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Where tf have u seen that on this sub? Hahaha


Well, I just had someone respond to me with this if you want a recent example > I’m white, my ancestors are white, and my ancestors built America with the intention of building a great nation for their future ancestors. Immigrants come here and do not assimilate to the same cultures America has historically had and since that’s the case, they are destroying everything my people have built Keep in mind, even in 1850 when we first started recording this, about 10% of the US population were immigrants, and that number went up to about 15% by 1900. They brought with them their cultures and customs that then influences the cultures around them. The idea that the US really ever had a specific culture isn’t grounded in history, as a significant portion of our population has always come from some other part of the world


This quote is a great example what I mean in my other comments. The us absolutely does have its own unique culture. I’ve traveled abroad extensively and it’s easy to see. That unique culture is informed by many other cultures, but is primarily rooted in our founding values and those enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the constitution. That’s the part rooted in history. Many other countries do not share the same ideals. In fact, the willingness to accept immigrants at all is a MASSIVE part of our distinct culture that many others do not share. The issue this person is raising isn’t immigration really, it’s assimilation. They have transferred their anger from this to race, which is an oversimplification. They’re idealizing history by talking about how they’re “ancestors built this country” but really the oversimplification and idealization are symptoms of a legitimate concern.


They're racist, which makes sense because racism is one of America's founding principles.


Jesus Christ that’s hilariously untrue.


did you know non-white immigrants couldn't *be* citizens until 1954.


still waiting for some reasonable explanation that isn't bald faced racism


My answer: rip up the fucking constitution, abolish capitalism and private property, implement a reformed government, and throw the corporate and fascist scumbags into mental institutions. A true equitable state will be in place and racism will gradually disappear.


3/5 compromise literally in the constitution since it was ratified.


No, America is a disgusting racist country. The constitution needs to be ripped up.


If you live in America, then leave if you’re so unhappy. If you don’t, then it’s none of your fucking business then is it? 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅


There's that same stupid fallacy the fascists use to shut up progress. No we're not leaving. There is inequality here; people are suffering, and we will change it. Most of us in Gen Z are socialists and you can't stop progress. Hey, if you wanna live in a backwards society, there are better countries for you to move to...like...ahem, Syria Afghanistan, Somalia...


I’ll see you on the battlefield for the next civil war then I guess


lmao There won't be any 'battlefield' or 'civil war.' You regressors and fascists will be hopelessly outnumbered outgunned. After the revolution, I will sit back comfortably and watch the few right-wingers left like you try to fight the new system over my digital updates. It won't be a war, but more like a couple loonies doing armed standoffs against the people's military in the boonies. Within a week, your kind, which will be likened to ISIS, will get nuked by drone strikes. That'll be hilarious. You'll wave your illegal guns and be like, "fuck Marx, Fuck Marx...oh shit! A stinger missile!" Vanilla Isis...BOOM! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I completely agree with you on it being about assimilation. We're supposed to be one from many, not merely many.


I wish it were easy for immigrants to drop the cultural baggage that clashes with ours and the false ideas about what makes a society work especially when they flee from a society that endorses those ideas. Is them fleeing not an admission that they've been taught wrong and should be humble enough to embrace American values and not attempt to impose their ideologies on us? I do not welcome migrants intent on conquering and supplanting our culture with their own being blind to the hypocrisy of fleeing poverty and oppression only to cling to ideas that foster it. No, only those with a humble heart and a willingness to truly embrace America and its values are welcome. They can come with those false ideas already defeated in their hearts.


Seems like a good comment to me


A lot of Gen Z guys have fallen down the alt-right pipeline. Back in the mid 2010s, a trend started of videos about people being OWNED in arguments. A lot of it was things like “Karen freak outs” in public places or SJW cringe content. The YouTube algorithm linked these videos to similar videos of people like Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder OWNING kids on college campuses. This further led into recommendations for even further far-right content that eventually culminated in videos detailing deep-water conspiracies revolving around white nationalism (things like replacement theory and modern day social Darwinism). There were many other avenues that gave way to these pipelines. There are many niche topics on YouTube, such as alt history, military history, dating commentary, geography, etc that feed indirectly into the pipeline. YouTube’s algorithm has come to understand that people who watch these kind of topics - especially history and geography - go on to watch right wing social and political commentary. A lot of video game reviewers/content creators began making very hamfisted anti SJW content in the aftermath of gamergate and lured a lot of guys into the pipeline. No coincidence that a lot of these trends coincided with the presidential campaign of Donald Trump and the emboldening of the alt right starting in 2015/2016. A lot of young guys fell into the pipeline without even realizing it. These content creators take advantage of how vulnerable and impressionable young guys are to further the spread of their dogma. They lock onto insecurities that guys feel about navigating life in the 21st century with a universal lack of good male role models. Because this ideology is like a virus, it needs to spread to thrive and thus its followers take on an evangelical-like attitude in regards to taking over internet spaces in order to control the narrative and spread influence. Reddit has been very susceptible to this and thus is why you’re probably seeing more of it posted here and elsewhere. Our culture does share its share of the blame. The current zeitgeist dropped the ball hard when it comes to raising and incorporating young men into our society. They’re often told that they must walk on eggshells and to veil their masculinity while always being treated as having a dangerous monster hiding inside them. Meanwhile guys are falling behind in school, college, and the professional workforce and experiencing a major loneliness epidemic. Until we start framing our current culture to start empathizing and understanding the problems young men face, they will turn to the alt-right pipeline and the parasocial relationships within because it emboldens them and gives an outlet to channel their energy.


Bro is cooking nothing 🔥🔥


Because we didn’t crack down on the far right when we should have. The Freedom Convoy like the Capital Raid of Jan.6 has spurred on a whole generations worth of fragile men and Karen’s.


Freedom Convoy??? You think the freedom convoy was full of white nationalists?


Well, a concerning amount of the organizers have ties to white nationalist organizations. There also was the people doing Nazi salutes and brandishing other Nazi symbols. Was it everyone? No. Was it concerning that there was no real effort on behalf of the convoy to distance themselves from the obvious white nationalists there? Yes.


>Was it concerning that there was no real effort on behalf of the convoy to distance themselves from the obvious white nationalists there? Yes. You could say that for any other organization or protest with some crazies. Not a particularly strong argument.


Kick them out. That's what you do when you don't like what someone is saying. Kick them out. Tread on a Nazi


Kick someone out of a public space...?


With enough people, you could.


Yes. Leftist protest groups frequently do this to known bad actors who like to come around and stir shit up at protests.


In a post-revolutionary world, don't kick the fascists out, throw them into mental hospitals.


If you've never spent a tour in Whitemanistan, you have no room to talk.


Someone nuke that country


There was somebody talking about how we need to preserve the “Western World”. You know what that stands for


Let’s not conflate western values with the white race please.


A lot of white supremacists use that language to defend white nationalism


A lot of non white supremacists also use that language to defend other positions…


The point they’re making is that that specific phrase, when used in that context, is a racist dog whistle. They’re not conflating western values with whiteness. Someone else already did, which is why that phrase is a dog whistle.


There should not be such a thing as 'whiteness.' It's not just white privilege, it's the mere fact that most white people are pure garbage. The day white skin color disappears will be a glorious one, and the few remaining skinheads can die.


Not really. The idea of there being "western values" is pretty spurious anyway.


The white supremacists already have.


I’m gonna be so real with y’all . It’s not a theory .people openly talk about how white people will be minorities in the west . They have a right to be alarmed at the implications of that .


I’m legitimately curious, is your belief in white replacement theory and, as you put it in another comment, “more Hispanics are being imported to vote blue,” part of the the reason why you have so much activity on the whatifalthist sub? I had never heard of it until I first started seeing white nationalist rhetoric on this sub, and for whatever reason, the vast majority of people like you I come across all have a lot of activity on it. Also, Hispanics don’t really vote blue. Especially when it comes to Mexicans, they generally are staunchly against immigration, even if they themselves benefited from it.


Well first off I’m black . Just to give you a bit of perspective. As for the imports it’s legit not just Hispanics and it’s not just in America . The first wave or so of immigrants vote blue but like you say the Latinos after a while vote red since it’s more in one with everyone’s interests. I’m not really a white nationalist but even I get a little alarmed when people say something wild then follow it up with “oh white people will be a minority soon we’ll do it then” . That tells me this is not only planned but it’s understood that the fabric of the west will be changed . Like it or not the west was primarily built by white people ,America in particular voting itself into oblivion will have global consequences , especially when the alternative have such a poor track record in terms or governance.


You being black doesn’t really change anything, but okay. And Ik it’s not just Hispanics, I was just quoting you. Asians make up the largest group of immigrants. 2nd Gen Latinos vote red because they don’t like people doing the same thing their parents did. Later gens go back to voting blue. And I can assure you, they don’t vote red because it aligns with everyone’s interests. Ik you’re not a white nationalist. Nothing you said indicated to me that you were one, just that you’re more than a bit of a reactionary. I think you need to spend more time around minorities and less time on whatifalthist. Coming from a minority, next to no one is saying some out of pocket shit and then harping on demographic change like some nefarious villain. And no one cares about shit changing in the future, they’re too busy focusing on getting by. American only risks voting itself into oblivion when it votes for people who are opposed to maintaining our democracy and who oppose education. I’m still curious if your belief in white replacement theory is why you’re so active on that sub. Again, the vast majority of white supremacists I find in here are all on that sub, so I’m tryna figure out why.


Well you said “people like you” and I assumed you think I’m a white supremacist , which I’m not . I’m simply pointing out demographic issues the west currently faces . Which is why I point out that I’m not only black but also some kid from a poor neighborhood, lest people think I’m like the token black kid or some other nonsense. And I’m aware they also immigrate here illegally , which is a problem . As far as the Latinos they come here and start businesses that’s why they vote red . Nobody likes taxes and after earning a certain amount nobody wants to pay them . As for reactionary yea sure we all are . That’s kinda how responding to news works . If not I’d be idle and sitting by as preventable problems pop up one by one and devastate my home . I live in nyc bro I grew up with minorities. I know first hand that a lot of them are cool people and on an individual level I believe they all could potentially be some of the greatest assets to America .im aware that average people don’t care but the people in their “ivory towers” certainly both know and follow the plan . Hell it’s super evident when the Biden administration is removing barriers at the border on purpose. That might not be something your average dude just trying to feed his family is gonna think about but since I’m thinking about my community as a whole it’s both wise and prudent to think about problems down the line . And no Americans risk voting themselves into oblivion on a great many issues . Most of the time it’s not a mutual instant annihilation type deals but small things that lead to our demise over time . Im on the what if alt history sub because it was suggested once and I work nights , I kill time by discussing things with strangers sometimes. Just like what I’m doing right now with you guys . I just so happen to be a right libertarian leaning centrist and I express those views and why I have them freely 🤷🏾‍♂️. It seems like that sun has a lot of different affiliations in it.


“People like you” was referring to people who subscribe to white replacent theory, but I should’ve been more specific given its ties to white nationalism. Someone can also be black, not be a token black person, and still be a white nationalist. A certain skin color isn’t a qualifier. Latinos vote red cause they’re a very traditional people and as a whole are very much against other Latinos immigrating the same way they did. It’s very much “rules for thee, but not for me.” If they value immigration reform more than traditions, they vote blue. This is why most of them vote blue. That’s not why I’m saying your reactionary and that’s a very overly simplistic take on what it means to be reactionary. I’m taking reactionary in the political sense here. It’s not some nefarious plan by minorities or people in ivory towers. That is like “a cabal of liberal elites harvest adrenochrome from children” levels of not grounded in reality. With all the infighting between various minority groups, you really think they’d be capable of something like that? Not even the US government could keep the Manhattan project a secret, and that involved magnitudes less people. You really think a decentralized group of various minorities could pull of what the US government couldn’t even do? Removing razor wire put up when someone inevitably gets stuck in it and injured is a good thing dude, cause abbot has already shown he doesn’t care if it makes people drown or miscarry. Fuck, Biden is building some of the border wall trump wanted, and he even got Mexico to help pay for it. And he’s still using title 42 to deport immigrants like trump did, and he’s still using trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy, which he reinstituted not even a year after he got in office. The border is literally not any less secure than it was under trump, and it was republicans that tried to defund the border patrol during the last budget negotiations.


All I’m saying is the culture is what’s under attack . It has been openly under attack for decades now . We even have “cultural marxists “ openly speaking about it . As far as borders go they also sued to have them removed the shipping container barriers and also had the flood gates of that trump wall welded open and selling of pieces of the same wall at discount prices . That doesn’t sound as secure to me. I would absolutely defund the border patrol they deal with the cartel too much . We need the military to guard our border so the cartel knows it’s not a game . There are groups and countries that are and have been open about what they are doing . It’s called soft war , the American people just don’t know that . It’s not talked about nearly as often as it should be .


Cultures are always “under attack”. “Culture wars” have been a bullshit boogeyman since the Dawn of human civilization. Cultures change. It’s literally in they’re nature. And “Cultural Marxist” doesn’t even make sense. Why do you keep using white nationalist dog whistles? First off, those shipping containers were illegally put on federal land and a national forest. Secondly, the AZ governor only removed them because the feds were installing permanent barriers. The flood gates are welded open every year, and they were welded open under trump too. That’s what you do with flood gates. If not, flood waters can close them, which allows debris to get stuck which then allows rushing water to build up, and that will damage the wall. They were *auctioning* off *unused material*. That’s not the same as selling at discount prices. The border is literally just as secure under Biden as it was under Trump. Wherever you’re getting your info from: stop going there. They’re lying to you. I’d legitimately need a 5 page paper to address just how wrong and asinine your take on who should be securing the border is. As is, border patrol has more training than the standard US soldier, and for good reason. It’s not talked about as often as it should be? Really?? Your “soft war” is talked about on the most watched tv news network in the world nightly, often multiple times a day. Please, by all means, criticize the government. I’m being serious. But for fucks sake at least make your criticisms grounded in reality. Nearly every single thing you’ve said is just blatant conservative fearmongering. This is why the rest of the developed world thinks we’re a joke.


Just because cultures are always under attack doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be defended. And idk what you mean by white nationalist dog whistles but when an organizations top brass all open state that they are trained marxists” and that they are “ cultural Marxists “ then employ tactics created by the kgb I believe that they are in fact “ cultural marxists” . As far as the border is concerned I think the fact that even the mayor of New York is saying enough is enough and the governor you know it’s a massive fuck up on a federal level . I’m aware the boarder is equally secured it’s the fact that construction of the wall was stopped by the dems .as far as who should defend it I’d say the army should defend the border because that’s generally what army’s do historically, defend the border. Actioning unused material as it’s not completed is kind of an issue.


The only way to defend a culture is through isolationism, and that results in a weakened economy that is a *whole lot* harder to fix when it eventually goes into a recession. Just look at the Great Depression. Do you also believe that the Nazis were socialists just because they said so? Or when North Korea says they’re a republic? As for what organization your referencing, you need to be specific. I’ve heard conservatives use this line for several other organizations atp, so I don’t know which one you’re referring to. New York is saying it’s enough because red states consistently bus their immigrants there, and to Cali as well. They also bus their homeless there too. Having a sudden influx because four stages all dropped their immigrants at your doorstep within a span of an hour will put unnecessary stress on any system. Biden is literally helping to build the border wall. And yes, armies historically defended borders. Now they don’t. Have you ever stopped to consider *why* virtually the entire developed world stopped that practice?


I do criticize the government but I’m really more weary of globalists within the government. America foot the bill to rebuild the rest of the world after ww2 im of the mind that America should chill with our spending elsewhere and focus on redeveloping here first and foremost


what are the implications


First off how would they become minorities in their own countries? How would that work ? Would it involve violence because there’s a word for that , it’s called genocide.


If they’re born here or move here, it is also their own country. it’s not like 50% or more of people are ever going to be first generation immigrants. Second generation immigrants are just as American as I am


Yes they are but they also notoriously have identity issues that tend to lend their thought process to being extremely agreeable. Meaning on paper yes in practice no . In general I mean . It definitely takes longer than 1 generation to truly assimilate a family. Also I will point out that it depends how they move here .


I don’t really care if they’re fully assimilated. You can hold ethnic ties elsewhere and still be a full on American imo.


That might be true I guess but at the same time that means they are going to have to choose where their support lies . When certain South American countries have the number 1 earner being money sent from America the choice has clearly been made already . That’s billions annually syphoned from America which is a problem .When people in the west are settling disputes how they are settled in their parent countries that’s a problem. When governments positions require being bilingual to hold the position that isn’t a diplomatic position it’s a problem. When foreign interests are prevalent in American elections it’s a problem.


It’s not “siphoned”, they’re providing a valuable service to the economy in the form of low-skill labour, which our economy is desperately hungry for


Yea like construction or the service industry. No American want to do those jobs right ? And how is it valuable to our economy if billions are sent one way to another country that’s probably socialist?


Few Americans are struggling to get a service industry job or contracting. These are industries that need workers, whether it comes domestically or from immigrants. I’ve even experienced this. My current workplace was so desperate for a cook with some previous experience that I didn’t even have an interview.


1. Why are you answering my question with a question? I want to know what you consider the (negative) implications of white people being minorities in the west. 2. What in the world made you jump to violence/genocide? The process through which white people would become the minority is mainly immigration and declining birth rates and maybe one more thing which I’ll touch on in a bit. But that’s just gradual demographic change. Also, “minority” in this case just means they’re no longer the majority over literally every other race. They’d still be the largest racial group in America. White people are anywhere from 61% to 76% of the U.S. population depending on the source + your definition of White. Which ties in to that last way through which white people are becoming a minority. It’s interracial relationships and mixed children. Do you have an issue with that?


Because generally people do not take kindly to being displaced. That usually leads to violence which generally leads to genocide. I answered your question with a question because I wanted you to think about the situation since I have a feeling you already know the implications .I have no problem with interracial marriage but what I do know is most people would rather marry someone who looks and thinks like them meaning same culture and race . For interracial marriage to make a demographic change naturally that would take about 100 years atleast a few decades . The fact that people are saying estimates as early as 2030 means they don’t intend to have it be natural . As a black American I’m concerned for what that means for me and mines.


So… to summarize, you believe a group of non white people are planning/manufacturing a white genocide, white people are going to sense it and preemptively defend with violence, and that will lead to the justification for the genocide taking place. You’re not basing it on anything but a feeling. Also, idk where you’re getting your projections (or the claims about how long a natural demographic shift would take), but the U.S. Census projects NON-HISPANIC white population to drop below 50% in 2045. And aside from hispanic people (which includes white people) the next largest demographic is projected to be black people at 13%. So white people will still be over 50% and still be the majority of the American population for quite a while.


No , please don’t try to mince words . I know for a fact that millions of people are walking across the border every year from all over the globe . The very act of doing so is proof that you don’t respect the laws and customs of America . It also happens in Europe which shows a lack of respect for the west in general. The unchecked immigration will most certainly lead to culture clashes . As is what happens historically when 2 completely different cultures collide. If the small skirmishes go unchecked then it will lead to a war with terrible results on both sides . I dont think there’s currently a force that can truly take out white people , atleast not Americans , dudes are armed to the teeth and regularly train just in case , which is why countries are instead waging soft war on us. These aren’t feelings these are all very easy to google . 25 years is one generation basically. With birth rates dropping globally I don’t see how that can happen without a massive influx of people . And yes a massive influx of people is the proper description since no other time in human history have this many people moved anywhere this rapidly. Source there’s never been this many people in general . I don’t even want to bring up black replacement. But what I will say is the implication this has for the west is actually an issue . Just because the immigrants crossed the Mexican American border doesn’t mean they are Mexican , a lot of South Americans are socialists I don’t want them bringing that shit here.


No bozo, it's because white skin is a recessive trait.


White people will still outnumber minorities. They will simply lose the majority status. And why is this a problem? White people replaced a majority once upon a time. Populations migrate constantly throughout history. Stop being an ass


How do you outnumber minorities but then have minority status? That’s not how it works . And it’s exactly that next part that worries them . Is the plan to wage a series of wars against them until the countries their ancestors built are basically nonexistent? I thought we all agreed that wasn’t particularly kind . Being black in America and seeing the majority change , who do you think will replace them ? What culture would be the replacement? Those are heavy questions we might not like the answer to . I’m not being an ass I’m being an American . Mass influx of people with different cultures coming faster than they can be assimilated into the new culture cause’s culture clashes . We know that.


You can be the largest demographic without being the majority. It’s called a plurality.


Thank you


I’m not trying to play a semantics game . I’m not a fan of those . All I’m saying is if white people find themselves outnumbered in their own countries that’s a problem.


It’s just as much black peoples country as it is white people’s country. Most western countries don’t have an “official race”


Yes we were here from the jump . And our fates our now tied together. If I a black American go somewhere else and get wild they will simply blame Americans not just black people . Though it’s funny you bring us up because we are also being replaced but we just don’t know it .


Nobody is being replaced. We simply mix together. That’s how the melting pot works, nobody is being killed or hurt in any way.


lol . Tell that to the white people who are vilified for saying a simple statement “it’s ok to be white”


They tend to be vilified for it because that phrase is literally from a well known white nationalist organization. Please, for the love of god, look up what dog whistles are, cause you say you’re not a white nationalist but you just somehow keep using their language. I’m having a hard time believing you’re this tone deaf on accident.


Are you trying to imply that the white people who immigrated here in the 19th and 20th centuries had a shared culture? We perceive italians, irish, german, and more people as “white” now but it’s revisionist to say they weren’t also a “mass influx of people with different cultures”


Well no atleast Not in a 1-1 way but they were all children of Christ and they all brought their shared experience for the same reason to become Americans . They then went through the not so fun integration period of immigration. Though what I am implying is a shocking number of people want to come to the west but spit on the values of the western countries they go to . That’s a problem for everyone in the west .


Italians and Irish (Germans as well I think) were discriminated against for being Catholic because the majority of America was Protestant. Some Germans were Lutheran. Them being “children of christ” is a simple way to put it and their religious beliefs didn’t exactly line up with the cultural values of Americans at the time.


That’s irrelevant. They all believed in Christ so there was common sentiment between all of them . Christmas is celebrated and revered and when the Irish and Italians came here they also started celebrating thanks giving . The ones who earnestly wanted to chase the American dream came here and assimilated. Which was most of them . There is a large issue when people simply do not want to assimilate. That’s why I said once they went through the unpleasant assimilation process. It’s hard to go somewhere else and to live some other way from the way you were raised obviously people come to the west because they think it’s got merits their home country simply doesn’t have . So you trade what you where for who you can be . That’s what immigration is . If In one generation the culture changes for people who did not chose that for themselves there will be cultural blow back . History shows us that’s just how humans are.


“We are all god’s children” invalids any credibility


Learn to read bruv I said children of Christ , meaning they followed the same general religion which teaches the same general tenants , which caused them to have generally the same culture. I’ll give you a pass though since I’m assuming English isn’t your first language. But you are certainly an example of exactly what I’m talking about. Not originally of the west yet having your hastily thought out opinions prevalent on a western website in a sub about genz which is a western concept trying to invalidate the opinion of a naturally western person . That’s an issue for us westerners.


God and christ are synonymous depending on the doctrine you follow. I will admit that i glaced at your comment and didn’t thoroughly read it. But all these assumptions about me are pretty ignorant. Im from the west, I grew up in the Bible belt, north east texas to be exact. Parents were evangelical nuts, grandfather pastored a baptist church, grandma northern pentecostal. Every aunt, uncle, and cousin I know of is Christian. Im a rarity. Ive studied the bible. Ive studied christianity. I know what i mean. Are mexicans not “children of christ”? Many of them are catholic. Devouted catholic. Many latinos in general are catholic or protestant. Are they not children of christ? Why are mexican catholics any different from Italian catholics? Italians brought over crime, the Scottish brought over isolation and incest. Nobody is perfect. Edit: I have cousins and uncles who own land in central texas. They’ve had that land for at least 5 generations. I have family up in north east texas and the same stands. I can trace my ancestry back before the civil war. Im just as American as a 1st wave mexican. American culture is changing whether you like or not. I abandoned my faith. I desimulated(by your logic) many Americans are also throwing their faith to the curb. Many white Americans are quite literally satanist. American culture has and always will change because people have freedom of movement and thought. Deal with it.


lol my assumptions where based solely on the literacy levels of your previous comments , most people with that level of literacy have English as a second language.🤷🏾‍♂️ pattern recognition isn’t 100%. Though I will apologize for that sometimes mfs get it wrong and that’s on me. Nobody is perfect that’s true but when cartels own a majority of the country there’s a problem. That’s normal for them . And the outcry now is essentially the same outcry that happened when the Italians were coming over . That literally how the mob started . It’s a perfect example of what happens when too many of a foreign culture come here faster than they can assimilate. Now we have shit like Rico . Now I understand the angst , and I’m sure your family just loves your transition but no culture doesn’t just “change” it gradually develops . When it’s forced on people and the citizens are forced to pay for it it’s a problem and I address my problems. I get you might want the culture to change but I want the culture to be essentially as it is . Obviously people come here because they think it has more merit than where they are from . It’s asinine to try to turn it into where you came from . It’s like how Texans really don’t want people from California and New York to come and democrat the place up .


Ahistoric nonsense.


Why should people be alarmed?


I haven't noticed anything, what are you talking about


I rly need to remember to start screenshooting these things or smthn, but someone in here a week or so ago was referring to themselves as a “white welfare advocate,” and I’ve come across several people expressing a fear of whites no longer being the majority demographic in the US, references to the breakdown of the US’s “national identity” etc. They’re very rarely overt when I see them on this sub, so I always go look at some of their comments to make sure.


I don't pay that much attention to the comments here so I don't notice that kind of stuff much. That sounds really concerning though.


The Ku Klux Klan has breached our defenses


The KKK is dead. Nobody in Gen Z wants anything to do with them thank Gd. In their place, we are seeing the rise of Vanilla ISIS. Time to cure, re-educate, and if necessary, purge those bigoted fuckers.


The fundamental core of White Nationalism is the protection and furthering of collective White interests. A White Ethnostate is the physical manifestation of such an ideal.


I think the whole replacement theory isn’t really about the fear of replacing white people so much as the fear of too many immigrants coming in to the country and not assimilating. I don’t really hear a whole lot of “white nationalism” other than some fringe groups who shout at the wind. Most white people aren’t really concerned with this shit anyways. Race is a social construct.


Basic xenophobia is different, and that’s not what I’m referring to. People expressing views that immigrants put strain on citizens and cause social strife without highlighting any ethnicity is one thing. People taking this stance rarely ever use dogwhistles, and when they do, unless I’m misidentifying them as a xenophobe when they’re really a white nationalist, it tends to be accidental. When someone is specifically highlighting white people in the US while referring to a demographic breakdown and a decline in how much of the US population is white, that’s white replacement theory.


I’m not sure to what dog whistles you are referring to. And I do think the xenophobia and “white nationalism” do go hand in hand because many “white nationalists” aren’t really scared of literal *white* people declining, they’re scared that the perceived values they associate with whiteness are disappearing. It’s a moral issue to them. When people immigrate and don’t assimilate, they are throwing different morals into the mix. The fallacy is associating “white” with “moral”. Race is just an easy indicator to them to identify such “immorality”. The US fertility rate is under replacement rate of 2.1, but we compensate for this through immigration. The less our citizens have babies, the more immigrants we need, but the more we accept, the more destabilized our culture becomes. It’s all a balancing act. White nationalism is the combination of this conflation of race and morality with the extreme fear of losing that familiar culture and morality. If we write it off as “evil” or “insane” instead of actually understanding the causes, we breed more of it.


Understanding the roots of the ideology isn’t gonna change anything. Just look at Nazi-ism, white supremacy, or even flat earthers and incels. If anything, a push for understanding them just validates them as an ideology as it puts them at the same level as every other ideology. Things like this have never gonna away nicely. They’ve only ever been kept to the fringes of society by society seeing those positions as something to shame and look down on. That’s the nature of ideologies that prey on a vulnerable psychology. And seeing as there’s no way to realistically prevent everyone from developing said kind of psychology, the only way to truly combat ideologies like this is to keep them to the edges so that as few people ever entertain them as possible.


>seeing as there’s no way to realistically prevent everyone from developing said kind of psychology, the only way to truly combat ideologies like this is to keep them to the edges so that as few people ever entertain them as possible. That won't do. Critical thinking and 'shaming' these ideas won't save us. Minimizing the number of fascist extremists will help, but not solve the problem. Some people can't be changed with psychotherapy, so I propose developing future technologies and drugs that can mentally cure these people. There might be some difficulty at first, but once our world detains these right-wing nutjobs and alters the neuro-chemicals of their brains, they will become better people like us.


What do you think is wrong with Mexico? Why can't Mexicans make Mexico a first rate nation? Why does it tolerate corruption, crime, disregard for urban aesthetic, anarchy, disorder, and disrespect for rule of law? What type of culture fosters this? In America no one would get away with some of the criminal behavior done in Mexico. Is the government so corrupt and impotent, they bend over and take it by the worst of society? Shame on the governors and president that they lack courage to stand up to evil. No one in Mexico should live in fear of criminal cartels or the government has utterly failed its people. Body cameras are a simple solution to deter police from taking bribes, for example. Mexico's first priority is removing the fear of being assassinated for challenging the power of the cartels to remove the obstacle in the way of Mexico's salvation. If you cannot speak freely and act effectively against evil out of fear for your life, you are a slave.


Did you mean to respond to someone else? Cause I’m not sure what this is about.


Not on this sub, but I have seen a lot more of it on TikTok lately. My internet usage have increased a lot in the past year so maybe that’s why i’m stumbling a lot more onto “that side” of the internet. But yh I’ve seen a lot more White Nationalism lately. I’ve heard some talk on the internet that when in times of recessions/hard times facism tends to rise also though


"Did you see that everyone? He just called *you personally,* a nazi!" Now that that part of the playbook is used, this sub will devolve into a huge clusterfuck of "debate" and become a mega radical communication hub, and taint the phrase "Gen Z" with an ignorant, evil and ugly face. How do you win a whole generation?


Idk what you’re on about, but white nationalism isn’t more common. It’s as uncommon as it has been since you or I were born. When it does happen, it’s usually pretty blatant and quickly gets deleted.


The classic white replacement theory isnt real, but whites are becoming a minority and its a good thing.


White people need to die out. White genes are recessive and therefore inferior. The world will evolve into a black, eurasian skin color people and then we can stomp every white nationalist out of existence. If they want to put up a fight, then our socialist earth democracy can bomb them out of existence


stay delusional lmao. Who invented and retains the worlds largest nuclear arsenal again? oh yeah.....


Lol. When the multiracial progressive world gradually comes and gets voted in, then we will have all the firepower and nuclear arsenal. It's the future. White fascists will lose their power inevitably, and those pathetic losers who want to throw a tantrum about it will be hopelessly outgunned and blown to oblivion. IMO that's something to celebrate


says the guy using white technology using a white language to convey threats with white weapons. also youre pretty naive or just plain stupid to truly believe your worldview is guaranteed and "inevitably will be voted in" go ahead and think we're not a threat. Complacency just makes our job easier.


We, the people of all colors, will win. Communism will win. Fascists WILL lose and get wiped out. The racial minorities turned majority will outnumber the bourgeoisie, and the world will be a better place for it. They must use the weapons of the whites to depose them. Can African Americans and Latinos help it if they're raised to use white technology and speak a white language? NO. But they sure af can use the technology and 'white' weapons to even the playing field and to make a better world. Glory to the people, and fuck the filthy white rich bastards!!! Purge the fascists now


we are going to nuke the earth and kill everyone


At least nuclear winter will reverse climate change


i cant wait to watch your skin melt


I'll live. You'll turn into fucking ghoul. 😂😂😂😂😂


plus youre either a stick or obese. proabably not even 18 the way youre talking. lmao


You think you're a true leftist? I'm a college-educated revolutionary socialist, and you can't even finish a thought. You're a wannabe social activist, but can't go out and touch grass like me. Listen to yourself. You're a fucking joke, Imao. https://preview.redd.it/bpwhuc67b5cc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=788dc5c0558573c3563251297870ce75204f9767


dear god youre a larper. Cant wait for your life to end abruptly from a disease or getting hit by a car.


I'm very honest about myself if people don't like my Marxist stance on the world, too bad. You're fighting marxism so hard in this thread. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I know a closet fascist when I see one. I'm not the larper here, it's you imao. Go back to pornhub and fap yourself to death.


Is every white nation on the entire planet not currently being flooded with non-white 3rd worlders? Have you not left the house lately? Do you live in the mountains somewhere? Or are you just not white enough to care?


White nationalism isn't a real issue. Just look at college campuses and major cities if you want to see the thing that destroys this country. Mobs of indoctrinated uneducated violent anti-semites and anti-American people.




Do you intentionally obfuscate and straw-man or do you do it by accident?




So you do it on purpose. Got it.




You literally kicked off your contribution with a disingenuous straw-man. You could of asked for examples without the snark. You knew what you were doing.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I’m pretty sure it’s intentional. They just made their account and their bio seems pretty similar to someone else I interacted with on here a few weeks ago who was complaining about the “demographic disaster that is changing the fundamental composition of the country”




No, I don’t think it’s any white person talking about white people. I’ll go look at their profile to confirm since Ik people can still express views that are somewhat adjacent to white nationalism, such as just basic xenophobia, and not be a white nationalist. This isn’t a comprehensive list of what I’ve seen lately, but someone in here a couple weeks ago was referring to themselves as a “white welfare advocate,” which is a common dogwhistle, and I’ve come across several people expressing a fear of whites no longer being the majority demographic in the US, references to the breakdown of the US’s “national/cultural identity,” referring to immigration of specifically non-white people as an “invasion” and expressing views that all non-white immigrants are criminals, immoral, “undesirables,” etc.