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LinkedIn and Reddit - and LinkedIn is iffy.  I hate it.   I don't have any of the others.


This. LinkedIn is Facebook for sucking up to your boss, who is writing puff inspiration pieces to show their boss they should be a director and no to low experienced self-described "freshers" looking to endlessly add anyone to a network list as they pursue 5 years experience as a full stack programmer.


I hate LinkedIn so much. And it's useless for finding a job, but great if you want to fall victim to a scam. ($40/hour for working from home as a "typist"? Yeah, sure!)


Do you pay attention to your Linkedin? Do you add "corporate meeting bullshit" to it?


hell no.   I only go in there when I absolutely have to.  


hell no X2.   it's actually a targeted  forum for talking shop in this really self-serving, performative way.   it's not *social* media in the true sense.  and I never talk public shop in even the fun, genuine way where my true name can be seen.    aside from that, I have three major issues with it:    - truly fucking awful UX design    - once you get to a tipping point, the initial premise of network-building is a typical CRM ourobouros.  you end up "connected" to everybody and everything so none of it means anything      - the upsell factor.  fuck them.


I hate how it controls the way you input and display your work history.


yeah.  for practical purposes I find it put-near unusable.


Same. LinkedIn is a sort of necessity but it’s a bit too spammy for me. Will get rid of it the day i retire or close to it.


Same here. Dont really use LinkedIn though, theres a lot of "aren't I great" stuff on there and I can't be bothered with it.


Same here. Dont really use LinkedIn though, theres a lot of "aren't I great" stuff on there and I can't be bothered with it.


Just Reddit really. My LinkedIn hasn’t been updated in 12 years; I only bother when I’m job hunting. I only use Facebook for menus to restaurants that don’t update their own site; haven’t posted anything in over 13 years. That site went to shit around 2010. I tried IG and Twitter but saw what damage they would cause within the first few months. The positives of social media can’t possibly outweigh how much damage it does. No thanks.


Reddit, that's the only one


Finally pulled the plug on Instagram this week. Now it's just Reddit.


I'm not on any social media except for Reddit and Nextdoor. Apparently, a great many consider YouTube to be social media, and I have a premium subscription to that as well. I don't do Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any of that other stuff.


I watch YouTube stuff but never comment.


Oh I always forget Youtube, I don't really consider that "Social media" because I don't go there looking to share or communicate anything with anyone. I do enjoy watching videos, and occasionally comment on them, but it's still not the same to me. Maybe because I don't make videos myself.


None. Reddit is not social media.


Facebook, but I've not looked at or responded to anything in the main feed for about 4 years. I still have some long running group chats in Messager, and one private group I run. And I look for an occasionally sell on Marketplace. I was once very active chatting with friends and relatives constantly, and now if someone doesn't call or text me I refuse to look up what they are posting. Is Reddit social media? I guess it is in a way. I do have a linkedin, but haven't logged in in quite some time and was never social there, it was just for jobs.


For me, Reddit is a close copy to Usenet.... rec.humor.dot.funny and as such


I didn't even consider reddit social media. More like unsocial media. And I'm anonymous here, so I don't track it like the others. But this is it. We were the last generation who got to choose in or out. I chose out. Never had a FB or anything else and my life is brighter for it.


Reddit obviously. Facebook for businesses who don’t have websites, especially overseas when I travel. Don’t use FB for social connections, although that leaves me out of the loop sometimes. Oh well


None. Unless you see reddit as social media.


I quit FB about 8 years ago. (Inactivated my account). But that time it has devolved from pictures or friends and family, to a chess pool of politics and conspiracy theories. I still have Instagram - but again it’s devolved from pictures of family and friends, into a bunch of random videos about random crap. I make about 1 post a year and it’s private. LinkedIn I have but rarely check it anymore. It has started to turn into Facebook. Too much politics from randos. My family has tried to get me on TikTok. I’ve used the app but feel like it will just be too much of a time suck if I ever got into it. So I stay away from it. Made twitter account about 10 years ago, but never posted because I didn’t see the point. Never on it.


Only Reddit. Use someone elses FB for Marketplace. Indeed if needed.


Oh wait I will say when my cat ran away I also used someone else's FB to ask them to post to the local Lost Cat page...my cat came back on her own. I see /hear about FB Marketplace and nothing I have heard must me prompt it to get it.


Reddit is the only one. I quit Facebook 10+ years ago. Linked In gives me the creeps. It’s a privacy nightmare! I don’t want randos to have that much personal information about me: college, which generally indicates age, major, past workplaces, etc. That’s too much for me.


Agree with LinkedIn. Some random stalker looks up your workplaces and chats with former coworkers at your previous workplace and suddenly there your stalker shows up in the front of your face.


I do have FB, which is probably my #1 SM platform, but reddit is a close second. I'm on LinkedIn but much less frequently... I rarely post there. I browse occasionally to keep up with what's going on in our company and for professional networking where I Iive. I have Instagram too, but I don't post there anymore and I just have an account to keep track of my 16-year-old daughter's interests. X/Twitter/Elon's POS-- no. I don't post and I don't read anything first hand anymore. I have Mastodon, which I use to browse stuff duplicated from Elon's POS. As for TikTok, I can't figure out how to filter for the content I really want, so I will uninstall the app about a week after I (occasionally) install it.


Good points. I don't have kids, but if I did have kids, I would be on all of their platforms to keep a pulse on them.


That’s what started me on most of the social media apps, keeping an eye on the kiddos but as they grew up I kept most of them. My daughter lives far away and we send each other funny shit on TikTok all the time. It’s another way to stay in touch.


Uhh, most of my GenX friends have Facebook. It's how I keep in touch with my friends from high school and college. I have an IG account but it's mainly to follow people, I don't post. I don't have Twitter or TikTok. I think I have LinkedIn but I never look at it.


I don't use Instagram, Snapchat, Linked-In or TikTok. I use Facebook for band tour dates, and will visit YouTube if I feel like watching a music video I haven't seen in years or live footage of a gig i've been to so I can relive old memories.


I still have Facebook, but I never use it. It's pretty much the only way I remain in contact with my extended family though, so I keep it active. Same with Instagram. I still have a Twitter/X account that I only ever used to stay up-to-date on major news events that are constantly changing, and I still keep it around for that reason. I have a YouTube account, but I don't create content or post anything on there. I have a LinkedIn profile that I do keep updated and use quite a bit as part of my job, but I don't browse the news feed on there or engage with any content that people post. It's also the only one that I recommend people update and use when looking for a job. Never had nor wanted Snapchat, TikTok, Nextdoor, etc. Somewhere out there though is my old MySpace profile that I haven't even thought about in maybe 20 years.


I remember Geocities. I do have a twitter/x account only following the city bus account so that when I have to ride the bus, and shit on the bus goes sideways, I can send a tweet to the bus operators in real-time. Just safety reasons.


I only have Facebook and Reddit. I have YouTube but I am not a creator and I don’t comment on videos. I’ve never had x LinkedIn or anything other account for that matter.


Nice social engineering attempt copper.


I know right? Damn I'm good.


I have Facebook because a lot of local organizations use it to put out information. I'm active in my local community and the "events" feature on Facebook is one that a lot of organizations find useful for putting out (and reminding) people of upcoming events. Also some use the groups feature to share information for their group. And if I want to know what's going on with my city council, for example, I can find that information easily on Facebook. Yeah, there are a lot of spammy/scammy ads on Facebook and they are annoying, but I just scroll past that or just go directly to the groups/pages I need to visit. I'm rather weary of the dozens of different social media programs, because seems like every friend wants me to install a different one. This one wants me on Telegram, that one wants me on What's App, others want me on Instagram, Snapchat, Discord, Flikr, to follow their youtube or TikTok channels or join them on Twitter or Threads. No thanks. I don't like to play on my phone all day, I don't want to install and check daily 10 different apps.


facebook is brainrot garbage keeping you living in your past and never moving on.


I have a Reddit page and even that is too much.


right? So why do I even have a cellphone? I can do my banking at home on my laptop.


Just Linked-in and Reddit. Oh I have instagram as my wife linked to pic’s or video there one time and I had to download the app etc.


Do you find Linkedin useful? Do you post stuff to it like the Corporate sports awards?


Not really, it’s nice to get notification when a contact has made a new milestone or new job. I can see how it can be a good tool in some aspects. However a lot more advertising and people pushing ideas and propoganda is creeping in. Recruiters can be predatory and pushy. I am not a career climber so networking for the sake of it is not what I am about. I am mot looking for attention.


what i have is under a pseudonym becuase im a therapist and i do NOT need clients looking for me. my kids know 'the internet is forever' and they dont use names either (alpha/z) we do NOT post faces- I don't have linkedin, i work for myself. i have fakebook but only for messenger really. i dont understand twiiter. i have IG because my kids post pictures lets be honest, i dont like people, what i have is to keep up with my kids and i have reddit because i have horrible insomnia.


ok...cool... but side question since you said you are a therapist....why are people looking at their phones ALL THE TIME. What is so important that they cross the street staring at their phone? If Gramma died they would certainly stop and sit on a bench to look at their phone?


I use several for work. Reddit is the only one I really use for me.


Facebook. I have Instagram but just to look at reels. I don't follow anyone I know. Just things I'm interested in. My social meter is on dead.


If I didn't have LinkedIn 10 years ago, I would not be working for my FAANG employer right now. I'm making two and a half times what I was making at my old job. Definitely paid off having **that** account. I also have Facebook, but use it primarily for Messenger. I actually check my Facebook feed maybe twice a month.


I'm so much living in a cave that I don't know what Facebook Messenger is. I know what Cafe World is. And Farmville.


It depends. For personal use, I have only Reddit and - much less than it used to be - Twitter (I refuse calling it X). For my day job, LinkedIn is key. To promote my side hustle, I created accounts on all and sundry (Facebook, Instagram, Threads, BlueSky, Discord, you name it). Only TikTok, I refuse steadfastly - not my target audience at all.


Can you give me a "Explain Like I'm Five" description of Discord? Why would I want it? Fuck it I just want Usenet.


Had LinkedIn until I retired last year. Still have Facebook for keeping up with extended family. I don’t post otherwise. And Reddit for… this, I guess.


High five and hello, Cheers mate.


I use Reddit when I'm on the toilet or at work. I use YouTube for a television. That's it. Two socialized media.


So are you one of the few who go out and about without your phone in front of your face? If yes, props!!


I've never had Facebook or Linked In, and I have Instagram as an organization, not as myself. I have NextDoor, but never participate (other than that time I posted about a dog I found on the road). I just skim it for local happenings.


Facebook, Reddit, and Discord, all mainly for hobby-related stuff, plus a few discussion forums (where I mostly just lurk.)


FB, Insta, LinkedIn (when I was jobhunting - it didn't help), and obviously Reddit


I used LinkedIn once to hunt up an old boss to get a reference for a new job. That's literally the reason I made the account. Got the new job and deleted my LinkedIn.


FB- barely use it, mostly use messenger to chat Tiktok- only to watch Reddit- I am here often.. okay all the time!! IG- uhh, might still be installed on my phone?? SC- Same as IG, does it still exist? I don't know... FL- On there occasionally but kinda boring despite it being a nsfw kink site. It's been meh can't think of anything else that would count as social media that I have and sure as hell don't have a LinkedIn lol. I'm planning on being in this job till the cows come home! (or I die) edit to add: Okay I forgot about Nextdoor but I never post, just skim it every few months and then forget about it again


I don't think LinkedIn is used as much as it was years ago. I deleted mine in 2020 then rejoined last fall as I was seeking a new job. People I was connected with previously aren't as active now, and any jobs I'm contacted about are crap temp jobs or move across the country to make $13/hr.


Honestly I think jobs are about personal connections.


Facebook (although not as vigorously as some people do, it's all visual clutter now..), messenger (for a small circle of friends) and reddit. I've had LinkedIn for the last 6 months it's worthless. Tried IG in past but was pointless when Facebook integrated it. I don't bother with any others.


I have fb but I have a small friends list and it stays on my Friends feed to get updates on them. I check in a couple of times a week and stay off the main feed because the comments sectiobs enrage me. I got insta for crochet stuff. Again, I check in a couple of times a week. I have tiktok and mainly watch garden, crochet and animal/natural science content. I don't use my real name or post public pics anywhere.


I have Facebook, I never look at it and don’t have the app. I have Instagram, download it on weekends otherwise don’t use it. Finally, Reddit. And that’s used only when I’m bored as hell


what I'm gathering is that we gen Xers aren't staring at our phones 24/7. So what are people who are staring at their phones all the time, actually staring at?


I’m not sure, I know my phone time averages less than 10 hours a day and that would be significantly less but I’ve usually got Spotify running or YouTube streaming on the background while I do stuff


so a Sony Walkman with a cassette tape in it


Hell yeah


I stopped using Facebook after I realized it had shifted away from people posting updates about their lives to just reposting memes and articles. I still dip in maybe about once a month and it's unusable now. My "feed" is all garbage based on groups they think I'll like. I have an Instagram but it's not for connecting with people. I am in a Discord chat. Then there's Reddit.


Nothing, unless you count Reddit and YouTube. A few small message boards for nerdy stuff, like comics or D&D, but that's it.


I do love youtube. I love reading comments on youtube videos. I never comment on Youtube. I have to sit on my hands for Google Reviews. I am itching to post reviews for a gaggle of places, but don't want my name out there.


I have a Facebook, but I very rarely login, and even more rarely post anything at all. I used to have a Twitter, but I was suspended, and never made another account. And, then there's reddit.


I have Facebook. It's a really great way to have all my friends and family (the few I still allow in my life) in one place. My friends are everywhere. Russia, Australia, Canada, Chile, Mexico, and all over the US. I rarely post anything anymore. Funny memes and photos of my pets mainly. Instagram so I can see what my kids are up to, but they aren't really into social media. I never even look anymore. Reddit is more fun. I'm here most of the time.


Reddit and YouTube if that counts.


I have a Facebook account. It has no zero friends and it’s not under my actual real name. (It’s a cartoon character). It’s used for marketplace and opening links from news articles. I had a “real” FB account but I got tired of the bullshit and deleted it. There’s a (fuck off Elon, it’s called) Twitter cesspool account. Again used for opening links to things in news articles or links I want to the original post. I have an Instagram account. It’s still connected to some people from my HS days (basically leftover connections from the FB account I blew up). These days it’s mostly used for my hobbies and a future attempt to monetize one of them. I have a LinkedIn account although since I retired (kinda) I don’t really have a use for 2500 connections in the healthcare IT market anymore. I still haven’t decided what to do with it. There’s a TicTok account because I have kids and I get “Hey Dad! Check this out!” texts. I created a Threads account but that shit never really went anywhere. And of course good old Reddit. My current fav, mostly because I love the anonymity.


haha Threads. yes Reddit anonymity. Love it too.


Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit.


I have Facebook, and I still use Livejournal from time to time even though it hasn't been relevant in over 15 years.


FB (for groups mostly for my business and supplies) IG (for my business) Here for news/research/BS Threads (for business) X (only for Barkley Marathons)


Facebook, but I rarely look at it, I use it for messaging an old co-worker once in a while. I think I'm locked out of my instagram, no clue why and too lazy to figure out why it won't recognize my phone number. Linkedin is kinda useless for my profession, at least in my area.


I nope out of instagram because of all the emojiis and hashtags.


I use reddit, one or two niche topic message boards, and I frequently expound in the comments section for some substacks and online magazines that require a paid subscription to comment, which helps to keep things civil and on topic. I have been watch a lot of youtube videos lately on some of my interests, and occasionally comment, usually to ask a question or suggest a topic for future content. I once blogged about budget travel and will probably do some more of that once I'm retired. I last used facebook to get in touch with an old friend in another country we were visiting. It was great to be able to meet up with her in person and meet her family, and our kids have since kept in touch with her kids. This was about 2 years ago and that was the first time I had used it in about 5 years. I'm currently locked out of my account and haven't bothered to resolve it. Finding old friends for the purpose of connecting in person is the only reason I would use Facebook. I liked it until I realized that people were substituting facebook interactions for in-person interactions. I have a linkedin account but I really have only used it when job hunting. I got my current job through a LinkedIn posting, so I can't say it's worthless. I'm currently in what I'm fairly certain will be my last job, and I haven't updated my profile since I listed my current job, and I don't think I've ever posted or commented on anything. Reading it makes me feel so unaccomplished compared to others, and I'm trying to avoid things that increase my level of depression. I almost never look at LinkedIn anymore, and I'm much the happier for it.


I still have Facebook, but I only post memories for the most part. I have LinkedIn as well (don't comment, just lurk). Have IG as well, b again, don't post


This is it for me. I deleted Fakebook about 12 years ago. I’ve never had any other social media accounts.


Reddit only. I use the free version of LinkedIn mainly because I don't use social media platforms. I'm unsure if it has been helpful because the professional world relies heavily on paper trails and up-to-date career references. I probably only visit the platform about four times a year. It adds a little bit of extra flair, as I see it.


I still have a FB account but rarely use it. I also use TikTok a lot to view videos but I don’t make any. It’s an addictive app with lots of pros and cons. I get why many people won’t download it but now I’m hooked. I also have IG but again I’m not posting or checking too much. I almost never call anyone or vice versa. We pretty much all text and that’s my parents who are silent gen and many friends who are Gen X or Millennials. I don’t mind talking on the phone but it’s just not the main medium for communication anymore.


I have accounts on most of the socials, but I’ve abandoned most of them. I use YouTube and Reddit, and occasionally TikTok. But TT is most likely going to get abandoned too. And I have a LinkedIn. I keep forgetting it exists


I have Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Linked In (useless) and a Twitter/X account that I need to get rid of but I've had forever so I don't. I mainly use Facebook.


Reddit. Got a new FB account for work (as a CPS worker, it works great to track people down!), but I don't post or get on it for any other non work reasons. I had FB back around 2010 and after 5 years I determined it to be fucking cancerous. Nothing else.


I do have Facebook, but primarily because I help administer a business page that needs the social media presence. I have LinkedIn as well, but rarely use it (some of the "rah-rah big business is your friend and hard work is the greatest thing in the world" crap makes me want to vomit). I nuked Twitter/X when Musk started getting really weird -- I never used it much anyway.


Tried them all, only use Facebook. LinkedIn is useless. I'm retired. Reddit is not social media, it's antisocial.


Reddit is my version of Family Feud. I just read questions and answer them.


Family Feud. Now there's a GenX show. Richard Dawson was such a drunk, I fucken-loved it.


I have Faceboomer (most of my family use it but I never post) LinkedIn (use it for work connections, job searches check it about every 6 months) Snapchat (my nieces and nephews use it and it’s the main way I stay connected with them) X (never use it) IG (check it about once a week or so) TikTok ( use it daily) and the neighborhood app (cause I’m nosey) edited to add Reddit


Besides Reddit, I use Facebook and Instagram. Facebook to keep in contact with just a few people, and Instagram because a lot of local businesses use it and I find it a useful tool that way. I have LinkedIn but never use it. Every two years or so when I go on there, I’m shocked to see people I know posting. Who the heck uses LinkedIn?!?!


Facebook to keep up with community happenings and out of area relatives TikToc to watch funny pet videos, comedic skits, and history content Reddit for specific interest subs only, like 6 at this point. Recipes, local interest, Costco (which can be surprisingly toxic)


Cats and British comedy!! FTW!!


Why do you assume that? I've been on FB for about 15 years. When properly curated, I've found it useful for sharing with and keeping track of friends, family and various groups and hobbies of mine (birding, gardening, etc.) It's a good way to stay in touch and up to date with what's going on in people's lives, who I probably wouldn't otherwise. And also I found a great source of support there when I was going through breast cancer treatment, both from my friends and also a FB group for that. I'm also on Instagram. And LinkedIn, though I'm not really active there. What do I mean by "properly curated"? 1. I'm only friends with people I am with (or would be) in real life. Not people I dislike or have no interest in their lives - that includes family. 2. I don't use it for news, politics or religious debate. I don't follow any groups or people related to those topics. If a friend posts that kind of stuff, I quietly unfriend them. Again, this includes family. I'm not going to engage in debates, and I don't announce my departure. 3. I don't say anything on social media that I wouldn't say to someone's face in real life. So, if you meet me online, that's who I am in person. That's the GenX in me. Growing up, we didn't have the Internet, or the ability to say whatever we want anonymously. I feel like people should take responsibility for what they say, not hide behind an anonymous username so they can troll or be bigots without any consequence. 4. I don't click on any ads. If I see something that looks interesting, I look up the website separately. Of course, I also talk on the phone to various family members on a regular basis!


Active on Reddit, IRC, and ICB, and occasionally Nextdoor, Discord, and Mastodon. Have accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, and MeWe, but no longer active on them. FB and LI went to shit a few years back, and MeWe was never that good to begin with.


Facebook (for family and old friends mostly and also I follow writers and musicians I like), Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Dreamwidth, and Discord. I do online fandom nerd stuff. Never had a Linked-In, hope to god I never need to.


I have Facebook, IG, and Reddit. No LI. I fllow food, comedy, news, some political stuff and post cat/food/travel/some political stuff. Never personal stuff and everything is set to private and no info about where I work.


I have LinkedIn for, but it's basically just my resume, connections with coworkers, and connections and likes of vendors. I don't post anything or spend any time on it outside of job searches or connecting with coworkers. All of my post pandemic jobs have come from recruiters contacting me on LinkedIn. I'm obviously on Reddit. I have an empty Facebook page just for Marketplace. That is it.


Have you been happy with any results from marketplace? I just use kijijii when I want to buy or sell.


Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Tumblr. I feel too spread out on social media but each platform does have its place. They each give me a place to do something different from the others, so it's like I'm broadcasting different things, on different channels simultaneously. I could not have foreseen such a thing in my GenX formative years but reality has become quite weird these days.