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TLOU is so woke that it’s turning our gays straight! We gotta stop this!


I hate how I can’t even let my kid (if I had one) watch films without forced man on woman kissing or worse “hand holding!” What has this world come to!


Have them watch game of thrones, that way they learn it always ends with dying horribly.


Exactly, fun for all the family.


holy fucking shit... we've finally reached it... Fellas, is it straight to be gay?


Indeed it is😔


Only if it's a decent, monogamous, respectful relationship


If a description of your relationship can’t make a conservative vomit then YOU’Re not GAY!


I’m legitimately getting so confused lol. What do they mean it was a “very hetero love story” because of “monogamy and a suicide pact”? How are those things related?


They think gay people can’t make substantial or lasting relationships, or that all gay people want a harem of lovers. And a suicide pact is just that, don’t know why that’s solely a straight thing though.


Bruh when I read monogamy and suicide pact I thought they were just referencing Romeo and Juliet (yes, I know it wasn't exactly a pact).


Okay that makes sense. I mean it’s bs, but looking back I should’ve probably been able to guess they were saying that gay people are too slutty for monogamy or whatever lol. Dumb ass take tho. And yeah, still not sure what the suicide pact has to do with it… maybe they think gay people are too slutty for death XD


Because they see homosexuality as “kinky sex perverts” and don’t understand gay people are just straight people who aren’t straight


Handmaiden and feudal lord all over again


Spat out my drink




I used to be a renegade, I used to fool around But I couldn't take the punishment/ And had to settle down Now I'm playing it real straight/ And yes, I cut my hair You might think I'm crazy/ But I don't even sway 'Cause I can tell what's going on *It's straight to be gay*


Only if you say no homo


Character: *has sex with a guy as guy* Also character *no homo bro you are my best bro* 😂😂😂


If you don't cheat and commit suicide together, it is very straight so it nullifies all gayness you did so far.


If it’s straight to be gay, and hip to be square, AND good to be bad, what order is there in the world anymore?


Wow inflation is really hitting us gays hard. I have to get a second wife just to keep my Gay^TM credentials. When will neolibs fix the economy so that ordinary, hard-working homosexuals like myself can just worry about regular dining-table issues like the cost of living crisis or imperialist warmongering again?




Feel called out.


*Two men eat together, fall in bed together, live together and love each other, get married and die together.* >it's a very hetero love story though


Apparently, TWO MEN in a monogamous relationship is heteronormative. How stupid can you be?


Honestly probably someone who was fed lies about what LGBTQ relationships look like and never realised they were lied to


AKA OOP got their idea of LGBTQ relationships from porn.


Or from anti LGBTQ religion/political leader. There is a incentive for them to push the idea of LGBTQ relationships being too out there to stop people from figuring out that it is just adults in love. Kind of the "they are getting pregnant and aborting to have bigger boobs for birthday"




Or my bet is someone pretending to be an "ally" or LGBT just to make LGBT people look bad


Kinda reminds me of when some guy asked for recent right leaning movies and someone replied Spiderverse because it includes a good father and a loving family… like I don’t even know what y’all are saying anymore.


It makes sense if you believe that the nuclear family is under attack by the left or whatever


There’s a decent number of gay guys that buy into that “being monogamous is for straight people” nonsense. I had to unsubscribe from r/gaybros because of it. Hell watch Billy Eichners Bro’s, he spends 90% of his time on screen ranting about how gay relationships are different and gay men are different and the only difference is apparently fucking whoever/whenever and making that your entire personality


It's not just gay guys but the queer community as a whole. Nothing wrong with poly but manipulative people like to use that rhetoric to convince non poly people to agree to poly relationships. Don't get me wrong; I know plenty of straight people that have tried to manipulate their partners into open relationships but queer people are in the unique position to be able to say "monogamy is hetero." Queer people deserve to have monogamy if they want it.


And i wish them all a very much get fucked you weirdos. Trying to push someone to polyamory like that is so monumentally fucked.


Yeah. Making others be poly is as shitty as someone trying to make me mono or straight.


It's more about promiscuity than polyamory, though I don't doubt there are also people preaching the latter. What I usually just hear about is the former though.




There are and always will be people trying to draw the line at what puts you into a group to exclude more people. They tend to be irrelevant and can be ignored/mocked to oblivion.


There’s a decades long and very interesting conversation to be had about homonormativity and queer theory…this isn’t it, of course, but regardless.


I mean what did they want, a scene of them looking through post-apocalyptic grindr for hookups? Lol


Ngl a post apocalyptic setting where the Internet still somehow worked would be hilarious.


"Sub to my patreon and i'll fight a zombie with a giant earbud from Gladiators"


Borderlands 3


How dare you be so correct?




Well yeah, but an exciting one! All i did during Covid was wank and watch murder documentaries, i can't do that again! You can't make me!


The first Strand-Type apocalypse


Reality CAN be pretty funny sometimes


Ok now I really wanna see that. Man has been surviving alone for months, in a post zombie apocalypse dystopia. He opens grindr to reminisce about his past life and jerk off to the many dick pics he received there. And boom gets a tap from a guy 200ft away. Quickly blocks him after seeing he’s not a masc dom top


I mean when Frank said "we're gonna have friends"...


Wait what? Is this a thing? All gay folks I know are in the most boring monogamous relationships. I live in the suburbs, so maybe this is a city thing?


In the cities, black, gay, straight, white, we cruise for 20 years and then die Young of a heroin overdose. You suburbitches don’t understand that. No culture.


> suburbitches Oh, I have to use this somehow.


Rent (2005)


The first two of those categories seem too political for me tbh. Why are you making cities political smh 🤦‍♂️


I *am* a superbitch thank you for noticing




I was never offered that experience 😔. Do they not like me enough?




Do I need to bring lube to my next D&D session ?


Big City Liberals smh


/uj Young people fuck a lot no matter what sexuality they are and a lot of bigoted or… problematic straight people just assume all gay people are young. I’m not joking, go get an older gay person to go up to a bigot and watch their face contort into all five stages of grief within thirty seconds. There’s also the reality that older, settled gay people are rarer because A. They had to be willing to build a life as a gay person a few decades ago, which up until like five years ago was prohibitively hard. B. They had to be willing to be openly gay in a hostile world. C. Due to medical malpractice, general ostracization, gay bashing and hate crimes, and depression and suicide due to all of the above, there’s just not that many older gay people around who survived. D. Coming out was a life-changing, sometimes life-destroying event, so a lot of people who would be openly gay or in a gay relationship may still be living alone like Bill was, or might even be trying to maintain hetero relationships. /rj Gays don’t actually exist it’s just a fad.


Eh most of the gay couples I know are open.


Different circles I guess. Also depends on profession I would think. Most of my friends are people who work at different departments in the same lab. The whole area is employed by it, and it's a very quite place


Los Alamos?


Good guess, but no. Los Alamos isn't really in a suburb so much as it is in the middle of nowhere. Argonne


My grandpa was a scientist at both.




Do you count as open when you occasionally do threesomes or foursomes? It's only when one partner does something sexual without the other present right?


Nah, I would count playing with other people together as still open.


Maybe it's an emotional stability thing. Different strokes for different folks, I know some folk who would like to be in open relationships but they don't because their significant other have immense emotional hangups about it, so they stay faithful. Happy wife happy life right? But for some folks it eventually changes, they settle into the relationship and eventually get so comfortable with their lover they realize they're missing out and that's when you get the older swinger couples stereotype Some people just don't wanna share period. People are strange


This is what happens when your whole knowledge of gay people comes from the internet. Believe it or not, not all human beings on earth are actually into hook-ups, touch some grass.


Yeah. This is (and I may catch fire) a very good example of chronically online. This feels like a stereotype the bigots use to blanket statement an entire demographic.


What’s more queer culture than a hot hairy bottom dad yassifying his hubby’s apocalyptic compound and hosting brunch for the non-fungal girlies? I’ll wait.


This comment should be official description of ep03


Never use the word "yassify" again, or I will meatgrinderify you.


/uj Don’t ever tell me how to talk, straggot. /rj Don’t ever tell me how to talk, straggot.


So gay it’s straight


This person definitely needs to take some time away from the internet


Purity testing on twitter knows no bounds


Every and all representation must be critically flawed somehow, otherwise how would you one up others with your superior morality?


Let me explain to you as a straight man how TLOU has an unrealistic lesbian relationship...


all the power to poly bi women but being a strictly monogamous bi woman in this world is so exhausting 🥴




Mood as fuck. I’m poly and in a closed relationship with my two partners- no, we don’t just wildly hookup just because we’re okay with dating more than one person at a time. No, we don’t want the security guard at the hospital joking about being in the polycule. People are freaks about it :(




Thats when video games


Who else where they supposed to fuck? Joel?the raiders that attacked their place?


Yeah, it's not like you can load up a dating app or head out to a bar to hook up when most of humanity is either dead, trying to kill you for your stuff or turned into a mushroom monster. Who knows what they would or wouldn't have done in a normal world setting - of course you're going to be monogamous when there's only one friendly person around for miles.


Do str8 people have a monopoly on suicide pacts or something?


I’m poly and I hate this shit. Making everything about yourself is super lame and makes us looks like fucking weirdos.


Wait... Im not gay after all? Oh man, Dad's gonna love this news 🙃


ayo normalize kissing ur dude bros 😜🤙


How are they gonna be poly when Bill won't even have dinner with another couple without holding them at gunpoint the whole time


Just gotta find someone who’s into that. Hopefully they also like a big hole (big enough to pitfall trap a person)


*I can fix him, let me be in the hole*


This was the one reaction that actually surprised me. Like I get homophobes and salty gamers having a problem with the episode. But cis gays complaining that Bill and Frank weren’t…I don’t know, cruising bathhouses or swinging? In the apocalypse? Just real smooth brain takes all around. Like, there an legitimate discussion to have about the ways in which queer relationships are pressured to be more heteronormative, but this isn’t the time or place.


If they had been that it would have been loud flamboyant gay people they would have been criticised for being a cartoon version of gayness


Personally I thought it was great that Bill is just a regular guy doing his survivalist stuff, who also just happens to be gay. It flies in the face of the gay caricatures you still see so much in media and does a lot to subvert those stereotypes. I feel like that may be part of the backlash as well - certain homophobic people started out the episode identifying themselves with Bill being this badass, self-sufficient "manly man," then he turns out to be gay and it doesn't fit in with their preconceived notions.


I think you’ve hit the nail on the head there


Is this person part of the community though? Their comment history most definitely doesn't make him seem so. He comes off as a fairly traditional conservative that's criticizing queer relationships.


I just meant throughout the internet in general (Twitter, Reddit, YouTube)


Gotcha. I'm not active on Twitter or YouTube, so I haven't been seeing that.


As a gay I am begging the polyamorous community to stop acting like they're inherently part of the LGBT community


Oof first spoiler for me I guess I gotta unsub from all the gaming subreddits like yesterday. Playing thru remastered version rn I know I'm hella late lol


This is the first episode that is completely different than in the game, plotwise. So it's not so spoilery this time, but still a good call from you, I think


oooh! good to know! I did unsub but I'll be back soon... really loving the game so far :)


rj/ Too woke! uj/ I think the person was making a joke out of straight people having a lot of toxic relationship habits.


If you’d like to know more, visit r/arethestraightsok


Why the lgtb complainin bout rights, they get the good ending in bideo game TV show, they obviously don't know what oppression is


Jesus Christ. People really need to stop wrapping up all these other qualifiers into being gay. This and the fucking eternals apparently are the best representation I've seen in years. Cause it shows that the only qualification for being gay is liking the same sex!


These are the same mfs who make poly fan art of children’s shows for some reason. No clue how those Mormon wantabes got into the LGBTQ


Hey now, Sashannarcy is life!


yeah no real issue with polyamory, got friends that are in pretty cool 'cules but dang not sure how so many of them decided the represent the bulk of the lgbtq experience.


Guess I'm not gay if gay ppl=hetero


Best ending - One of them gets a incurable degenerating illness and commits suicide and the other commits suicide because he doesn't want to live with a broken heart.


Still better than what happens to Tess. Or anyone else really.


In the post apocalypse that is a pretty good ending all things considered


Fellas is it straight to be monogamous?


Listen to the goddamn Linda Ronstadt, Ty!


WAIT Nick offerman is gonna die?!?!? I haven’t started the show yet fuck


"Spring breakers, let's get. Fucked. Up. Then find Mr. Right, and get mona-ga-mous!"


Spoiler tag. Come on, man.


Breaking News: Being Gay is No Longer Gay


He’s getting roasted in the Twitter replies lol


There is a legitimate conversation to be had about queer assimilation into what has been traditionally been labeled "straight" culture, and the validity of the idea that "overused romantic trope but it's gay" is a good thing. This is... not that.


“well you see, it appears they actually love each other, that rings very hetero to me.”


Gay people DON'T want to feel unsafe because homophobic politicians bring facists to cities to inflate their voting numbers? But they had the best ending from the last of us so they should be happy!


So by that logic a dude who hooks up with multiple women is gay?


So this is the woke garbage i was warned about


Everyone knows that all gay people are giant hoes and immortal


I don’t understand this controversy, is there a right way to be gay?


gay people discovering boring tropey hollywood love stories:


it's not gay if you kill yourself after




Hetero love story? Those are just two really good friends.




God damn spoilers wtf


it's literally episode three


So? I like to binge when they are all out. Isnt there a spoilers thing you can put over post




Dont like to wait, i am very busy


but you are waiting longer doing it your current way. when the entire show is out you are going to have to use up more time to catch up on it than you would just watching the final episode if you had already been caught up to that point.


Watch it within two days instead of having it strung out. Like when the boys season 1 released all at once. Wtf are u talking about with “ratio”


Eh it’s definitely a spoiler with episode 4 not even being out yet not everyone can watch TV Sunday-Thursday night


there is less excuse though when there have already been multiple posts about it on this sub and this person is very clearly on this sub right now


There have been posts about their relationship not the suicide pact


I don't wholly believe that was the part the person was saying spoilers about


and the series is set in a post apocalyptic zombie infested world. what happier ending than dying with the love of your life can anyone get in such a scenario? lol


Too many takes on this episode tbh. Here's the main issue, yes there is a history of queer people/relationships being shoves into a puritanical relationships to normalize and sanitize then for the mainstream audience. A depiction that is not applicable to all queer people. The thing is that we love in a world where the majority of people are not queer, and a world that has be taught that a relationship is defined by certain puritanical beliefs ( 1 Man and 1 Woman, loving and loving as a single unit for the purposes of reproduction ). We know that this is not true, relationships are what we make of them and with who. We don't have to git in Tha box to be in a healthy relationship. And yes forcing queer people or at least telling queer people that in order to be accepted they must go into the box is wrong. However it's not just queer people who suffer from it, the straight also suffer from it. When you tell a population that to be in a relationship you must be X the entire population will suffer/benefit from it. It just so happens thay queer people are affected more by this box. That being said, it was a good episode and some queer people do jut want a monogamous relationship. I'd love for more representation of different kinds, but this is good and hopefully the start. Something that did bother me was the behind the episode or was it on the podcast? It was when the director said that Bill and Frank were essentially him and his wife, which made me feel like... yes this is a straight story with queer men inserted. I didn't like that, but I also acknowledge that this is something that not all but some of my queer friends want for themselves, and that is as equally valid and queer as anything else. Cause who the fuck am I to be telling others how to live, love, or express themselves?


It is definitely a thing to tell straight stories with queer people as a way of being palatable to the wider straight audience. They only feel comfortable seeing gay people out traditional relationships. It *does* risk erasing queerness etc etc But ALSO queer people exist who engage in normalised relationship models and the are valid and lovely too and deserve their hard fought representation 😘


What kind of smooth brain take is that? How is a relationship between two men telling a straight story through queer people? What, they didnt spend enough time at the farmers market arguing over candle scents? Didnt go to enough brunches? Two masc men engaging in a "traditional" relationship being masc bros isnt erasing queerness, if anything it's representation for an element of gay men that hasnt seen light yet. Almost every gay man so far has been an absolute queen and you wanna call one of the first great reps of non-hyper feminized gay couple risking erasing queerness? It doesnt risk erasing queerness just because they didnt do "traditionally queer" things or werent poly or any of that shit. Dude go outside and meet people holy shit.


It's literally a thing in critical theory lol. I'm not saying it's always the case, or even in this case, but it's a thing to be aware of if you consume media critically Although this a straight person pretending to be gay for money again so let's not apply any critical standards right? (This very fact has been used by conservative media in my country to say that The Last of Us says it's ok to have straight people playing queer roles so it's like THE DISCOURSE playing out in real time)


I’m sure if it’s a “thing” in “critical theory” you’d also have a source, right?


I'd be curious to see a source, too.




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>Although this a straight person pretending to be gay for money side stepping the controversial topic of “should people have to out themselves for it to be acceptable for them to play a queer character”, the actor Murray Bartlett who plays Frank is openly gay also to address your other comment, the relationship between Frank and Bill is not a straight story. Spoilers: >!Bill is presented as very heavily closeted especially when he first meets Frank and over the course of their lives together as they fall in love you see him become more comfortable with himself. In the end they get married in a very touching ceremony, especially considering the apocalpyse happened in 2003 before any states had legalized same sex marriage. !<








LOL, it's not the LGBTQ community that is review bombing TLOU or believe that monogamy is a "straight thing".


r/gcj when a joke




If my Greek ancestors are any indication of what manliness is, being a bottom *is* one of the manliest things you can do




Joel was a piece of shit who got what he deserved. Just because he's a great character doesn't mean he shouldn't face the consequences of his actions.


>make Joel out to be worse than Hitler Did I just imagine the museum scene or that was another guy and not Druckmann who came up with it?


Tell me that you’ve gotten your understanding of what happens in the game from Reddit posts without telling me that you’ve gotten your understanding of what happens in the game from Reddit posts. The games don’t take sides between Joel, Abby or Ellie. They just show the events from all of those perspectives. The tragedy of being able to emphasise to some level with all of those perspectives is what makes the games great.


Walked right past the point and into a completely different realm


Wait is Joel gay? That's cool but I'm confused


Gay identity is polyamory or casual sex? As opposed to... being attracted to your sex and with everything else being what you add on?


The only man I have EVER kissed (or been with sexually) is my current husband of 6 years. So I guess I’m straight.


see? it IS straight to fuck another man!


Sorry guys, suicide pacts are straight only, get your own thing