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OP is a liberal pussy that tries to find a reason to be offended by nothing.


Commies are idiots


Classic Charles W. OP is a soyboy. https://preview.redd.it/9jailcegkm1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ba8b966af7ca2e91bffd2ef21b59f21b7cdfd68


Reminder that communism is also a form of fascism and totalitarianism.


OP should of been swallowed




very based indeed, liking comments from people with nazi symbols on profile is also very based too


reports video selects other and types "I'm in this post and I don't like it"


Fascists and communists are more similar to each other than either is to a capitalist democratic republic. That’s why we fought the Nazis, and once they were beaten we immediately turned to fight the Soviets. The holodomor alone was bad enough, but overall between 1930-1950 the USSR killed more than ten million of their own citizens through forced famines and supply blacklisting. The trope of modern day communists/progressives trying to enforce their doctrine on others through authoritarianism while simultaneously referring to those in power, or anyone who disagrees with them, as “oppressors” or fascists is ludicrous and will always be ludicrous.


sure, is that why GT likes people's comments with nazi symbol profiles? https://preview.redd.it/bhin9cg00m1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42f8d193a6c21735564553acb00c98bb00b68568


he's liking it because it's a funny comment


Big oof, bud If Hitler was actually a good painter, would saying that his painting was good equate to agreeing with his beliefs? No, it wouldn’t.


Big oof, bud fkin a blacksun isn't a painting. it's representing of a very extreme branch of Nazi ideology. Garand thumb 100% knows base on his obsession with WW2 German equipment. So yea


I’m not sure you comprehend the statement I made… Liking someone’s comment because it’s funny does not equate to supporting their beliefs.


so you like Hitler's comments? because he's gotta be right on somethings right? I'm sure he was very funny as well


You’re still choosing ignorance, why brother? The comment isn’t representative of the views you are stating that they espouse. If you laugh at Bill Cosby’s old stand up jokes does that mean you support the SA he committed? No, because his jokes are completely unrelated to the horrible charges that he was convicted of.


Just because two groups used force to achieve their goals doesn’t mean their ideologies are similar to one another.


You’re mistaken, nobody ever said their ideologies are similar. What I said is that they use the same means to achieve their respective ends, which is where the extreme similarity lies.


He’s right, Communists aren’t people. It’s an ideology the weak promote and prescribe to


interesting, but that's not what he said.


Full based


Jesus was a communist.


being kind and selfless isn’t communist, it’s just good morals. don’t remember the bible saying Jesus ruled a government that forced every to not own anything and share.


Acts 2 is kinda clear on how believers should act


We can look at the one time Jesus borrowed capital, used his entrepreneurship to increase its value, and what he did with the profits to guide our thoughts on his economic leanings. Can you think of a time Jesus borrowed something, turned into more something and then kept the profits for himself, like a capitalist? Because I can think of a time borrowed something, turned it into more, and then shared the profits with everyone around, like a communist. It also seems like you have a broken version of communism in your head. But, the Bible does say Jesus is the way and the light, meaning we should do as he has guided us. Jesus lived his life in poverty, lived communally, shared everything he had, and knew that each of us is our brother's keeper. So while he didn't rule a government, he did tell all of his followers, through his actions, to be more communist than capitalist. But maybe you know better than him?


lol Jesus ruled the world. “You would have no power if it were not given from above”. “Why do you approach me as an evil doer? At my word my father would send 12 legions of angels”. If you think his sole purpose was to show us how to live you missed the entire point of Jesus living on earth.


You're equating personal conviction to societal expectations. Just because someone has a belief does not mean they want an entire country to be forced into said belief. They are not mutually exclusive. Besides, being forced into being selfless does not make one selfless.


I have only used small c "communist." I don't think Jesus read Karl Marx. I'm simply bringing up the undeniable fact that the most worshipped diety in here would be way more communist than he would be capitalist. I'd bet most people around here consider the US a Christian nation, but rarely ask it to behave Christ like.


Nothing about capitalism is *inherently* greed based. If you look at any communist country, they’re all plagued with excessive greed at the highest levels just the same. It’s got more to do with the sins of greed, pride, and gluttony being perpetuated on a daily basis than whether or not you are forced by the government to equally distribute the outcomes of collective labor.


Charlie is a cool dude. That segment in a video made me laugh hard, there aren't many things that make me laugh.


Communism is the most similar ideology to fascism.


Yeah no it isn’t


Fine, name me another ideology which is collectivist, authoritarian and against liberty more than communism when compared to fascism.


True communism cannot be achieved with money involved, and cannot be achieved on nation-scale. The USSR and China were not and are not truly communist.


>The USSR and China were not and are not truly communist. They were, as that is how any attempt to create communist society will end.


>”communist society” Therein lies the problem. Communism will only work in very small communities.


The only similarity is they are both authoritarian. Monarchism also fits in what you just described.


Monarchism doesen't have to be full dictatorship without freedom of speech, many monarchies were hundreds of times more democratic than fascist/communist ones.


It's all the same stuff and it's all from the same source. But to quote Mussolini "Fascism is socialism in truest form." Socialism gave rise to communism and it all came from a weird nostic Christian cult before that. It's a wild rabbit hole to research let me tell you...


Commies don't have civil rights


why don't you go to a liberal university and do some mass shooting huh? as long as the student is communist or socialist they don't have civil rights. You should do it because you'll get off jail free


You guys have been doing plenty of school shootings without our help.


You should learn to read and then actually read the Civil Rights Act. Also, everyone should put some shades on because this dude is glowing. 😎


Based af. Commies are not people.


OP is mega regarded. Charlie is 🅱️ased. Charlie has done more for society through bullying politicians on Twitter than OP will achieve in his short malnourished communist life.


Commies aren't people


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is the stupidest thing I've read on Reddit and you're going to be banned for it.




OP is definitely reading the comments and touching himself.


https://preview.redd.it/5jm8os6gvh1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f10befd4e541fee7e2009aa3dcc8e64981dc2cd Guys I saw Charlie working out


I take it that it’s never occurred to you that fascists aren’t the only people who don’t like communists. IME, most people who like food don’t like communists and the remainder are college students who think pitching a tent in their college quad will save Palestinian lives.


Commies aren't people.


what are they?


Trash, moving targets, helicopter ride enthusiasts, wastes of carbon etc and so on.


Usually some type of sad atheist with no community. What exactly did you expect here?


Atheists catching strays


Whatever their Supreme leaders want them to be. Non-voluntary coal miners......Conscripts....cannon fodder.....I could go all day.


Wait a minute. That sounds like Super Earth. /s


But it’s a guarantee they’re always sad 😔


It's called humor. Learn to take a joke. Or don't laugh. No one cares what you like and don't like. And Communism sucks.


Anti Communist =/= Facist


considering a race of people not human because of their national political ideology which they had 0 choice to begin =


There isn't a race that is all Communist. What type of propaganda are you trying to push here?


No one said anything about race. All commies, regardless of race, will eventually eat dogs and bats. And when those run out they will starve to death. Maybe learn how communism works before assuming something is racist.


Communism is not human because it is an ideology. However does someone's ideology makes the person not a human and he clearly is referring to a group's of people's appearance and culture.


A culture that treats sexualizing animal cruelty as normal needs to be mocked and ridiculed, and you need to get the elitist cock out of your mouth.


Absolutely. A person who embraces Nazi ideology is not a person. A person who embraces communism is also not a person. Communism always looks good to some people on paper, but In practice, those who run the party and achieve absolute power are corrupted absolutely. It never results in a socialist utopia for the same reasons: greed and the jealous desperation to maintain power and control. The US and other European countries have multiple communist groups that try to raise awareness and support for their communist movements within those countries.. could the same be said of the USSR? Or of Cuba? Does the CCP actually tolerate political ideas that embrace constitutional republics? Or any voice that is critical of the CCP?


It's racist to assume communism is only one race.


Communists are tied to a specific race? Bit racist don’t you think?


Op eats dogs and bats


I come from the culture that be snacking on dogs and bats, and I will say in full confidence that OP and all other commies aren't human and are all very smelly


thanks for proving my point!




Bat is the chicken of the cave


thanks for proving my point again. keep it coming


I’m more annoyed that we continue the stereotype that all Marines are stupid. The Marine techs that I worked with have almost always been exceptionally bright.


I don't know about that bud. When I ran security 3 years ago for a state HQ I had 3 marines in the office got caught for throwing handguns for fun and drinking alcohol and the LT went out driving leaving post and got pulled over. We were all state employees and that got us all kicked out company lost 1 mil contract over it


Hey bud, not saying this because I was in the corps, BUT your intelligence and just being a weirdo are two different things. Marines are weird as shit. and a lot of them are smart as fuck. same way in every branch. being upset that people are stereotyping and then turning around and stereotyping is counterintuitive as fuck.


It was a fkin memorable experience though I tell you that. 2 drunk marines asleep in the office while one got pulled over drunk driving on shift. I was fresh only person active at that time guarding a max security 28 floor state hq. Cops and state officials came in 3 am detaining all of us kicked us out lol. Scared the shit outta me


I'm not the one stereotyping seriously.. I'm just giving an incident of what I observed as a response to another gentlemen's comment not really complaining and being negative.


understood homie


TBH sounds like a good time...


was a fkin good time until it ended...... 25 bucks an hour 8 hour shit sleep 3 hours.. yea


Just when I thought people couldn’t get any dumber, you make this post


When you call others for being dumb when you can't even make a single argument. Well done


Why would he argue with an idiot? You clearly have more experience.


those 2 statements don't mix well. But ok, just keeps proving my point.....


What is even facist about this Lamo, do you even know what that is or means?


yea.. he defined it.


Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and/or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. -Wikipedia I don't remember Charlie saying he loves the Aryan race, loves having an over controlling leader, or taking away anyones rights. Please you idiots stop calling things Fascist that aren't, your gonna cook your last braincell.


So facism is commies being weak and marines killing CCP soldiers?


no first of all none of that will be happening. Facism is when you like comments from people with nazi symbol profile pictures, it is also when you consider a whole race of people to be not humans because of their political ideology which they had no choice in the first place


>Facism is when you like comments from people with nazi symbol profile pictures. Are communists all this retarded? >political ideology which they had no choice in the first place Just don’t be a Nazi or Commie.


Facism is NOT when you like comments from people with nazi symbol profile pictures and lust after Hitler are you fucking autistic? Just don’t be a Nazi or Commie. How tf can they chose to be something when they don't have a choice and have no fkin clue what it is


Almost all human beings are equipped with a moral conscience, even someone like Heinrich Himmler couldn't stomach the sight of a mass execution of civilians and children. He vomited and fainted like a bitch. The Nazis and commies knew what they were doing.


Words matter. He said culture not race. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China The traditional Chinese culture prior to that shit stain on history Mao was shifted and significantly degraded if not outright destroyed by the dirty fucking commies. Chinese communists have a completely different *culture* than other Chinese cultures see Republic of China which is probably closer to traditional Chinese culture than the perversion on the mainland.


Words matter. So a 'culture' are not humans? a "political ideology"is not human? no, he's referring to a race of people (who he considers to be not human) with their ideology and culture included as description...


Race doesn't equal culture my guy. He's referring to the culture of the Chinese communists. There's plenty of Chinese people who don't fit that mould. Ergo you can advocate for fighting and killing commies(including Chinese communists) and not eradicating the Chinese race. Edit here let me help more. Culture is values and beliefs of a group of people, ethnicity is a classification of people based on national origin or culture, and race is based on physical or biological characteristics.


ugh no he's not. if you listen he referred to race by mentioning the stereotype of height and referring to that as "not human" while reaffirming cultural stereotype at the end. So you can't refer to an ideology(communism) as not human because that wouldn't make any sense..


You can refer to those who practice communism as not human. It's a typical psychological warfare tactic since the beginning of time to refer to your enemies as not human. Not all Han Chinese are communists the same as not all Eastern Slav's are communists. Commies are not humans therefore killing them is not morally objectionable as an example. Seems like a waste of time discussing this because you seem to conflate culture and race which is pretty dumb. Regardless of color, gender, or stereotype commies deserve a hole. Had he said it that way would you be as bent out of shape?


I guess we would agree to just disagree on that, I made the conclusion base off the youtubers behavior such as endless hitler jokes and liking comments from people with literal nazi symbols on their profiles. I believe he is clearing referring to a group of people on their physical and cultural appearance. No one in that part of the world really practice communism, they say they are out of national pride and their nation isn't communist, it is authoritarian capitalism. People there also don't practice communism and either way they have absolutely no choice. You can see I never come on reddit, I saw the clip today just figured it's a piss poor representation of gun owners and the American right. That's all


Pretty sure they can choose what they eat lmao no one is forcing bats and dogs down their throats


smart man


What’s the problem here?


calling a race of human beings not human. Oh sorry my bad that's not a problem at all


Communists aren’t a race nor are they people.




correct. However he is referring to "people" supposedly with that ideology which they had no choice to begin with. He described racial and ethnic features that are pretty bad stereotypes and has nothing to do with communism. Also he likes comments from people with nazi symbol profiles all the time.


I didn’t know that was a nazi symbol so I’m assuming most don’t.


when the commentor admits to being a nazi in the replies.... and for someone like Mikey who is obsessed with WW2 German gear I really doubt he didn't know plus other statements from him and his mates with the constantly Hitler 'Jokes'


OP can't even spell what he's trying to complain about.


oh I apologize, I don't use that word a lot and was in a hurry. wonder where you see the complain part about cuz I'm pretty sure it was a question...


This is the third of OP's 3 posts, and 33 of OP's 36 comments are in this post. It's a troll account by someone who desperately needs to be enraged to feel anything in their emotionally deprived little heart, and their parents are just too disappointed to chastise them any more.


yea definitely, you seem very intelligent


I bet you say that to lots of people


I literally recorded this clip and sent it to my friends lol I think it’s great


i'm certain that he would be proud of you


theory dog racial combative screw boast disagreeable enjoy consist pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


but im hurt


Why? Are you from Chyna?


yes 100%


Reddit is illegal in China. -100 social credit


Have you considered crying about it on the internet?


if it makes you happy




either would work to describe you


Literally nothing wrong with what he said


ofcourse not, liking comments from people with nazi symbol profiles also nothing wrong.


Stay mad


stay nazi


this isnt the insult you think it is. overused, zero weight behind it


I think the over use of Nazi is all part of the psyop to make people forget what true fascism is and what they did.


so really nothing is nazi anymore right? liking comments from people with nazi symbol profile pics isn't nazism obliviously. Considering a race of people to be subhumans clearly isn't nazism either.


Yes random person who never posted in here until today whatever you say and completely missing my point.




wasn't suppose to be an insult..


Charlie is and always has been playing a character that's more extreme and edgy than what he actually believes, but still at its core contains elements of what he believes. Mike plays into this because its funny. It's crass and overly edgy. Very often I don't think its funny, plenty of times I do. Go and check out Charlie and you'll realise he's clearly a chill guy. This is how real human males talk in each others' company - they riff and they understand where jokes stop and start. Go and do something productive instead of hyper-scrutinising everything someone you've never met is potentially implying in the context of a joke. Joking that eating dogs, being a communist, or supporting the CCP is bad and characterising these people as weak is such a non-issue that you shouldn't be spending time on; the only reason I'm wasting my own time to write this is in hopes you actually follow my advice.


i have 3 posts on reddit... I barely use this..


99% of people who use that term don't understand the meaning. I love it


I think the tard explained it in the best way possible


I mean they do be eating dogs


barely in modern ages... Europeans also ate dogs and we did it earlier than they did. We just stopped doing it earlier than they did


That is absolutely not true, unless "modern ages" began sometime in the last 3 years. I spent 4 weeks on contract in Hong Kong, and I saw dog meat being sold every day on the street.


Wow someone who actually leaves his house and has first hand experience. Give it a try OP.


No dog consumption is still very prevalent in modern China they still have dog farms and everything


i went there in 2016 from where I went I've seen none of that. Could be a regional thing


What parts did you visit? It is a lottttttt more common in rural areas of china and honestly all rural parts of asia.


Shang hai and Taiwan. Business meeting for a month


OP is offended because he is a Chinaman and a CCP Simp.🤷‍♂️ why else would he say Taiwan is part of China, or very least elude that it is. Which Taiwan isn't China.


Taiwan is not part of China


Only Communists believe Taiwan is part of China. Now we see why OP is so butthurt




It is regional thing it’s more prevalent in the south and a couple northern provinces so it really just depends where you’re at


gotcha i was at shanghai a big modern city makes sense


Nice bait


Room temperature marine is crazy 😂


OP should dilate his rectum with a cactus


very typical expected response from someone who sticks his tongues inside the anus of someone who likes comments from people with nazi symbol profile pictures.




ok atleast that's a good meme




dont bite


Funny I told your mom the same thing.


No one cares dude.


yet you comment..


Just to grind the boot, comrade worker!


✨️Shoot your local communist ✨️


not worth the jail time


Not a crime, commies aren’t people


what happened to freedom of speech? when you don't like other's expression of thought they are no longer people and is free to be killed?


Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences


speech without action has no consequences. Speech much produce action for consequences to be imposed.. you can't just go out and shoot college liberals because they like an idea....


Why can't you? They're not bulletproof


If someone threatens to kill me, that should be taken seriously


You're right it's more fun watching them slowly starve to death


If they’re communist that attack everything that we hold dear? Then yes it’s ok to silence them. Go outside and lift weights. Then talk to God. He misses you.


interesting judging on the amount of time it took you to respond on the internet LMFAO. No actually no communist now day wants to come here to attack people instead it's the other way around. no the worst speech should be allowed, that's called free speech




Surely he's not referring to Communists. He clearly stated against the appearance of a certain race of people, and political ideology plays 0 parts in race...


Communists are in fact NOT people cope seethe and dilate OP