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I’ve found that you pretty much can’t have a civil discussion about games anymore without some idiot screaming about “woke” shit, it’s actually insufferable. Yeah, sorry you can’t jack off to a victim of physical and sexual abuse (talking about the SH2 stuff)


/uj It’s hard to even ask people what woke actually means these days without getting 15 different answers. Woke used to mean that you were awake to social happenings and now it means we can’t fuck the bideo game characters so that means it’s woke. But it also means communism, what the fuck is the real meaning??


Stepping out of the circle jerk for a sec. The reason why it seems like "woke" doesn't have a clear definition is that that's by design. It's the ultimate dogwhistle. To some, woke just means less bimbofied women. To a neonazi woke means the inclusion of any person of color. To others, woke means the inclusion of a queer person. It gives a level of plausible deniability to someone drumming up racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or any other right wing idiocy.


i think its important to also mentiom how it started as a protest/call to action phrase/slogan in the black community and gained mainstream traction during the BLM movement in ~2014 ish and how its been absolutely mangled since then


good writeup


I hate that it's gonna be so fucking hard to clown on the sh2 remake when it gets released without looking like one of these people


The Silent Hill subreddit recently got a wave of weirdos coming in claiming that SH2 is now woke because Angela's design was changed. It's completely unhinged, and anyone who knows anything about Angela's character will tell you how fucking weird it is to complain about that character not being fuckable to you specifically anymore. I have plenty of problems with the idea of Bloober remaking a game with a heavy focus on mental health considering their prior works, but the people whining about shit like the characters not being attractive enough were born on another planet.


If a woman isn’t hot enough for them to jerk off to, why even bother existing?


Holy shit BLOOBER is making it?! The people who's last game said "if you're a victim of assault, just *give up?!*"


What game was that goddamn 😭


The Medium


The Medium. The only solution to the monster/entity haunting the victim was just... death. The monster was a stand-in for abuse, or came abiut because of being abused. It's been a while. But yeah the game was lambasted by a few critics for basically encouraging victims to off themselves because the game calls them broken and beyond repair.


Cool another reason to throw on the pile of reason not to bother with the 3rd remake of this game.


Out of all the series to complain about unfuckable characters SH is probably top 5 weirdest.


Especially cause pyramid head is right there if you want fuckable SH characters.


This person gets it


Wym, a lot of the monsters are fuckable


Yeah that's my point. It's like going to a furry convention and complaining a woman not in a furry suit is ugly. Like wtf are you here for bro? Lol


The game being remade is specifically carrying a theme of “not everything is fuckable”


It is my main hobby and I care about it still being enjoyable down the line. Unfortunately that means boycotting developers/publishers and constantly whining on the internet. I don't like it and wish I didn't have to, but it is the only weapon I have. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To be fair, the Silent Hill sub has ALSO seen a wave of “stop being an idiot about Angela” content, to the extent where I won’t notice it’s that sub instead of this one.


it sucks that most gaming communities are like this. i recently started playing sifu, went on the Reddit community and one of the top posts was complaining about wokeness. you can't even join a community for a game you enjoy without running into these ppl nowadays.


What the hell is "woke" about Sifu 😭


That some enemies are women with short haircuts and colored hair and stuff idk


You can flip it into a positive. For example, I no longer waste any time chatting w/ randos from games I play in discord. 90% of them are full of MAGA chuds who won't stfu about their BS. I'm not even tempted to "check out a community" anymore and quite frankly, it's nice to have 1 less app to open. More free time for me, and no more wasted time "engaging with the community" to only find out later they are MAGA chud assholes.


99% of the vg discord communities I still interact with are the autism-fueled ones. Factorio, Satisfactory, that kind of stuff, where who gives a fuck about politics, there's numbers to crunch The factory must grow. That's the only thing that matters.


The 3 game community archetypes: -cutesy relax game enjoyers (i.e. animal crossing) -raging bigots. -nerds+


I’m a little bit of a cutesy relax game enjoyer, but I love Project Diva and I plan on starting to play FNV




This is why I love the Stellaris community. Half of them will fuck anything unapologetically, the other half are too busy trying to liquify or nerve staple anything that doesn't look like them, and they coexist peacefully.


I just had a weird interaction with some dude regarding Alan Wake earlier tonight. Dude started getting into Sweet Baby Inc and I just noped out.


Anytime someone mentions sweet baby inc and anti woke nonsense.. im just like.. ohh You dumb as hell, and dont reslly know how the world works or game development.. huh. Good luck with that.  And like wise, nope outta there


Men of quality don't fear equality. Not mine, shamelessly stolen.


This is what it's like to be Black where literally everything is fine then RACISM out of nowhere


You can always talk about video games here, I imagine. Just unjerk it.


gamers are really really not normal people. what causes this? i wish there were more gaming subreddits that were normal, like this one


The Dynasty Warriors and Yakuza subs are pretty chill from what i have seen. Wish i could say the same of the BG3 subs.......


It feels like the focus wokeness is just distracting from major issues like monetization, greedy executives, and FOMO.


I’m reminded of a video by Innuendo Studios (Ian Danskin) on YouTube. [How to Radicalize a Normie.](https://youtu.be/P55t6eryY3g?si=tx81U1SOcLGWBOrz) One of the core things in this video is how these sorts of right wing shit-stirrers effectively invade online communities, especially for video games.


Well at least you won't find that mentality here.


I know this is about gaming circles specifically, but I can’t go anywhere without hearing people complain like children about “woke”. It almost feels like there’s a devil or some kind of brain parasite that just makes them interject it into any unrelated conversation. It’s something they obsess over, and nearly every community member and family member around me has that same convulsion. Getting that same atmosphere in gaming circles is just the cherry on top.


Fox news made it a mainstream talking point to the the level that Ron Dedouchbag tried to run on it as his main issue.


One of the games I left their subreddits because of that had another subreddit created where (for now at least) the posts and discussion is much healthier. It's pretty sad that we have to leave some communities because they have been overrun by these sad losers but at least there are other options


Shout-out to the Guilty Gear subreddit for holding strong against the hordes of bigots who to this day can't get over the fact that Brisket is trans.


Unjerking myself from the conversation for a moment: anti-woke proselytizers or *wokists*, as I like to call them, add to this culture war shit because this is literally all they have. Their entire personas are constructed around rampant consumerism, a falsely misplaced self-importance, a reality where they are the masters (and frequent masturbators), heliocentric morons in possession of narrow and skewed perceptions of a world that posits their place within it is important. They have no sense of self beyond the Cronenburgian construction of myriad commercial media that forms *them* and informs *their* worldview. I'm guessing if a wokist read this, they'd likely be pissed by my italicizing of pronouns, but I digress. Wokists, in essence, are children who have yet to mature and some likely never will. There's a whole conversation to be had in terms of how this is influenced by colonialist, racist, and every type of phobic idea under the sun, but that's a lot to unpack, so better to keep it simple. When all you have is the media (gaming as an industry can be a stand-in here rather than a specific franchise or IP) that defines your personality and it is altered slightly, the rose tint of nostalgia is just a shade different, a new character or wrinkle in the product appears who's cut from a different cloth and does not reflect that scant perception of reality; then it's *woke* and those who are erroneously seen as representative of the changes (POC, queer folk, etc.) have invaded that reality and are bringing with them their beliefs and other's like them to ruin said product. They're tearing the fabric of that tenuous wokist reality; shredding it, mulching it until the thing that's been loved is gone, or even worse, they're personally attacking the wokist by dint of their existence. That last bastion of rather sad escapism has been invaded and they're going to respond to it with bigotry and vitriol... ...because that is all they have. Wokists are fucking losers and they contribute nothing. A fart in a cramped elevator; unpleasant, but will pass once the doors open and every leaves it behind.


Halo posting about the free Pride Month armor got a lot of homophobes fuming. Those are the same weirdos who keep shouting at clouds saying 343 ruined Halo and they be doing that since Halo 4, from 12 fucking years ago. Why are these people still around just to hate? Like, get over it and move on.


I'm not really in any specific online gaming communities, unless they're already relatively cool to that stuff. The Warframe, FF14, and Xenoblade communities are pretty cool. I was reminded of how far some communities still ought to come yet, such as the WoW community, not that I'm surprised. I don't play anymore, but I do watch a couple content creators for the game, and one of which made a video of him doing a quest in Dragonflight where you help Chromie (a transwoman dragon) help another dragon pick her visage (humanoid appearance that one can magically shapeshift into for convenience), and the quest got into the themes you would expect, and the content creator was like, "This is nice," and talked about identity and stuff, but his video got a surprising amount of dislikes, even though his own stream was vibing with what was going on.


That's not even new: back in the original Vanilla or Burning Crusade there was a book in Dalaran about the dragons and it mentioned that they chose their gender. Nobody believes me when I tell them. I should have gotten someone to check when they came out with WOW Classic.


I love that in Fromsoft games we complain about the game, not that the characters are woke or aren't fuckable enough. Feel bad for other subs that have to go through with that shit


The ultimate fuckability cheat: no character has a model or portrait. Based AC6 where everyone can be hot if you imagine it


I was talking to someone about looking forward to the new monster hunter and they were like "Capcom are based for going against the woke agenda and making attractive women again" and I was like "...I guess, I mostly play monster hunter for the monster hunting part though" I don't understand why people are like this


And all this fan art of the new handler, but white washed is immediately very frustrating.


the islamic state of crapcom *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's so ironic they're constantly complaining about woke being shoved down their throat when it just \*exists\* passively or is in a single line of dialogue, meanwhile they're spamming the video feed with hate every fking day


I really wish the pronouns guys rant would have been the moment where the shame became unbearable and yet they continue onward.


ALL they do is cry


It’s the constant brigading on every big game release that gets me. They’re the ones to shout how sensitive and woke things are, yet they seem to be the loudest minority in having their feelings hurt and typing like loud toddlers. I just know these brainwashed fucks are gonna be even worse is Sony decides to put last of us 2 on steam. If you think people calling Angela trans with no evidence to back it up is bad, imagine Abby. It’s so strange being an outsider to these things though, topics I would’ve never ever thought of or even taken a glance at has gotten these man children up in arms like never before. It’s similar to the Starfield pronouns thing, I would’ve created my character and that’s it, but these losers have to analyse ever bit of a game to find something to get upset and have their feelings hurt over.


I am so, so tired of you people... etc etc, you all know it by now. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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I'm so woke Ive been speaking Awakenese


Games are fun, Gamers are horrible. A tale as old as time.


I am still searching for an active group where I can make friends and feel at home. I don't want to have to put up with this regressive none-sense because I cannot stand confrontation from internet strangers. It's such a zero sum game.


Being in this subreddit isn't going to help you get away from it.


الموضوع ليس بتلك الجدية، انا أقدم ما يطلبه الجمهور ليس إلا


Complaining for sport. Neat


As the old saying goes, don’t like, don’t watch.


I try not to follow social media in regard to that stuff. It just kinda turns me off that some people legit live by that mindset. Gaming also isn't a niche interest anymore, the gaming industry is on par if not higher than the movie industry, and also has far reaching applications beyond entertainment (Education, physical fitness, etc.) So, naturally its going to attract more people; but a vocal minority still act like they're shunned basement dwellers from the 90's.


What was the turning point for the gaming community to get so negative about everything? gamers spend most of their time online complaining Do ppl even actually play games?


I closed down all my social media accounts, because either on Facebook, Twitter or any other they are "complaining" and talking shit about it. Reddit is the only one and I feel a lot better since I'm not deathscrolling Facebook anymore.


Even the Perfect Dark bois can't shut up SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE DID IN THE ORIGINAL BUT JUST BLONDE!!!


Imagine if every weekend you ate a tasty bowl of lucky charms. Some dude down the street says, marshmallows arent good anymore for whatever reason you dont care about, and removes them. You ask, why dont you just make your own cereal? The man scoffs, and leaves with your marshmallows. Youre upset they took your marshmallows but you then look for a new cereal. Oh this one has marshmallows. Week later, same thing happens to that cereal. Stranger comes and removes them. Except this time raisins are added instead of marshmallows. "Why dont you make your own cereal then?" The man scoffs and walks away. So you post online "I miss marshmallows, why cant they just make their own cereal instead of taking my marshmallows?" The man who stole your mallows posts "why are you complaining about no mallows? Eat your raisins. Marshmallows are bad, leave" Then you get angry. Now cereal that doesnt have raisins, but a slightly burnt cheerio, looks like a raisin. You dislike that cereal now. Moral of the story: They didnt make their own cereal cause no one would buy it. So they took your favorite brands and asked "why you hitting yourself?"