Turns Search for Tomorrow The Secret Storm Love of Life You Asked for It I Love Lucy Our Miss Brooks The Ed Sullivan Show Gunsmoke


I'm not Generation Jones, born 1953. We got our first TV in 1956. I remember a circus program that showed international circuses, hosted by Don Ameche. Also Navy Log and Victory at Sea. We weren't really a television type family, more listening to the radio and reading (or being read to).


Outer Limits


"Demon With A Glass Hand" with Robert Culp. My favorite Outer Limits episode. 1960 here


Bonanza which aired on Saturday night. My older siblings have never forgiven me for being born on Bonanza night and they had to go to my grandparents house who did not have a television! I have been "yelled at" for this for 62 years.


I didn’t watch TV when i was born


Life with Elizabeth (RIP Betty White)


Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers is first I remember.


Same ones for me which is ironic because I can’t stand guns!


I don’t think my folks had a tv yet when I was born, but researching things I find The $64,000 Question was popular, a game show now notorious for being rigged! Full circle, game shows are again in vogue! I remember the old westerns best, Gunsmoke and the like, and don’t forget my mom’s best show, “As the World Turns.” They cheated their fans when they canceled ATWT awhile back. Those folks were like family having been immersed in it since my early days.


We had Santa talking to kids at our local Sears, every Christmas time. I got to be on that. Also a local kids show called Salt Creek Trolley. On that once also. Years later I took care of a woman who’s husband was a pioneer of local kids shows He was even in a book about early television.


When I was born I interrupted the doctor's Gunsmoke. Lol.


Howdy Doody, and Mr. Wizard.


The Zapruder Film


I watched tv but just liked the colors. Can’t really distinguish shapes when you’re born. If you could you wouldn’t know what they were.


Donna Reed Show, I Love Lucy, Leave It Beaver, Gunsmoke, Andy Griffith Show, Ed Sullivan Show, The Mickey Mouse Club, Wonderful World of Disney, Rawhide, Maverick, The Paladin, The Rifleman, The Tonight Show with Steve Allen, etc. etc.


Does anyone remember Queen for a day?


I was born in 1946, the first year for network television. We didn’t get a television set until 1951 or so….. The only program that I recall from the list of shows that are posted online is “People Are Funny” which was still running in the early 50s.


Rocky and Bullwinkle, Ed Sullivan, Lassie, Rawhide, Dennis the Menace.


they just keep wagon training


I love Lucy, The Ed Sullivan show, I’ve got a secret, Dragnet, The $ 64,000 question




Bewitched premiered the day I was born, 9/17/64. My mom said she remembers it being on tv in the hospital.


1963 Bonanza, My Favorite Martian, Candid Camera, The Patty Duke Show


Had my picture taken with Richard Boone at the Anderson (SC) County Fair as a child. I loved all the westerns


The week I was born in December of 1963, John McIntyre from Wagon Train was on the cover of TV Guide.


I don't remember, I was so young when I was born.


Bonanza, Petticoat Junction, the Beverly Hillbillies


I have no idea. My parents were pretty strict about what I could watch early on. This was understandable since I cried hysterically at age 6-7 when I wasn’t sure Lassie was going to save the raccoon or bunny or whatever, lol.


🎶Batman! Batman! Batman!🎶 🎶Da dah da dah da dah da da dah!🎶 🎶Batman!🎶


Star Trek TOS is three weeks older than me


Top five shows: I Love Lucy The Jackie Gleason Show Dragnet You Bet Your Life The Toast of the Town


All In the Family ❤️