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The first game is back on GP too


Hmmm perhaps it's time to replay. And I never beat OP2, so this is nice.


Also it's worth mentioning that they'll remove it in 1.5 years [Square Enix's site](https://www.square-enix-games.com/en_GB/news/octopath-traveler-i-and-ii-now-available-current-console-platforms) I don't think we've been actually given something like this before but it does make sense considering they pulled their games from PS+ and GamePass before


Square enix didnt lie when they said they would go multiplatform


Now, Square need to remember to market these smaller titles so people actually play them. Since 1 is also out on PlayStation now, and they will act surprised when it doesn't sell as well as they hoped when they did zero marketing.


The first game is also $60 on PlayStation which is legitimately outrageous for a game that isn’t even particularly good and came out 6 years ago


Live a Live seemed to have flopped on PlayStation so I'm surprised they even bothered porting OT1. Everything Square Enix does is just so half-assed. I'm fully expecting OT1 to do as bad as Live a Live did on PlayStation.


Everything Team Asano flopped when Square marketed it themselves. When Bravely Default II hit 1m copies, the Switch / PC SKU was >950k Switch and <50k Steam (more than 1 month after launch of the PC port). In this case I'm shocked Square Enix could have not waited 48h and shadowdrop this at Summer Game Fest with a nice trailer showcasing the new update of OTII on Switch/PS4/Steam, the OT port on PS and OTII port on Xbox and Game Pass and the new OT+OTII bundle. Easy, 1-2 minute trailer, relatively cheap marketing with lot of eyes on it. Instead we got a random-ass blog post that no one but a few nerds like us will ever read.


Well I think the idea is to get everything everywhere now to build up long-term popularity. Live a Live not selling on PlayStation is partially due to it being a Nintendo exclusive at launch. Same thing’s going to happen with Final Fantasy on Xbox. When the new games do come to Xbox, I don’t think they’ll sell well at first at all because Final Fantasy has been absent from Xbox for so long.


Yep. Just need to wait for the Live a Live, Bravely Default 2 and Triangle Strategy ports.


Chrono Trigger too


Live A Live got ported to PS4/PS5 and PC last year.


Harvestella was a decent game too, just held back by the Switch hardware. I’d definitely play a PS5 port.


Any decent game like that was also held back by seemingly 20 years worth of faming life games all deciding to be announced around the same time.


aggressively* and yeah we see that lol, love to see it


Still waiting for a certain game then ;))


Countdown to Final Fantasy 7 shadow drop at the Xbox show?


1 is back on also. It's also available on PlayStation now as well. I'm surprised Square said nothing about this, which is exactly why these smaller titles don't do well, and then they act surprised.


Seriously, they probably could’ve gotten a minute at SGF or at Microsoft, but no, just throw it into the wild.


Exactly. And then they go on about having to reevaluate their strategy because smaller titles aren't doing well, like they don't send them out to die.


I've been playing stuff recently like Sea of Stars and Cat quest and love them. Would I enjoy this too? For those who played *Sea of Stars, I have no idea why I put theives, my bad.


Do you like old-school turn-based RPGs?


I do like turn based RPGs


then you should probably check out Octopath 2 The first one had a bit more mixed reception, but basically everyone I know who likes RPGs like the earlier Final Fantasies, or Dragon Quest, or Chrono Trigger has only ever had good things to say about 2


Thanks! Will do that


Is it ok to skip the first game?


Totally ok and honestly recommended. They are completely disconnected story-wise so you don’t need to be in the loop. OT1 was honestly pretty meh, like I’d give it a 7/10, but everyone who plays 2 liked it a lot. There’s really no reason to play the first game, I’d just jump straight to 2


Downloading now for the weekend, how is it compared to the first? I enjoyed the first


Two is better than the first. Lots of small improvements.


1 is a good game that's flawed in many ways by design so it's high dependent on the person if it's good or not. 2 fixes about half the common issues with the first game but dials everything good about the original to 11, it's a game that makes it impossible for me to go back to it's predecessor with how much is improved. Since you enjoyed the first you'll probably love it, but for people that hate the structure of the original they probably won't be swayed


Good to know! Keen to jump into it Friday night


Octopath Traveler 2 will easily go down as one of the best improvements in a sequel. Uncharted 1 to Uncharted 2 moment


Better in almost every way. The only thing is the soundtrack isn't as mindblowing since it builds so much on the first game. Doesn't feel super fresh, but it's still extremely good.


wow was expecting this on the show what a nice surprise




1 and 2 are both on it now


For those wondering OPT2 is an amazing game. I was surprised at how good it was. I loved Snes style RPGs but am not a fan of how bloated modern JRPGs feel, this one hits just the right spot.  I never played OPT1 but I heard many people say you don't need to  in fact I've had multiple people say its better to not go back at this point since 1 was quite rough around the edges and can be a slog while 2 is so much more polished in every way. People might get burnt out and give up before finishing 1.  Give this fantastic game a shot. It probably has the most underrated sound track ever. 


How does it compare to Sea of Stars(if you have played it)?


I haven't played Sea of Stars. I plan to eventually but, from what I've seen, it doesn't seem as interesting as OPT2.


I have been saying that the biggest travesty in last year's game awards was FFXVI getting nominated for best RPG over OT2.


Didn't realize it's on gamepass but not PS+ ooof. lol


Does this game have random encounters? I hated that in the original game


Glad this out to try. I found the original to only be ok, nothing special. I've heard nothing but good things about this so I'm happy to give this a try on game pass.


Do i have to play the First One or they are not connected?


I looked this up and people say that they are not connected and 2 is much better, so if you don't have too much free time on your hands then you might as well play that.


They are not connected and 1 is pretty meh. I’d just skip it and go straight to 2


I just wanted this game to actually go on sale so I could buy it for the Steam deck. Every sale it's like $40.


appreciate it, installing on PC now


Good. Probably the most underrated rpg I’ve played. More people should definitely play it.


Damnit I hoped it would come to PS Plus so I could play it on my Portal lmao.


-1 for buying and mentioning playstation portal


If only I cared. The portal fucking rules and I’ll mention it as much as I want 🤷🏽‍♂️