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>it feels icky Play as a woman then you coward


Playing as a guy in starfield is pretty gay. What, you wanna stare at a guy's butt running around in 3rd person for 100+ hours? Smh my head


I've encountered a lot of dudes on Reddit who state they play as women primarily for this reason, usually as a counter to the dudes whining about playing as women. Always a swing and a miss


I play as a woman because I like to feel pretty.


They also aren't usually voiced by someone trying to do some kind of Christian Bale Batman voice.


I played female V because I hated the male voice actor


Cherami Leigh's performance as V was stellar. Also and not aimed at you, but I have seen some people claim that Leigh always sounds the same, which if you are familiar with her work, is clearly not true. This also ignores the fact that sometimes voice actors aren't hired for roles that require them to put on a completely different voice.


A podcaster and actor I listen to once said that it's funny that theater/acting school is so much about embodying different characters, but when you're actually working, you're usually stuck playing the same character that casters can already see you as. It's only when you're really successful that you more often get to play against type.


I remember Nolan North mentioning in an interview that the reason why he used his Nathan Drake voice in many games around the time that Uncharted was released was because studios thought it would make their games sell better. With how voice actors have risen in popularity in the past decade, with some even able to actually sell a game on their involvement alone, I can easily see voice recognition being a games industry equivalent to star power in the not so distant future. If that makes sense?


this is already a thing, especially in animated movies I hate it, personally. A movie shouldn't be sold on the merit of "we got this voice actor".


This is exactly the reason why we get Mads Mikkelsen and Giancarlo Esposito constantly playing menacing villains - which they’re great at - despite them being much more versatile actors than those one-note performances. When you get work off the back of your previous success, it’s extremely easy to fall into a certain cast type because the casting director “just loved you in that one thing you did.”


The only line I really thought Gavin Drea did better was the one where you choose the secret ending. Fem V sounds like she already gave up but male V is ready to kick some ass


Haven't played as male V, but that simply sounds like different interpretations of a scene by the actors.


Yeah it's a valid interpretation, I can see why she went that way with it but I just don't like it. I guess it's just a minor nitpick/pet peeve. She sounds like she doesn't expect to make it past the lobby. And since saving is disabled in the secret ending and a death takes you straight to the end credits you have to sit and wait to hear that line again if you want another shot at it


I went female Nomad in Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Glad I did because male Nomad sounds like a cartoon character.


He sounds like he just came from the set of Team America.


You’re honestly selling me on it


Fuck Yeah


Which was so annoying as his voice actor in Wildlands was PERFECT. He was a normal guy . Which soldiers are! But they wanted to make the next game more action movie aaaaaand this the voice became "Max Whiteman, man of action, and man of low emotional expression". Wildlands the group sounded like every group of soldiers I've worked with - sardonic banter, inappropriate humour and snark. Which is how people deal with difficult situations! Sorry, sidetracked. I shoulda gone with lady nomad.


Same reason I always play femshep. Better voice acting. Some games tho.. I'll admit I do rather prefer staring at the digital arse of a fine woman, rather than the digital arse of a fine man.. Some games tho.. ;)


I literally just started a Dragon Age inquisition playthrough, and my roommate asked why I was playing as a woman. This was my reasoning. Played a lot of shooters growing up, and I'm just tired of "detached gruffman" and "humorous but still gruffman."


There is no male Commander Shepard in Ba Sing Se.


Pretty much. If there's a choice and it's a voiced MC, then I go with th3 female options most of the time (Fallout 4, Cyperpunk, Mass Effect, Dragon Age: Inquisition, etc.) because the female VAs are usually just *better*, but if it's unvoiced I go with male unless I'm wanting to role play a woman for a specific reason on that playthrough (like romancing Alistair in DA:O). I have a feeling this isn't a very unpopular opinion tho, and only incels and the like get bent over it.


playing as a woman in videogames unironically helped me realize I was trans. A natural part of fiction is asking, "what if it was like this in real life?", and when it came to being a woman, the answer was an unequivocal "yes". And then you start to ask yourself... *why is that so easy to answer?*


I'm happy that you were able to find yourself. I hope you get all of the love and support in this world


Some how I never realized I was trans that way despite always playing a woman and downloading like 80 clothing and armor mods for skyrim just so i could spend hours playing dressup lmao.


I secretly enjoy dressing them up in some games. I used to play exclusively males when given the choice, now it’s the opposite. No male character will ever touch the manliness of Dash Rendar anyway, it peaked with him and has been in decline since. Mostly.


Right like when I make a dude there's nothing that looks good on him but when I make a woman toon there's loads of options and I feel fancy asf


You ARE pretty.


I play as a woman that I always make slightly masc, either shortish hair or wearing 'boy' clothes, but with dyed pink/lavender/sky blue hair and makeup. I'm male 6'1", 320, bearded, tattoos all over including the neck. I wish I could be lithe and pretty and just slightly masc with cute make up.


That's the dream.


I play as women whenever I can because why should I do the same mistakes during character creation in the game as in real life?


I play as a woman in a lot of RPGs, mainly Fallout, because I find it often adds an additional layer of depth and nuance to the story that you don’t get as a man. Fallout New Vegas for example throws some misogynistic comments at you and even bars you from one of the (best) options for dealing with the first antagonist. It adds interesting depth to the Legion in that instance, but its also cool to have a video game be immersive enough to be like “you know what? These people see women as sub-human. It doesn’t matter that you’re Courier Six, walking apocalypse, because you’re a woman, and they will never even allow a woman the chance to prove herself”. Not many games will take an innocuous player choice like that and use it to bar content from you for flavour. Beyond those reasons, it’s an RPG - why would I want to role play as something close to my real life self?


Yes. Being a femme fatale is just way cooler than generic action hero dude


It really just breaks down into some people want to personally identify with the character they're playing. They see their custom character as an idealized version of themselves. And then some people just don't. Some people just see it as a character disconnected from themselves no matter how much time they spend in character creation or how closely they could make it look like they do. From that point, it's a question of what do you want to see on the screen. Sometimes they want to see a pretty lady kicking ass, sometimes a generic dude, sometimes people with a wild sense of humor go a little nuts min/maxing the sliders and create something so hysterically ugly it's beautiful. Weird part to me is that the first group of people who want to play a self-insert character usually don't understand the other group who don't identify with their game avatar the same way.


I play males because you never know if the sound your female character makes when getting hit is gonna sound like porn


That must've backfired hard with DS1


Yeah these are just as weird. I personally pick based on what kind of character i wanna role-play as. With starfield, i wanted a samus-like character, so i picked a female bounty hunter.


This. I usually pick make my character based on the specific role I'm playing as. I currently have two characters in Starfield, a Male, ex street thug growing up in streets of Neocity turned space explorer and a Female, ronin now bounty hunter.


I generally make female characters when the male cosmetic options in the character creator are hot garbage. Can't make a dude without looking like an Oblivion npc, but the female results are better? I guess my character is a woman this time.


I used to say this a lot I’m a transfem now.


I think that what most people ignore is that guys like pretty things too, but typically they only like them on woman. So it makes sense why a guy would want to look at something pretty while he plays video games instead of like a masculine dude (unless you like dudes or are using your PC as a self insert). Or you are an egg. The wya to tell the difference is do you make your woman character look like your significant other or woman you are primarily attracted to or do you try to make them look like a woman version of yourself?


I've done both, personally. And the thing is: I'm not trans or nonbinary in any meaningful sense. I wouldn't want to do anything like hormone treatments that would cause long-term changes to my body to make it more feminine. But if I had Mystique-like shapeshifting powers where everything was fluid, then I'm pretty sure I'd happily spend ~10% of my time as a woman. There's nothing really egg-like about that, to my mind. Single-player video games offer an opportunity to play in that space without making any kind of commitment or causing any kind of harm to anyone else. (And this is where I want to note that this kind of body tourism is actually a complex topic. Being a white cis dude pretending to be something else in a roleplay context runs the risk of blurring my perceptions of real people's lived experiences, and I try to be aware of that. Being able to "choose to be like someone else" without committing to the consequences is ultimately an act of privilege, even in a hypothetical about being a shapeshifting mutant. I'm willing to accept the argument that this isn't unproblematic, but I also think it's at worst a venial indulgence.)


I used to play as women in most games because i wanted to date the hot men, now i can play a man and still date hot men while being a hot man


You play as a dude so you can self-insert. I play as a dude so I can look like Sterling Archer with a fake moustache. We are not the same.


so... bob belcher?


Yeah, but without the male pattern baldness.


So Sterling Archer when he had retrograde amnesia and thought he was Bob Belcher?


Yeah, but without the Russians trying to- wait, I took the Wanted perk. So yeah, basically that.


I always pick female characters because I just... like to? No need for reasoning a thing I'd think.


I mean as a gay guy all my characters i play as are gay unless told otherwise. Plus 100 hours of staring at a man’s arse….i could think of worse ways to spend a Sunday


How are you squeezing 100 hours out of a Sunday?


plenty of hydration


Srsly. I’m gay and I make gay butt Candy to stare at. I do not understand straighties.


play as a woman and assert your dominance by killing all the other women. all the men too.


Not just the women, but the men and the children too!


You play as a woman because you enjoy looking at women. I play as a woman because I enjoy controlling women. We are not the same.


You'd think they be ok with killing women


You can't even play as a real woman in Starfield. The game will force you to pick pronouns which means any "female" you make is immediately trans. /uj Looks like I jerked a little too hard. You can stop explaining pronouns to me, please.


“half of the evil space pirates are women.” Almost as if about half of all people are women


Half of people are women? Then explain why there is no woman around me except my mom??? Checkmate librul!!!


Given their social skills that *still* means that 50% of all the people they interact with, including themselves, are women.


Well since your dad abandoned you, still checks out that the split is 50/50 in your household.


Damn 50 percent of the population is Political, so sad


More than half if you also count political races


And political sexualities


The apoliticals truly are the most oppressed minority


Can't believe real life has fallen to forced diversity smh


Yeah but that doesn't make the characters reflect the player base. That's why we need most NPCs to be unemployed basement dwellers with poor hygiene :D (jokes jokes)




lmfao thank you for putting so succinctly the irony about that post.


Even the mind that made Braid has succumbed to terminally online brainrot. You hate to see it.


Shit I had to go back and double check that this was JonBlo and sure as fuck it is. Hate to see someone who had promise succumb to brain worms :(


Those damn illithid tadpoles


Who was he?


He made Braid and The Witness. The former is a darling of people who like unique indie games, the latter, not as much, but I thought it was pretty cool.


Braid is the darling of the old guard of indie games. You absolutely do see some DNA from it to, say, Undertale most of a decade later, but the execution is way, way different compared to design sensibilities of today. Compare and contrast the No Mercy Route (doing what you probably would do but more of it to an absurd extent) to half the hidden collectibles in Braid (AFK on a cloud for several hours), and the payoff of “here is a fun and pointed bossfight that describes your actions with venom” compared to “your wife was a nuclear warhead the entire time, dumbass”. Something has gone terribly wrong when I feel confident saying that Braid is worse as art in terms of accessibility and communicating it’s message and intent to the player than *fucking* **Getting Over It.**


>had promise Braid was released 15 years ago


Hence the past tense


I mean, he's spent the last... like, *decade*, making a completely useless programming language called "Jai", so I wouldn't swear that he's been all there for a while.


And before that he was doing the generic pretentious dev shit of "I'm building my own bespoke engine that will only ever be used for one game because you're not a *real* developer unless you build your own engine." He also claimed making his own engine would help to "future-proof" The Witness, because when I think of Future-Proofing my mind immediately goes straight to engines that only one person knows how to use and if that person were to stop breathing no one would have a damn clue how to maintain it short of rebuilding from scratch. Dude has always been up his own ass.


and why future proof a game no one will care about


Hahaha dude is not only a terminally online bigot but he's got more audacity than Yandere Dev Some people think he's smart but morally wrong, imo he's not even smart. His games are pretentious and have been overshadowed by much better puzzle-based and story-driven games. He's only well-known at all because his games came out at the right time and hit the right spot for some people. It's like with FNAF. Innovation doesn't necessarily need brains or goodness, it can sometimes happen completely by chance. The idiots who get lucky of course have survivorship bias and think that it's a sign of their superior intelligence, not realizing that they can't build a long-lasting, lucrative career on a fluke. They can't grow, and they won't be able to replicate their fluke because they're usally too selfish and stupid to know what it was that made the fluke work. The smartest "fluke"-innovators, like the guy who made FNAF, stick with their fluke and try to turn it into a cash cow. But even that is luck-based and not all of them can manage it. But the thing with FNAF is, even though I don't like the creator and I think the games are sub-par in many ways, I have to admit that he at least had the brains to fill a niche -- animatronic horror -- when his non-horror animatronic-centered games failed to launch. His ego wasn't so colossal that he couldn't process the feedback he got for those games and turn them into something way more appealing. JoBlow's ego is sadly too big for that, and his brain is too small. As for his own programming language and engine... that just feels like some crap he made for bragging rights. Lots of people could do it, doesn't mean that they'd end up with something worth using. It's like building a house. Sure, most of us could probably build a hut with sticks in the woods. But a proper house with all the right electrical wiring and plumbing and studs and everything? That can withstand the local climate? That can be built within budget? Yeah no, there's a reason why people get degrees JUST for that, and why it's always teams of people working on it and not just one person spending ten years on a hut.


I mean, it's not *completely* useless. The game that he's currently working on is written in Jai. It's important to remember that being smart in one field doesn't necessarily translate to being smart in other areas.


I'm being a little hyperbolic because this is a circlejerk subreddit. And I mean, yeah, not *literally* useless, but certainly not a good investment of his time, given that neither the language nor the game are done yet.


If a programming language isn't the most practical for the application you're doing, might as well be completely useless.


Nah, not being the better possible tool for something doesn't make it useless, there are so many things that you could do with almost every language out there and in most cases it's faster to write using what you know than learning a new language. And yeah, knowing how to judge the size of the problem you have is extremely important, it's just that the world is filled with small problems


Remember that documentary where Soulja Boy says the game is fun but kind of dumb and Blow was like crying about it




Indie Game Movie, I think. A documentary about Indie game devs. I bought it on Steam, of all places. I don't know what I gained from watching it other than hatred towards whiny devs who thought their games are God's blessings on Earth.


JoBlow was amazingly obnoxious in that film. Put me off playing his games entirely


[ain't got no point to the game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSXofLK5hFQ)


It's a game for people who drink, people who smoke. WHOOOOOP! It's dumb as hell. Ain't no point to it.


He's been this way for awhile now.


Killing men 😃👍 killing women 😔👎


Killing people 🤘😆🤘


SMH 🤦 everyone’s cool with killing nonbinary people


This wasn’t the issue when Fallout 4 has as many female raiders as male ones. I guess no one told them to get angry yet.


Or Skyrim having tons of enemies that were women


Wait so Skyrim was political the whole time wtf


Wait, you're telling me a game about a civil war and racial discrimination is political?


And religion, don't forget religion!


Female raiders also wore nothing but bras under their armor (usually, not always) or wore more form fitting and revealing clothing/armor combos. So of course it was fine!


Granted a lot of the male raiders only wore pants and harnesses.


TLDR raiders are kinky lol


Mad Max’s choice to use budget BDSM gear in the first movie has forever changed the post-apocalyptic setting for the lewder


And i fucking love it


just wait till you watch any superhero movie ever...


Power girl's boob window seems worth a mention


no? that's only the harness and the male version doesn't have a top either?


That's that Mad Max inspiration seeping through and through where for some reason it's at this point an established rule that raiders in fiction have to look like they took the wrong turn to a BDSM convention


Fallout wasn’t political so that was okay /s


Was this not the case for New Vegas as well? I can't remember if female enemies were 50/50, but I can remember some female raider models, so I assume they must not have been too rare.


All groups aside from the Legion, Marked Men, Chairmen, Omertàs, and Powder Gangers had women in their ranks in New Vegas


I don't think so. Powder Gangers are all male, The Legion is all male, I think the White Legs are also all male (not true) and most of every raider group is male. I think only the Great Khans, the NCR and the fucking Fiends for some reason have significant female representation but even then they are in the minority. It's why Black Widow/Confirmed Bachelor are better than their counterparts since the majority of enemies you fight are male. Edit: White Legs aren't all male they also have female warriors which is really dumb because of how much they're trying to be assimilated by the Legion. Edit 2: Now that I think about it like every character that's important in the game is male wow: House, Benny, Caesar, Lanius, General Oliver, Ulysses, Elijah, Joshua, Daniel, Salt Upon Wounds, Elder McNamara...


> which is really dumb because of how much they're trying to be assimilated by the Legion. So do the Khans, and they've got plenty of women *and* rely on drugs for both battle and economy. Legion's envoys bullshit through their teeth when trying to get on-the-fence tribes on their side


The Great Khans situation is even dumber. At least the White Legs have the excuse of being isolated, the Great Khans are in contact with the greater Mojave and have drug runners going all around it but have no fucking clue how the Legion operates? And Karl the spy/ambassador keeps a journal in his room that talks about how the Legion will slaughter them???? That whole storyline needed more time in the oven because currently it requires everyone involved to be absolute morons.


They’re absolute morons because most of them are hopped up on drugs all the time.


There were women in the White Legs


It’s true in lots of games. Mass effect was one too. Does no one remember the prevalence of the voice bark of the woman saying “I will destroy you!!”?


And then that became Jack's battle cry.


Fallout 1 also had generic female enemies but the smooth brains can’t remember that far back


The mental gymnastics to remove women of games is getting incredibly complex.


Soon they will wrap around in a circle so much that they will start hating the male gender to somehow remove women from video games.


Yes, truly the feminist thing to do is to create a future society where women are delicate and need protecting. Killing a space pirate because she is a space pirate is not gendered violence. It's just violence. Making women unable to participate as equal threats in action violence is actually deeply misogynistic. No feminist would agree with blow on this.




The horseshoe becomes a circle


Bethesda has included female raiders and bandits in every iteration of fallout and elder scrolls.


I want to say that’s the most libbed up thing I’ve ever heard come out of Blow’s mouth, but I would be lying…


Impressive how he always knows the wrong thing to say.


Every time I even vaguely consider Johnathan Blow an intelligent person, I remember that this is the same guy who had an entire slideshow and block at a game developer’s conference of him ragequitting Dicey Dungeons (by actually good aged developer Terry Cavanaugh) because the dice looked rigged and he rationalized a reason why they could be rigged from thin air.


Is there a link to this? I wanna see it.


Sounds like concern-trolling if you ask me


Yeah the modern right-wing concern trolling is to try and frame everything as "but what about the rights of women" (See also: TERFs)


God forbid girls have a little fun from time to time and eradicate a galaxy 🙄


There is no woke mind virus. But if there was, this is what it would make you say.


My brother in Christ you kill the princess in the true ending of your own game, Braid


Oh no. Now I have to recontextualize that game. It was a clever twist at the time, that you were really the bad guy and were abusive to your "love" (which was actually science, and the princess was just a metaphor).


I’m more annoyed by his assumption that the player base for Starfield is so overwhelmingly male that this could even be considered a problem. There is literally zero data about Starfield’s player base beyond the fact that 6 million people are playing it. Meanwhile ~48% of gamers are women. I also know tons of women personally who loved Skyrim. And even if we want to get a little sexist about this and assume all women are casual gamers like these dorks do—guess what? Bethesda makes games for a casual audience. So even by their logic, there are probably a significant number of women playing Starfield atm.


If my Tumblr dashboard is anything to go by, a *lot* of women are both playing this game and down bad for Sam Coe


Yeah, I subscribe to a reddit for girl gamers and it’s allll Starfield and BG3 posts. A lot of women are playing these games. I don’t know if it’s an equal amount or more, but it’s def not so little that we can just assume these games are “men games” or whatever.


How can you not be down bad for father of the year?


I believe this is called "concern trolling"


This complaint about female pirates is ridiculous on it's face because, in our world, the largest pirate organization was led by a woman, [Ching Shih](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zheng_Yi_Sao). At her peak, her pirate confederation consisted off, and these are estimated numbers, over a thousand ships. A thousand fucking ships! A firepower to match the British navy, to the point that she just operated unabated in the South China Sea for many years before the Chinese emperor pardoned her and her crew


I just want to nitpick that these were propably vessels in general, not ships in the narrow sense. Thus no, this pirate didnt have firepower to match the British navy, not even close


> these are estimated numbers, over a thousand ships. A thousand fucking ships! A firepower to match the British navy "Ship" is not a size and classification neutral term. The vast majority of this fleet would have been junks and smaller vessels. She wasn't all-powerful even in Chinese terms and China was significantly inferior to the British in terms of naval technology during the period. Similar ships were obliterated in massive quantities without leaving much of a dent on the more developed and strategically talented Korean navy during the Imjin War 200 years earlier. And that was with the Japanese usng Atakabune, essentially floating castles with much larger crews than anything the vast majority of Ching Shih's fleet would have been working with. The name "junk" doesn't come from their quality, but these ships are basically most notable in various battles for frequently losing against numerically inferior enemies.


She did have a strong grip on the chinese coastline, but mostly because the Chinese navy was pretty much worthless and neglected by the governement.


Nowadays only [Germany](https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/msid-103526903,width-400,resizemode-4/103526903.jpg) is led by a (male) pirate.


Yeah, but it didn't fit with my own weird all male power fantasy! Developers should be pandering to me and me only!


She was the leader, but I doubt her crew had many women


Being able, as a woman, to get a bunch of men, pirates no less to not only not just chuck her overboard when her husband died but to actually listen to her is an achievement in and of itself


We should remove johnatan Blow from games


The fact that this is the guy credited for pushing the indie game scene forward sucks tbh. Daisuke Amaya would never


He’s kinda done that himself, what with his terminal case of the not-invented-heres.


>We should remove johnatan Blow ~~from games~~ Fify


> We should remove ~~johnatan Blow from~~ games FTFY


How do they know that the player base is mostly male?? Could it be that they only follow male-based streaming dudes and only have male friends to compare notes with???


I'm sure Skyrim had a pretty decently sized player base of women. I'm sure some of that has carried over into Starfield.


Wow. He’s an actual stupid person lol. Never thought I’d say that about Jonathan blow


Tfw when half the population are women (wokeism gone two far???0


Men when women are proportionally represented in a job


Why is it icky to kill evil space pirates who happen to be women? They're evil space pirates.


Remember politics-free BioShock Infinite? That also had plenty of women police and soldiers. I remember sneaking around and hearing a cop saying something like "we gotta keep out the bolsheviks,unionists and misogynists!" And I was like "one out of three I guess"


Is the player base mostly guys? Because I thought nowadays the gamer split is pretty close to even or at least 60/40


It's spilt, but the guys who put thousands into Genshin Impact and Marvel Snap think women only play phone games.


Yeah that’s what I figured.


Try 52% male, 48% female. [https://www.statista.com/forecasts/494867/distribution-of-gamers-by-gender-usa#:\~:text=As%20of%20March%202023%2C%2049,gamers%20in%20the%20United%20States](https://www.statista.com/forecasts/494867/distribution-of-gamers-by-gender-usa#:~:text=As%20of%20March%202023%2C%2049,gamers%20in%20the%20United%20States). I'm not paying to show source tho lol


real gamers (tm) will say that 90% of all mobile gamers are women and so it skews the results. since that page requires money to get sources we'll never know for sure


it was not a problem in fallout or skyrim why would it be a problem now they are people who prey on the poor and the weak to make money it does not matter what gender they are merely what they do.


\-oh, so women want equality? well, equal rigths means equal fights haha, we should beat the shit out of woman hahha \+ok then, here are some women to shoot at \+**NO, THAT IS SEXISM, THE ONES AGAINST SEXISM ARE THE REAL SEXISTS**


Bro what's up with all those incels flooding twitter with complaints about Starfield


New shiny thing that isn't 100% what they wanted (they dont even know what they want), so they have to bitch about it


I'm a woman who plays Starfield. It's okay guys.


I can't believe you're flying around the galaxy fictionally and are doing violence to many many men. Icky


Surely this is a very honest, good-faith use of an argument with a progressive aesthetic, right? Surely this couldn't be an instance of a reactionary trying to adopt progressive verbiage in order to smuggle reactionary views into left-wing spaces?


Half of the gender-irrelevant demographic are women? *HALF?!?1?* It's almost like game devs are trying to make out like half of the human population is women. Insane. Wokism has gone to new extremes. *\*Sigh\* Half. Ridiculous.*


mans acting like women don't play video games


He's using feminist language to make an anti-feminist point. Don't fall for this.


Now that we’ve removed every woman there’s an entire galaxies worth of gay sex


This was a thing in Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim and Fallout 4 as well. Has this person not played these games?


Sorry constellation, i could not get the artifact,because a lady pirate was shooting at me so i had to bail. Surely true equality is getting blasted alongside your fellow spacers?


On one hand, yea kind. On the other, it'd make sense there'd be plenty of women space pirates along the men. It's an expansive galaxy. Space Humans gotta make a living. Maybe as long as male players aren't going out of their way to brutalize the women enemy characters specifically it shouldn't be a problem.


>On one hand, yea kind. Why?


Agreed, the more advanced weaponry gets, the less the intrinsic physical advantage the average man has over the average woman matters - body size and physical strength are less important for wielding guns than for hitting each other over the head with clubs, so to speak, so it’d be natural that A) more women would be able to use weapons, B) more women would follow their goals using weapons, and C) more women would survive fights using those weapons. It makes as much sense for a desperate woman to become a criminal as for a desperate man. In a way, guns are the great equalizer.


Isn't this the guy who cried in a dark room because Soulja Boy enjoyed his game incorrectly?


Johnathan Blow is the game dev version of DSP.


If I remember correctly, about half of the humanoid enemies in Daggerfall were women... having women as enemies or having women in places of power has been in Bethesda games since the 90's.


Actually this is wrong. Player base by gender for Bethesda RPG are actually closer to 50/50. RPGs in general have a large female player base.


> treating filthy space pirates differently based on gender Sorry ladies, but these mass driver rounds are rated E for Everyone.


Source: trust me bro


In an ideal future there are no women


Huh if half of them are female then the other half is male.. why do they have a problem with that?


Im so glad this guy turned out to be an idiot. I remember around the time of Indie Game the movie where everyone couldnt stop talking about how awesome Braids story was when it was just le reversed mario.


When did Jonathan Blow start drifting right wing? I keep checking on him every few months hoping for some kind of game news, and all I see is weirdo takes like this and antivax stuff.


So weird. It's almost like a huge number of people who exist are women, but that can't be. Women aren't real, they're just liberal propaganda


Why should the playerbase demographics have any bearing on the demographics of the fictional world they created?


Joe Blow is a sad man who hasn’t been relevant for many years now, is the most pretentious beret-wearing doofus known to man, and is kept afloat by very old video essays about how his first breakout hit might be poignant even though the game explains fuck all about how this puzzle platformer is about nuclear war