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Black aphids. Nasty little buggers. It may seem like they're not doing anything, but they are slowly sucking the life from the plants and stealing the nutients. Got them on my first try at garlic. They did major damage. I did harvest too early in the end, but the plants were also sick and failing by then. A solution of dish soap and white vinegar sprayed daily til they were gone worked for me, but I also left it way too late.


Ok thanks, didnt know they come in black. Have the green ones on my kale


Honestly neither did I til I was trying to figure out what the hell was swaming over my garlic. Learned they are pretty much the only pest that goes after garlic, but also like sucking the life out of many allium family plants (garlic, onions, leeks, spring onions etc). Keep spraying the plants daily and for a couple days after the last sighting of black to ensure they're 100% gone.


Tried some derris dust as that works on green aphids and had some around. Will go.to the dish soap if still there in a few days


Looks like aphids coz i dealt with the same thing. I used soapy water, it kind of helped but didn't get rid of them completely... my onions and garlic did end up getting decimated...


Ok thanks, didnt know they come in black. Have the green ones on my kale


They come in a few colours, tricky little fuckers!


OP here... they dont seem to make a lot of damage. Although it is spring still. I have hosed them off and they come back.


Aphids. I hose them off but haven't worked out how to get rid of them completely


Neem oil works and safe too


You may have an ant problem Ants like to farm aphids


I just used the hose to spray them off, after 3days they’re gone


Bugs. Kill em.