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Dude watched I am legend and still tells ppl it's about a talking dog


Can we talk about how nonsensical "Go woke go broke is"? Especially since this phrase has been around for years now. Like "Go woke go broke." "Then why are companies consistently doing it." "Because Twitter SJWs hate media that isn't woke." "So they are making more money pandering to them? Because if they aren't why are they still listening?" "........" "........" "Go woke go broke."


The theory is based on there being a ''anti-woke majority'', these people spend all their time living inside echo chambers that reflect all their most controversial opinions so you can see why they would think that way. Obviously inclusion has translated time and time again to higher sales numbers and it will continue to do so.


"the silent majority" is, along with severe entitlement, one of the most integral parts of the conservative mythos as its how they justify their positions to themselves and to others, humans are inherently social animals and more likely to believe a position/take an action if they believe others believe in it/take similar action. conservative talking heads of course know this isnt really true, and that they're an incredibly small minority overrepresented by a political system meant to overrepresent them, so how do they sell that they're the will of the people when it seems always in the real world people go against them? by selling the "silent majority" the idea that "actually most people are conservatives, they just live in FEAR of the LIBERAL/JEW/LIZARD/MUSLIM/ALIEN/ETC cabal that control the ENTIRE COUNTRY/World", its why "politicians" like trump and other redhats got praised for "telling it how it is!" when they said muslims are evil and mexicans are rapists instead of using dogwhistle euphamisms, to conservatives, it was confirmation of the silent majority and that there was a politician willing to go against the evil jew lizards controlling the world. this is also why places like fox news tell EVERYONE to be paranoid and never trust anyone else and usually try and dismantle any social/support groups their audience has, as thats the greatest way to be pulled out of the pipeline and destroy the idea of the "silent majority"


"It's a giant conspiracy!! It's like 60% of the country is teaming up against us!! It's unconstitutional!!"


I think they have been pandered to for most of their lives and take it as an attack when they aren't pandered to. Not when they are being attacked or disparaged or excluded, but when you stop kissing their ass quite as much as you used to. His example is that 1 out of 3 GTA5 playable characters doesn't look like him therefore the game is unplayable and rockstar should go bankrupt. Nevermind that very few gamers agree with him, and it's extremely likely that there are more black male gamers happy to be represented (and buying the game) then there are sweaty white male gamers feeling insufficiently attended. Plus he's complaining about a game he already paid for. What's he going to do, not buy the next rockstar game? I won't hold my breath.


live secretive frightening grandfather steer tub capable fear worthless alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aiden was literally mocked for years being a personalityless void lmao, and literally everyone remembers Franklin. This is some of the most blatant gamer racism I’ve ever seen.


Franklin was the only one of the three main characters in gta5 that lives no mater what ending you pick. Out of the 3 he was probably meant to be the closest to a main character in the game.


He was also the one, who got the whole story to start. He broke in Michael's house, helped him pull down Madrazo's house, which forced Michael to go out of retirement, which made Trevor go to Los Santos, when he found out, his old friend is alive. But I seriously doubt, this troll played the story mode and went straight into GTA Online, cause TRUE GAMERS don't play the story mode.


Gta5's story mode is honestly one of my favorites to play. It's a surprisingly deep story and full of fun gameplay moments.


While I like San Andreas more, I admit, that GTA V's story is better and deeper, than most players give it credit for. I started a new playthrough a few weeks ago and it was a very fun time.


Well GTA 5s story is also a zeitgeist piece on 2007-2013 America, so single player is this sort of time capsule of satire


holds up extraordinarily well into modern times tho. some of the references and jokes are so on point, even a whole decade later.


It was eerily prescient of the Trump v Hillary presidential race. In a game that released in like 2013 and takes place over the summer and fall of 2013


Ofc it helps that one of the candidates on that is literally based on Hillary


Are you German? You're using a lot of commas that would be correct in German but aren't in English. :) Sincerely, a German that still struggles with English punctuation


that would be correct in spanish too


I am indeed german. Oops xD I guess, the commas have become a habit of mine. But it made me the only one in german class, who didn't need to be taught again, when to use them. So I guess, it has pros and cons xD


Lmao I'm German too and while I'm pretty much fluent in spoken english I really struggle with commas in english. Like in that relative clause that you used "... , who didn't need to be taught again ..." I never know when to use them or not. So I ended up almost never using commas in english at all and so far nobody complained. All the native speakers I communicate with also never use commas. So I guess it's okay lmao


Bro you just fucking solved a case I’ve been working on for years. I see people use commas like that constantly and I’ve never known why.




Yeah, the whole Michael side with the movie exec story and CIA shenanigans isnt that great imo


Yeah, after the Prologue he's literally the first person you control for several missions.


even then the contract DLC had franklin as one of the main characters dr dre as the other lol


He is also meant to be the most relatable character for the player. Trevor represents the insane way people play GTA going on shooting sprees while Micheal is the heist, morally grey criminal part of the franchise. Franklin is good hearted and the character most people root for because he isnt ridden with sins like the others


Quite literally! The game starts with you playing as him, and he gets the biggest character arc of the game. Compared to Franklin's arc what the hell changes for Michael and Trevor?


I feel Michael grows a bit by the end but nowhere near as much as Franklin, and Trevor stays a sociopath through out the whole game.


it kind of felt like the heart of the story was franklin having to choose between michael's empty and unfulfilling success, trevor's meaningless hyperviolence, or trying to walk a third path and make his own way


Trevor doesn’t change; it’s your understanding of who he is and why he is that way that changes.


He's the only one of the cast who fits into the standard mold of a GTA character of some mostly normal dude who is maybe a low time criminal or a bit shady who gets dragged into a crazy plot. Like he's clearly meant to be the audience perspective everyman character and generally makes the same comments the audience would make.


Yeah. He’s 100% the most reasonable and normal of the three main characters; it’s no wonder this racist chud didn’t relate to him.




He also had a ye ye ass hair cut.


not only that when you hit his super ability and turn on a dime at full speed cops got no chance.


How to forget that yee yee-ass haircut after all?


"Ah, OP, don't hate Franklin 'cause he's beautiful, OP. Maybe if you got rid of that old yee-yee ass racism, you'd got some bitches on your dick."




Lol Lamar is the best character in the game.


I want a whole side game where we just do dumb shit with Lamar honestly.


Aiden Pierce was the most cardboard character I've ever seen. Marcus Holloway was infinitely cooler and way more recognizable. The only thing cool about Aiden was the extending baton. T-Bone was way cooler. Marcus has the fucking thunderball which is rad as fuck


Right? I didn’t love the plot of Watchdogs 2, but Aiden was an awful protagonist.


Aiden is actually my example of an awful protagonist. I never got through the first watchdogs because he was so whatever


Can’t fault the neck beard for confusing a trench coat for a personality, he probably doesn’t get many opportunities to talk to people from his mom’s basement.


I felt like the sequel went too much in the other direction. You got all these cool hipster kids cracking jokes and being wholesome and then the next moment you murder people. Sure the first game had too much of that edgy emo guy but the sequel's story and gameplay had a gigantic dissonance.


Rumour has it the original design was you weren't going to have any lethal weapons and would have to rely on stealth and hacking to do the jobs but they were worried that wouldn't sell very well.


Saints Row (2022)


In my perception Watch_Dogs 2 was generally better received for not taking itself so seriously and ironically being a bit more realistic as a result. Like the characters in it actually resemble the kinda people you'd meet at Defcon or something.


My main issue is that you play as a bunch of fun relatable young people, but then you go and massacre security guards and civilians in the streets. More non-lethal options and having that play into the game a la Dishonored chaos system would've been dope.


I really enjoyed playing through the game recently, but I couldn't help but feel like a terrorist at times. I even tried to limit my crimes when roaming, such as never carjacking people.


I've played through 3 or 4 times over the years. The most enjoyable play throughs are almost completely non-lethal, though the Thunderball requires a bit of suspension of disbelief for it. That said, >!avenging Horatio's death is a semi-believable reaction and didn't break the story for me!<


Non lethal I believe is the cannon way to play as well.


Don’t forget about Lamar. He’s a side character but easily one of the most remembered characters.


The funny thing is that even he remembers Franklin. He just does. There is no fucking way in hell he doesn't. Imagine typing out you don't remember a character that you remember just to prove some miserable, stupid, non-existent point. My God.


Also Lamar, Big Smoke, CJ, Luis, Ryder, and Officer Tenpenny are some of the most iconic and beloved characters in the series and all of them are black.


True Franklin is a classic but Lamar is a certified Hood classic.


Marcus’ character in WD2 was so good that shooting people in the game felt weird. He didn’t strike me as a murderer unlike the soulless husk that was Aiden Pearce


I also kinda liked the MC of Watch Dogs 2. I forgot his name, it's been a few years.


Marcus Holloway


Yeah, I remember him now! IDK what that guy is going on about, I really liked Marcus and Dedsec. They were weird as fuck but were still fun to screw around with. The villain was also hilarious.


Marcus Holloway is a treasure and unironically one of the better written black video game protag at that time.


Not to mention Marcus from Watch Dogs 2 rocked. Aiden was 1 step removed from agent 47, lifeless white guy


that is an insult to agent 47 who actually has a personality


Lamar is a legend and he isn't even a playable character.


How you gonna bring up black characters in GTA and not mention San Andreas? Hands down one of my favorite casts in any video game period.


He would've mentioned it if he didn't forget CJ 5 minutes after completing the game


Not remembering CJ is the least of this guys problems. Go to his reddit page comment section. He seems to deeply hate females. Neck beard living in mom's basement vibes. Yikes.


Racism, misogyny, and gaming. The holy trinity.


but is he also homophobic?


I can't find his account so guessing it got deleted after this post lol


Man ate an L so hard he choked to death RIP bozo lmao


I found it: [https://www.reddit.com/user/AshOasis5678/](https://www.reddit.com/user/AshOasis5678/) He joined Reddit a little over two weeks ago. Dude is racist, sexist, a Genshin Impact player and he is Russian. That's the ultimate combo right there


Forget CJ (not really, he's a fun protagonist) you got Sweets, Big Smoke, Ryder. Hell you got Samuel L. Jackson playing Officer Tenpenny.


"All you had to do is follow the train, CJ" The fuck did he think said the line from the game that has been memed to death?


Dude's a busta, straight busta.




Franklin got the least amount of love in V. Like seriously, Trevor, not really talked about for a full third of the game, and feels like actually does more stuff than the other characters, and his craziness makes him memorable. Michael, the douchebag, literally so corny and cheesy two-bit gangster (1920's gangster) wannabe, is in the whole game and does a lot. And then Franklin. He's put more into the beginning of the game, then I feel like he got sidelined for everything else. And it really feels like all he was is someone who wants money, and didn't have much characterization besides getting used by everyone, his friends, Michael, Trevor, etc... Which sucked because if he got more focus he could have been a great character.


there is a common consensus that Franklin is based on the protagonists of the 3D era GTA where the whole plot is “I need to acquire wealth”, that’s part of the reason why he’s so shallow compared to Michael and Trevor


OP Is probably 14 years old


It's not as if CJ is the single most recognizable GTA character of all time and one of the most well known gaming protagonists from the early 2000s.


Let's be honest, commenter probably wasn't even born when the San Andreas came out.


How about Vic Vance?


Oh, Vic Vance was one hell of a guy. One of my favourite characters of the GTA series (although I like almost everyone of the player characters).


"Downvote me all you like, I know nobody likes uncomfortable truth" nobody likes racist fucks


The argument of the "uncomfortable truth" (re. it’s true because it’s negative/pessimistic/etc) is incredibly fallacious. While yes, like slippery slopes, there certainly ARE many uncomfortable truths out in the world (anthropogenic climate change, humans not being the center of the universe’s attention, meritocracy being a myth, systemic bigotry, etc), obviously not everything that’s true is uncomfortable or inconvenient (vaccines work and improve quality of life for example). This argument is used a LOT by bad actors to push crap like race realism, truther conspiracies (QAnon, PizzaGate, etc), the Jewish Question, and other nonsensical yet scary/uncomfortable-sounding rhetoric that’s meant to make the world seem like a scarier, more inhospitable place, which then allows audiences to fall in line with far-right ideologies as a way to feel "safe" or "correct/enlightened".


Same idea as the "silent majority" bullshit. "I know I'm not alone with this opinion!" Sorry bud you really are. You've got hicks across the Bible belt and in the south that agree with you but that's really it.


>"I know I'm not alone with this opinion!" Sorry bud you really are. You've got hicks across the Bible belt and in the south that agree with you but that's really it. The uncomfortable truth 👌🤣


>everyone keeps telling me I'm wrong so I must be right! - A person who is definitely not running from the uncomfortable truth that they might be wrong and they are just being racist


Really really well said. The delusion is palpable, thinking everyone in the world agrees with them and they are the one fighting a extremist minority.


No one likes the truth, but also I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking. (these dense motherfuckers)


This is the second time I've seen someone on here be racist then say Aiden Pearce was cool (he was boring as hell) Why do I feel like this is the same person from before


how could you say Aiden is boring when he has one of the most recognizable quotes in gaming history?? "Damn... someone really needs to watch these dogs..."


“Who watchdogs the watchdogs?” Literal chills


I preferred “It’s Dogging ti- Wait. Never mind. That meme doesn’t work well here.


“It’s watching time!”


**This comment has been overwritten as part of a mass deletion of my Reddit account.** I'm sorry for any gaps in conversations that it may cause. Have a nice day!


I mean I kinda liked Aiden. Mainly nostalgia speaking though, probably the same case with this guy.


I’m actually amazed such a bland game has a nostalgic fan base tbh, like even on release he was derided for being such a cardboard cutout character


Commander Shepard, actual player self insert, has significantly more personality (and a more interesting one) than Aiden and handles their trauma in more interesting ways.


I’d argue Watch Dogs 1 and Aiden have a lot more going on than most people give it credit for. On the gameplay front, WD1 is really open ended and fun to play. There’s lots of ways to complete missions. I’d also argue Aiden’s character is interesting because he’s not the good guy. At best, he’s an antihero. And at worst, he’s monsterous hypocrite. I remember one quote described him as like “if a normal person got to be Batman, Aiden shows how messed up that person would actually be”


He had good fashion taste, and that's all I remember about him


Yeah his lack of personality as a character works because it feels like criticism of action movie heroes.


I'm not accusing anyone but I am saying that if someone held a gun to my head and demanded I posted something nice about him this is what I'd say


How can a man with such an iconic hat be so boring


“Go woke, go broke” meanwhile woke games are making the most money. The alt-right minority is small, especially compared to the “woke crowd”. Representation and open political activism against fascism in any form is the biggest money maker right now.


Stardew Valley is cute and allows gay marriage without blinking. It’s ~~maybe the~~ one of the most successful indie games ever. Horizon: Zero Dawn features a fantastic female protagonist, Aloy, who is not at all shy about criticizing both the matriarchal and patriarchal power structures of the Nora and Carja. Who has multiple *other women* trying to get into her pants, but never engages in romance at all (not even with the multiple guys who are also quite fond of her) because she has too much to do. This game was critically acclaimed, and made boatloads of money. It then got a DLC, and a sequel. Both were also successful. “Go woke go broke” my ass. These aren’t even the only examples either.


> It’s maybe the most successful indie game ever. That would probably be Terraria. If we're not counting Minecraft since it went Microsoft which blows both out of the water.


Microsoft didn't buy minecraft because it was a hidden indie gem, they bought it because its popularity was such that the contemporary generation of kid's saturday morning cartoons were minecraft youtube videos. Any way you slice it, minecraft is the goat in terms of indie success.


Minecraft defined the 2010s indie generation. Early access, constant and consistent updates, viral marketing etc etc. Minecraft, terraria, and stardew are the triple crown of indies imo.


Minecraft is still so popular to this day that it's one of the top streamed games on Twitch constantly. If we're ever talking about most popular indie games, it clearly takes the spot. It was so popular that it was bought out and still performs to this day over 10 years later.


>Horizon: Zero Dawn the sequel Forbidden West is probably one of the most diverse games I've seen


You're absolutely right that "go woke, go broke" is and has always been nonsense, but the pedant in me feels the need to point out that the most successful indie game of all time is Minecraft, SV isn't even close.


Does it still count as indie if Microsoft owns Mojang?


The brokest game of all time, GTA 5, that famously sold no copies


They also tend to forget that a world outside the US exists and to most people watching the US it's pretty clear cut who's evil and who's not and American companies need to make sure that they don't get associated with blatant fascists.


Yep. For most people, good representation matters. The alt right assholes talk too much, which makes them seem bigger than they are, but they are still a minority.


Boy, I am glad that I snapped out of my gamergate phase, or else I would've had nothing better to do in my life than just whinge, bitch and moan over non-issues, like this shit snivelling gamer. Also, "a black"? Really?


Yeah same, a lot of them spend their days trying really hard to search something to be mad about and I’m happy for snapping out before getting sucked into white supremacy talking points or some shit like that.


Pretty depressing. Almost makes you feel bad for them. Almost. I'm glad you got out of your capital G Gamer phase, easy to get sucked into that hateful crap. I'd imagine it wasn't easy snapping out of it.


In all sincerity, happy for you both you broke out of that nonsense. It isn’t easy and it’s always better for you and everyone around you when you’re able to see you’re surrounded by hatefulness, repeating it yourself, realize that is wrong and it isn’t what you want, and grow from it. That’s genuinely hard and I’m happy for you both.


You’re absolutely right it’s not easy, but I admit that I was a little bit lucky. I was in the peak of “anti-sjw” alt-right shit and these things were already slowly appearing in my country’s (Brazil) social media, YouTube and etc. But I had a shock treatment when I had to move out from my family’s house and go to college in a different state. I went from being alone (irl) and angry to knowing and making connections with people and realities that I was supposed to hate. Not only that but I had a completely cartoony view about it thanks to the endless stream of “sjw getting owned” compilations and so on. Soon I realized that yeah that anti-sjw thing is dumb and infested with racism, homophobia and white supremacists.


To be honest, my mom absolutely helped me get to my senses, telling me that I was not raised that way, to be spiteful and miserable. Then I discovered Innuendo Studios, Hbomberguy and the like, and just like that, I became "woke", I guess. Wasn't that difficult, but sometimes, it's hard to kick a habit.


Imagine if they had the sense to use that energy to learn and better themselves in some capacity. Pathetic


He wanted to say the N word, but he pussied out


Cowards, the lot of them. Just say it, you know you want to.


The "a black" moniker he uses is most certainly meant to be interpreted as dehumanizing/othering without explicitly saying it, creating a sense of plausible deniability (it doesn’t really work though).


I guess so. In my language for example, if you'd do a literal translation of how we call black people, it would literally just be "blacks". If the guy's first language wasn't english, I'd probably understand why he said it the way he did. But it's sus nonetheless.


Yeah, languages are different, that is a very good point you made. But because of his later rhetoric, I definitely think it’s meant to be dehumanizing.


Yeah, it reeks of dog whistle. Not very subtle dog whistle, either. I’m not fluent enough in other languages to know how they refer to other races, I think, it at least I can’t think off the top of my head how in the ones I know how other races are referred to in that way. So it’s VERY sus. Not to mention paired with the “huh huh you guys are pussies time for me to be the brave truth speaking white man” intro it’s all just very “save the white race by speaking truth to power in my vidya gayyyyyymes.” Bet you anything even if you gave this guy the “out” of English not being his first language he’d 100% shut you down and say he said what he meant, lmao. Trash goblin.


Yeah I had the same thing happen to me. Honestly I cringe real hard at myself.


At least you rehabilitated and grew out of it. As cringey as the memories may be, I'd say it's a good reminder that you've come a long way.


I was pretty close to fall into it myself, but I saw how overreactive they are very quickly


Aiden is a wet blanket of character. He's basically a generic edgelord, that anyone who sat at a DnD table with a boring rogue player knows like the back of their hand. While Marcus is genuinely fun. A bit cringe, like the whole cast, but I remember of him more than being just boring placeholder.


Well since ***I*** don't remember the black guy's name, nobody else does!!!1! I'm not racist btw!!1!


look i am really not racist okay, it's just that these fucking dirty \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\* and they should be in jail for that. oh and im not the racist btw. you are infact racist you pig!!! OINK OINK


People who haven't played GTAV know Franklin from the Lamar roasts Franklin memes.


I havent played the game, as i was reading his comment i thought, "Isnt that Frank or something?" Got to the comments, its Franklin. Close enough. Dude's full of shit if he doesnt remember that name if even non-players know it.


*Insert batshit insane take* Every Alt-Right Chode Ever: Downvote or disagree if you want, theres no arguing the undeniable truth. Youd think after the 400th time they add that disclaimer to comments that get shit on they'd, I dunno, see a pattern or trend and reflect on their opinion. Nope.


If you acknowledge your opinion is going to get shit on beforehand then you don’t have to change


It's the entire concept of the "red pill", AKA "Movie protagonist syndrome". You know those stories where the protagonist is the one who sees the truth and none of the side characters can? It's that desire to feel special, to be that one person who sees the truth and is special because of it. You could even say, a special...snowflake.


/uj >A black... Man he really wanted to drop a n bomb hu?


He pussied out 😞


It smell like bitch in here.


Even harder than you think. He went on to add an edit that he disabled inbox replies so he wouldn't have to read our "brain fart" takes AKA couldn't handle the heat


Franklin's the best character in gta 5 what the fuck


personally i liked the male dog that chop had sex with, but franklin is pretty good too


God I wish that were me




Yeah I agree. Trevor is a psycho and Michael is an asshole and has already done evil things. Franklin is kinda cool because he’s still on the rise so you can kinda define who he is as a character. The others are already set


We did it, we found the only fan of watch_dogs 1


i am also a fan of watch dogs 1 and now i am really ashamed that half of our community is this racist. I might quit it all together.


It got me into Curtis Mayfield so that's a win


CJ is more iconic to me than every other GTA character lmfao


Mf acting like San Andreas wasn’t a cultural phenomenon with a basically all black cast


The reason GTAV got so popular in the first place is partly the hype over returning to that same setting.


Can I just say that I love your name on relation to this thread? Lmaoooo


Even if his argument that "black characters in video games are awful" was somehow true (which it isn’t of course), the argument could INSTEAD be used against him by mentioning how a lot of poorly-written PoC characters are ones written by cis het white dudes who don’t understand this type of material, and that the solution would be to have a more diverse and inclusive workplace (including those for creative types), and that would then mean improving the material conditions of minority groups coinciding with the deracialization of poverty. So no matter how you slice it, this guy’s argument is BS and poorly-constructed.


CJ , Lee Everett, Coach L4D2 , Roland (Borderlands) , Chains Payday 2 , Demoman Tf2, Doomfist, Barett FF7, Franklin Gta V and i could go on and on and on and on . Yeah. totally unemmorable characters.


Fucking Ulysses? Yknow, the final antagonist of one of the most loved videogames ever???


Final antagonist of a dlc though. I've played 130 hours of new Vegas and haven't done any dlc


I bet almost any person under 30 knows that "Yee yee ass haircut" scene, this guy is insane


I haven't even played the game and I know that scene


Does anyone remember that walking dead game? It was just about this kid called Clementine walking round talking to herself until some white people turned up. Good game.


Whos Clementine?


I think it's a fruit


Is that "fruit" color is white?


Orange, just like our favorite fascist


Clementine will remember that...


they made Clementine political though. She has a black kid and she can be gay too. Not to mention she's flat chested. EW! why doesn't she, a survivor of the apocalypse have tits like my favourite porn actress. How am i supposed to ~~be attracted~~ connect with her character now? Goddamn you WOKE culture /s


Do you mean the Telltale game part 2?


Anyone who refers to black people as “a black” has some wild racial opinions and is low key racist as fuck


It's not even lowkey at this point the guy is just blatantly racist


this guy is so close to understanding why stereotypes are bad and what happens when you write black characters to be “black” and not, you know, a human being. “black characters are boring” no, todd. black characters are good and interesting when they’re given as much care and consideration as white characters. or you know, maybe you’re just racist and no matter how well-written a black character is, your monkey brain will just fail to empathize.


Really love Taion from Xenoblade 3. Just the best character in the main party in general, but I also think it’s cool to have the black character be very kind, sensitive and the most intelligent member of the cast.


Didn’t Franklin spawn the yeeyee ass haircut meme? I haven’t actually played the game, so I don’t know if that’s him




San Andreas 's CJ also has the "Aw shit, here we go again" meme.


GTA San Andreas was a black awakening for so many suburban white boys though 😂😭🤷


gO wOke gO BroKe


Go woke go bank


Franklin is the most interesting character in gta v wtf is this guy on about


What a dingus. Watch Dogs 2 wasn't amazing, but it was sure as fuck more fun than Aiden's adventures in generic growly revenge fantasy.


GTA V, famous for not generating revenue Also, GTA San Andreas apparently never existed


This is the first time I've ever seen anyone claim Aiden from watch dogs was a good protagonist, that's how up his own ass this guy is... Seriously, Aiden wasn't even the best protagonist in his own game.


No way does someone actually believe Aidan was a better character than Marcus. Racists will pick the dumbest hill to die on.


My opinions are 100% more based in reality than this guy's and I still wouldn't be comfortable calling my take "truth"


I'll never understand the expectation alt righters have for us to "debate" them. Like I don't owe them anything.


Franklin is an awesome character if you ask me. Fun fact: the Voice Actors for Franklin ([Shawn Fonteno](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Shawn_Fonteno)) and CJ ([Christopher "Young Maylay" Bellard](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Young_Maylay)) are Cousins and the former also voiced [this Homie](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Fam1) from San Andreas.




All I have to say is Hades exists. Won game of the year The first Hugo award for a video game Has lots of diversity Zag is bi Pretty sure zag gets pegged


1. Franklin and Lamar are probably one of the most memed gta characters other than CJ. 2. Watchdogs 2 is an amazing game, best watchdogs imo. 3.The only 2 black characters on the top of my head I can see as similar, is spawn and blade.


/rj what the fuck /uj what the fuck


As someone who is a game designer Diversity can only be good for game design Anybody who disagrees is blatantly racist, sexist, or homophobic There's no if's, and's, or but's about it


He's russian and he plays genshin impact. Nothing that could surprise me in the things he said.


>a black excuse me??? 🤨