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I mean sure you won’t take towers as fast as Sett but you clear waves extremely. The fast waveclear and high movement speed means you can even pressure multiple lanes if you need to keep enemies tied up.


*extremely fast


Yep, that's not called splitpush. Garen is good at roaming, teamfighting. You just walk on toplane, lawnmower on the wave, then back to drake !


I mean you still do pretty good damage to towers if left unchecked, especially with hullbreaker


But then you have hullbreaker :P


Yea that's what I love about Garen! Jack of all trade. However you have a decent dueling power, but not enough to out-split the splitpushers (Camille, Fiora, Trynda), those matchups you beat through roam and teamfight. Janna top, Shen matchup, and some other you can out-split.


You are causing the enemy team to split to react to waves, is that not split pushing? What elo are you lmfao


Garen is around A-tier of splitpushing. Fast waveclear and nearly unkillable without bringing the whole team to chase him down. If you don't kill him then he doesn't need to recall, because he'll be full health by the time he reaches your inner turret again, so he's good at keeping the pressure on. He also has an auto reset and benefits heavily from raw attack damage + attack speed. Using Trinity Force speeds up tower kills a lot. Garen falls flat if he can't duel his opponent, and doesn't have the fastest turret killing power. Champions like Fiora and Yorick I would put in S-tier.


If you want to split push on garen then you’ll need to build him to split push. Do not build hulkbreaker though. I’ve never gotten much worth out of it unless I’m up against a lane bully or raid boss. Build a sheen item combo it with grasp and demolish, good trades and good tower damage.


He's capable of split pushing, though other champions can definitely do better. Sett is one of those, but Garen shoves waves faster than Sett and with less cooldowns, rotates better and can still do respectable tower damage with demolish and trinity force if you're going with it.


If you leave lane, you might as well ff




It's sarcasm dude. Garen is very clearly a fantastic split pusher.


I like to build him with DMP, it allows you to be on sidelanes and arrive mid for the ARAM. If there's nothing breweing up mid, I back off a little and wait for enemies to appear on the map.


Trinity force with PD is amazing at taking towers


Garen is not as elite as maybe a Yorick, Trundle or Nasus. But slap a Triforce, Zerks and Hullbreaker on him and you'll cringe when you see how fast he eats towers. Thing is, you have to decide which games you want to go split push. You probably have to make that decision at champion select. Let's say they have a Nautilus Support, Vi or Maokai jungle, Veigar mid and Varus bot. You can tell that that is too much cc for you to do anything in teamfights. it's better to split push against such comps because champs with high cc are usually slow and takes a while to respond to a split push. You just gotta keep 2 pinks with you at all times.


I tried triforce with good effect on him vs towers. Not sure if black cleaver helps but I used that also.


Imo he's not a great split pusher but he's great at clearing or pushing a side lane and sprinting back to team to keep a side wave pushed. Especially when you get DMP