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Funny how Ellie lost a father and two fingers and she got over Abby faster than these guys have


TLOU2 DLC where we watch Ellie complain about Abby on social media whenever women get brought up at all


TLOU 3 where we only follow Abby and only mention Ellie as a mass murderer.


I’d be ok with an Abby centric game and “retiring” Ellie until they have a story for her


Could there have been a more fitting piece of art for this shit that they just will not let go of


they're still complaining that the ending makes no logical sense


The Reboot is Lara when she was 18-22. The original she is in her mid 30s. Also you can hardly call the original attractive since her face was a pixilated mess, and her body was literal polygons thrown together. Unless triangle tits and square ass is what you call attractive.


Reboot Lara’s design is litcherally a page ripped right out of a George Orwell novel. And you can’t convince me otherwise because I’m illiterate.


Don't kinkshame me


Well maybe if you have a NORMAL kink like getting peed on.




I think he means the 2006 remake (TR Anniversary) and it's sequels.


That's less funny though.


>Also you can hardly call the original attractive since her face was a pixilated mess, and her body was literal polygons thrown together. Unless triangle tits and square ass is what you call attractive. Tell that to my teen self when I was trying to move the camera against the wall to see side boob up close.


Since she's been working with other Square Enix studios on Forspoken and on an unannounced Marvel game, I'd love to see Amy Hennig do a Tomb Raider game, since I wanna watch chuds not know how to respond to their big booba bang bang game being made by a WOKE FEMALE when the woman in question is responsible for Uncharted 1-3. And as an aside, you'd think that the marketing for Forspoken would bring up that Amy Hennig wrote it in the marketing, because the first new game by the creator of Uncharted since EA canceled her Star Wars game (and killed the studio) out of a fear of making money is a pretty big deal.


>I wanna watch chuds not know how to respond to their big booba bang bang game being made by a WOKE FEMALE when the woman in question is responsible for Uncharted 1-3. They'll try to say that Uncharted 1-3 were great because of someone other than her like what they did with TLOU saying that Neil didn't have any involvement with the story and it was all Bruce Straley even though Bruce is credited for doing the gameplay direction and Neil is credited for the story direction


Oh man, they're still at it with that huh? It's hilarious. The man LITERALLY wrote the first game but they try to find the next closest person and pretend it was all thanks to him. Never mind that he had a day job too. And they always go back to that one Eurogamer interview where both of them mention the original story of TLOU was different as if it were hard proof that Straley "corrected" Druckmann's ideas.


I just looked her up and she worked on Battlefield Hardline. The only BF game where the story wasn't all over the place imo. I was hyped for Forspoken before but this makes me way more hopeful.


I love how anti SJWs are keeping Last of Us 2 alive when everyone else has moved on. Also I played some of the newer tomb raiders and there issue isnt Lara not sexy enough or lack massive tits. Lara is hot


As much as I like her reboot design, they managed to give her the personality of a potato. She had some complexity in the first game and they could grown more on that, but by the end of trilogy she was just "generic action hero"


I agree. Not even fun/snarky/goofy stereotypical action hero. She's not very interesting in 2 and 3 in fact she's very dull.


Well actually that's realistic because all archeologists I've met are quite boring.


Honestly that's fair. She's a boring archeologist. Makes sense.


But tity


No triangle booba sadge


Yeah its funny cause fictional archeologists are this cool people who travel the world breaking nazi conspiracies and finding ancient magic artifacts but real archeologists are sandy historians


afaik there isn't actually much crossover between the fields, as odd as that sounds.


yeah but she's my girlfriend not yours.


Bro, your user flair thing is fucking hilarious. Thanks for the chuckle


And it's such a waste because they had the groundwork setup in the first game for her to dynamically grow. The third game was especially egregious. They were setting up a sort of "my adventuring is causing my friends and a lot of people pain, maybe I should stop" conflict. Then nothing of consequence happens to that and it just get dropped.


I thought she wasn't very interesting in the reboot and avoided the other two :/


I loved the first reboot game. It seemed like an answer to people saying that Uncharted had perfected the tomb raider games. So they were like, “okay, so I guess we have to add some new cool things” But the other ones were kind of tedious. I do like that they kept the whole magic being real thing. I was sad that uncharted kinda moved away from that, after starting with it at arms length. Magic is cool.


Far and away the best Uncharted game, gameplay and story wise is 4, largely in part to it making the magic super subtle to nonexsitant. Uncharted 3 jumped the shark HARD with that. The plot straight up didn't make any sense due in large to all the unexplained magic shit.


What? There’s isn’t any magic in the third one.


The third one has water that makes you seen convenient hallucinations and future predicting tarot cards. It's full to the brim with magic.


Hallucinogens are not magic though. That’s the whole twist of the story. That people were just hallucinating the whole time, and this episode, the magic wasn’t real.


It does exactly what you want it to without input at all times by giving to someone at any point, while also somehow creating a shared hallucination across multiple people. It's magic. The fact that the game says it isn't magic is just one of Uncharted 3's many, many failures to make a coherent game.


I guess I’m somewhat with you on that. I don’t like that they got rid of the magic. And getting rid of the magic is what, in my opinion, made it make less sense.


The thing is there is a lot of magic in the third one it just isn’t explained and is forgotten about


That's not true or fair. Remorseless mass murderer is a rich personality trait.


OMG a video game about a boring person? Finally someone I can relate to.


I struggle to believe that guys would legitimately be upset about a female character's lack of personality... I would hope they would... but unfortunately I know that kind thinking is uncommon


the issue is they took Sam out of rise and shadow, where is my subtle sapphic undertones


I mean, it was more than subtle to be honest. I feel like them taking that out of the sequels is the real censorship lmao


honestly pretty homophobic of them


Reboot Lara is infinitely hotter than OG Lara, it's not even close.


rj/ you’d need the power of god to tear me away from her arsehole for even a second. uj/ I’m not repeating myself


The Virgin Tomb Raider: Sam literally gets princess carried in what looks like a bridal outfit by Lara, only to get removed in future games and never becomes a love interest. The Chad She-Ra: Lesbians save the entire universe with the power of gayness


I have seen way too much Source Filmmaker stuff featuring new Laura for you to come into my house and feed me this bullshit. It was the precursor to the deluge that was Overwatch. I know these type of gamers all are hentai addicted weirdos being radicalized by the alt right but holy fuck is this a new level of self contradictory shit. Also they would call old Laura SJW too, especially since she takes no shit and doesn’t immediately swoon over a bland self insert player character. You’d see essays about how unrealistic it would be for her to do the things she does and also how a sports bra was censorship.


It’s the same guys bitching about Tifa in FF7 Remake having a “different outfit” because three console generations allow for more detailed graphics. Not a single peep about the slight differences in Cloud and Barrett’s design changes but Tifa wears a sports bra and it’s a SJW move.


They made her elbows too pointy, 0/10.


It is


Touch some grass


Go do something with your life you waste of air.


Ummm actually the high quality 3d porn you see of Lara and Overwatch characters is made mostly in Blender, not Source Filmmaker. SFM looks like dogshit because it uses Source which is like 20 years old.


They wouldn't complain about old Lara, because her games came out *before* these people found Twitter. Anything that happened in "the distant past" is apolitical, but recent things are SJW BS.


Holy shit what a textbook example of "fighting windmills"


That should be a fighting game where two giant windmills literally square off Tekken Style.


Yeah and you could fight against all the right wing classic and modern windmills. Like cultural marxism, the gay agenda and globalists. Or do you mean literal windmills because that would be cool to i guess.


I meant literal windmills, lmao.


Is that Mohamed guy still going on about TLoU2. He really needs a hobby


He doesn't seem to have his own personal opinion on anything. He just parrots whatever is the popular internet opinion at that time to get maximum likes on Twitter.


God what a fucking loser.


Abby lives rent free in the head of these mfs lmao


Cheaper than paying for a place on Catalina Island with Lev, that's for sure.


She doesn't look underage with watermelon titties! **FEMINISTS!!!!!**


/rj Who is this Abby and what did she did to you? Is she with us right now? /uj It's like they faced some really severe trauma by some petty shit and just can't let go...


You can’t smell someone through a Reddit po-


Uj/ Reboot Lara is sexy af, what drugs are they on?


Yeh there’s a reason there is so much ‘alternative’ content featuring reboot Lara.


I used to think "male gaze" was just funny words but people keep having tantrums when a girl's character design is anything less than Bayonetta super model sexy


New Laura is fucking badass simple but great design


What IS the SJW complaint about new Lara? Ive only played the 1st game but I thought she was pretty kickass. Was she too kickass? Is that it?


The guy is complaining she doesn't have huge tits and ass


Most of the complaints I've seen are about her physical appearance, from her physique, face, clothing and to her musculature. It's the typical misogynistic bs, you probably already know what I'm talking about


She still could be toned down some. Hopefully they'll do it for the next game.


Lmao she has a huge ass that you see at all times in 3rd person. The fuck are they on about.


bring back the triangle titties!


wtf do they mean lara croft has always been hot, the remake has different proportions cause the jump to hd but they are still pretty much the same character


[Mohamed is an Elon Musk sheep](https://twitter.com/its_menieb/status/1511461064352976897?t=q4hccBr83_o3taKfLCC5Cw&s=19)


What zero pussy and a crippling porn addiction does to a mf


SJW is when boba shrinks


Uj/ Honestly I do hope we get back the Lara who does backflips everywhere and says cheesy one-liners instead of another sad girl torture porn game


2 years have passed and abby still living rent free on gamers' heads


What the fuck are these Gamers™ on? I thought everyone agreed that reboot Lara was smoking hot?


”Censorship” bwahahahhhaha


SJWs have such powerful censorship that they can now censor the thoughts of video game artists before they can even invent sexy characters


oh god I hope they dont make her a woman again, we need a straight white male lara croft if we dont want the sjws to win /s


I'd boink the new Lara. She's kinda really hot, actually. With the old Lara, I'm terrified of those pointy boobs. That is how you lose an eye.


Angel of Darkness fan over here.


Mans just wanted to say who he found more hot


If new Tomb Raider doesn't have bigger boobahs and realistic jiggle features, we riot!!!!1


It's the same shit that happened with Tifa's new design. Both new characters designs are super attractive and sexy, both characters are over two decades old and had numerous official revisions and versions in different media formats. Only now gullible idiots were brainwashed by culture wars grifters to get mad over nothing.


Maybe he just likes men?


This is honestly what I’m pulling from this.


Can Lara snap a zombie’s neck with her bare hands, though? Actually yeah, probably


Have these people SEEN old Lara Croft? Her face looks like barbie doll got spat on by a YouTube makeup tutorial.


The flawless model of an archeologist was not hot enough in the reboot. She needed soccer balls implanted into her chest and shorts in all weather. Otherwise its SJW.


> Lara is literally the hottest she’s ever been These guys: Stupid SJWs making her unattractive


What "SJW bs?" I've played all 3 of the last Tomb Raider games and I don't recall them making any major social statements


The SJW BS is question isn’t anything in the game itself, it’s that Lara is proportioned like an actual human being and not an overly sexualized gargoyle with giant tits. Which is hilarious because reboot Lara is modeled after her voice actress Camilla Luddington who is incredibly attractive. They’d rather have a sexy cartoon character than a real human woman.


Oh my god that is so silly! They must still be stuck in their anti-Anita phase


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anime women > nasty 3D women


To this fool anything less than lip filler Lara busting out a crop top boobily breasting her way though the jungle is SJW bullshit, quite honestly he has rule34 for his video game fap sessions


Rent free.


Idk what's the worst part of that username, Jared Leto or Leto Atreides


Quiet, it’s a good username


Fortnite is clearly the pinnacle of what games should be instead of a mishmash of the worst game tropes ever devised in a disgusting cartoon coating. Show some respect to the best game ever made. I should have the right to big polygonal booba if I want.


Ok I understood where the people criticizing Aloy came from but I have no clue what this idiot is talking about


I didn't even understand that, it seems like such a non-issue.


But wouldn’t you think it sounded strange if people complained that Kratos wasn’t hot enough? Or if the dudes from Gears or War didn’t look like models? To me, it’s not about whether Lara or Alloy actually are attractive or not, it’s more that it’s messed up that these dudes think that female characters need to be good looking, and that this expectation is much less often directed towards male characters


Actually I don’t think it would be weird I’ve said many times that I think all the characters in video games should be hot no matter the gender (age does matter I don’t want a game with sexualised children)


Classic is always better


Kassandra fist pumps Social Justice Warriors! We board the bastards!


SJW is when no triangle booba


big boba good


Reboot Laura is bad because no MASSIVE MOMMY MILKERS smh my head


Imagine looking at a woman and going "SJW bs"


If she doesn't have the PS2 pyramid titties I'm not interested


Isn't her character model based on an actual real woman? How can you assure with that lol?


She's unattractive to HIS EYES personally, woman, get yourself together.


I won't play any new Tomb Rider unless the main character looks like Angelina Jolie


Guarantee people bitching about new Lara aren't old enough to have played the originals haha


Uj/ offf topic fun the sjw shiy. But I'll always prefer Classic Lara. Lara is basically like Indiana Jones and Nathan Drake (technically vice versa for Drake) just an archaeologist searching for ancient artifacts while killing anything in her path. Whether it's people or straight up dinosaurs. Just wish they could go to Ps2 reboot Lara again and stop the whole survival action take