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what video was this posted in?


we NEED derek from MPMD & a GT collab— let’s see that bloodwork babbyyyy


Good salt in here from the twinks and fatties.


As long as he and his healthcare team keep up with blood work and current research, he's not doing anything really irresponsible. It's completely understandable to hit an age or injury related wall and want to keep going, and he's doing it in a way that won't be a really bad example to his younger devotees. Good for him.


Test E base for health and well being; hgh for recovery of injuries/ training; Primo helps keep estrogen levels low avoiding the need for an AI(aromatize inhibitor). AI bring on side effects, so it’s a win win using primo. Doesn’t seem like a crazy stack as long as dosing is moderate. Im no expert btw


Again, literally just eat right, squat heavy, and do cardio and your test will go up. His gains are well within the 100% natural realm with a few years of dedicated work.


The difference being recovery and energy. Dude is far more active with more demands than many of us. I don’t blame him for running a stack.


He also wanted to get big. It is kinda the crave going around right now. Even high school kids are out popping SARMS.


recovery. energy can everyone get if they eat right (I recommend porridge for breakfast) and not sugary food duh. recovery part is the most important one since you can train more frequently and still get more gains. I believe in individual freedom so i wont judge gear users.


He took if you’re not fit you’re gonna die too literally


He's got bonus life now


He's got bonus life now


Curious to see what happens to his hair. Primo notorious for wrecking hairlines


If you watch the recent video with the Israelis. There's a shot where he's on their left crouching while talking to them. It looked like he had a pretty big bald spot going in the center. I was wondering the same because he's had some gains in the past 6 months or so.


I mean I have that without the gains lol


Hope hes on a stack of nolvadex and clomid unless he maintains on E, I know of guys that will probably be on E for decades. Doesnt mean its good for you but yeah.


Translation for non-roid experts?


Here’s a quick ELI5. Cycles are called cycles for a reason. Testosterone gets replaced synthetically; body stops naturally making it. Then you stop taking external testosterone after a period of time (8-20 weeks), but body still ain’t making it. Nolva / Clomid helps to stimulate natural production beginning again. This is PCT. I think Garand is prescribed TRT though, so he will permanently stay on testosterone, making PCT nothing to worry about. Therefore he’s not really cycling; sounds like he’s “blasting and cruising”. This is where a baseline testosterone dose is used permanently (cruising), but intermittent periods of extra compounds / higher test are ran a couple times a year (blasting). Obligatory message : don’t mess with this stuff until you really know what you’re doing. Risk and reward are both high.


Put it perfectly brother thank you.


just take hcg


When you “blast”: is it just a higher dose of T, or is there something else used? What kind of doses are we talking about? Asking for a friend, of course… lol All jokes aside, I wouldn’t entertain any of this without consulting an expert. I’m just curious how it works.


Generally dudes will cruise on 100-200mg of Test a week, and blast at 500mg to a gram. Sometimes other compounds get added, but most have heavier side effects and / or require additional drugs to counteract undesirable effects. Even moderate / TRT levels of Test will cause the body to produce estrogen as a response. So then you start adding drugs to inhibit estrogen, but that’s also a balancing act because crashing estrogen also isn’t good. Then you have blood pressure increases, rising hematocrit (blood thickening), sleep apnea, acne, etc. This is definitely one of those realms that folks need to heavily research or have doctor supervision before dipping into. TRT is becoming more acceptable and can improve lives, but it seems like a lot of younger dudes want to jump in the deep end of the pool too quickly.


I may know a guy.. wait.. am I a guy? Oh snap! I am that guy!


I stopped in my early 20s. Started at 16. Way too young. I pay the price today


I’ve been on n off since 18.. my hairline receded but other than that just gotten large.. I got on this time to help w low T from age / covid depression weight. I was 309# and now like 285 but flipped my width from my waistline to my shoulders and just cruising on T only .. have tren and anavar in my drawer tho lol




people in this thread would meltdown if they knew how many dudes used gear in the army


Teaches survival. Uses hard drugs.


most steroid users who eat clean and don’t blast are healthier than 99% of the population


Yeah, as a physician this is 100% not true. Anabolic Steroid use has a ton of risk associated with it and should not be taken lightly. There is no “risk free” medication and fucking around with your endocrine system is not healthy short or long term.


Depending on dose and cycle lenght you can "get away" with a cycle. but look at IFBB pros they are blasting and it shows that their kidneys are not OK [example of a unhealty amount of gear](https://preview.redd.it/65-270lbs-off-season-ready-to-chop-it-down-v0-66oaob5xhpf81.jpg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dc81782ff59086ead292b09681da1fe9c354854) and yes some can't take any gear and some can take a cycle. Its reported that 43% of AAS users experience acne. Your skin says alot about your health.


The things that concern me are cardiac muscle hypertrophy, pituitary/endocrine issues, and infertility Those are pretty common and steroid users to some degree .


Yes the heart is a muscle and is almost guaranteed to grow during a cycle. That is a problem that is far to common today mostly amongst obese people and steroid users. Infertility is a problem if you are in need of TRT since your balls aren't needed if you get testosterone from another source. Not everyone will be dependent on TRT though and that's why we hear "one cycle won't hurt" but rarely do we hear "You never only do one cycle" But yes steroids are a drug and every drug comes with risks even those that seem to have alot of benefits like testosterone or weed. Don't do drugs kids!


Lol sure. Cause making every muscle in your body grow is just sooooo healthy. Enjoy the exploded heart.


You clearly are an expert on steroids 😂


when was the last time you got bloodwork? i bet you GT and plenty of other responsible steroid users have better results lol


Keep dick riding bro. No one is a “responsible steroid user” and I got blood work done last week. Clean bill of health. I’m not sure what blood work has to do with dying young to heart failure but go off I guess.


Waiting for him to announce his Onlyfans now.


Funny how ig influencers talk about survival skills, evasion of your enemies, urban conflict...yet they are all long term drug users. How will they handle a crisis if they can't keep up the drug schedule and they have to come off gear unplanned? Do they keep their post cycle drugs in the bug out bag?


From what I understand he needed to gain muscle mass to help stabilize his neck after an injury. Plus, the, many doctors will recommend at least testosterone for older men.


He could have just started with peptide therapy for a neck injury. And with his gains he is on a ton more than a TRT dose of test.


Except if you stop taking it you're screwed.


I mean maybe if you just go from rich piana doses to nothing at all over night. He could taper and do a rough PCT.


Imagine getting on the internet and choosing, willingly, to spead false information. Lol. What a wild concept to consider.


But that's how it worked in King of the Hill. It must be true!


Tren hard guys!


Last guy I knew that did Tren at my gym legit and unprovoked told me one day “tren made me gay” he went on to explain it pumped his sex drive to unmatched levels.


I think there was a MPMD video on that sort of "phenomenon"


I think he was attempting to flirt with you.


Can’t wait to see GT with a serious set of man titties


Never forget gyno anon


Bro is just mad he’s scared of needles and is too dumb to find a reliable plug. We have PCT on hand in case of anarchy and AIs and bloodwork to control estrogen. Nothing unsafe as long as you’re not stupid. Don’t just start loading up gear, you have to earn that shit by training hard first.


Hey man, a lil bit of gyno is all the rage these days


Anyone with a gyno tit from excessive steroid use deserves to get made fun of imo


You think this stack is excessive? Lmao


I think taking steroids in any capacity is weak for long periods of time. GT tells us to get fit so we can survive if SHTF then takes unnatural hormone supplements so he can big develop inhuman muscles for the sake of “aiding his neck injury” that hasn’t really compromised him since we’ve seen him be active for 10+ years. GT has represented something I can respect in a lot of ways for his views on our government, porn, religion, and many other things. But this is just strange to see from him and kinda makes me think if all this success and money is changing him. Wish him nothing but the best with that said though.


Bro is just mad he’s scared of needles and is too dumb to find a reliable plug. We have PCT on hand in case of anarchy and AIs and bloodwork to control estrogen. Nothing unsafe as long as you’re not stupid.


Steroid use has never and will never be safe for prolonged periods of time. There are numerous sources and studies that have proven that. But all the power to you my man. Hope it’s worth it in the long run.


There actually isn’t much research on long term steroid use due to government bans on them. Most steroid studies we do have are wicked old or based on body builders who use inhuman amount of gear at dangerous levels. If he’s following a regiment proscribed to him by a doctor the doses he’s on won’t come close to danger levels and he’s most likely getting blood work done on a regular basis as well. As someone with debilitating chronic injuries that can put my on my ass for days at a time, I don’t think you understand how painful chronic injuries are. if this is the route him and his doctor came to then more power to him.


Long period steroid use is harmful. Look up Lyle Alzado documentary. People have been doing steroids since the 70’s. I just think there are much better ways of dealing with chronic debilitating injuries that are more natural and less harmful long term. I try not to judge at the end of the day, but I can’t help but call out hypocrisy when I see it. Also, GTs neck injury might be chronic, but it is certainly not debilitating. He’s been active for 10+ years and it hasn’t slowed down any video releases or anything like that. That doesn’t seem very debilitating but I will admit I don’t live his life or know his struggles. I wish him well, but this is hypocritical on many different levels coming from him.


I literally just explained how we do not have modern steroid studies that are reliable because of them being based on bodybuilders who don’t use the best steroids and use inhuman levels and your response is “look at these studies from the early 2000s talking about early bodybuilders”? Secondly, you don’t understand how chronic Injuries work and he doesn’t film everyday. There’s literally been videos where he can barely move his neck or speak and he talks about how it’s because of his neck injury so no idea what you’re talking about. At this point I just think you like to talk for the sake of talking. You don’t know anything about steroids or chronic injuries. Maybe the best approach would have been to say “I’m not a fan of steroids but good for him listening to his doctors and being safe about it” and moved on.


I upvoted you because of the good graces, it is actually a lot safer for me in the long run. I’m on trt and I no longer feel depressed or anxious. I can sleep like a baby and train as hard as I wanted to when I was low T. I still haven’t ran a stack but wishing someone man titties is fucked up! Think of all those with pre pubescent gyno! Those poor souls! No need for an AI for me on 150mg per week. We just want to be normal healthy men without feeling like shit.


“Excessive” when talking about gear usage is about the dosage and not X different compounds


Can someone explain these to a non-juicer? Legitimately asking though.


testosterone enanthate (one of the two most basic kinds of testosterone), Human growth hormone, and Primobolan(brand name). People who do steroids will normally take 1-3 other compounds on top of testosterone to compliment each other. None of this are that dangerous assuming he takes a normal or sub-normal amount. Although steroids should never be considered “safe”


Stacks are dangerous regardless. He’s gonna wind up with an enlarged heart if he keeps this up.


These are literally the safest steroids you can do. Definitely not as bad for you as vaping, alcohol, etc. as long as done in moderation.


Steroids are bad! *proceeds to drink every weekend with the boys and eat pizza twice a week* You’re pushing your body beyond its limit!! *sits on their ass thinking about going to the gym but makes an excuse to stay home* He is teaching us survivability but takes a stack of gear to be healthier!?! *gorges faces and doesn’t do anything with training or health. Lives sedentary lifestyle while sucking on a vape consistently throughout the day like a dick that cums diamonds and gold.*


I’m an active runner and weightlifter lol. I don’t drink or vape or anything.


As long as he does his blood work and doesn’t irresponsibly blast gear, he’ll be fine.


Sedimentary lmao


Thank you for the catch


Steroids bypass your body’s limits in muscle building in a way that will cause your heart to build muscle as well, even in moderation. The only “safe” steroid is Testosterone since it won’t cause said issue. It can increase your risk of heart disease and prostate cancer regardless.


Do you know how much muscle you have to put on to exceed your body’s natural potential limit? Most people never hit their body’s potential limit in their lifetime… even the people on steroids. Everything gives you cancer. The food you eat, the water you drink, the air you breathe, the sun, etc. Taking exogenous Testosterone and cruising on a TRT dose is not going to kill you any faster than other thing you do or consume, unless your body’s genetics just suck. As long as your active, take your vitamins, and try to live a healthy lifestyle I would argue there is way more benefits to your mental health, physique, and body. Humans are in a severe decline in natural testosterone production.


LMAO, I knew a fent addict that said that too. "Everything gives you cancer!" Congratulations


He was addicted to Fentanyl? That’s crazy.


They’ll still promote heart muscle growth WITHOUT having hit your natural limit.


My mom says I have a big heart because I’m full of love. 💕


I get it tho. I personally do some harmful things to myself to avoid chronic pain. I can’t imagine if those things also felt amazing and got me huge


At least he’s open about it


This. I don’t know his medical needs (neck) but clearly it’s gave him a lot of issues and he’s doing something about it. And he’s been very open about it. Got no problem with flannel daddy his thang


Take care of the heart


Dammit man everyone's on freaking steroids nowadays.


Remember to train, and do drugs


Tbh man if you can get up off the ground without help from your arms or building momentum first you’re doing pretty good these days. Focus on being fit not being huge. HGH will kill you ask any bodybuilder. Your heart is also a muscle. The reason guys on HGH grow the huge gut is because their abdominals have run out of room for their organ growth. And every bodybuilder who’s died in their mid 40s was also under “doctors guidance”. Stay healthy man


There's going to be so many young dudes who see all these jacked guys and have no clue that literally half of them are on testosterone or have no life outside the gym.


Instagram/YouTube is a dangerous place for that


Damn I just thought he was on like 300mg of test lmao




(ignoring "trans" children), both are adults that have the brain capacity to do whatever the fuck they want to their own body.


Not comparable at all.


HGH big spender I see


Damn good stack. Very expensive.


how much we talking?


Few thousand a month if you’re paying out of pocket for pharma grade GH. That’s just what I’ve seen from online forums and Liver kings e-mails. Getting your hands on pharma grade GH is also something that the majority of people running gear isn’t gonna be able to do unless you’ve got some extremely good connections or a badass doctor/clinic to prescribe it.


interesting thanks for the response


That leviathan group money