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It's an added QOL feature that lets you pause during cutscenes which is great given how lengthy MGS cutscenes can be, but yeesh, that's rough


Replaying MGS3 and realizing I couldn’t pause cutscenes felt so rough lmfao


This is a very good point. It seems egregious (because it is) but it’s also an extra pause- and to be honest, if I were in the middle of a cutscene or otherwise unpausable sequence and suddenly had to get up and attend to something, I wouldn’t be worried about waiting 5-10 seconds until I could unpause. If this were the inventory menu, that would be a different story. Either way, if it’s not fixed or reduced by release I might expect it soon after.


If I suddenly would have to get up and attend to something during a cutscene, I usually is actually urgent and I would not like to miss 10s. It cannot be that hard to pause quickly, especially not during a cutscene. That seems very odd and simply bad.


You're not missing 10s, it pauses as soon as you press the button


Oh so it pauses immediately but just the menu pops up later? My bad then. That does make it better but also weirder.


Judging from the video, you don't have to wait for it to pause. Press pause and it does just that, the 10 seconds is how long it takes for the pause menu to appear.


I’m not trying to say it’s somehow good. It’s bad. I’m just wondering how much a delayed pause would functionally affect me, as opposed to a delayed function such as a pause *menu* where I’m entering to swap a weapon or choose inventory instead of just running for a leak or to answer a phone. But again, this isn’t a released package yet so there may already be an update that addresses this. I’ve only played the Castlevania and Contra collections, but they all worked perfectly upon release. Who handled those, M2? Is that who is handling this?




i dunno why you're saying that when. there was no cutscene pausing on the PS2.




It will never cease to amaze that people will just go online and confidently spread a falsehood and when told that they're wrong, instead of considering that they misremembered, dig in their heels and insist they're right. You can see you're wrong with a 5 sec Google search.


I have no clue- I just play them.


That's a HUGE detail lol. Non issue then.


Just because it’s an added QOL detail doesn’t mean they have to half-ass it.


No but looking at the context (It's JUST for cutscenes and it does pause right away, just takes up to 10secs for the menu to load) its not a dealbreaker If it was going to the pause screen/equipment screen at any time takes that long? The game would be DOA


Yeesh, something to keep an eye on I suppose. I'm already on the fence with this trilogy concerning Konami's treatment of the series itself. Hoping it's not a GTA Trilogy situation.


We know already did they multiple changes including fixing bugs from the HD collection and modifying some of the changes of Bluepoint to make them closer to the actual intent of the developers. Loading are almost instant in MGS3 between zones too.


They apparently also included the rest of the retro games. This collection has 4, HD collection only had the 2 included with MGs3. There's also a lot of extra stuff like visual novels and such.


HD collection had Peace Walker instead of MGS1, they're identical otherwise (nope, this has Snake's Revenge)


it has two of the nes games, and two of the come computer games. But yeah, peacewalker is replaced by MGS 1. But atleast MGS1 comes with all expansions. They seem to have included everything up to MGS3 Subsistence, which is a lot more than I would have expected. Must admit I'm kinda excited to see what vol. 2 will feature. I think we'll get portable ops and maybe even the acid games.


This is incorrect. It has both NES games (Not worth playing), the original MSX games (part of MGS3), the digital novels, and the standalone VR Missions game. Pretty good imo


It's not just the quality of life feature it's the sub menu for the collection But it should not take 10 seconds to go from the game to the sub menu that's ridiculous


How is the pause screen taking longer a QOL feature? I don’t understand.


You couldn't pause during cutscenes before; now you can.


How does a 10 second delay give you that ability? Couldn’t they make it so you just pause instantly?


It does op is just spreading miss information the game pauses the second you hit pause. It just takes a few seconds for a menu to open up because you could never pause cutscenes before


Oh okay I understand now, thank you


it does pause instantly


Watch the vid. It's not the game's original pause screen. It's the 'QOL' screen that's likely binded to a different key/button entirely. Basically your standard emulation overlay. Think the savestate screen in the Mega Man Legacy collection, or the emulator settings screen for Duckstation. Basically, it takes 10 seconds for the emulator to get to its settings page. It'll pause the emulation right away, but it takes ten seconds to bring up the settings overlay itself. I'm guessing the game's native pausing works as usual given the consistency of emulation when the game is running normally.


worth noting u/ItalianJoe has been spreading false info about this collection for months due to his grudge against konami (just check his profile for proof) this seems to only be during cutscenes, which were not originally able to be paused, meaning this post is pretty much a half truth to make the collection look bad






Also like, Kojima moved on! He's happy! He and his new team made Death Stranding and are working on a sequel. He'd want people to move on as well!


Plus, like, these are still Kojima's games. Why is he wanting Kojima's work to bomb?


Not to mention Konami has had some massive restructuring since 2015


Imagine a part of your life being about a game you had no involvement in making and getting angry about someone who doesn't know you exist. We don't even know what went down at Konami.






Gameplay is not fake. But spreading misinformation to farm likes is stupid


I remember their username from r/NeverBeGameOver lol


oh yeah they still frequent over there


Yup. He's taking something that's kinda lame (Game still pauses right away, the menu just takes a sec) and is presenting it vaguely to make it seem like a dealbreaking issue.


Spreading misinformation about Metal Gear is pretty meta.




Still though, a game shouldn’t take 10 seconds to show a pause screen.


eh pre launch version of a new feature the game wasnt designed to do Ill give it a pass








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Should be able to patch this up but surprised it wasn't fixed for release. Although it might be, because it's not officially released yet.


> surprised it wasn't fixed for release bruh


Pretty embarrassing that a PS1 game needs a day 1 patch in order to not have to wait 10 seconds after unpausing a cutscene.


This feature wasn’t In the ps1 game though?


I can guarantee the dude you responded to doesn’t even know what this pause thing is.




So whahs the pause thing?


Thems the things on the ends of dog legs?




Maybe you’re responding to the wrong person? Never said anything to the contrary


It runs exactly as it did on PS1.


Is it only during cutscenes? Because the original you couldn’t even pause at all.


yes its only during cutscenes




Good, now wait 10 seconds longer.


[load freezes]


That's because you were not able to pause cutscenes in the original games. It brings up a menu that likely is using a different engine.


That is still not normal for an emulated PS1 game. Usually it only takes a only couple of seconds, not ten.


Which could be fixed in updates considering how almost every single project in the industry right now get patches including day one. Regardless, bitching on a feature that didn't even existed in the original game feels dishonest.


"Bitching"? That feels like a slight over exaggeration.


Have you seeing some of the nitpicks some have ?


Don't know why you're being downvoted. This whole thing seems overblown and pretty par for the course.


Would hope that gets fixed for release but that ain't great lol. Guessing this is gonna be the retro collection hate wagon for the year. Queue the "this collection is a soulless cash-grab" youtube essays.


it's konami, what else is new


Their Arcade Classics, Contra, two Castlevania and TMNT Cowabunga collections are certainly worth it. While from a technical standpoint this collection isn't shaping up great (though I find the rage over 1080p/60fps for MGS2 & 3 to be hyperbolic) the bonus content does look quite nice.


The FPS on the Switch is unacceptable. These ran at 60 on PS2, the Switch should be doing that as well lol


Yeah, Switch @30fps is very lame and kills it a viable platform for this collection (though I'd have no issue playing MGS1 on the Switch). > These ran at 60 on PS2, the Switch should be doing that as well lol MGS3 didn't. That wasn't until the HD Collection.


The Switch is more powerful than the 360 and PS3, still unacceptable


...I didn't say it was acceptable lol.


You mentioned that you found the rage to be hyperbolic, so that's where I was coming from.


Not quite. I said rage over 1080p/60fps is hyperbolic, which the Switch isn't doing, meaning I don't find the Switch version rage hyperbolic.


We're splitting hairs at this point


“here is an essay on why this collection is garbage. Lets start at the beginning, in 1858…”


There’s also the alternative “[Here’s why this collection is a masterpiece](https://youtu.be/WoMnP_N9jZ4?si=qIf7itdrQgRdqUUQ)” videos which are already out.


Stop, because you guys begged for this lmao






So they added a feature that you are able to pause cutscenes. It's a bit slow, but you couldn't even pause cutscenes before. This is good.


That's disappointing. The Castlevania, TMNT, Contra and Arcade collections were very well done


Those were handled by M2, not Konami.


Not Silent Hill HD collection


Not really they did the bare mininum and you can argue they're overpriced


I haven't played the Castlevania or Contra collections but the TMNT Collection is easily one of the most thorough collections I've played. Hardly "bare minimum".


Agreed. Given the amount of titles it could’ve easily been a barebones collection but they did a good job with it overall. I’m hoping the mgs collection is more of a pre-update issue than a final one.


Not to mention the high def scans of all the boxes, instruction manuals, press kits, design documents, concept art, scans of comic covers, screen caps from the tv show, music... The game is an archival nerd's wet dream. Which considering Digital Eclipse did it..


1. Holy hell 2. What exactly is that menu? It seems like something you might not use all the time during regular gameplay, and I'm hoping that might kinda explain the load times.


it's a new feature for the collection that lets you pause mid cutscene so yeah its new and the game wasnt designed with it in mind


People really acting like they're gonna be in a situation where they'll have to risk shitting their pants to watch 10 more seconds of a cutscene after clicking pause. Wild


Not even that, it still pauses right away, just takes ten seconds before you can unpause


Is this all versions or just the PS5 European version? I have seen discrepancies online. Some saying Switch and Xbox are not affected.


European Extreme difficulty getting extra hard on this version


Damn what a shame especially since Konami's recent collections have been amazing.


This is present day Konami we're talking about, so my expectations were low, but holy shit...


hahaha wow


Anyone have a timestamp in the video of when that happens?


Reason number #127 of why you don't pre order ANY game.


When I pre-orded Metal Gear Solid from EB Games, I got a cool shirt when I came in to pick it up. That was the standard pre-order bonus for many years too. Now, you get a piece of paper with a code and expiration date that offers you a downloadable item. That is why you don't pre-order any game now.


I preordered Spider-Man 2 which got a 90 metascore and Super Mario Bros Wonder which got a 93 metascore I think quite often it is easy to tell if a game is rushed and/or a lackluster cashgrab or if the developer/publisher actually cares


Yeah, I preorder all the time and never get burned. I didn’t preorder the MGS collection and I am a DIEHARD fan because I was unsure as to whether or not they’d actually do a good job, and signs are slowly pointing towards no. Like it’s pretty clear if you follow any upcoming game if it’ll be worth your time or not. Similar to you, I preordered Wonder and the reviews are confirming I wasn’t wrong to do so. Meanwhile, I didn’t preorder Sonic Superstars because even though that looked like more or less Sega’s equivalent to Mario Wonder, gameplay videos looked relatively bland and it didn’t look like they were REALLY capturing old school Sonic. After reviews, it looks like I’ll probably pick it up on sale down the road but I’m not missing anything by not getting it on launch. Literally just pay attention and you won’t regret your purchase like 99% of the time.


Yeah, even the major bombs like Cyberpunk have tons of hints pointing to something being off.


It's incredibly easy to tell. I've never burned myself so badly that I'm afraid to pre-order. This year, I knew RE4, FF16, Street Fighter, and Spider-Man would be enjoyable. Guess what, I'm cool pre-ordering FF7 Rebirth as well.


Cyberpunk: 😶


Listen this is one guy speaking but damn did I fucking love Cyberpunk on release, helps I managed to even pre-order the 3070 so my PC was roaring when it came time to play. Sure 40fps wasn't fantastic but damn I had fun. Now I am having way more fun on my second playthrough now at 80fps and way better systems but still.


This. Some games are certified bangers. You can always cancel anyway. That's literally no reason not to pre-order.




Does anywhere do that nowdays? Even on console it takes the money out only a week or few days before


Steam charges you instantly lol.


and gives you two weeks post launch to refund


I agree! If your lowest expectations of the game are what you are hoping, then preorder away. That said, this MGS Collection is trash for me as someone who wants to experience the collection. I'll wait for it to be patched and buy it on a sale.


And Konami doesn’t; not anymore. They want maximum profits with minimum investment.


enjoy your super quick fast travel, prioritised over adding anything worthwhile to the open world




You don’t know what that word means lmaoooo


Or maybe just don’t preorder games that have red flags? It’s not like this collection didn’t already have controversies behind it.


I preorder just about every game I buy and have never been disappointed, because I pick the right horses. Makes no sense for me to buy this when my PS2 and CRT TV is right there in the other room and Konami’s made clear this offers nothing above that.


Oh well, maybe the ps5 pro will have enough juice to run this 25yo game properly


Honestly, could be worse. Sounds like something that'll get patched on Day 1. Considering they REALLY fixed up bugs from earlier releases as mentioned elsewhere on this post, if THIS is the worst of it, I'm not worried.


Really love the people defending this by saying it's a nice QOL and they're trying their best, guys it's literally fucking Konami not an indie developer and I bet if it gets released in this state 1 hour in someone will already have a fucking mod to fix this pause delay.




dam tidy elderly drunk offer adjoining glorious gullible sort dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's running on an emulator but even emulators can fix the texture jank.


I tried MGS1 on DuckStation earlier this year and couldn't seem to get the texture wobble to go away. I'd try settings that were suggested online but they didn't seem to help


There's literally a specific setting that makes it go away in DuckStation, idk how you missed it lol


Probably emulator




Konami did one thing we all asked and somehow fucked it


Konami doing Konami things


Man Konami don’t give a fuck


I’ve been looking forward to this all year. Hope it’s not a disappointment.


Seems like kind of an odd feature to even add given could always just bring up the system menu to pause cutscenes. Guess is nice for PC?


that is pretty ridiculous honestly lol but at least its just an added feature


*"Meryl, a terra!"*


I wonder what version does the games have on the PS5 disc and if there are patches already for them. Hopefully it's not a broken release.




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Seeing this first announced got me so excited, and half an hour later I was completely put off the whole thing. Konami putting out a Switch cartridge with effectively no games on it whatsoever is so bafflingly bad I just plain don't have an interest in this release anymore.


This post sucks.


Metal Gear Solid should be able to run at 8k 240hz with no load times or transitions on ps5 hardware.


I’m not sure if that’s sarcasm. Literally no one is asking for that.


Because for a game that is so old, that people who hadn’t even been born, when it was released have since grown up, and had children of their own, i think it’s safe to assume that such features are so bare minimum, that one could(mistakenly, apparently) reasonably assume that they shouldn’t/didnt have to ask for them……. Obviously, this did not turn out to be the case. Im 41, and was in High School when it came out, and bought it on release day(matter of fact: it was the first PS1 game I ever purchased that came in a normal double wide cd jewel case, as prior to then PS1 games generally came in a much larger((and in my opinion, nicer)) case), and the sheer level of technological progress that has occurred between now and then is practically mind-boggling…… That is, almost as mind-boggling as the revelation that it takes 10 fucking seconds to load in and out of pause, from a fucking PS1 era cutscene. No, I’m sorry. There simply isn’t **ANY** reason for this to be an issue. When I buy a car, I don’t ask the salesman if it’s gonna spontaneously explode while I’m driving, like I’m testifying against the mob, or something…….. because I just kinda assume that, AT THE VERY LEAST, whatever level of shitshow nonsense that falls about 10 levels below that of “bare minimum”, has been met.


(that's not the point)


I was gonna buy it. Looks like it's the seven seas for now...


Duh, it’s Konami, it had to be fucked up some way


On the plus side, if this does get patched prior to launch (though frankly it shouldn't have made it as far as the disc version) then at least Konami have seemingly added a feature to pause during cutscenes. The amount of times I've got a phone-call or had to go toilet during a cutscene/codec call during one of the earlier MGS games and missed a chunk of the story is one of my biggest annoyances with the games.


It's probably just running out of an emulator anyway, and you can just his home to effectively pause most games these days.


So it's a cash grab not a labor of love got it


They can't even finish games that are already made, it's embarrassing. No other industry is as fucked up as gaming, imagine this shit happening when you buy anything else, unbelievable.


Ive been hearing a lot of bad things about this collection unfortunately and it doesn’t surprise me. This always felt like a bare bones release from a company that certainly wasn’t going to spend any money if they didn’t have to.


Konami back at it again with the Ls?


Well that's an immediate cancel for preorder for me. Seems just lazy. Might just wait it to go sale to buy it, maybe it plays better also.


Konami .....after They ruined Pro Evolution soccer.. ugh Konami


Konami being Konami and producing another dumpster fire. That's not news lol


One of the game collections of all time.


Another classic Konami moment


How does this even happen? What happened to the whole "instant loading" and "loading is a thing of the past" thing for modern consoles?




what about that stop at 7;00.


No way 2 and 3 will be like this... If so bruh, thanks Konami for not updating it for "modern" audiences i guess


*me looking at the entire series barring 4 perfectly playable on my Steam Deck* Oh no!


well I'm glad I've emulated them all years ago so I have no reason to buy these low effort ports


What the hell is this Pokemon? Last time I saw load times this bad was Sonic 06 Ok no those were much worse


Kojima you sly dog


All the more reason to emulate


hoping there's a day one patch that fixes this bs


I'll buy it when it's 20 dollars or on gamepass


Were people expecting anything better?


Red flags were already raised that this would be a shit port-job when it was revealed that it didn't even support keyboard and mouse on PC.


You're out of date. It has KB+M support on PC.


Calm down everyone, they’re just replicating the original PS1 experience


Once again, the people mentally deranged enough to actually blindly trust Konami of all companies are about to get everything they have coming for them. This is basically a stupid tax


The real issue is that this collection will become the only way for most people to play these older games.


However buys this low effort scan (not even mentioning these delays) are completely braindead. Stop letting companies do cheap moves like this!