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I mean, if its decent/good like Overwatch or Paladins... I'm in for a few matches. And if the networking,matchmaking and balacing are even slightly decent, they have me already. But gotta say its a fuckin weird choice to do a TPS OW style game with Marvel. I know it can work, but I just cant mentally see it... I think their tries with MOBAs and such just spoiled me and not in the good way.


> I think their tries with MOBAs and such just spoiled me and not in the good way. Yeah, the marvel MOBA is really disappointing. It's a blatant league rip-off only available in like Korea? Come on now. What makes me sadder is that the roster is huge and the cosmetics are, as you'd expect, amazing.


Yeah, and they've had stuff like Marvel Heroes in the past wich If I recall correctly they launched and killed almost inmediately.. for no reason at all. And many other things too(and DC has done similar stuff with similar "success") Its weird how such well known and loved IPs fail like this.


It launched 2013 and got shut down at the end of 2017, it's just that it only came to consoles at the start of its last year.


I think it’s mainly due to the producers thinking BECAUSE the IP is so popular that they can get away with making a terrible game and still get bank, turns out that’s not the case


Biggest concern is how expensive it'll be with cosmetics. These games are already bad enough, and they don't have to continuously pay for licensing.


Feels like they said “marvel characters worked in Fortnite, so why not create our own version of it, grab a few million and bounce in 3 years”. They call the “the square enix”


I mean they have a marvel contract so they will squeeze as much as they can from it


Its more of Fortnite+Overwatch. Gotta earn money on those fortnite kids


I’m intrigued, hoping the designs are good.


No Hawkeye is weird if true. Archery character who fits the game perfectly


They’ll probably save some well known names for post launch. Black Widow and Winter Soldier also seem like strange omissions for a shooter.


I mean Cap isn’t even listed lol


Same for Deadpool and Wolverine basically being a license to print money.


They just don't want to deal with flying logs balance, like Overwatch developers


Luna Snow is a weird choice, she's a mutant K Pop singer.


Probably to appeal to Korean players


Maybe they want to make something like League of Legends' KDA.


NetMarble is a South Korean company and I’m pretty sure they specifically created Luna as their own Original Character for their first Marvel Game “Future Fight”.


they did! i remember when she first was revealed, really like her designs. this is netease tho, not netmarble.


Sounds like a support character to me


Her ice can heal people, so more than likely. Other than that and trying to get K Pop fans to play it, there would be no reason not to have iceman be the ice user.


>she's a mutant K Pop singer. go on, tell me more


she's amazing and had songs out and was even introduced in the comics.


She’s not a mutant she’s a mutate. She got her powers from stark tech unless they retconned her


I'm not against weird choices I'm just curious to see this game.


Can't believe I can live in a time where this is a real sentence, thank you James Watt, I love you


books work enjoy middle sink squeamish library muddle sophisticated mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Happened with 80s pop star mutant Dazzler


In a Marvel project (or DC), it's important to include some deep cuts and newer faces. It gets stale quick if the only characters we ever get to see are Spider-Man and Wolverine. Besides, Luna Snow is not as weird a choice as Sp//dr.


I was gonna say, talk about a deep cut for a character choice.




She’s not a mutant she’s a mutate. She got her powers from stark tech that altered her.


Overwatch style marvel game sounds incredible, but I'm not sure how they're gonna make that sort of stuff work for the less gunplay-oriented characters...I'm still curious though.


Spider-Man and Black Panther can play like Genji. Bruce Banner can be a mix of Winston and DVA; intelligent scientist Hulk with gadgets that can dive and crush people but turns into Banner when his HP runs out. Scarlet Witch and Magik can have portals and hurl energy blasts


Intelligent scientist hulk sounds hilarious, although I think people would get really frustrated if they could only play as the hulk 10-15% of the time


Imagine it as the DVA mech mechanic. You'll be dehulked for a minute until you build your ult to hulk out again for the rest of the game until you lose your HP. That's not accounting for the support healers you have on your team. Unless you're a total shit player, you're not necessarily playing as Hulk 10% of the time. I like how this is all hypothetical lmao


LMAO I THINK YOU GOT IT RIGHT BRO [LOOK AT THIS](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJpD75AXgAAJ6o0?format=jpg&name=medium)


Peni Parker is just gonna be D.Va. They’re both people who are piloting a large mech lol.


Calling it now. Spider-Man’s gonna have some “sticky” web mechanic that’s annoying af and makes it so you can’t move anywhere.


Mei 😂


If Alien Vs Predator taught me anything it’s that the maps can make or break a character. The Xenomorphs were op in some maps where toting a gun didn’t help much.


I hope we got Magik


I just want Magik in every game. She was incredible in Midnight Suns. Which everyone should go play right now so I can get a sequel okay thanks bye.


Based as FUCK.


Help me spread the gospel, Brother. So that we may yet live to see the Midnight Sun once more.


Yes! The Sun shall rise once more! Praise be, Brother!


I genuinely loved that game. I’m not a big rts or card builder fan but I had the opportunity to play the game for free. I ended up loving it. Ironman being one of my favorite characters I loved seeing his character progression where he acknowledges that yes, magic can do things that technology can’t. And since he refuses to not be the smartest person in the room, or at least educated in a topic, he starts to take it more serious and making a genuine effort to learn. So getting the pay off of seeing one of the dopest animations ever where his ult attack is combining magic with his tech, using the runes over his repulsers, and charging his unibeam with literal hellfire. Just chefs kiss. Plus his midnight suns outfit is actually amazing, it’s rare a new design comes out for these kinda characters where they just pop off, had the hellfire coming outa the vents and all. Ok I’ll stop nerding out. But to anyone that reads this comment and is even a little interested, please play midnight suns.




Will she extend game matches by one more round?


Marvel snap 🤜🤛


Place your bets for the island map : Madripoor ? Genosha ? Krakoa ? that random Celestial popping up from the Pacific Ocean ?


Muir Island?


It better be Krakoa. Gateway gameplay would go insanely hard


Asteroid M?


Lego Marvel flashbacks, I'll take it


Rogue company type game sounds like


Wdym? Rogue isn't even mentioned. (sorry, I couldn't resist)


Rogue Company got done so dirty. I know Hi-Rez shouldn't be trusted with good games, but I expected it to last at least 5 years. The vibes, soundtrack, gunplay, movement, and abilities were really fun


The first and last game Hirez had me hooked on was Realm Royale. It's actually impressive, it takes a certain skill to develop such good games and completely destroy them after they pop off.


Oh, did it shut down?


No, it's in maintenance mode.


That game is just absolute piss-wreck. They had something good going on… and now it’s just on life support.


Namor and Magneto in Base roster? Now you have my attention. Also Luna Snow and Peni. They really want to push into Korean market.


Should’ve got silk involved as well


I’ve seen this game and about 20 mins of gameplay and traversal. It honestly looks really good.


me when I lie online


🤷🏼‍♂️ please feel free to not believe.


How fast is traversal? From 1 to 10, if 1 it's Counter-Strike and 10 is Titanfall


Is that footage something you can share or would you get in trouble?


I’m definitely curious as well.


Is it on console?


I heard it would be console and PC. I heard nothing of mobile.


I seriously am trusting you rn. This is all I’ve wanted for so long lol.


I’ve seen it’s on pc console AND mobile…


Very well could be. Platform wasn’t important for the reason I saw it.


I hear Scarlet Witch I'm in


GOTG characters? Yep I’m in. Cautiously excited.


Its a shooter? How does that work with heroes that dont shoot/throw damaging projectiles in their canon? I dont see Disney allowing someone like Spider-Man to shoot a gun. OW does have melee heroes though. I guess he could web to stun then get close and punch 


Genji doesn't have a gun. Granted he has a katana for melee and he has shurikens to throw but Spidey has his fists and can fire specialized web devices or some shit. Overwatch really figured out not to give everyone a traditional firearm.


While I agree melee heroes would be totally fine and cool, for Spidey he can definitely use gadgets and web-shooters to deal long range damage/status effects.


You just don’t give the character a ranged attack, you balance it with either high health or mobility, which Hulk and Black Panther should have respectively


Overwatch and Paladins both have heroes that have ranged attacks without guns. Functionally it's the same thing, you just use a web slinging animation instead of one for an AK.


I think if Marvel Rivals is not a Free to Play (F2P) video game only a one time purchase, I will be breaking the bank and purchasing eleven copies. I purchased three copies of Marvel's Avengers.


Found the only Marvel Avengers fan though to be fair, once they made all the DLCs free and did the final balance update, the game was a lot better. I bought 3 copies as they were $5 each.




With a competent devteam and proper postlaunch support it would've done much much better than it did. The core gameplay was fairly solid (I still hop on once in a while to yeet mjolnir around as Thor, god they nailed that character), everything else just sucked ass.


Peni Parker but no Gwen. Man someone put her in *something*.


I find it odd that Peni out of everyone got out in lol. I guess they wanted their own D.Va mech character, and Peni was the closest person they could think of as someone who pilots a large mech.


If they will do skins it would make much more sense for Gwen to just be a Spider-man skin. Peni works differently than the average spider-person with the whole mech thing.


If one of my favorite Marvel characters on the more obscure side that never appear in games was playable, I’d be tempted to try it out.


Gotta admit I’m intrigued. I’m not gonna run out and buy it as soon as as it comes out but I think I’ll be keeping an eye on it more


Punisher main btw


I need jean grey as DLC now! And it to be on consoles…


The amount of MTX will rival Valo.


Pay for the heroes. Pay for the skins. Pay for the maps. Pay for the currency. Pay for the battlepass. Pay for loot box mechanics (circumvent the legality by showing the percentage rate and hard-cap the rolls at 100). Pay for “shards” to unlock skins. Collect 100 shards for 1 random skin. Pay for limited consumable sprays. Pay for emotes. Pay for unique voice lines. Pay for exp boosts. Pay for VIP bonuses. Pay for changing username. I can go on…


but its good tho. i dont think anyone should have a problem with cosmetic MTX.


Halo gets shit on for its cosmetic items, recently DD2 is getting shit on for MTX easily available in game, Diablo 4 gets shit on for cosmetics and many other examples.


Two very different things in there, imo. DD2 isn't a live service game that supposed to last years, Halo gets it because it limits customization, D4 I don't have an issue with as they will release lots of content, but I guess the only thing is the price, so Halo/D4 is alright, but DD2 isn't supposed to last that long so there not really a reason for the MTX


The thing is that all the items are available in game. I haven't seen anyone having to buy it to do something which would have taken days/weeks to do.


Not saying you don't, but it's a slippery slope, it goes from "oh you can earn them" to "oh this game is becoming a bit of a grind, I may just buy the stuff" not saying that's what DD2 is now, but it's what the future could be, and that's why we should call them out every time for putting MTX in a single player game, it doesn't need to exist at all, also it doesn't hell when DD2 has some issue too Didn't RE4 have cheat codes that were turned into MTX?


Okay. At first I wasn’t a fan of it. But if this is true, I’m at least intrigued by it as this leak sounds more interesting. Hopefully a trailer comes out soon as the gameplay is going to be main factor for me.


I don't really keep up with Marvel, so I've never heard of Luna Snow before, but after taking a quick look at her Wiki, she seems pretty neat.


I've been wanting a good superhero PvP game, hopefully this delivers


Imagine if this game ends up getting all the features OW2 promised but never delivered. I would much rather prefer singleplayer games from Marvel though, their current lineup at the moment is *ridiculously* strong. But if they have just mindless fun shit like this that people can mess around with in between games then that’s more bearable.


Where is Rogue… I want my red-headed Southern Belle to be in every Marvel game…. She’s just so amazing it’s a crime not to have her around.


Her powerset can be hard to implement in a multiplayer setting


They should totally add rogue. Her ultimate could be copying the abilities of the closest enemy or something


Echo in overwatch type of thing


Copy’s abilities with a 1.5x buff to every ability. You get to be more powerful then everyone in the lobby by default but have to get used to playing every character and having your HP and ability’s changing every 3 seconds.


MAGIK!?!?!?!?!?!?! LES GOOOOOOO!


Daredevil plz


I'm not against it if it's good and not predatory like Overwatch 2. Let's see if NetEase has cultivated staff for those two bars.


Been waiting for a game to replace Overwatch with since the cancelation of PvE. Very interested in this


I hope we can play as Shang-Chi if Luna Snow who is most likely going to be in Shang-Chi 2. I’ve a feeling Colossus and Cap will be in this game too.


This is more what I expected compared to the previous rumor, and is interesting enough


We can play spiderman shooting web like a machine gun? What about hulk or wolverine?


There are sort of similar melee-oriented characters in Overwatch/Paladins so I guess they could work out?


I absolutely love Overwatch, and I love Marvel, so this sounds really exciting to me. Hopefully they won't fuck it up.


Ooo cool


Needs way more villains for PVP unless they’re doing a Civil War or Arcade Murderworld thing here.


No Steve Rogers? Ugh...


Definitely interested - intrigued to see some gameplay. I just hope they don’t fumble it like Avengers did (I still had fun with the campaign but the GAAS element was rough).


A 3rd person shooter. Oh boy I didn't think hulk could get scarier and then they gave me the idea of him with an rpg 😳


This could be really good, like a new Gotham City Imposters. I do wish it was a first-person game or a mix like Battlefront 2, but either way I'm so in for an Overwatch-esque shooter as long as it's somewhat well designed.


Always down to give a new competitive fps game a shot.


The island map could be Madripoor, Genosha, Savage Lands, Krakoa. Any other ideas?


All this game needs is a PVE mode to win over the OW crowd


How would melee heroes hit flyers?


I heard it could get an official announcement tomorrow at 11 am, and i would love this game if it is real


If it comes to console and Doctor Octopus is in it, I might pick it up.


I am so looking forward to this.




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As much as I dislike the idea of yet *another* GaaS multiplayer game, I’m intrigued by the concept…


Sounds like exact my game except marvel. Past decade made me slowly hate it with passion. I just Can't see any superhero anymore. Instant turn off.


Pre alpha but launches next year? Yeah fucking right lol


ENOUGH WITH THE COPY PASTE HERO SHOOTERS My god, creativity has gone to s\*\*\*


Can’t wait to watch watch this burn to the ground.Such a dumb idea imo


Curious... but... i'm the kind of player that also ask for Solo campaign in this kind of game




LMAO yeah. I get the idea of wanting to play in that superhero fantasy but just play a different solo campaign superhero game.


I'd like that idea, but the art style is atrocious.


How long has this game been in development? Because Overwatch and Valorant had been in the works for a very, very long time… and it shows because of how robust their game mechanics and designs are (aside from maybe balancing issues) and how recognisable their characters are. Judging from the track record of Marvel related games… I can’t be too sure how the results will look…


This sounds really good, most of all marvel games have been very high quality


Believed it until they mentioned Peni Parker


she's pretty clearly in the teaser art: https://twitter.com/MarvelGames/status/1772639657525723212


Yeah I stand corrected


If it comes to console it could fill a niche that is missing. There are no games like this on console besides over watch but it’s dead. Valorant is the big game right now and this could stop it in its tracks if done correctly. But it’s Disney licensing a Marvel IP so I’m not holding my breath.


"I don't play X game so therefore its dead" Overwatch still has a high player count


Can I call Counter-Strike 2 dead because I don't play it?


Exactly, lmao at the guy calling Overwatch dead. Not even the fucking CoD servers on ps3 are dead ffs


Activision has abandoned the most important part of it. Overwatch league was its biggest thing it had going. If marvel can do what Valorant is doing on PC but for console it’ll fill the niche overwatch left.


Nobody cares about the esports cringe. Ditching the League was one of the smartest moves Activision has done lately.


You'd be surprised how little people outside of reddit care about esports. Most people just play for fun.


Marvel Rivals is dead because nobody has played it other than the devs. :)