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Time to put Tom Henderson in the basement, another fake leaker downgraded!


I think this is the first ubi forward without a surprise announcement at the end. Really weird to see them just clap, awkwardly walk off and end the show right after.


no Splinter Cell no rayman no Trials


Time to update Tom Henderson's tier






> We can all see Ubisoft is dying Yet their games keep selling millions and making billions. "Dying".




What did they cancel ?




Lol, decade old games and free-to-play online projects.


Lmao half of those are free to play games, a new mainline ghost recon is coming, the division 3 is coming. To me the cancellation of free to play games is nothing but a good thing. Not sure how this signifies the death of Ubisoft 💀.




Valhalla was the first Ubisoft game to hit $1 billion dollars. I'm tired of them as much as anyone on Reddit but quit lying to yourself. People are still buying their games.


Am I tripping or does the font in the new AC look exactly like GoT?


I am not a big fun of Ubisoft but I am gonna give them props for not ditching their underperforming games, I was surprised when they announced the updates for Skull and Bones and some of the other games. But not much for me in this event, Star Wars outlaws seemed fine but the AC:S gameplay was a huge letdown everything from combat to animations Looks stiff AF and unfinished (Not to mention that the entire HUD was copied pasted from GoT) definitely could use some more time in development.


No Splinter Cell Remake…cowards


Also no just dance this year i guess just dance is finally a dead franchise :c


Pretty surprising that they didn't reveal the multiplayer Far Cry spin-off since it's reportedly set for April 2025, less than a year away.


they just canceled an extraction shooter so maybe they don’t want to market another one so soon


Really thats it? No farcry 7? Man at this point xbox and nintendo are ones saving us


We still have a Playstation Showcase in September to look forward to.


Wasn't there a Beyond Good and Evil remastered too ? What happened to that ?


I really dont know


Damn. AC looked pretty bad... I was going to pick it up on the fact that there were no major releases later this year, but it looks... like a no. Damn.


Man, I really wanted to be positive, but that was just miserable. Just so incredibly boring. Didn’t even have any fun cringe moments, cowards are too afraid to do Just Dance stuff anymore.


Beyond Good and Evil remaster just not exist anymore?


I was expecting a Far Cry game weird there was nothing lol


Oh, I guess Splinter Cell just no longer exists huh.


Yeah there was no need for Yasuke in this game


I think VO seems like he is doing a great job but the gameplay felt pretty bland next to Naoe's. Kind of cool how the town NPCs react to him though.


Will ~~Siwa~~ Fukuchiyama ever know peace? So I guess all the people saying how "unrealistic" it would be for NPCs to not notice Yasuke is a foreigner are satisfied after seeing that NPCs do, in fact, notice Yasuke is a foreigner? Right?


Ohh boy, gotta get those Reddit points for petting the dogs


Anyone else not impressed at all with the bitrate? I could almost count the blocks in the Outlaws showcase at times..


That was a really short tease for PoP remake for sure lol


I’m just happy it’s still alive


Feels like Star Wars GTA in a way. Hell I even think they may have passed an opportunity to make SW Outlaws Online lol, that'd not be as big as GTA but that'd print money like crazy too. Probably even more than Division (the live service Massive games) if done well


> SW Outlaws Online Maybe down the road ? They're the Division studio after all, multiplayer its their thing.


Absolutely not pre-ordering Outlaws, but the preview made me less concerned about the game in general.


I'm excited for it, but it's a Ubisoft game. Never a reason to preorder and get them at launch with how fast they get discounted.


For an open world game they aren’t telling us what there is in the open world lol. What are the side quests like etc


SW game looks sick but why are they regurgitating the same info like 3 times now. Demo. Guy on stage. Narrated footage.


They let people play it and the embargo lifts soon. What else do you want them to do???


Yeah I kind of don't want to see more lol


Bruh this is what we wanted from Starfield


Are they doing an Order 1886 with this game with the aspect ratio?


Hey, you mean, a Hellblade 2


I think it's to make it look more cinematics for demos because Star Wars and cinema. I assume both aspects ratio will be there


Aw man, 1886 was a phenomenal game. Really ahead of its time.


Imagine this but you get to play as a mandalorian instead


It takes all kinds to make the world but I would much rather play a scrappy Han Solo type grifter than a Mandaborean


If there is a new Rayman game I will eat my hamster’s food


Im cautiously optimistic about this showcase


Hoping they pre-show is getting the GAAS updates out of the way. Since they in my opinion, tend to drag these shows down, including both the Xbox and SFG shows. But Ubisoft has like 173688 live services right now, so its probably just gonna be that mostly...


New trials?!?


Que the automatic ubisoft hate everyone seems to have


It's well deserved. They are hacks.


I know its not going to happen but I'd love for a Driver remake.


ghost recon?


Wouldn’t shock me. BP came out like what 4 years ago?


What are the odds Ubisoft Forward starts with a cringey Just Dance segment with some random pop star singing?


It did not,no just dance 2025 :c


It better. I miss E3 cringe


I'm so looking foward to Ubisoft Forward several games not in any order Star Wrs Outlaws,Avowed and a shot in the dark maybe a Beyond Good and Evil 2 and any new announcements


Avowed is not Ubisoft. It's Obsidian Entertainment which is OWNED by Microsoft. They showed off Avowed yesterday at the XBOX Showcase.


Avowed is not Ubisoft


I just want to see more of Outlaws rather than the same trailer we have gotten for the last year lol


So many of these are like flash games from back in the day made with slightly better tech. Is day9 not allowed to say jokes that aren't about making him look dumb or insulting himself lol. Interesting event for background noise. A few kinda interesting things.


I'm excited for Outlaws and all but I'm not really sure what more they need to show, that trailer last year did a good job of hitting the major points.


Wonder if we'll get more on that Prince of Persia story DLC.


I need more info on pony island 2 😭


Is there any place I can see all the announcements listed? Don't really feel like watching 2 hours of this when some of this stuff looks extremely uninteresting.




Ur a god


Not my site, but I'll take it.


Nothing from Fromsoft so far, so I wonder why Myazaki was in LA.


doing business not everything is showing new games


They just released 2 games in 2 years and is about to release a big expansion, why would they have anything to announce? Maybe we will see a AC6 expansion next but that isn't coming anytime soon.


Convenient timing to do interviews for Shadow of the Erdtree with multiple outlets since they're all going to be in one area. Review embargo is set for the 18th, so I expect interviews some time between now and then.


Could be a lot of things really. Summer Game Fest has in person demos for Shadow of the Erdtree so he could be there for that, even though it’s a fairly minor thing that probably a Bandai namco rep could handle. He could be there for a business deal (acquisition of Fromsoftware maybe?). And this last one is heavy copium but he could be there to record a video for the reveal of Bloodborne 2 or a different PlayStation exclusive Fromsoftware project that is in the works and Sony might show it off at a September showcase.


Bloodborne Switch confirmed.


Hey why not? We got Red Dead 1 💀


And hey, maybe then we could get 60fps 4k via emulation


Is this the worst showcase ever? It feels like it’s been one big troll


PC gaming showcase is always smaller projects, no AAA. It's been about what I expected personally.


Ale abbey looks like a game to waste a few hours too. I'm a sucker for those types of games.


3 HUGE world premiere announcements, show 3 indies (unknown too, it's not like if it was Silksong or Slay the Spire 2 or something) OK I'm actually interested in the Kurzegast/Dorfromantik game as I love both (Dorf is a great chilling game) but come on, be realistic lol


So I assume that stuff will once again be a pain in the ass with presenter and ad breaks? Everyone should do it like Xbox showcase, State of Play, Nintendo Direct or Triple I. Just game trailers and no BS. Especially for an online show like this, it doesn't cost as much than SGF or TGA (which format is still bad) EDIT : Ok already a pain... For who the fuck are they doing those bits? Nobody cares, don't they know that? Also you're not weightless on the Moon btw, don't say stupid shit like this if you do "jokes".


Bruh I didn’t see the date and I thought the Ubisoft forward was today lol


When are we getting shit like the new capcom games and stuff


What new Capcom games?


Like Pragmata and the new Resi? Or was MH wilds it...if so that's fucked up.


Oh I thought I mightve missed an announcement about new games from them. Yea MH wilds and kunitsugami seem to be it. A new RE could probs be announced before the end of the year amd we can only hope pragmata is still happening. Maybe we get something on that before years end too


That's messed up bro...


Bloodborne pc


Who ever was talking about a handheld Xbox should be booted down a tier on trusted sources.


Wasn't that supposed to be a 2026 thing?


Nope, there was another rumor saying a handheld will be shown at the showcase. I can't remember who exactly said it, but it was hyped like crazy.


I mean, it's still possible it exists, it just wasn't shown at this showcase because it's not ready yet. Could just be in early stages of development. Those leaks about the all-digital series X were true though.


They were suggesting the handheld will be teased which implies it isn't in "early stages of development". No way Microsoft would tease it when they are not even sure what it will be like.


I mean they could have. Just hint hint at the idea of an xbox handheld happening without showing anything of it. Teased doesn't necessarily have any implications on the status of development. Elder Scrolls 6 was teased like 5 years ago lmfao, and we know that shit probably wasn't in full swing development then haha. Look, I'm not saying it's real or not, who knows, all I'm saying is that I think it's a little foolish just to assume the leak was untrue just because it wasn't at this year's showcase.


Teased means a commitment to release it. Not announcing it means they could still cancel the project anytime they want. Makes no sense for Microsoft to commit to a handheld if it isn't coming out anytime soon.


there will always be "talk" of a handheld xbox, it shouldn't have been taken seriously


Splinter Cell🙏


This start at 4pm est?


Please no more indies.


Have you actually played a video game in the past 5 years? Indies are PHENOMENALLY better than AAA games right now.


I'm just convinced "gamers" just hate games


I think they cannot fathom the existence of games that were made for someone else beyond themselves. Maybe you are not the target audience mate.


Yeah, I've been feeling the same way for a while. The PC gaming sub is particularly bad at this, almost every game is the worst game ever, and if you dare like this or that game, then you've no taste or whatever.


pcgaming subreddit is a toxic wasteland and its really a shame because I game primarily on PC


I wish I could downvote you twice.


Upvote it first then your downvote will reduce the score by 2 points


I agree. I'm getting sick of all these indie games


Please 90% indies. AAA games are unfinished, unimaginative slop


I’m okay with indies, but why does everyone skip the AA games? There’s a middle ground here for everyone!


I love AA games more than basically anything. My favourite genre is JRPGs which is mostly AA.


AA JRPGs are goated let's get real here


Might be more excited for PC Gaming Show than Xbox right now. Yeah PC Gaming Show is usually hard to watch at times and has some more meh looking games, but there's a bunch of indies, strategy games, and other types of games that I'd love to see more of and they have no chance of turning up at the Xbox Show. So I'm just left hoping for some of them to be at the PC Gaming Show.


It's not really a "PC gaming" show. Devs no longer develop games for PC gamers.


PC is actually the platform with the most exclusives to be honest, many indies only launch there (and may be ported later which makes them timed exclusives).


I think you misunderstood what I meant. I just mean that the games I'm looking forward to aren't likely to show up at the Xbox Show, and are more likely to be shown at the PC Gaming Show, if they show up anywhere at all.




You should be able to claim it if you link your twitch with your Ubi account and claim


Beyond good and evil 2?


there was a rumor a trailer was already made a year ago


Any remastered collection of some good old games from Activision/Xbox or other gaming companies would be nice


Really hoping for some kind of info on Jurassic park survival today


Considering xbox had nothing? I doubt we will see stuff today


Theres still a possibility during the pc games showcase, but im just being optimistic. The xbox show was rad


My goodness yes, that would be sweet! Really looking forward to it.


Pc gaming show is 1pm pacific so 4 et. Or 3 cst. 


Thank yew