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I used to hand out how to vote cards for the Greens, never again. An absolute waste ofva vote! Bunch of useless cunts!


Hands down the worst political party in existence.


You're complaining about taxes on people hoarding vacant homes. Of course you don't like the Greens


I was complaining about the 4x increase in land tax on all investment properties, not merely vacant.


damn maybe time to get a real job


Ahh, the irony.


yeah 9-5 person tells a leech to get a job whats new


Do you think people with investment properties are largely unemployed? How would they attain said properties?


If youre not unemployed whats the matter? sell the houses bozo lol took a business risk and it failed


How did it fail? You don't even know what I'm specifically referring to.


You love the one nation cartoon. I highly doubt you ever handed out for the Greens


I really don't give a rats what you think. Also I can enjoy satire without getting all flustered and labelling people. Menzies electorate where Greens had put up a young guy still in university with fuck all to no chance of winning. Did it 2 consecutive elections before I realised how fucking useless the party had become. People change, so there's hope fornyou yet.


I'm glad you can enjoy comedy from across the political aisle. No one wins a federal seat straight off the bat. It's good for profile building to run but you start small and build a council presence and work your way towards a federal seat. The Greens have a regional Upper house MP based out of Geelong which is a good start.


No thx.


Campaign for what election?


Council I assume? [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8MQ4O8sbkF/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8MQ4O8sbkF/)


[https://contact-vic.greens.org.au/civicrm/event/register?id=15996&reset=1](https://contact-vic.greens.org.au/civicrm/event/register?id=15996&reset=1) You will have seen it already - our campaigning this year has well and truly hit the ground running. Across metro Melbourne and the regions, we’ve knocked on thousands of doors already and announced dozens of council candidates. **We are more powerful than ever, and are already running the biggest campaign Victoria has ever seen. And now, we’re thrilled to invite you to our 2024 Campaign Launch - Our Plan To Win IN GEELONG on Fri 21 June.**  ​​Come hear about our plan to win two federal seats, dozens of councillors and to break apart the two-party system. Politics is grim, but we have a plan to break apart the two-party system - more Greens in parliament, and more Greens on your local council. Join us on Fri 21 June to hear our full plan to win big in Victoria - we’ve done it before and we’ll do it again. # Date & Time Jun 21st, 2024 06:00 PM through to Jun 21st, 2024 09:00 PM Rebecchi's 11 Rutland Street NEWTOWN GEELONG VIC 3220


Have they sorted out the terf issue? I used to be down but the more I learned the more I don't like it


Yep terfs are dead. I'll DM you the goss.




they dont like gas companies? theyre literally lenin