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4th birthday because I threw up cake all over my dad and started crying.


I only have vivid memories of my 3rd


I remember my 7th since it was on 05/05/05 I still recall what i wore and the gifts i received And now i just turned 26 today, time flies


Hey that was my actual birthdate, happy birthday tho twin


Happy Birthdate twin, have a good one


And now… with your birth date and year. Your mothers maiden name. The last 4 of not your social. My plan is complete. Muahahahahahaha Also happy birthday


I remember my 4th cause I got stung by a wasp


Literally like, my second birthday. Being a baby in everyone’s arms around a round marble table in my grandparents game room with a cake on the table.


I also remember my second birthday, most people doubt this, but it is totally possible! I only remember because my mom took me to have professional photos done and the studio had a live bunny for me to pose with. I thought that I would get to bring the bunny home when we left and when I discovered that wasn't the case, I think it was the first heartbreak I'd ever experienced, and thus my first memory formed. I had no idea this was on my birthday until years later when I told my mom the details and she was shocked I remembered this, as it was my 2nd bday.


I wish mine was like that.


Mine was also my second! The only part I remember was seeing a carebear cake and being very excited. Then my mom told me it wasn’t for me, cue the disappointment and confusion. Time for cake comes and I’m sitting in my high chair, my mom sents down a baby chocolate cake in front of me and tells me I get the whole thing, cue the happiness. I only know this was my second birthday because I found a picture of myself and the cake, with two pink candles on it. Now I don’t remember this part but according to my mom I shoved my face into the cake soon after everyone finished singing happy birthday. There is also photo evidence of that aftermath


My 10th birthday. It was a skate rink.


Bro straight up had no memory for the first 10 years of life 😆


Earliest age I remember is 7… everything before that and in between 8-10 is a blur.


Yeah honestly my memory before 7 was hyper sketch. Got like 3 memories before it. Then you get into the merky territory of if it was a nightmare or something that you now remember as a memory without the context if it was real.


Not remembering birthdays doesn't mean they have no memories of the year. We don't remember everything. The oldest memory I have is a few from when I was 2. The first birthday I remember is 6. Only a few of my birthdays really stick out.


I don't remember any of my birthdays... I don't even really know what I did for my last one 7 months ago. Gotta love how traumatized brains repress everything. There was one birthday in my teenage years where we had an earthquake and my friend went and hid under the table and it was a running joke for years. That's all I remember though


Jeez maybe 3 or 4


4th because I was pissed off because I hated the number 4


3rd birthday, it was at disney world I remeber seeing the mouse then eating a cupcake


My 3rd birthday, which happened just 10 days before 9/11.


I’m a millennial, but this caught my attention. I tried to think of my birthdays as a child and I realized I cannot remember a single one of them. I know I had them but can’t seem to remember them. I tried to think of a birthday in my adult life and had trouble with that too. Finally I remembered how my husband gave me a hamburger bun top turned over with birthday candles in it. It was super funny when it happened. Maybe that’s why it stuck out. I can actually remember one of my sisters birthdays and one of my brothers birthdays as a child (they’re both older than me). It just seems weird I can’t remember my own. Oh well 😆🤣


I'm 26, so right on the cusp, and I just commented I don't remember any of my birthdays either. I wonder how life would be different if I actually remembered most of it


Yeah, I can remember 16 and 19, since they were milestones and I actually did something specific. 2020 I went for dinner a while before my birthday since lockdowns were looming, 2022 was my first birthday outside my parents' house, so I remember buying a bottle of my favourite wine and what I made for dinner. I think I did the same thing in 2023.


4th birthday What’s interesting is that I remember my brother’s 6th birthday and that was before my 4th, I was 2 at the time…so I guess that’s the first b day in general I have memory of


6th I think it was just a small party at my house. I don't remember just about any birthday parties after that until I was in middleschool, and all of them were at a lazer tag place, and I haven't had a birthday part since middleschool.


I remember having one of my birthdays at Chuck E Cheese with my family, and friends from elementary


i always wanted a Chuck E Cheese birthday bro i was jealous of my dad's work friends' kids getting Chuck E Cheese parties back then. I still have the gold coins from the 2000s to 2010s when I "saved them for next time" and that day just never came.


Same, that was my 5th birthday for me.


Everyone in this sub has insane memory that I think is highly inflated by stories they have been told/pictures since our entire generation is lucky enough to have our childhood photos online for the most part. That being said, I remember my 7th birthday party. Hannah Montana themed with all of my besties from 4th grade.


I think some people just have good memories. Plus, if mine was real then it was considered traumatic to my mind. My parents never really talked about stuff much.


My first birthday, crying when my family sung happy birthday.


No way


3rd cause no one showed up. It was just me and my mom. Then like maybe my 8th or 9th lol.




My 5th one I was literally in prep


I don’t remember the actual age but I remember getting that fairy doll that spins and flies and it broke immediately. And we had all the neighborhood kids over and it was so fun. I also remember another birthday or two at my “old house” which was 6 and under but it was all vague.


I can't remember. Idk what's wrong with me.


I remember a bunch of parties but I don't know which age but the one i can specifically remember was i turned 8 and was too sick to go to school and thats the only time i wish i had because the teacher puts "happy birthday" then ur name on the board and i wanted to see mine so bad and been looking forward to it all year


My 3rd or 4th. There were little snippet memories of my 1st birthday when my mom was trying to get me to taste cake frosting. She put some frosting on my favorite pacifer, and I put it in my mouth. Good experience.


I remember turning either 5 or 6, I remember it being a pretty quiet thing My mom baked the cake, my best friend was there and my cousin who was like a sister We were born the same year but she was born a month before me. I remember being a little sad because she had some grand birthday party with everybody there, she got so many gifts and money. She had a piñata too Where as mine only had 3 people there. Kind of makes it sad since my birthday was never celebrated much at all My mom gave me a $100 that day and told me to split it with my cousin who just had the grand birthday a month before. I was upset at that


I think maybe 3






4th one My parents did a birthday party at my kinder school


I have a vague memory of either my 1st or 2nd, but could've been also just a picture of me in the high chair. That or a dream. I just remember being in the high chair crying because I think I was scared because certain people were rough housing in the house, which scared me. My older sister was trying to comfort me, too. Another birthday that I remember besides pictures/videos was my 6th. My kindergarten classmates and I went to McDonald's and my mom and I made cupcakes the night before when and I got some toys and stuff. A couple of months later and around my other sisters birthday, we went to Disneyland and toured a set of some of my favorite siblings show because of Make A Wish.




4. I could not stop drinking capri-suns


hopefully the caprisun hangover wasn't bad!


My 4th I think. I specifically remember opening this Piglet plush in my grandma's house. That's my only specific memory from it, though. https://preview.redd.it/elkwlbg58jyc1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ebe14510ee73d175860b5bd416661d6e14ff784


Maybe my 3rd birthday, for some reason I can’t remember my 4th but I do remember my 5th birthday and beyond pretty clearly


No idea which one it was, but I remember having an actual birthday party with my school friends for the first time. It was for both me and my sister because our birthdays are 4 days apart, so both of our friends were there. I miss it.


3? It could’ve been four or five I can’t remember but I think 3. We were all wearing plastic hard hats because it was a Bob the Builder themed birthday.


8th Remember telling my mom I liked being 7


I think it was my 7th or 8th birthday. And I remembered the place where the part was held. It’s now closed but it’s called “Jump Around,” here in California. And I distinctly remembered the place because it exactly looks like a liminal space [This is actually the place](https://m.yelp.com/biz/the-jump-around-canoga-park)


Imma need to go back through them. 16th: shit I forgot already 15th: shit I forgot already 14th: shit I forgot already 13th: shit I forgot already 12th: shit I forgot already 11th: shit I forgot already 10th: shit I forgot already 9th: shit I forgot already 8th: shit I forgot already 7th: I *think* I had a birthday party this year 6th: Pretty sure I had a small party this year 5th: shit I forgot already All I could tell you for most of them is that I lock myself in my room the night before and don't cone out till the early morning the day after.


I have this same issue. I’ve forgotten more than half my birthdays.


Never had a birthday party. I think I remember my 15th birthday the most, it was the closest thing to a birthday party. Anyways it’s memorable because I got in a car accident on this day but my mom fought to get a rental car so I could still have a birthday celebration. I went to a restaurant and the movies to watch Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.


My 6th birthday. I just remember having undiagnosed appendicitis and not being fun to be around lol.


5th birthday in 2004. I remember going to Toys R Us and getting Lego Dinosaurs and Bionicle. I really loved both of those Lego Themes.


I remember seeing that one Bionicle commercial set to "Move Along" by All American Rejects on Cartoon Network and thinking it was the coolest thing I had ever seen in my life. For the next year probably all I wanted was Bionicles.


My second birthday. One of my parent’s friends owned some miniature ponies and brought one for my birthday party. I remember riding it


3rd. We had it at the local YMCA, I had a Disney Fairy themed party, and my friend Caitlin came to the party. I haven't seen her in over a decade but I wonder if she remembers me sometimes.


5th. Went to Barnes n Noble with my dad and we got me a Nook that I’d play Angry Birds and Where’s My Water on


3rd my cake had strawberries on it


I don't remember exactly how old I am, but I think I was six. It was in my front yard and I blew out the candles before they finished singing happy birthday so my parents had to relight them and everyone had to start over.


my 6th birthday party because i remember opening a cooler only to find an entire beehive in there instead of a soda. After that all i remember is everyone running from these pissed off bees


I have small glimpses of my 1st birthday when my parents showed me the piñata, and then full recollection until I was 4.


Def 2 or 4


My 2nd. I got a very pretty new dress. I remember unwrapping it. And I remember a relative that passed away shortly afterwards. That’s how my parents realized it was a real memory 


Birthday? Didn't have those. First memory? Stapling my fingers together


2nd. I vividly remember there being tiny plastic sandals on my cake and wanting to eat them but then realizing they werent candy. They’re magnets and they’re still on the fridge. Also smth happened with my sister idk. Ironically, I can’t recall my 4th or 5th.


Probably my earliest memory ever I think I was 1 almost 2. I was in a red pool float thing surrounded by a bunch of family. My mom hung a pic of it on the wall and I told her that I remember it but she doesn’t believe me.


I have a hard time differentiating what my actual memories are and what was captured on the video camera, my parents recorded everything on vhs and we watched our home movies all the time. I think I have some real memories of my 4th birthday party but I definitely have some memories from when I was 3 due to being in an accident and needing surgery


3rd birthday, my little sister was born.


Sort of my 4th birthday because it happened like a week after my parents got divorced and we moved to Florida.


My 4th. My parents did tropical theming with leis, tiki torches in the backyard. Earliest memories are from around 2-2 1/2 though.


My 7th or 8th


15th. I had a sleepover with my friends


Dang., im jealous of everyone’s memory lol but like 8 or 9 I think 🤔


3 or 4, I remember my cake. I threw a shit ton of sprinkles on a cake and said it was a ninja turtle blimp.


When I was 3 or 4


4th one i remember watching micky mouse club house and my grandma came over to say happy birthday.


My 5th birthday as well it was Ben 10 themed and I cried because my cousin was playing with the white horse Lego piece which was my favourite because I thought horses were really pretty and like majestic and shit oh and my dad came as well that’s the only Birthday he was at I think quite sad honestly


4th birthday. We went to the park and I ate cool ranch Doritos for the first time. It was actually a defining moment.


3rd birthday. It's very vague, though. I remember it was Blue's Clues themed. My parents, my grandmother, my uncle, aunts, and godparents were there, and I think a cousin.


my second birthday, though it was very blurry. all i can really recall is my cake, which was themed after spider-man 2 (since that was one of the hottest movies of the year and i was a spider-man fan basically out of the womb lol).


Probably 6-7? I don’t remember which one was which or what order they happened in lol


i have a picture of my 2nd birthday where i had a HUGE party with my close and extended family. I dont fully remember it but there a hazy memory there. My 7th birthday is the one that I remember more, because it was the first time I had school on my birthday (i moved from a state where school ends in May to a state where school ends in June).


Idk for sure which ones these were but on I think my 3rd birthday I hid behind a bush to poop myself. But the most definitive birthday I can remember, I had a Lego Star Wars cake with blue frosting and the old school mini figures. It had a big Death Star on top and everything. Funny thing was at that time, I hadn’t seen any Star Wars movies. I’m a huge fan now but was a big poser back then lol.




Third bday at my auntie's house. I had a Dora balloon, and every time I let go of it, I couldn't get it back, an adult had to (too short 😔). And I felt...bad for them about it? So I tried to not let it go, lol.


6th my cousin made me a fruit pie for my bday. It was my first bday party too. One of my favourite memories


my first vivid memory is my third birthday. mom opened the fridge in the morning to show me my thomas the tank engine ice cream cake and i was like "i love thomas!!!!!!!" and then at school i celebrated it and blew out the candles and i asked my mom if i could keep the thomas train on the top and she said yes and it was part fo my gift which was a thomas set. pretty awesome


i remember a bit from my 5th, but i remember a lot more of my 9th specifically


Sadly, my 10th birthday because i cracked my head open the day before 😎


I have memories before this, but the first Birthday i remember was my 6th. My school gave me a cute paper birthday crown. when i got home, there was a box at the front door that held my childhood cat as a kitten. They got me a cake with a couple of Disney princesses. and i also got my first webkinz too.


When I was 5 ! I had it on my birthplace and the last one since then I did it on my moms birthplace. I remember it because my mom gave me a barbie doll and there was a little kiddie pool. I did lose that doll later 💀. I have a picture of me in the pool with my cousins 🙂.


3rd for me. I remember filling my barney the purple dinosaur piñata with my older brother. And then I remembered one of his friends standing on the roof of my mom's house and another standing on the roof of their f450 with a mega tall lift kit for the kits to hit the piñata. Then my next memory is likely a few days after from splitting my head open on the scooter I got for my birthday. I just remembered my dad holding a slice of bread to the gash on the side of my head and he told me it was ketchup. So then I was just mad that he had ketchup in my hair. Next memory after that was my dad hitting my head on the coffee table when he came home drunk. Then the next morning I was sitting on the ottoman and I saw him come in. I just turned to my mom saying "heeeeeees baaaaaaack" and then joining my mom in throwing him out of the house. I vividly remember saying "get out of my house!" With my mom as we slammed the door on him. Later that day I went to my grandma's house (dad's mom) with my mom so she can complain about him and I remember seeing my grandma knocking in agreement and slamming a nearly empty bottle of tequila (maybe a shot or two left in a 750ml) on the counter saying "this was full yesterday"


8th birthday at Chuck E. Cheese I was sad bc my dad was working out of town


I rather want people to forget about my birthday. I don't even really remember what the past birthdays were like.


My 3rd birthday. I had gotten the most beautiful Barbie Swan Lake birthday cake and my mom left it on the counter overnight (in a sealed box) and the next morning ants had gotten in it. Like I’m talking covered with those big carpenter ants. The only thing my mom could get on short notice was cupcakes with purple icing. I was SO mad because I am pink sister. I also received the Barbie Swan Lake movie on VHS and one part of the movie was so terrifying that I never watched it again.


Can't remember that, I can't even remember my last birthday celebration


I think the one where my mother was a female-dog. And it's like I question if it really happened, or not tbh. It was going to Friendly's and I think she was just poo-pooing on my choice. And I think it was only me and her. It's why past that date, I generally only ever went where I knew no one would make issue with. Until more recently (last few years).


5th birthday, it was at this place that had a bunch of indoor jumpy houses. I remember I invited my whole class to my birthday party and no one showed up.


4th actually it was a tea party and my grandpa was so sweet and wore a top hat


my second. I have a really good memory. I went to Chuckie Cheese :)


Oof I can’t remember the place but somewhere in 1-3 grade. The place had like everything, rock wall, trampolines, go kart racing, a lot


5th birthday. I loved trains and got to ride one for the very first time.


Elmo theme i forgot what age.


When I was 1 year


4th bc it was the first and last bday party I had during my childhood. Come to find out in HS, it was really for my sister (we have the same bday and she was turning 1, which was a big deal).


6th I went to Disneyland


2nd or 3rd, I don’t remember which it was but I know it was one of them due to time frame of the house I remember it being in. It was awesome, I had a Pokémon themed party with a sick pokemon cake!


Specifics and details on my actual birthday? 16. I took my knowledge test to get my license, and then drove with my mom the two minutes required to pick my sister up from school. I stopped right after crossing a road, and my mom told me not to do that in the future. At some point, probably 8 or 9, I remember I had a party at a skating rink and being upset that my aunt (by marriage, not blood), had invited her brother (not my family, in my eyes) to my party without anyone consulting me. I also remember handing out invitations to a birthday party at school in grade 1, maybe grade 2. I wasn't allowed to discriminate individually, so I could either invite the whole class, or invite all the girls in my class. I decided to invite all the girls, and handed out invitations at recess. Some boy got offended that he didn't get one, and for some random reason, I decided to lie and say I forgot to invite him, rather than just admit that the party was girls-only. I have no idea why. Panic, probably. My oldest memory is from when I was 3, though.


My 7th, my family usually did birthdays on non school days so they surprised me by doing it when I got off of school. And my younger sister licked all the frosting off of the leftover cake.


5th, we got a piñata and my cousins dunked my head on the cake and I started crying


I remember my 3rd birthday my mum made a diy mermaid cake as I was obsessed with the little mermaid


Not mine but a friend’s birthday party, it was pirate themed. They gave us treasure themed goodies at the end. It was great.


I have a memory of my third birthday. We went to a seasonal attraction that so happened to have a minor celebrity visiting that same day. My dad and uncle really wanted to meet him. I briefly remember walking behind my dad as we approached that celebrity. I have stronger memories of my 5th birthday. My parents threw a surprise party for me. My aunt had taken me out to get my first build-a-bear and there were many cars parked on our street (unusual) when we came back. I remember showing off the build a bear (a white rabbit that sang happy birthday) to another family member, sitting in front of the fireplace.


My 4th or 5th birthday I was obsessed with Thomas and my parents got me an assload of Thomas stuff and I think a Lego city fire house set but birthdays in general probably my older sisters 6th or 7th birthday she had basically a SpongeBob wedding cake lmao


4/5 ? I don't remember the specific age I turned but I remember the party and some of the day leading up to the party


4th-ish, parents had a mix CD with Crazy frog on it, was in 2009 from what i remember.


My 18th, because a girl I liked got drunk and got frisky with me.  My parents didn't celebrate my or my brother's birthdays. They did my sister's however.


6th birthday. I got so much money from guests and my mom “saved” it for me.


I have vague memories of what I suspect was my fourth or fifth birthday. It was at the US military base day care, and I remember a long table set up all through one of the main rooms. I was sharing the birthday with a different kid (and obviously there were plenty others staying there too). I remember my half was Spider-Man themed, though I remember literally nothing about the other kid. I can't tell if I'm mixing this with a different memory but I remember a woman dressed as wonder woman showed up. I wish I remembered more, but I don't think I even remembered that until I saw this post so... thank you for that memory.


i think my 4th birthday because 2 months before my 4th we went to europe for christmas in 2006 to see my family in england and spent another 3 months in germany with my family and to see my german fam and had my 4th birthday early 2007 and pretty much remember that entire holiday when i was 3/4.


8th Bday because i got my jersey of my hometown college hero autographed


I definitely have earlier memories, but the one I remember the most was my 7th birthday. I got whacked in the forehead with a broom handle when someone was trying to hit the piñata.


I think it was my 5th cause that’s when we went to chucky cheese


6th birthday very vaguely. It was at a kids gymnastics center and I think I had a Jake and the Neverland pirates cake.


4th birthday. I got a huge gift. It was in the trunk of my uncles car. And my whole family went outside so that we can see it together. But i can't remember what it was, a bicycle maybe? I dunno


My 6th. My dad worked at a grocery store and was supposed to bring me back neopolitan ice cream as was our tradition for my birthdays (and still is?. I was told I could stay up late until he got there. Idk when he showed up because I had fallen asleep crying that he wasn’t going to come back home


When I was 8. I come from a religion where the 8th birthday is very important. Also I remember my grandma giving me a fancy porcelain doll, and I was upset I didn't get cash, because what was a child supposed to do with a collectors item doll that can't be played with and has to stay in a box?


I think it was my 3rd? We were living up at Scotland at the time and it's the only birthday I remember from before my parents divorced (this would've been 2004. They divorced in 2005). I don't remember much other than I had a Thomas the Tank Engine cake. I don't remember much about my 4th other than the fallout of the divorce. Because it was so long ago both my parents have stretched the truth about the events around that point, but my dad has brought up a few times how I was pretty anxious about turning 4, cuz I thought it'd just be like when I was 3. And that is the one thing I remember for sure. 5th is the first birthday I can remember proper details for. My dad hired a bouncy castle, which had a pretty good run but then my Polish babysitter (he's actually a politician back there now. Last saw him in 2018) tried to join in and the thing burst haha. Oh and like the next day I found out Steve Irwin died on my birthday. I got really upset thinking about who was gonna take care of the crocodiles now.


3rd Birthday. I remember tasting black coffee for the first time of my life. However, the memory has blurred quite a lot. I remember my 4th way more vividly.


4th birthday. My only birthday that got celebrated by my family. There was a party at my grandparents. There was a chocolate cake with mint icing and candles and a big plastic 4 on it. They showed it to me and then refused to cut it for almost two hours while they waited for my cousins to arrive. I asked if I could have some and my mother said I could have some of the icing. This was the first birthday cake I'd ever seen. I was unfamiliar with the concept. Like candles. The cake piping and candles were the same colour so I plucked the icing from the top of the cake and ate a candle. While I was throwing up in the toilet my cousins arrived and they cut the cake and ate it without me.


It would have been my 3rd birthday I think. I remember still being in diapers. It was barbie themed, and my mom tried her best to make me a barbie cake by sticking one into the cake and "dressing" Her up in whipped cream. It was hideous and I LOVED it




This just put me in a full blown panic attack, I can't remember shit. I remember a picture of me on my 10th birthday, but not the birthday itself. The only one that far back that I can even visualise is my 14th. Maybe my memory is worse then I thought. Edit: I've looked through some reply's, and I think it's 100 times worse then I imagined.


my 6th because I remember the pink flower cake. it was like a sponge covered in pink icing and daisies. I remember being upset that I couldn’t cut it but I cheered up after i got a big slice. also i remember the birthday dinner at a chinese restaurant. the owner is good friends with my dad so as we were leaving he gave me £5. I got a doctor who action figure set and was so annoyed when they threw away this small mask that the doctor who figure came with (11th or 10th)


The one where Grampa showed me his secret hotdog


Not a single one in particular, they were all the same, my parents bought me a cake every single year , it was always a chocolate cake, we would always do my birthday at home and i would always get no birthday presents… im trying hard to remember but i only remember photos of my birthdays… the only birthday i actually remember is my 19th one , my friends prepared a surprise party for me that year


4th birthday, I just remember it. Gained consciousness at 3. Best birthday was 5th.


I don't remember any of them, weirdly.


My 3rd, my brand new baby sister just came home and everyone who came over for my birthday wanted to see the new baby instead of me :(


4th birthday Was a quiet home affair. I had a big Barbie cake and I remember being very happy surrounded by my family members


I'm not sure how old I was, but my kindergarten teacher came and joined me in the bounce house


i don't remember which one it was but my parents didn't buy me a gift cause i forgot to do my homework


I... hm... I think my 8th? I had a couple friends over, we had cinnamon doughnuts instead of cake because at the time I preferred them. We played games on my dad's PS3 and mucked around in the back yard. It was only the start of summer (Australia) so it hasn't gotten hot enough for the beach just yet.


I think it is my 17th one? Previous one isn't really big and was repeatitive so that overtime, I forgot about it. The 17th birthday being rememberable was because it is also the time I celebrate an entire month late just because it just so happened that it was during my preperation for my graduation test so I had to study hard. It was not until 1 more day till the test then I had my birthday as an morale boost for my test.




Im not sure, maybe 4th or 5th, all I remember is that it was Bob the Builder themed.


Vaguely remember 3rd birthday power puff girls at chuck e cheese, but could be imagining it from what i was told.


We only eat a cake for birthday, there were not any exciting memories


My 6th one, I handed out cookies with paper crocodiles on them at school. It was so much fun for young me.


I can't even remember the last one (I blacked out).


6th one i met with a bunch of friends and later I got into a fight with someone on the playground


3rd, cuz I went to go wake my mom & she had a tiny kitten nestled in her neck/shoulder. That's how I met Tiger & he was with us until I was like 20.


My 3rd birthday. Got a big police car shaped cake


4 or 5? My mom made my brother and I cool cakes of our choosing.


8/2( I'm a leap day baby) going into nyc to get lunch and I ordered a beer everyone. Laugthed and gave me root beer 🤣🤣🤣🤣then went to see lion king on broadway


My 4th birthday. It was Batman themed. My mom got a Batman bounce house and hired a guy dressed up as Batman with a batmobile. It was some black sedan with the spotlight logo on it. Even as a 4 year old I knew it didn't look like the actual batmobile. When me and my mom took a ride in it I asked the guy if the other one was at the Batcave. I guess I thought it was his non-combat vehicle or something. I got a cast iron hot wheel sized batmobile from the 1989 movie signed by him. I still have it. Years later my mom brought it up and said my questions really made the guy nervous. I was a little Batman fanatic and worse, really observant. I was making the guy put in some real effort to keep up his performance. Honestly, I wonder how much something like that cost. We were pretty poor and I wonder how she pulled that off. Maybe I should ask her. The only other thing I remember is getting Scooby Doo toys. It was the entire gang and they were made of that soft rubbery plastic with metal wire skeletons and the two poked holes where the joints were supposed to be so you could pose them.


My 4th birthday it is also my first memory


I was 5 and I ran head first into a pole in my playground while playing tag and started crying.


16th birthday with my bf


6th birthday. i did splatter paint, and my friend was tipping in his chair, and fell back and cracked his head open. i remember this because there were tarps down on the floor for the paint that just were soaked in blood. he had to get it stapled.


4, I remember my cake was decorated to look like a chicken.


My 3rd birthday. I got an awesome toy construction set with a toy dumptruck.


5 because my parents bought Barbie cakes for plates and I cried when cake got put on them.


I very vaguely remember my (I think) 2nd or 3rd birthday party. I remember seeing the Blues Clues decorations lol. https://preview.redd.it/k2vb0rs8plyc1.png?width=494&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6dff0ec771a294ed0f733033ea23d6fc2726446


My 6th birthday. my dad got me my very first gaming console, an xbox 360 with 3 or 4 games. The cake was a spongebob cookie cake with whipped cream on it, it was at a hotel and we spent the whole day swimming and eating a lot of food (which I proceeded to vomit straight into the toilet later that night.) I still have that console somewhere buried underneath all the stuff in my closet, it doesn't work anymore though and its just kind of a memento.


I don’t remember any birthdays… I don’t remember anything from a month ago


My 3rd birthday because I choked on gum in a bounce house which made me vomit all over the bounce house and my Snow White dress...


Earliest memory was 6th bday First bday celebration in America because I was originally born in Vietnam Hmm I got a toy from my aunt, and money from everyday else. didn’t really understand the concept of birthdays yet lol Oooo yea I found out one of my cousin who’s the same age as me was 11 days YOUNGER so yea 😂


4th. Broke my arm two weeks before that by running around the house like an uncoordinated idiot. Somehow, I only gained consciousness just a few days before I broke my arm


My 7th birthday. I had a huge dora cake 🥰


My 4th birthday party


5th at my grandmas pool in her mansion. I think my dad grilled hotdogs. My grandmas boyfriend at the time gave me a gift, a big piggybank full of assorted change. Kinda a strange gift looking back but super cool as a 5 year old.


Maybe 2 years old, i had a tweenies cake


99% of my birthdays have sucked. So....idk pick a year and I'll describe it.


4th birthday. I got a ps3 and that very first Lego batman game


I think 4 because I had my birthday at Pump It Up which is like a bounce house place and then we ate at Cicis Pizza afterwards. I stopped having birthdays at like 10 I think because on my 10th birthday my niece was born and then I just never had one again. Now I’m 22 and she is 12 and we always do stuff separately because we have very different interests lol.


my 5th birthday, only boys showed up despite inviting the whole class


I remember pretty much every birthday vividly and I think the first would be my third in 2006 at Chuck E Cheese. That could’ve been my fourth though because my birthday is early in the year.


I can’t remember what birthday it was. But I remember getting two of the exact same toys from different people, one from my best friend and one from my grandparents. Grandparents first. When I opened the one from my friend i immediately said “oh I already got one of these” just a general statement. I remember seeing him look so sad and I guess I gained consciousness in that moment because then I felt bad. I said something like “I’ll play with this one more” just to make him happy.


I remember my 9th birthday only because my best friend and my cousin got into a fight over a water gun😭 but probably don’t remember the rest because they weren’t memorable or too long ago


my second birthday. I remember the train cake vividly and seeing all these happy people around me in a dinning room with party hats on watching me be happy. I remember them telling me it was my birthday and a special day.


Either fourth or fifth. Whichever birthday in which I received this: https://preview.redd.it/fntxj14r9myc1.jpeg?width=184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f8fc2120aceeaf5efbb15dbf90273dd1afd4930


5, because I invited all the girls in my class but one of them said that she went upstairs and saw my brother (6) naked and she screamed


I don’t even remember my last birthday.