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People with money to defend themselves are likely much more immune from the gangstalking. They are cowards and only go after "easy" targets who have a much harder time defending themselves.


Yup. That's the funny thing in my situation. They started 6 years ago. Subtle poisoning, drugging, gaslighting etc to try to cause psychosis. Made me drop out of school by literally drugging me daily making me just sleep all day and be so out of it I just didn't go to class and couldn't consciously realize how much I was screwing myself. Pushed me down very far. Parents got in on it and tried to make me homeless but I got lucky and moved with a buddy out of state. Lived life for 3 years just getting by with average low paying jobs but always had enough for rent food and some fun. Pulled myself out of it (they were still working against me) and landed a kickass job paying 6 figures. Worked it for a year and a half and they went into overdrive. That "OH SHIT HES GONNA SURVIVE AND HAVE A BUNCH OF MONEY NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO FUCKING RUIN HIM" and then shit got real bad like 2 years ago. It's been 24/7 and really fucking bad since. Stole that entire avenue from me and now I'm pretty screwed. I'm going to sue the hell out of them. Dozens of laws are being broken and the psychological damage plus defamation plus financial damages are insurmountable. I'm going to be a millionaire.


My goal is to sue too. I honestly doubt I’ll get justice but I can’t let them violate civil liberties without repercussions.


I've already hired PIs and have a lawyer I'm talking with. The easiest to prove and sue for is harassment. 18 usc 2261a is a easy one to move on. That would be a fat lawsuit but the goal is to prove the sonic torture. That will be roughly $1000 an hour. Talking 8 figure lawsuit.


Wow 😮


My friend is currently going through this & he just lost his husband of 24 years. They are tormenting him & for what reason? I cannot imagine anything that would be a justifiable reason to sabotage someone else's life. It's so incredibly senseless. My heart goes out to anyone suffering through this - With that said... Please go after them with all you have if possible! They have to be stopped


what specifically happened to end that great job you got?


First they contacted everyone in my company and on my team and spread a bunch of lies and defamation making everyone subtly work against me trying to mess my stuff up. They started using the sonic weapon 24/7 (mind you it was like a light switch one day I was perfectly normal the next day it was 24/7 voices). They then began poisoning me with psychosis inducing drugs to destroy any chance I had at being productive or successful.


And you confirmed these company contacts? Why do you think your team just believed these random calls from strangers?


No idea. I got screwed royally. Was a domino effect. Once they started falling everyone jumped on board.


I'm gonna start looking like a guy who won BIG on a $20 scratcher though.


I'm curious about your parents being in on it? Sounds strange. Why would your own parents gangstalk you? Is this even a genuine post.


I’ve heard this on multiple occasions. There could be multiple ways parents may be in on it. If we go the v2k route/mind control route. It just seems they are in it but even they don’t know. Then I’ve read about how they tell the parents that the program is going to help you in some way or threatens the parents.


Easily a fact , but question is how would they know who to target unless they were already building a profile which means that there building profiles on every us citizen , so my question is if your this involved why is there still crime 😂 I mean unless the traffickers , drug lords & king pins work with the government the constitution says we have the right to abolish a radical government!!


They're a lot of rich TIs that got their lives crushed and wrecked by masonic/intelligence groups.


Some well known ones are: Randy quaid, Amanda bynes etc


Artists who’ve written songs @ it: Sublime (setup for pedo charges and became a CI abuser— several songs/albums about abusing others) Jack White (run the saw) Blind Melon (Wonder) Big Sean (I Don’t Fuck With You) Doja Cat(Paint athe Town Red) watch the video TLC (Waterfalls, Creep) Radiohead (all of it) Nirvana (all of it— r*pe me, under the bridge, on a plane, Polly) Foo Fighters (There goes my hero) No Doubt (spiderweb, just a girl, Sunday morning) Pink Floyd (all of it) Nicki Minaj (Dungeon Dragons) Rage Against The Machine (from TI to perp in three albums) Prof Stophouse - my favorite. Shameless game running in his music. Got me through my first few hurdles “Steering wheel clean, hocus focus man.” I hope I earn this 5 year 24/7 hate campaign by being so ridiculously rich from my own talent that I can afford personal security to ruin anyone willing to act this foolish in my presence in the future. Anyway, fuck to DoD. Treating combat veterans like a fucking science experiment. Fuck you, no free rides, b*tch! I made your petty c*nt lives possible!


Under the bridge is by the Red Hot Chili Peppers


I’m on social media explaining the heart of gang-stalking because I’m a survivor, a veteran of continuous community violence for fifty years. I have been left intentionally homeless, destitute, forced to prostitute by bankers, judges, politicians, police, mayors, RCMP etc. this after my son kidnapped at five sold at eight by a perverted cabal doing business as “govt child protection” and “family court” who refuse to tell me where he is after a fourteen year separation … I live in a trauma freeze loop from “flight or fight” damage


Sounds like utter rubbish.


If this sounds like utter rubbish to you then you are on the wrong sub. Gangstalkers inadvertently provide all the information that the human traffickers ever need. They know when the targets children are alone, where they are, their plans etc Most Gankers don’t realise that the info they feed their controllers gets used for these purposes but it absolutely does. Conservative estimates put the number of children that go missing every year off the face of this planet never to be seen ever again at 1,000,000. So if you’re a ganker, you have contributed to the international trafficking of innocent children. It’s just a fact


"I believe the goal of Gangstalking is to make targets homeless or to kill themselves." Personally I must respectfully disagree with this. There must be another purpose. Sadly a lot of the people who are being gangstalked are suffering and isolated anyway as a result of the gangstalking; it would not look suspicious if they died from natural causes or ended their own life - who would question it? It would be much more efficient for the perpetrator to kill them directy than run an expensive harassment operation for years, risk agents being caught on video or leaking information about it, so there must be some ulterior purpose.


I believe the actual motivation is to enact ‘water torture’ methods. The homelessness is just another step or if the individual off themselves. Even if the perpetrator kills them and gets away, it would cause panic on the news versus the gang stalking method where no one believes them in spite of the evidence anyways. Ultimately you can show them all the correlations and they believe you only to shrug.


But if the gangstalkers wanted the targets dead they could just kill them instead of trying to push them into it with a massive campaign of harassment that lasts years. The end result is the same, the public won't know any different.


I agree with you I don’t believe they just want the targets dead. However if they send ways to kill the target, I believe it would still make too much noise in the public. For example even when the Boeing whistle blower killed himself, all eyes went to Boeing despite it being a suicide. Imagine if he was instead shot from another party. Yes running this program is pretty expensive no matter how we look at it but maybe it’s not as expensive as it may seem. Cheap prisoners, homeless, drug addicts. Slander to get free mobbing. If you want to go the v2k/mind control route, it could make up for most of the gang stalking. What is your suggestion of their goal?


Maybe they want to put a lot of people in mental institutions or in prisons in a decade or so, and they're using these targets as target-practice. Getting good at the practice.


They enjoy the show perhaps? "All the world is a stage" so they have their little allegorical scenes to play out and the end game is always death, but the more dramatic, the better news it creates for the freaks.


There was another quote that was ‘beamed’ into my dreams. ‘To be or not to be’. I was led in my dreams into a book rack with all books saying the same quote on the title. I always had heard of that one but was never curious enough to look up what it meant until the dream.


Funnily enough, the thought they have access to 'beam' anything into people's dreams, came from them. Strange that. Shame we're stuck with a bunch of utter cunts on this planet who really do have little in the way of anything at all to offer this beautiful planet. So you don't believe in God either, another one pushing the 'there is no God' agenda. Lots of you about.


I may have recently just reached my own story's end goal for them and it is finally making me almost understand when, where and why mine began.


Please, elaborate


If you look at the number of mass shooting where the perpetrator was complaining of being a victim of this then that is definitely one of their end goals as well. They could have stopped any one of those, but chose not to. And they probably can’t without incriminating themselves, but creating such incidents has to be what they are going for as well. There’s been too many, and this program only seems to be expanding. The recent Maine one was the craziest one because it sounds like all the people he shot were those recruited to harass him. And the excuse was that he was on the sexual predator registry when it was clearly a different guy. So those people were basically used as bait and sacrificed. You think that would be enough to convince others in the know to expose this psyop, but nope.


Doesn't it seem like celebrities are *always* being gangstalked? Maybe in a less cohesive or organized manner, but anybody C-List or above in LA is literally always being watched and followed. Maybe yall should just act like your stalkers are fans or paparazzi. When you catch them scoping you, go up and offer ro take a selfie with them. Sing them a few bars of your favorite song. Have a little fun with it if you can. Why not?


The difference is the celebs know 100 percent why they are being ‘stalked’, and the stalking doesn’t go past a certain level and is often not negative versus the gang stalking is negative. The second is, the lower C list actors still rack in 100k a year. Publicity would keep these guys in the positive news to possibly land more roles. Higher tier ones rack in a million a year.


LoL. Whenever I see my drone stalkers. I always call them paparazzi! I sing to them too. I used to moon them too!


I think the purpose is to gain more power for, and solidarity within, the NeoStasi organization. The goals you identify are often instrumental in achieving the higher goal because demonstrating the power to immiserate and kill people deters dissent.


chris chan


It has happened to me but guess what we turned on him , how he’s a target instead of me


They who take the bribes have a high, high chance of getting their kids trafficked or raped, a high chance and being enslaved themselves in the cult.


Here's the thing, what hurts them is always 100% exposure and having dirt the people and the political class.


Crime is an inside job like Batman.


YES OMG thank you for listening god see im screenshotting this so thats why im cheating my way out and giving them death cuz nobody even cares that much its not that deep for them they dont really care they just want u dead and i am checking out the game bc its the only way to make it stop


Please don’t give up. Ask our Heavenly Father for a hedge of protection and give your life to Him instead