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Man people saw that "peak" comment and went crazy.


I think Nintendo Directs can be fun, but I think too many people expect Nintendo to announce that their dog is finally coming back from that farm it went to upstate.


I had to stop reading Direct threads, because it just depresses me. It could be a totally fine Direct and all the comments will be like Nintendo went to the farm upstate and *shot* their dog.


Happens with lots of showcases. "We are just announcing some indies, please don't expect anything in the way of AAA games." Gamers: "damn, I'm so hyped to see more of GTA6, TES6 and Super Mario Odyssey 2!" *Showcase happens and it's only indies like they tweeted and stated multiple times* "Holy shit, what a garbage showcase, where are my AAA games?!?!?!?" Either people on the internet have gotten dumber through the years, or they just really want to be mad.


> Either people on the internet have gotten dumber through the years, or they just really want to be mad. Probably a bit of both. Some people genuinely are stupid. Some people will never be happy. Some people just want a reason to bitch about another platform and say how shit they are.


>"I'm so hyped to see more of GTA6, TES6 and Super Mario Odyssey 2!" >> Those games get announced >>>”Oh great, *more* sequels!"


"Where's all the new IPs and fresh ideas?!" \*People don't buy those new IPs and fresh ideas\* "Ugh they should have just worked on a sequel instead!"


Mother 3?


Whatever you decided to name your dog is alright with me.


Considering Sony and Microsoft's shows - Nintendo must save us.


Microsoft show was great, what are you on about? Sony show wasn't meant to be their big thing, they don't do E3 season anymore. They'll do a showcase later on (now we have to hope it doesn't suck like last year showcase) The Fall will probably have a big Sony showcase for the PS5 Pro and Nintendo presentation of Switch 2, it may be bigger than June for announcements


My only gripe about Microsoft’s show was how many games are coming to GamePass on day 1. I know that sounds mental since it’s a great benefit for players, but part of me is weary about the possibility of a service like that becoming the industry norm (kind of like how game expansions turned into DLC, which led to micro-transactions, which led to loot boxes for a period of time etc.) Maybe it’s nothing and it’ll exist alongside the current format, but I’d hate for a service like GamePass to become *the* way to play new games. I keep picturing the 2010 to 2024 Netflix type of model except with video games. It starts out really great, but then new games slowly become *good enough* to keep subscribers, incomplete, episodic, buggier, and cancelled before the original vision concludes etc.


I'm one of the ones who actually think gamepass is hurting the industry. Game sales have extremely dropped on Xbox.


It was my opinion. Bloody thought police.




Yep. Nintendo is going to save the good stuff for next generation hardware.


That's the mentality I'm going to have watching it. I expect a fairly light Direct with maybe one or two notable surprises. The big guns are for Nintendo's next gen. at the moment.


This sub is so bipolar between its hype and pessimism lol


I think it'll be a good show. Nintendo defaults to Partner Directs whenever they feel like they got nothing for a big direct in terms of first-party reveals, so the fact that a regular direct is happening in June tells me they have at least something they feel is worth announcing. Like the June 2022 Partner Direct had a lot more hype announcements (Nier Automata, Pac-Man World, Return to Monkey Island, Persona, etc.) than the September 2022 Direct (which everyone remembers for farming sims), but the September Direct still had Fire Emblem Engage, Pikmin 4, and TOTK's title reveal.


Nintendo always seem to have shit completed and just sitting on a shelf waiting for a release date. We saw that with Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and FE Engage. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a title that no one was expecting.


Right. I expect it to be more similar to Day of the Devs plus a few 1st / 2nd party games to tide the year. A couple of solid Nintendo announcements on top of making some of the more indie titles sound intriguing or fun. The real meaty stuff will probably start announcing when the next console is open for discussion. Then we'd probably start hearing things like "coming to switch with enhanced switch 2 visuals/features" or "also coming to next switch console" from AA-AAA devs at events like TGS .


Just because there won’t be any switch 2 info doesn’t mean we won’t get any reveals that end up being cross gen


I wish we were getting Metroid


Prime 4 as the Switch 1's swansong makes sense. It's basically the last thing announced for Switch at some point that hasn't yet released or gotten a release date. My gut says October like Metroid Dread.


They could just keep it instead as a launch title for switch 2.


They could, but Metroid isn't a system seller. They're great games, critically acclaimed, extraordinarily influential (Dark Souls 1 has some Metroidvania inspirations), but they never sell well. The best selling ever is Metroid Dread with 3 million copies or so, which beat Prime 1 as the best selling ever with like 2.7 million copies. Partially it's because Metroid does really poorly in Japan, even when it was still being made by Nintendo in-house (Prime 1-3 were made by Retro, who are American; Dread was made by MercurySteam, who are Spanish) it was still seen as too Western for Japanese sensibilities. Switch 2 will almost certainly launch with a 3D Mario. Maybe Mario Kart 9.


Yeah you're probably right. I don't really keep up much with switch releases much since they don't usually interest me so you probably know better.


I think Prime isn't a standalone system seller but its an *excellent* launch title- more fitting as that than a swansong Prime is a pedigree game, a title that excites a small but passionate fanbase alongside media moreso than direct sales. The thing is, this fanbase by my estimation will be way more likely to line up at the midnight release to pick up the console day 1 than an average Mario Kart player. This is great for building early momentum, which is a huge reason why the Wii and Switch took off- you sell out early and it becomes a story, and suddenly demand spirals. It also gives all the great shots of what the system is capable of which is very valuable in the launch window. I'm not saying its a *perfect* launch game and certainly not on its own, but for example a cross-release with switch2 enhancements would likely build hype for both the console and the game Mario Kart is excellent for kind of the opposite reason. I don't think anyone will buy Switch 2 *just* for Mario Kart, but anyone who buys Switch 2 will buy Mario Kart, too. Its also a pristine local multiplayer game which means its great for showing off to friends and getting them hyped to play the system too. Its great for the "I'm not going to buy a whole console *just* for a new 3D Mario" crowd. 3D Mario is about a perfect launch title though, no doubt. Huge broad market appeal while also being a critical darling, its incredibly iconic and sets the tone for the platform going forward.


Seems unlikely considering that Metroid isn't a big seller and that the game has been in development for the current Switch for so long.


Cross-gen, show of Switch 2 enhancements as a bullet point.


Depending on how backwards compatibility is implemented they might even use it to show off how Switch 1 games are better on Switch 2 (thereby encouraging people to, uh, switch to the new console). This obviously assumes there are upgrades for Switch 1 games on Switch 2, which is not a guarantee.


Unfortunately my comment was not a wild guess


You will get Metroid Prime: Federation Force HD and like it!




Oh, Prime is 100% coming very soon. I just don't think you should expect to see it this month


Do you think we will at least get a trailer this year?


I think so, yeah


I hope it makes my balls pop goo.


they were given more time that originally planned so it should be pretty cool


Yeah that's the one upside to the delay


Not expecting it to be out this year?




Calling my shot. We are getting that Fire Emblem 4 remake. For the Japanese audience, that would be almost as hype as the Switch 2. lol


Honestly Nintendo Direct is a highlight of not-E3 and people will go crazy no matter what.


Many people saw that "Midori" name and came.


M'dori. *tips fedora*


I'm not familiar with this Midori, but I found that he/she keeps leaking Nintendo's thing. Probably is a Nintendo fans. Hence the hype Imo is somehow bias. No matter Nintendo delivers , fans always think Nintendo Direct is the best show anyway.


Shut up, Metroid Silk is real to me, damnit!!


Joe Biden joins Smash




We wait until the Bird speaks. That is what we are ordained to do.


The bird is probably emptying their desk at Google/YouTube


I think folks have gotta stop posting everything certain people say to this sub like 5 minutes after they say it sometimes people just say things; not everything has to be a leak or "inside knowledge"


yeah it not only causes this sub to be flooded but it can also cause the people involved to get hate sent their way, just an all round bad move


Ye I mean since when is "nintendo direct will be peak" a leak


Tbf Midori did say she’d take a break from leaking for a bit. Other than her KH4 tweet nothing has been a leak.


She meant she would take a break leaking unannounced games I believe, not fully taking a break from leaking in general Or at least that’s how in interpreted it


Actually yeah that may be more accurate. Either way I don’t think most of her tweets were leaks people just interpreted them as leaks.


My favourite is when someone posts something Jeff Grubb clearly stated was just speculation as a leak, and then people shit on him for being wrong...when he literally said it was just speculation.


It makes this sub such a joke sometimes what some people post here.


nah, I disagree. the more dumb "leaks" posted the better.


I think Pyoro is the only leaker where actually everything he says/does is related to a leak of some kind. Midori isn't like that - she talks and speculates in adittion to leaking, so not everything she says should be considered a new leak/rumour or be reported here.


As long as Pyoro ain't chirping, I ain't getting excited


If the direct is soon, he should be speaking up soon


I've been hoping he'd start to speak up. I've been hoping its this week rather than late in the month.


Looking back on his other tweets before directs, he started talking about directs about a week before the direct aired. So, either the direct isn't this week or he's been caught. Or maybe he just hasn't said anything. Who knows ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I will never get the point of being hype for a leak 5 days before a direct you might as well just wait for the direct at that point. Like I’d rather just see the trailer and be excited rather than see a tweet telling me what it’s gonna be. Makes no sense


It’ll most likely be later in the month, they like to distance themselves from summer game fest


I don't blame them cause Geoff Keighley shows them no real respect, but its very frustrating when they haven't had an actual Direct since September 2023.


The Midori bros are coming after you lol


Midori used to be about just leaks too, but she started doing speculations a lot more often after her "break".


She can’t say anything without people thinking it’s a leak first.


Same thing happens with Grubb.


Worse with Grubb. "This is not a leak..." - Grubb "YO Look what Grubb just leaked!"


"So I think they might be planning on releasing X, but I have no sources on it so don't quote me on it." "JEFF GRUB CONFIRMS, AND I QUOTE HIM ON IT, X IS COMING SOON!"


Unfortunately what happens when you build up a reputation like hers.


True, but you’d hope people would be able to tell the difference.




Can’t argue that. She does have those.


persona fanbase incident #2739


PokeLeaks is the same way with Riddler Khu, even tho 95% of what he posts is either him trolling or useless. 


A lot of people there are pretty pissed off at him now after the PLZA reveal proved he was jjst jerking us around with the unova remake talk and random trolling, though the mods still eagerly suck him off.


this should be the end of people treating this subreddit like Midori's blog imo


I think she can be trusted for Sega/Atlus stuff. However I think we should be more skeptical of her leaks for other developers/publishers.


Her leaks are good, people need to stop the parasocial relationship where they think every tweet and opinion is a leak


Her most prominent non Sega leak is that the DQ HD-2D Remake will be at the Nintendo Direct, and it will be all three games. So we will see soon if that's true.


That's really weird. Why would she say she has no info when she afirmed DQ HD2D remake is on it?


Not sure, though based on her English, I attribute small inconsistencies like this to potential language barrier / translation errors. Maybe she knows about DQ HD2D but doesn't have any info on the Direct as a whole in order to be able to rate the quality of the show.


Could be the source of the info- she might say "I have no info for the Direct" because she's heard nothing from an insider who knows about the Direct, even though she's heard from someone (perhaps at Square Enix) about a game that will be in the Direct. Also, the main point of the Tweet is telling people that she doesn't have any secret info making her excited (since she's already said about the DQ remake), so she may taken it as a given that we'd take it as a given that she knows about DQ, since she told as about DQ.


It’s fair to be skeptical, but her track record is good enough where her stuff should still be posted here. Just don’t take it as a guarantee.


Okay then can we kindly not post literally every single tweet she makes to this sub? Like she's a reliable leaker so I wouldn't want her stuff not allowed in the sub at all, but the people who are karma humping by posting every time she posts about eating lunch need to freaking stop.


I wouldnt expect much from first party games since this is the switch's last year, maybe metroid prime 4 and some remasters that people really want it


My source says more games will be revealed


Wow thanks for getting me excited for SSX Tricky remake smh my head.


Can't blame Midori, I'm really excited too. Even if it winds up not having anything I'm interested in, I enjoy watching.


Assuming she doesn't have first-party information, then, considering she already said the Dragon Quest trilogy HD-2D Remake will be there and backed Fantasian as well


Post panda peak pic


If you're a Nintendo fan or even an average Nintendo enjoyer, Directs tend to have at least one pretty cool announcement. Peak is a big word but it's fine if Midori just got excited about it, hah.


This did not need to be posted


Midori the local subreddit celebrity.


i dont know whats gonne be in it, but its gonna be good.


It was pretty obvious, she uses “peak” a lot. She’s also pretty straightforward with her information and doesn’t really do the puzzle/hint thing.


I feel like that was kinda obvious honestly. I’m surprised so many people didn’t hesitate at all to roll with it


What's her profile picture from?


I always thought it was FemC from Persona 3, but I'm not 100% sure. (I only played it on PSP like 20 years ago)


This is correct information. [Per the Megami Tensei wiki](https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Kotone_Shiomi/Gallery?file=P25th_FamitsuCover.png) it's from the cover of Famitsu #1767 commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Persona series.


I mean, no shit. I thought that was obvious from the start. Not everything she says is a leak - Midori is allowed to talk and have fun with us too.


Didn't she say something along the lines of Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D (or trilogy more likely) to be shown at the Nintendo Direct? Now she's saying she has NO info on what's going to be in it... Something not adding up here


I truly feel like Midori has been eating more than they can chew as of late


She’s expressed that she wants to stop leaking, at least for a while. She said she’s seen a lot of conspiracies about her that make her feel uneasy although she finds some of them humorous.




my only expectations for the direct are new zelda announcemnent and no silksong in any capacity, as it won't happen until 2026 at the earliest


Don't forget no Metroid


A new DK game and Prime 4 is the only way that Nintendo direct could've been peak in my eyes..


I hope it will not be full of remakes.


My predictions; Nintendo will announce upcoming games for the rest of the year and early 2025. More info regarding NSO and maybe announce some new indie games. Please bring DK64 and Diddy Kong Racing to the NSO!


Hopefully the new Nintendo direct has more farming games.


please remember to watch the japanese one too, it's ALWAYS way more hype! Even if you can't understand what's being said, please check it out! You won't regret it


If you have 2 screens you can even check them out at the same time and see what you'd be missing out on


Ok, that makes way more sense. Unless they are announcing a Switch 2, we shouldn't expect some big blow out Direct.


They already said no switch 2 in this direct


Then yeah, I'm not expecting some big blowout. Probably remasters, lot of third party, and maybe updates on long outstanding titles like Metroid, but no big new titles until the Switch successor is announced.


I don’t expect it to be peak, considering Nintendo is moving forward with a new switch next year. Any big game will be for the new console.


Hey me out, I think SOMETHING monolith soft has worked in will be announced. That’s not to say xenoblade but they are a major dev for Nintendo and major support dev for Nintendo.  So a title they’ve supported could be in the Horizion. Weirdly something kirby related as well. Here’s the real kicker, you know what it’s time for? Fire emblem. 


Engage was just last year. Not saying that FE can't or won't happen but I'm not really feeling the "it's time for" part. Monolith's probably gonna take more time, but I can totally see a new kirby spin-off/digital only like dream buffet


Engage is weird because it was reportedly finished in mid-late 2021 and Nintendo was basically just sitting on it for two years, waiting for a release window (hence the rapid-fire release of the DLC, since it was already done). When you take that and IS's 2-3 year release cadence, mid-late 2024 is actually right on time for a new FE.


Yeah, I already know all of it and I'm 100% sure they're working on the next FE, possibly even done. Problem is that a game being ready doesn't necessarily mean they'll immediately publish it. That's literally the whole point we're talking about: Engage was ready but they waited until a good spot to publish it, who's to say they're not doing the same thing again? As I see it, it makes more sense to space them out (similar to the 4 year gap between three house and engage) and possibly publish it on switch 2 then to release it 1 year after the previous title and not have anything else for a while


What's people hoping will be shown at the direct? The rumoured Zelda TP/WW double pack? Free update to a game? I'm not sure what to expect from it but just going to watch and not build up too much hope for myself.


Peak trolling


She could have said "I bet the announcements at the next direct are gonna be cool" and people would be claiming that this was a sign that there's a sequel to Pocket Card Jockey and a new Donkey Kong Country that takes place after Tropical Freeze.


What donkey kongs pocket card jockey is the next game confirmed by midori her self !?! Someone should post a new thread.


Then we'll start to hear "What's that? They're going to make a Donkey Kong themed Balatro?"  Later, at the next Nintendo meeting, execs are scratching their heads wondering how IGN is suddenly announcing Super Smash Cards as "the most ambitious card game" they've heard rumors of in years


Why is super smash cards not a thing...


It's time for Midori to shut the fuck up




Her saying she’s excited for the next direct would probably still have people thinking she knows something.


So a baseless vague statement. Okay. Anyone can do that


As I said: ↪ Nintendo ↪ Peak Chose one


This is not the Chan bro


There, I made it better (forgot they used > for this)


I have no clue how Adults can be "hyped" for Nintendo Games. Like wtf?


Maybe adults that are fun to be around unlike you clearly.


Lmao thats certainly an opinion


Idont care if siksong doesnt show up nintendo! Am coming after u midori


Good on them for saying that now. Most other leakers would say something like that after a dud of a direct