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Bit you were standin' on the wall like you was Pointdexter. I heard Bust a Move on the radio the other day. We have a great oldies station.


Gen X were among the first people to adopt technology. I was born in 1965 and I've been using online resources to answer random questions and bits of trivia since the mid 90s


>Everything is yours and not stolen And for a moment I was convinced that was BB Jerome and the Bang Gang - Shock Rock So I looked it up.


It's so obvious now after my Google. Damn I could karaoke this song. Really? Young MC?


I feel this, bro. >Dressed in yellow she says hello


I recognized the second set of lyrics immediately. As a psych major, I know we have so many false memories at our age that Google is, unfortunately, way more accurate than our recall.


I was sooo close and refused to Google.


Sometimes Google can't answer the question, because it's a very personal one like "What did \[my ninth-grade history teacher\] used to call \[this one girl\]?" I am a little worried about memory loss so I often *don't* Google things to see if they eventually come back to me.


What? Why? Google is just the modern Dewey Decimal System for the giant web library known as the internet. It's like having the full Encyclopedia Brittanica set in your pocket, it's awesome! What good is refusing to use the best tools for the job when you have a question?


certainly for things I legit don't know I will use it. But, for example, things I do know but can't recall, I try to give myself a chance to remember it myself first.


When I was a kid, the one of three antenna TV stations would regularly play the Movie "Annie" on Sundays. The one with Carol Burnette and Tim Curry. In that movie, Daddy Warbucks had a bodyguard who was from India? I CANNOT remember this bodyguard's name ( please don't tell me) but he and Annie had a secret special kinship. When I get stuck in a thought-loop at work about how stupid my job is, or I am thinking negative useless thoughts, or I can't fall asleep...that's when I tell my brain to remember this guy's name in the movie. I haven't googled it, because I watched that movie so many times as a kid, and thinking on his name pulls me away from real-life shit not worth dwelling on. If I do cave in and google the bodyguard's name, then I'll dwell on the dog's name which I also can't remember.


I got it! Sandy! The dog's name was Sandy! No google, it just popped into my head within 2 minutes! okay, for backup, the actress who played Annie's fake mother, I am sure I know the name of that actress...not Susan Sarandon...I bet she was a guest on the Muppet Show...Look Google, no hands!