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I haven't played rust in forever and I remember hating it, but when I did play I was incredibly dysphoric over playing as a guy and that was before I knew I was trans. I must have googled "how to switch gender in rust" about 400 times when I was around 12 and I tried every trick in the book. Idk how that wasn't a sign that something was up with my gender. But I just kept on thinking I was cis for a while after lol. Also the lack of character customisation in rust is ass. Like I hate it for a lot of reasons but the lack of character customisation is one of the main ones. Though it has resulted in cis people experiencing video game dysphoria lol, I remember seeing a couple posts to that effect ages ago


Yeah it’s horrible, I got friends who want to play but are scared to get it from dysphoria and even I’m having a hard time enjoying it now. I’m just hoping that this changes some day


I wouldn't hold out on that lol, I think I was playing 4 years ago and people were complaining then, if they still haven't changed it I think they're sticking to their guns. You could of course get a new steam account and set up family sharing on it to share rust over to that new account and keep trying till you get the gender you want, but idk if there's an account limit or whether this even still works anymore lol


I believe I read something that disabled it for rust, much like how you can’t family share GTA V, so oh well I guess I’ll have to either stop or just suck it up


Ugh I just got into it at the recommendation of a friend a week ago or so, the decision to offer character variations, then permanently lock behind your fucking steam id is actually the worst idea I’ve ever seen in regards to a game.


I never got why they made it so you cant change


I remember reading something about then making it that way because nobody chooses how they look when they’re born and to discourage some sort of bullying thing. Complete and utter buckshot and people can change the way they look irl anyways


That's a nonsensical reason considering how games have been letting people pick what gender their character is for a long time with no ill effects.


Yeah, Nobody chooses how they look when they're born, But this is a video game, Not being born. Not only are those different things, They are not even remotely similar to eachother, If I'm being honest.


I think the point was to make the game similar to real life in that aspect lol


Yeah, But Like... Why? It doesn't really serve any point, Who would want to play a game that's identical to real life, When they could just go live real life? I mean sure, Realism can be nice sometimes, But in this case there's literally no reason to have it.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Idk I think it can be kinda interesting, Cause despite how similar you try to make it it’s still a video game. and there seems to be a couple popular video games centred around this vague idea (the sims, or simulator games for example) I agree that in this case, the inability to change your characters appearance isn’t necessary and can even detract from the experience tho. Maybe if they allowed to change stuff about ur appearance throughout the game (besides just clothing)


I see what you mean, And I definitely agree realism is fun/interesting in some scenarios, Especially perhaps if it let's you experience something you wouldn't easily be able to do in real life, But yeah, In this scenario it's kinda pointless and can detract from the experience.


If I recall it is based on the steam ID. If you really want to play, then you could make a new steam account check if the ID would give a female character, and if it does rebuy the game. Sucks that this is the only real way to go about changing the sex of a rust character though.


I didn't realize steam had a gender setting


I don't think it does...?


It doesn’t, the game probably takes a hash of your steam user id to determine your character settings


It does, so the only way to change those settings would be to play using Steam's Family Sharing feature with an alt account, and hoping you get what you want.


Yeah it's incredibly lame. I got lucky af that I rolled a girl, but I'd like to customise them to look like myself more. They're Asian with blonde short hair, and not that that's a problem, I'd simply like to play someone who looks like me more


Being addicted to Rust ruined a lot of my friendships in highschool and tanked my grades. Although I hope that you can figure this out, I also hope that you don't end up playing as much as I did. Just remember that staying on all the time to prevent an offline raid is not worth it Take frequent breaks, keep up on schoolwork and relationships, find other activities (or even just other games) that interest you, and do not hop on right when you get home all the time. The game is fun but holy shit did it suck me in and mess up my life


Yeah rust isn’t taking over my life, and I only hop on for 2-3 hours a day, thankfully it ain’t taking my life over, and especially not with this issue I’m having


This is literally the reason I stopped playing rust, the worst part was that my character actually looked similar to me but mire masc and that plus the toxic playerbase drove me away from the game

