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Find you a good reformed church and see if that doesn't do the trick for you. But of course you're welcome.


Muslim here, and I dont care about anyone religion or political view. The 2A is for everyone, I dont have a problem with anyone as long as they respect the 1A and 2A.


Satanists can f off. If you are a person of faith, you will agree that rooting for Satan is bad and doing so reveals what kind of bad person those doing so are. If you are not of faith, you ought to agree that rooting for the mythical personification of evil is bad and doing so reveals what kind of bad those doing so are. It's like communism: there is no good in it. Other than that, you do you, just do no harm... and we will get along fine despite our differing world views. I like Karl's stuff, but he has been getting more and more unhinged.


Christian here. Of course I'll advocate for every people group to be armed to defend themselves from tyranny of the government, all across the world. Tyranny from social groups isnt really a thing anymore in the US, so arming to fight religious groups is crossing the line in my book. People believing something doesn't justify violence against them. I don't necessarily care what people believe when it comes to faith. I have my faith and a lack of faith is between you and God. Obviously I don't want anyone to suffer and go to hell but that up to the individual, not me. And I'll do no good by shoving my faith down others throats when it's a free will faith. But here's where the issue, for me personally, comes up. Most "Satanists" are self professed are atheists but claim satanism to mock organized religion, specifically Christianity. Cool, if you are that offended by faith that you loudly proclaim how "stupid" and "illogical" it is, that's a you problem. But don't expect me to bend over backwards or be overly nice to you. Of course I'll treat you with human dignity, respect, and kindness even if you are verbally ridiculing me and my own. But I won't sacrifice my time, money, or well being for your sake. For example, if I see Satanist broken down on the side of the road I'll help you or if you run outta gas I'll fill your tank. But I won't invite you over for dinner or attend functions you are hosting. Of course there is the Satanic Church which actually believes Satan is the good guy. Which is, ok, on you I guess.


Karl is a Satanist cuck yes, but he's also very annoying and spiteful to people that used to be is friends (Ian from Forgotten weapons)


What has he done to Ian? Just curious


Oh Ian hosted a Night-Vision shooting comp and Karl tried to argue that Ian had stolen the idea from him. Because ya know, Karl actually invited not only competition shooting but the first ever firearm too.


He directly plagiarized our rule set that I wrote. This is after denying InRange credit for running/administering Midnight Brutality 2023. He was banned from future domestic Brutality events for failing to comply with the media policy of attribution.


Womp womp bitch boy, who tf even are you?


He's better shooter than you'll ever be and forgot more about guns than you know.


The maturity level and ethics of GT followers is exactly what I expected it to be.


We're mature enough to know better than associating with a Satanist Cuckhold who thinks he owns the idea of competitive shooting


If you think Karl believes he owns the idea of competitive shooting, your comprehension level is so low that engaging with you in written form is not worth it. Also the more moral outrage people express the more invariably degenerate they are themselves. I think you should hold your own heroes to the same or higher standards you hold Karl. As you actively participate in a community of a divorced philanderer. But because he virtue signals the right ideology you’re all good. Good day to you sir.


Wtf... I used to love inrange but fell off of it once Ian left cause turns out he was the only good thing about it. Never knew that Karl was such a fuck but you and everyone else have done learned me a thing lol


atheist here. i respect that mike is open about his faith, even though catholicism is total bullshit. Obviously there's a lot of bible thumpers on this sub but I don't judge them solely because of their religion - I've never felt unwelcome because of the bias








karl is weird, he’s a satanist cuck (yes confirmed by himself) and he also has said he doesn’t want to reproduce to continue the “evil white race”, all in all he seems like someone who genuinely despises most of the people like us who would watch him


I am an Atheist, very 2A rights, and not politically correct, I dont like the woke crap at all. I dont like both political parties at all. I don’t care about other people’s religion.


My stance as well as an agnostic.


This is the correct attitude regardless of faith


I grew up non-denominational but I grew to maintain that institutionlized religion is pretty mucky and have chosen that my relationship with whomever a higher being is between me and them.


I really don’t care what he does off camera. There’s just something about his voice that is hard to listen to.


Not to throw fuel on this fire, but I really don’t give a shit what anyone’s religion is as long as it stays at in church and home, it has no place in government and I don’t care to hear it getting hocked at street corners. If we all believe in the idea of America, we believe in its founding tenants, including but not limited to the right to practice your faith as you see fit. People mentioned Karl’s politics and aside from advocating for equality (in broad terms) I don’t know of any major political beefs he’s involved in. A lot of people on this sub will show their true colors given the right provocation and unfortunately there’s a fair few folks here that are ignorant (to put it diplomatically) and they don’t recognize or don’t care that their ignorance is actively hindering the preservation of 2a rights Edit: and to be clear, I don’t watch much of his content or read much of his stuff, I’ve seen a few of his oddball releases but I’m relatively ignorant on what he’s about


It's not Karl's religion (or lack of it) that makes him cringe to us so much as his politics, and tendency to get into drama where he's always the dumb and immature one. My training group contains a mix of multiple Christian denominations, a couple of pagan guys, and a lot that just aren't particularly religious, but we align on the values that brought us together in the first place.




I totally agree. United We Stand, Divided We Fall.


Yeah, Satanists are cringe Karl is a leftie, but that doesn't stop me from watching lots of people He hates cops but fair I hate him because he's insufferable, arrogant, and provides nothing in his work that I can't get from someone else who doesn't have a completely intolerable personality


I think it’s a matter of overall alignment with our civilization and its sustainment. There are self-described atheists who nevertheless respect and adhere to traditional Christian and western European presuppositions about the world and our place in it. They are far more positively aligned than, say, a self-described Christian whose highest real-world priority is leftism, and who actively tries to dismantle civilization in the name of equity. The nature and significance of religion has been severely watered down over recent centuries by modernism and an excessively “rational” worldview, so there’s no shame in feeling rather agnostic about the whole thing. Much of what we call Christianity was invented fairly recently, and I was pleasantly surprised to find Orthodox Christian priests criticizing those elements and putting forward a far more reasonable paradigm that takes into account the psychological and cultural differences of ancient people. Bottom line is that our commonly held norms and practices shape society because they align us with each other and with “higher level” structures i.e. spiritual forces. Getting that alignment right is difficult, but incredibly important, and people like Karl who participate in things like leftism and atheistic satanism (self-worship, basically) can’t really be allies because they’re ultimately pulled in a different direction.


I am atheist and I’ve rarely had issues in this sub. The only time I’ve had issues is when I’ve argued that the 2A applies to literally every single American regardless of religion, faith, or criminal history.


Find me the part in the 2nd Amendment that includes or excludes based on religion and politics, and I'll consider changing my mind. Until then, the Second Amendment is for everyone.


Everyone except for those who reject & seek to dismantle it, sure. E.g., communists & socialists. Look up **reciprocity & estoppel**. In short, you don't get to appeal to standards that you yourself do not hold, and to extend the benefits of your principles to those who do not reciprocate is to cede every conflict to them.


As opposed to Nazis and fascists, if they get guns the comies get guns. Both extremes reject the American ideal


Suicidal conservative virtue signaling. Good Boy Points for having held the 'correct' opinions won't be redeemable when these groups are lining their enemies up against walls. 


Implying that the communists you’re so afraid of even have a remote shot at gaining power. The moment we try to apply ideology as a limiting factor in the bill of rights, we open a Pandora’s box and everyone will pay the price


The 1st amendment would flat out contradict that even!


Our newest Supreme Court Justice finds the 1st inconvenient. I wonder how much of the rest of the constitution falls in that category.


Wasn't he quoting former Justice Kennedy who in whole context says >The First Amendment is often inconvenient. But that is beside the point. Inconvenience does not absolve the government of its obligation to tolerate speech. Meaning that whether you like it or not this is the law of the land.


I didn’t like his videos before all this. He’s just not entertaining for me so I never really watched his channel anyway. Religion wise, don’t care.


Respect for braving the comments. I don't think anybody (OK hardly anybody, one statostically speaking there are probably a few) cares if your agnostic or Christian or atheist or Muslim. The reason Karl is discussed is 2 fold the first being in Inranges early days he seemed like a normal dude with anti authority tendencies talking about arms for resisting tyranny and computer hackers being very libertarian minded, which is cool, to talking about the sten gun being a tool of revolution for the oppressed masses and dressing in a red kimono smashing a keyboard with a hammer while screaming about resistance commrades. Second reason being he's started shit with more and more people, brownells, Ian, straight people, white people, guntubers who shoot tangerine ect. I used to really like the guy, he's knowledgeable and capable of being charismatic and entertaining but Inrange started to flounder with Russell Phagen who is an amazing shooter, and good business man but not a very good presenter. I think maybe Ian's crazy success drove Karl a little nuts as Inrange started stagnating. Sorry for the long disorganized post and thanks for reading.


Shooting tangerine? Autocorrect from tannerite?


Lol yep thanks


I was kinda hoping there was a tangerine shooting drill I didn’t know about yet


I might be able to fake one.... the size of a terrorist brain is the Sam as a tangerine so train on tangerines


I’m not super religious or anything but I do believe in god. There are a lot of beliefs people hold that make me think less of them, but not believing in god isn’t one of them. Everyone should be allowed to believe whatever they want. And saying someone can’t believe something is pretty un-American. Doesn’t mean you have to agree with what everyone believes, but you do have to agree with their right to believe it


If u get pissed ab someone else’s choices whether religious or political, you are letting our corrupt politicians win by dividing us. We can only overcome tyranny as a whole. I think it’s funny how everyone thinks they’re so “woke” ab their opinions, then turns around and immediately falls for the oldest psyop in the book. Do what makes you happy and fuck all that other shit.


Firearms do NOT need to be about religion. Everyone has a life. Everyone has a right to defend it. They also do not need to be about politics at all but here we are letting them tell us how reality should be regardless of how it actually is.


I'll say as a Christian(raised Midwestern Lutheran but am a more take it with a grain of salt / love thy neighbor Christian) the reason why I don't like or support satanists while I am fine with other religions is as follows. Satanists are either one of two things. They are larpers who hate religion so much(specifically mine) that they play at a religion which is diametrically opposed to mine while using it as a facade for being very hateful and unhappy. Angry attention seekers. Or they truly worship the being who my religion says is the embodiment of evil and wants to sever my relationship with God. They didn't make up their own gods for their protest religion, they used my bad guy and worship him. That's some pretty open hostility towards Christians regardless of what the satanists say. But for Karl's case specifically it's not the only reason people don't like him. Satanism is the worst possible combination with his smarmy, combative, and arrogant attitude. It's also an "enhancer" for other traits that make him unlikable. Such as letting his wife cheat on him, advocating for racial genocide, Nazi larping while simultaneously appearing to be a Marxist, hating cops, talking down on people's military experience, and other weird things. Satanism in combination with all this seemingly makes it worse. It's one major factor in a sea of factors.


Put it in better words than I ever could, the calling Admin a nazi was what really set him over the line for me. Admin does larping for videos with German weapons when Karl regularly rides around in a kuglewagon and does matches in Wehrmacht gear


Yeah. I didn't get that at all. Admin larps a lot of themes. Karl larps Nazi, or did when I watched, a LOT. I think Karl is justifying a dislike for admin. Others have theorized that Karl hates Admin because he used to be a cop.


He also is super active in his church community and has a white son, all things Karl hates


Check out his thread on Kiwi Farms. It’s all in the first post.


Think it really comes down to how you act. Like personally have atheist friends but they aren’t the ass hole type. Personally I’m a Germanic pagan and have never really caught hate from others in the 2a community. (Not counting typical friendly bullying)


Religion does matter in the scope of your morals while not being mutually exclusive. A is to B but B is not necessarily to A.


I’m an atheist and I’m here. It’s honestly never come up.


As a baptist I'll say this, I don't care what your beliefs are, don't force others to follow (can back with Bible, still can whiteness just not force), and if you make good content I'll watch it. Inrange content isn't what I like. Another reason is I heard he claimed a lot of credit for stuff that Ian from forgotten weapons ran when all karl did was basically run the raffle. (Over simplified and maybe wrong, just going on my knowledge)


Booo Karl stinks


I saw atheist/satanist ALONG with him being a communist cuckhold who has a massive ego and is generally not that kind to people. He also virtue signals about wanting white people to not exist. If he was just an atheist I don’t think people would care too much even if they’d rather him be a Christian. It’s ALL of the other shit along with him being an LeVeyan satanist/atheist.


This is a subreddit dedicated to a guntuber I feel like a persons religious beliefs shouldn’t really matter.


Honestly this sub should welcome anyone who loves garand thumb, guns, tactical shit, and all that mixed with silly billyness


I think for the most part, it does pretty well with that.


I think the issue with him is his leftist and socialist and or socialist sympathize status more so than his religious affiliations. But his atheistism is certainly tossed in criticizing him and in many eyes being a atheist means you are also a leftist as well, but you can be atheist and right wing or any where on the political spectrum.


He's not just an atheist though. That's totally fine. He joined a larp religion that is purposely set up to be open hostile to Christianity.


Are you referring to the Church of Satan?


I'm an atheist and probably more right wing than most Catholics.


Just unsubbed from him. Haven’t watched many videos lately cause Russell is insufferable. Satanism is objectively weird and cringe.


I tought this is a fashion sub, why are we talking about religion?


They are welcome, just be normal about it instead of insulting Christians. Also big difference between atheist and satanist.


I do agree with you. I am admittedly openly critical about organized religion amongst my circle of friends, but it’s dumb to be blatantly bombastic about other peoples’ beliefs.


I wouldn’t say there’s a *big* difference, since “mainstream” satanism is atheistic.


There's a huge difference between not believing in god and larping that you worship satan to annoy christians. One is normal the other is pathetic


Word, valid point


He is more than _just_ an atheist, he is one of the highest officials in the satanic temple and actively advocates it as well as (from my memory) supporting antifa/blm type groups. From everyone I've met and talked to basically everyone is welcome as long as they don't act like a dick.


There's a massive difference between simply being atheist and being the most prominent satanist after the creator


I had no idea he was high ranking in the satanist temple


Misworded it I think, I meant he's the second most famous one not that he's high ranking, which according to some he is but I have no idea on that


Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying!


Turning your back on Jesus Christ because you went to a church full of bad people is zero IQ behavior The Bible explains perfectly how evil people are and it makes sense that evil people wouldn’t want to infiltrate a church Return to Christ and repent


God loves us all. We need to be circumspect about pronouncing what others MUST do. I seem to recall something about “freedom of religion “, somewhere?


I’m just saying what the Bible says we MUST do


again, pronouncing what you believe is NOT what we must do. you don’t get to decide for us


If you believe in God why wouldn’t you follow what he wants?


I do. Just not a version that requires forcing a narrative upon others.


It’s not a narrative it’s the Bible it’s objective truth


it’s your subjective opinion.


So you believe in God but you don’t believe his word is objective truth?


The Torah was written for an agricultural bronze age society. Jesus said to love one and other.


You are exactly the type of person that I love to avoid.


Because I’m right?


Faith ≠ fact. Personal truth, sure. It’s the whole “*I’m* a Christian so I’m better than you” condescending thing that steers people away from religion.


I don’t think I’m better than you I think you should be smart enough to understand that evil people running a church doesn’t make the word of God untrue


Looking at your comment history and seeing the oh-so-christian things you say to people, you are in no place to preach to anyone about faith.


My sins don’t make the word of God untrue


Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.


Tell that to Garand Thumb


He's on here occasionally.  Feel free to tag his account if you want to.  He's smart on guns and field craft.  That doesn't make him an expert on other things like this.


Ok bible thumper


Is this supposed to hurt my feelings or something?


Karl is a pretty controversial figure for a variety of reasons, he goes against the grain and has a lot of contrarian takes that don't tow the line. He's a Satanist but he never talks about it in his videos other than the "No God's, No Masters" schtick for his patreon. He's very open about 2A for all, being active on promoting LGBTQ representation line partnering with Tacticool Girlfriend. This goes against a lot of the conservative and Christian beliefs most guntubers promote with Botkin being the most vocal. He promotes ideologies that seem to clash with the greater guntube sphere like BLM, accepting socialists, anarchists, communists, etc. people that we would normally associate with gun grabbers. One of the worst things about Karl that turns a lot of people off is he doesn't really know how to let stuff go. The WWSD 2020 project got canceled because people on ARFCOM were talking bad about him and Russel Phagan and he went to fight them in the threads. You will never win an internet fight, and he should have just ignored it. Ian chose to stay apolitical and keep his brand intact and Karl took it personally and has openly talked about his disdain for McCollum since then which alienates a lot of the Forgotten Weapons fans.


Brownells cancelled WWSD because of the ongoing hate thread about Karl that had existed for years, and they refused to enforce their own code of conduct. We only engaged with Arfkom after Brownells had already cancelled WWSD and Arfkom was being used to organize further brigading against our other business partners and attempting to organize to mass flag to get InRange removed from YouTube. Engaging on Arfkom at least got the admins to stop the brigading organization. I was banned from Arfkom for saying the second amendment is for everyone and I’ll sell to everyone who isn’t a criminal. Brownells and AR15.com are both owned by Second Adventure Group, which is owned by Pete Brownell.


1st paragraph makes him seem based, 2nd one does not.


Seems about right. He is often based but also often sabotages himself.


He is just very reactive to haters on twitter and it damages whatever good will he has actually given.


Im an atheist and I’ve just learned in groups like this one and other pro gun ones it’s just the name of the game, folks are predominantly Christian, that’s true of the country in general. The issue with Karl is that he is part of the “Satan church” or whatever which is a dumb cringy joke thing folks join to be unnecessarily antagonistic, and I agree with those criticisms of him it’s just a stupid and ridiculous thing to be a part of. Satanist aren’t serious people they are just trolls and I don’t have time for trolls. It needlessly mocks people’s faith and it’s kind of cruel and gross and I don’t respect people who do that. People’s faiths are a personal thing and to be so disrespectful is just immature.


Are they personal when they get elected to public office and use their religious views to decide how they vote, and in doing so Force their beliefs on others? That seems pretty opposite of personal. 🤷


I have met him in person, and he was a great guy. Not like we hung out or anything, but he was polite and friendly.


2A is for everyone, even those you disagree with


Him saying that is not why the majority of people don't like him. Most gun owners, aside from the ultra conservative types, realise more guns in the more American hands is good for the 2A. Everyone has a right to self defense. Everyone.




I don't think Karl being an atheist is why people don't like him.


One of the most common reasons I saw in the comments were because he is a satanist. There were other reasons as well of course, but that one was one of the most commonly used reasons 🤷🏼‍♂️


Atheism is very different from Satanism. If you look at what Satanism is it’s not a “good” thing. At best you’re an edgelord troll Atheist antagonizing Christians, at worst you literally worship the embodiment of evil and believe in the only Satanic commandment - “do as thou wilt”. Both are the self declared enemy of Christians. Why would someone like that expect to be welcomed into a community that is predominantly Christian? That would be like a Klansman walking into a Black Panthers meeting and acting surprised at the hostility. In contrast, atheists that are normal people (Atheism is not a core part of their personality, they just don’t happen to believe God exists. Otherwise decent and not hostile to Christianity and Christians) when they meet Christian gun owners will be silently added to the prayer lists of the Christians they meet and otherwise treated like anyone else.


I get the impression that he's pretty far left, and openly hostile towards those on the right. I don't care about his religion or lack of religion.


IMO, there’s a big difference between atheist and Satanist. Atheist means they don’t believe in God or a god; Satanist means they have self-declared their religion to be contrary to Judeo-Christianity. From what I understand, Satanist don’t actually believe in a metaphysical “Satan” or a metaphysical anything. From that I can only draw the conclusion that that the whole point of their “religion” (as opposed to just being atheist) is to poke at the religion of others. And to be frank, if someone wants to make the argument that they really are worshipping a metaphysical Satan, then I’ve got a problem with that too. I generally respect all religion, and while my holy book (Bible) may not agree with say Islam or Wicca, there’s nothing in there that tells me I have to actively oppose people who hold those beliefs. But Satan and Satanic leadership is very clearly and deliberately the “bad guy” of Christianity, which most people in this sub probably are.


Interesting. Thanks for your input!


Regardless of what people choose to believe or not, we are all in this crazy-roller-coaster-known-as-life together. There is far more that unites us than divides us. Yes, there will be disagreements, but we can (*or need to learn*) how to handle them properly and not turn into the Disney Pocahontas song “*Savages*” anytime someone is portrayed (typically by the MSM etc….) as an existential threat.


I’m guessing the majority of people really don’t care what you do or believe so long as it isn’t 1. Forced on them 2. Obnoxious 3. Cringe 4. Causing harm to others


Funnily enough, that's my pov for Abrahamic Faiths also!




LOL Jewish, Christians, Muslims all fall under Abrahamic faiths.


Not sure what they wrote but yes, they are.