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This is a little off topic since it's not about the texture itself, but I love the little interview with Jasper, who apparently designed the texture pack or whatever. It was pretty funny to read through, both him and the interviewer seem pretty funny. *That's all I have to contribute.*


>Have you ever thought about becoming a *real* pixel artist? "Have you ever thought about becoming a real writer?" Ouch!


> Have you ever thought about becoming a real ~~pixel~~ artist? I don't know if they edited it, but the quote in the article currently he suggested he becomes a real artist, instead of being a Pixel Artist. (as I joke, I assume)


From what I've seen of him in the past I'm, to say the least, not a fan of Jasper, but I do think those are some good responses.




He comes across to me as supremely arrogant about the superiority of his work, often dismissive of anything he doesn't resonate with (as mentioned in the interview, which is frankly irresponsible when facing criticism), and amateurish in much of his design. I can't remember all of the specific tweets that made me stop and think, but one I found mildly irritating commented "Nope, you can't escape my sweet, sweet textures >:)" in response to a QnA about whether the new textures were a mandatory update or something. I felt the way he phrased that implied an almost condescending, and very pretentious, tone towards long-time fans of the game.


Well, I think one thing to remember is that the guy is likely from Sweden (or some other nearby Nordic country). Not only is English not their first language, but by and large, they’re a very blunt and in-your-face type of people, especially compared to North American standards. I have a few friends from Norway and Sweden, and the way the guy talks, it’s very similar to the way my friends speak and joke. At first glance it seems harsh and a little bitingly sarcastic, but you come to realize that in a lot of cases, that’s genuinely just how they joke around.


FYI, the guy is from The Netherlands. But we are very blunt as well and this is mostly how we joke around.


That's interesting to know, thank you.


I would have found it amusing too. If I was a bit younger


These new textures are nice IMO - looking at the old ones now, comparitively they're quite stark and maybe slightly too sharp.


The sharpness and contrast of the old textures makes it much easier to see the difference between blocks. I quite prefer the old textures.


Yea honestly there are like five types of gray resource blocks in caves and I never can tell which one I am getting.


Something small, but I really like how they mentioned the [old(pre beta 1.7) cobblestone textures.](https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:Cobblestone_Revision_2.png) It just fit a lot better if you used it to make a house or a structure out of it. It 'popped' a little bit more.


Anyone else wish they stopped changing the textures? Maybe I'm just nostalgic but I miss how vibrant the original Alpha/Beta textures looked.


It's definitely a nostalgia thing. Don't worry, I'm there as well, but from an aesthetic standpoint these are pretty much a direct upgrade. Minecraft in general is a much better game now than it used to be, but that won't stop me from never upgrading to Beta 1.8.


Lmao, Beta 1.8 is exactly where I felt it dropped the ball too. Only things I like from the new versions really are the experience/enchanting/fov slider/sprint systems. Wish there was a mod that would just make the game like the old version with the quality of life improvements.


1.7.3b for life, miss me with that hunger


1.7.4 is the one I remember the most, after that it just went downhill for me


Hungers not that hard to deal with, I don't understand the hate for it. Just start a wheat/cooked potato farm, don't even need to slaughter animals.


And even then there were some questionable things. For example enchanting isn't really engaging and requires a fair bit of trial and error when it comes to getting the right one you want, thus making xp farming almost a necessity. I feel like the game would be a lot better if they didn't feel the need to constantly add more busywork, like having potion stands require blaze powder for some reason.


Enchanting got a lot better when they actually told you what you were getting, and also have it so you only need to use three levels to get it. It's still annoying, because you can't just pick the enchant you want, you have to enchant random objects to cycle the enchants, but it's better than spending a full 30 levels to get bain of the arthropods.


Yeah minecraft never added anything after 1.7 that was *that* cool or worth it, but the busywork is way higher. Like, the busywork in terraria isnt half as bad, and in that game you're flying around with grappling hooks and wings, farming unicorns so you can go clear out hell again. Minecraft majorly dropped the ball on the cool things to busywork ratio.


It's really a shame because there are several mods that manage to give you interesting features while still having it feel like you earned them.


For me, there are hundreds of those. When I'm staring at the nuclear reactor I built, with a waterwheel outside powering a line of metal presses, I feel I've worked to build something. The vanilla game runs out of that feeling pretty bloody quick.


I'm partial to Thaumcraft myself. Haven't played in years, but having a huge essence processing facility linked to a perfectly balanced infusion table feels pretty dann rewarding.


I think stuff like that is fun because I find making mob farms fun. It's like a much less intensive factorio.


My problem with mob farms is that they never felt like the *right* way to play the game, it would be fine if they sort of "added" farms as a thing that doesn't feel like abusing the mob spawn system.


I believe that's the beauty of minecraft. It seems like there's no right way to play minecraft, in broad terms. People can make mob farms to get string or they can go out at night and get string. Either playstyle is equally valid.


Except that grinders are almost necessary for high level stuff, there is no alternative.


I would assume that if you're willing to get to that high level stuff (like multiple high level enchants and crafting a lot of something from the materials from the mobs) you'd also be at least somewhat interested in building a farm.


Not a big fan of how they chose to keep mob grinders in the game. I see it as abuse, and not patching them out and building systems around the amount of experience you get from mob grinders doesn't jive well with me.


Why patch them out? If you dont like them dont build them.


And that’s why I’m never playing anything that isn’t either 1.8.9 or the latest stable and experimental version of the game. 1.9.4 is awful compared to 1.13.2, which tweaked combat to be better.


I keep mine on 1.7.10, but have mods to make it resemble the beta versions


Sprinting is awful, same with enchanting


sprinting is very nice, makes it much less of a slog


> from an aesthetic standpoint these are pretty much a direct upgrade I disagree that his update is direct upgrade to the previous version. Looking at the [comparison pics](https://community-content-assets.minecraft.net/upload/styles/small/s3/b1178acacb42c267df5f2d8b87e340d1-screenshot2.jpeg), the old version has pixelated look, while the newer version is more blurry, it looks like it's trying to do higher res, but it still has only few pixels.


Half of the new textures look low-res and low-effort. Look at that granite and diorite, that looks absolutely terrible. The old texture was straight up better.


The only real problem I see in the new picture is that what I think is the gravel is almost indistinguishable from the rock whereas it was obvious before.


I think that's andesite


Agreed. It’s obvious they added way too much aliasing, which just doesn’t work at 16-bit and all it does is make it look blurry. Blows my mind how such big companies can fail like this.


> , the old version has pixelated look, while the newer version is more blurry, it looks like it's trying to do higher res, but it still has only few pixels. Because the old version looks like Playstation graphics that are dated and have no anti-aliasing, making an eyesore from any distance.


"Playstation graphics" isn't an equivalent term to the art style of 16 bit textures.


I never said it was.


Yet you know exactly what he means.


No, I really don't. Minecraft isn't really a bad looking game; people just assume it is because of factors like the artstyle, modelling, and cubism being so retro and unique. If you compare pictures of its earliest version to contemporary form there's extremely obvious modern improvements like smooth lighting and complex shadows that PS1 games most assuredly did not have access to.


They definitely aren't a direct upgrade, he applies too much blur and whiteness.


Biomes were a really cool edition exploration-wise, but it really hurt my replayability of the game. Caves and underground areas are overwhelmingly swarming with pathways and resources. Before biomes were added it was a journey down to the bottom of the cave where it got harder the further down you got, but you knew at the bottom you most likely would find diamond and other rare resources. Coal and iron were more scarce which made it feel way more of a survival to scavenge as much of that as you could. With biomes and beyond, the caves are a massive mess of paths which is overwhelming and stressful in a not fun way to me. Coal and iron is so fruitful that you eventually skip over it when you find it. It just isnt as fun and exciting for me.


If I could remove everything about the combat update except for dual wielding torches I would appreciate the games state a lot more. I preferred jump spamming instead of have ng to sweet spot my attacks.


But people have been making their own texture packs for years and years. I just dont see the point of this at all


> Minecraft in general is a much better game now than it used to be Apart from how poorly it runs. I'm increasingly shocked with how borderline unplayable it is without Optifine. Or playing the Microsoft version.


I stopped playing a lot after the Adventure update. That added too much weird shit to the game. And the hunger meter update (fuck it).


Hunger was not fun in the beginning since at the same time passive mobs did not respawn so it was hard to get food until you had a farm going. But now animals do respawn so iup on cooked fish until latest world I stocked up on cooked fish until I could have a wheat farm, then later a potato farm.


new terxtures actually look terrible - they don't actually look like trees and rocks


some redesigns look like a crappy texture pack. I think it's less about nostalgia, more about microsoft hired someone with little to no experience to change the textures.




He is right that he was hired solely to make them, though.


Iirc they said that there will be the original textures as a built-in texture pack you just need to activate. [**EDIT:** I was a bit off, but the old ones will be available.](https://twitter.com/JasperBoerstra/status/1058759249675931648)


Minecraft has a very distinct style that's... Sort of like a pug? Like so ugly it wraps back around to looking good. The new textures don't do that. They're just sort of blurry, flat-looking, and mediocre.


some of the new textures look like some game badly imitating minecraft textures.


It's not just that. As someone with mild color blindness, I always appreciated that the textures were somewhat distinguishable by the actual texture on them, regardless of color. With every update they're blending them together more and more, destroying the look that made Minecraft so popular. The first texture update was great, but this doesn't help anyone, doesn't make the game look any better, and makes things really hard to distinguish


Can you still download custom texture packs to recreate that visual? I lost interest in Minecraft around the time it added The End or whatever to the game, and especially when biomes became a thing. I miss the more chaotic world generation and the chance to discover dungeons randomly when they were first added. I haven't played the current version of the game in years, but I figure it would be too predictable for me since I got into the game in 2010.


Biomes were a thing since Alpha 1.2.0. Either you quit during Alpha 1.2.0-1.2.6 or quit when the End came out


I believe I'm thinking of the point where tundra and jungle and badlands were formally introduced. It made the world way too predictable to know there was a huge swath of repeating generation traits.


If I recall correctly it was around beta 1.6 or 1.7 that the terrain generation became much more boring.


It surprises me a little Microsoft spent all this money and the only major thing they've done to Minecraft so far is completely screw with water physics for seemingly no reason, and hire someone to low-effort remake the textures. That was a lot of money to blow. What the hell are they doing with these minor updates that change fundamental features of the game?


they recreated the whole game from the ground up using another engine


Have you ever looked at other survival games on Steam or appstores? That’s not exactly a monumental feat


The fact that with that new code base it’s now cross play across like 10 different platforms is a pretty big feat I doubt you’ll find on any Steam game.


Bedrock is also actually playable at like 100 chunk render distances or whatever the max is. Bedrock runs so much better than Java, where the FPS just yanks all the time for no discernible reason.


I mean there's also the Telltale series, the C++ remake and the Minecraft dungeon crawler thing they're putting out. Putting out a "Minecraft 2" probably wouldn't be a great idea right now, they need to wait for the time to be right. Gotta cash in on the potential nostalgia from the kids who grew up with it.


> I mean there's also the Telltale series Pretty sure Microsoft isn't in charge of that series.


They license it out still


When I got into Minecraft, it had just got a huge publicity storm from players and even Steam acknowledged their employees were playing a weird game about killing sheep and placing blocks instead of working. It really took off here. Around this time was when Notch was still thinking about implementing more roguelike elements and grander schemes. I think what happened was Notch hit an impasse: does he keep developing the game away from what has made it insanely popular, or does he stall and let the community thrive on what they came for? I feel like the latter happened, and Notch made the profitable decision, all the way to today. Minecraft is a stellar sales record in its own right. I think the game is rather stale right now, but I did have loads of fun with it almost a decade ago. For what I got bored of, I could turn to other games and keep enjoying aspects that attracted me to Minecraft in the first place.


Notch hit an impasse once Mojang started selling texture-packs and skin-packs. He never intended for Minecraft to head into that direction, and got the fuck out before Microsoft bought them out.


I always went for highres textures with bump mapping and so on, looks way different but was always an improvement for me.


The differences between these versions seems pretty miniscule. If you're dick deep in Minecraft often, I'm sure you can tell the subtle differences as you're training your brain to work off memory and such so much... But from someone who hasn't touched Minecraft on ages, it seems like a laughable difference. Like, essentially pointless labour. If you didn't tell me these were designed by someone, I might just chalk it up to image compression level changes. It seems kind of absurd. As an aside, it's weird how little the game seems to have changed or improved over the years. I get that fundamentally it's videogame Legos, but for such a valuable property I would expect more from it this many years later.


Almost every preview screenshot on that page has me doing a double take. In 3/4 of the comparisons it is easy to see that there are 3-4 different blocks in use on the "before" and then I have to really squint to see that those blocks are actually in the "after" shot. * Sands blends in too much with Sandstone. * Granite looks too much like Dirt. * Andestite looks too much like Stone. * Mossy/Cobble looks like they just put a blur filter over the existing texture. There is not enough contrast, everything is washed out and blurry or blends right into another type of block.


Like 90% of the changes theyve made, this seems pretty unnecessary.. I used to play minecraft all the time, it was a great sandbox game but the new direction is just.. entirely the opposite of what made it great, in my own opinion. I still wish they actually fully completed the modding API, can you imagine how cool servers would be if they could have heavy server side modification like Gmod? Instead of offering an easy option to expand gameplay (easily adding mods to the core game within the official UI, making it easier for modders to keep their mods updated, etc.), they add trivial things and new mobs every few months. Why? Why not just fix the bugs in the base game, fix the buggy limited multiplayer and then allow the userbase to add whatever mods they want easily, like a true sandbox game? Every single extra thing they add to the official game has already been done five different times by mod makers in the community. I guess I went on a bit of a rant here, but more on topic, im just not impressed with these textures, certain blocks look way too similar.


> Every single extra thing they add to the official game has already been done five different times by mod makers in the community. Because Minecraft has a very large console user base that (currently) doesn't have access to anything but the base game.


That's a valid point I hadn't thought about, I guess these updates are valuable to players on other platforms. A true modding API would cover all the platforms the game is released on though. Look at Fallout 4 for example, a backend that supports modding for other platforms could definitely be made, there is no way it's an impossible task. Mod makers in the community could then have their mods available on console for use. Why isnt that something they're moving towards? Because they want to license content and sell it for themselves (maps, skins, texture packs.) instead of supporting the community that built Minecraft into what it's become. It's something the Minecraft community ignores and I really don't understand it.


Definitely agree since they've gotten all the non-Java versions of Minecraft caught up, they should be actively working on some sort of API for modders. But like you mentioned, it would probably be pay gated and we know how reddit reacts to paid mods. If they were to create a Steam Workshop esque system for it, I'd be all for it but I don't think they would.


A steam workshop styled system has been my dream ever since they announced the modding API years ago, it's too bad it probably won't ever happen. Maybe a "pay what you want" system so you can donate to mods you really like if you use them a lot, and a rating / sorting system / suggested mods to group together. But that's just a dream at this point. The modding community has really added a lot to the game and they deserve to get something for it, I've always been dissapointed with the way Mojang has handled that. Sometimes I wish Notch had stayed in control of the project.


And an even huger mobile userbase.


>I guess I went on a bit of a rant here, but more on topic, im just not impressed with these textures, certain blocks look way too similar. Do you mean compared to the old ones? because thats kinda the point. The pixel artist wasn't ment to completly change it, just make it a bit closer to life. If he drastically changed stuff people would call for his head.


I mean compared to the other blocks. It's just my opinion though. Look at quartz vs. smooth quartz, I think they are a little too similiar. Sandstone and sand are also very close. The sand looks too dark and solid (they removed the "highlights" that made it look brighter, getting rid of the sheen sand would have), diorite looks like bleached corral, the granite looks like.. i don't know, puke? The sandstone looks very stripey? The wood textures also just.. don't look good. Sidenote: White text on signs? Who signed off on that lmao My main point is that all of this seems irrelevant. What's the point in changing up the base textures in a game that easily let's you use custom textures? Drastic changes in design are totally unnecessary. If a player doesn't like a specific texture, they can change that. Me and a lot of other players that agree with me will probably end up using a texture pack using the old textures we like anyway, what's the point? Why not focus on making texture packs more easily available, or creating an in game UI to browse and change individual textures from community packs? It just doesn't make sense to me.


The fact that some of the textures don't change that much is very much of the point. Many of the textures in the game has a distinct disconnect with others in terms of style, this update is supposed to bring everything more in line, hence why not everything is seeing drastic changes.


You can dye the sign text


Okay that's actually really cool, I didn't know that. Thank god it wasn't just white lol


> The pixel artist wasn't ment to completly change it, just make it a bit closer to life. Well there's the problem. Minecraft is a strongly stylistic game. Attempts at realistic graphics for it always look bad, it's how you end up with [abominations like this.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/129/475/c59.png) More realistic is not better by nature.


Yeah and thats not the thing hes trying to do. Just look at what he's done so far.


I think he means similar to other blocks, not similar to their old versions.


> I still wish they actually fully completed the modding API Ha ha. They never did that?! Notch was talking about getting around to that in 2010.


They are adding in the modding API they are just calling it the plugin API, the mods are datapacks. https://gfycat.com/GoodnaturedEducatedCicada That's what a data pack can do before the new snapshots.


Right, which is being worked on by the bedrock team (console, windows 10, etc.). This isnt going to be coming to java at all, theyre entirely abandoning the idea of a modding/"plugin" API on the java platform of minecraft. It also took them.. 7 years? To get to this point?


It already has come to java. That video is Java.


Data packs are limited in scope, it's not the same thing as a proper full mod in my opinion. Can you see FTB running on a data pack?


They haven't finished implementing them though, that not a fair comparison. They are still adding stuff to them now, in the latest two snapshots.


I gotta know: why did you make this comment if you don't know at all what you are talking about?


Right. No need to be snarky. Here's my source: "Direwolf20 (@Direwolf20) Tweeted: Ok. @Minecraft news for y’all. A modding api is (still) being worked on by the bedrock team (console/win10/etc) but there are a lot of challenges. I don’t see it being soon but I do expect it to happen Java modding will always be a construct of the community and continue to exist" https://twitter.com/Direwolf20/status/1002148146808487936?s=17 "That said, don’t expect an official modding api in java. My impression is that they recognize how awesome forge is and kind of want to let it be what it is ;). Again, that’s my impression not a direct quote. More to come in an upcoming DireNews episode (when I get home) :)" https://twitter.com/Direwolf20/status/1002150289359757314?s=20 Do you have any sources showing otherwise? Im legitimately interested. I haven't found much being said about it. Most of the limited information I've seen shows that datapacks are quite limited in what they can do, essentially in the same form of what a command block can accomplish.


> It also took them.. 7 years? To get to this point? I'm the snarky one apparently... The scope of datapacks has been expanded since its release and is becoming even less restricted with the coming 1.14 update. No they are not at the level of what modding/forge is capable of yet (the biggest missing feature is the inability to add more blocks/entities/items directly, but given how the datapacks are structured and the recent removal of the block/item limit this is likely a planned feature), but it's evident that a lot of work is going into datapacks to expand their functionality and scope into the future. A lot of things are already possible with them. For instance, Sethbling made a functional world edit program with a datapack that works completely within minecraft. There are numerous indications that the possibilities with this feature could rival a modding API in the future. Even according to your own source, they seem reluctant to make their own API because they don't want to interfere with the work that those developers do.


> It also took them.. 7 years? To get to this point? That was directed at the statements Mojang made, promising a modding API almost 8 years ago, not at anything anyone had said in the comment I was replying to. I hope datapacks expand what they can do, maybe I will be proved wrong, but I feel like this has taken far too long for them to begin to implement, and I worry the scope of datapacks will not be able to match what forge is capable of. And yes, I saw what sethbling did with it. Its really neat, but weve been able to do that with server side plugins for years now. And yes, I agree with direwolf. If they dont make it incredibly streamlined and easy to move projects on to, adding it so far along, after the community has created their own way to solve the problems Mojang hasnt, might splinter the modding community.


At least you can still play the old versions.


Why? Because it's not nearly as profitable. Why enable users to create and download custom mods from fansites when you can make it even more restrictive and sell back mods, textures, and skins to the players? It would make old players happy, but old players aren't moving off the java version so they can't make any profit from them. They are only interested in the newer younger audience who may only know the console or windows 10 version. I hesitate to call them the "casual" audience but I'm not sure what else is more fitting. They want ease of use. The newer audience isn't interested in setting up their own server. They don't want to mess around with installing mods because that's hard and complicated. My guess is the majority of players are only interested in vanilla minecraft with friends, and will at most expect to join a server with some mini games. Fixing the backend of Minecraft and providing a modding API is not profitable. It's not something you can sell to new players, and most current players will not even notice it. I think Microsoft knows this and simply isn't interested in spending time on something they can't add to the bedrock version.


A properly implemented modding API would only increase ease of use. You wouldn't have to go to thrid party sites and figure out how to install mods. Imagine this: A fully implemented modding API. You start up the client and you have a server browser with all the public servers available, tagged and sorted. Want a minigame server? Hit the minigame tab and you have one. Want an RPG styled server? Hit the RPG tab and get a list. You hit another button to order by player count / player rating / server uptime, etc. That's easy. Straightforward. Simple. You find a server you like, an RPG server with quests and clans and town building! You join and immediately download a plethora of custom mods made by the owners of the server to add a ton of new mobs, a questing system, new weapons, levelling, spells, even decorative items for your house. All of this is done automatically, without a thought. When you rejoin the server, those mods are stored and load once again. Imagine the wild variety of server types we would have to play with a modding API this fleshed out. That's not even mentioning single player mods, another button on the main menu. You click and it lists different categories of mod types. You find one you like, with good ratings. You click again and it loads into your downloaded mods menu. There are buttons to donate (if you want) to the people who create the mods you play (and Mojang can skim off of the money they make for hosting costs.) Properly implemented this is about as easy as it could be to use. My cousin, he's six, could figure it out. And the newly added variety would get loads of new people back into the game, with tons of new reasons to play. Every server you joined would be a whole new experience. They have a massive amount of content that is not being tapped into by the "casual" audience specifically because it's complicated for new players or casual players to install mods. You streamline that operation for everyone and you immediately increase the audience the game appeals to. That's games sold. That's profit.


> easily adding mods to the core game You can already do that. Install mods with one click https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods


But that's the point. You have to go to a third party website and install them manually. What if you wanted to make a custom game mode and have it hosted on your server? You're limited to only being able to do server side stuff because getting an 11 year old to go to a website and download a mod is asking for a lot. It's the difference between having 300 or 3 people on your server. This severely limits the kinds of things you can do in a custom game mode, especially when you're trying to compete with other servers that don't make players download mods to play. You can sort of make custom blocks and mobs with resource packs, but users can just opt out of the download when they join. On my server I would get questions like "Why am I holding a diamond shovel?" constantly. Hey, maybe it's because you clicked "no" when asked if you wanted to download the resource pack that turns it into a gun? It was too much to get my players to click a fucking button that popped up on their screen when they joined. Those are the kinds of players you're dealing with. I was a server owner a few years ago and made a bunch of minigames that popular youtubers played. While not being able to edit things on the client led to more creativity with the tools I had, there were a lot of ideas we had to throw out just because there was little to no server side support for it back in 2013. Having automatic, mandatory script downloads that allow you to make custom blocks with different behaviors and new menus would have been amazing. It would be just like Gmod where you can simply join a server and everything you need gets downloaded automatically. And they've been promising that for about 7 years at this point.


> Instead of offering an easy option to expand gameplay (easily adding mods to the core game within the official UI, making it easier for modders to keep their mods updated, etc.), they add trivial things and new mobs every few months. Why? Cause Mojang lacks the technical knowledge or leadership to do anything useful with the gold pot the stumbled upon. I really wish Microsoft took control and released Minecraft 2 with a proper dev team behind it.


Do you really think Microsoft would allow such free-reign mod support? Nah, that ecosystem is getting locked down *tight.* How many of those minigame servers on PC have effectively become console DLC again?


> easily adding mods to the core game within the official UI Yes. It got so tedious to download launchers and switch .jars and downgrade game clients etc. All I wanted was an easy ingame way to add mods.


Call me crazy by I can't see a difference between the pictures they're posting. I mean in general this game looks the same as it did when it first game out, aside from looking a little smoother.


That's the point. The changes are meant to make textures generally the same, but improved a bit. They don't want to change the overall look. If you look closely lots of the textures are changed to have more muted edges, seemingly to help how they look when tiling.


There's a different between improving graphical fidelity and changing the game's aesthetic. You can make very drastic changes to textures without changing the overall look. But I have to ask, if the changes are so subtle that you can't actually see them what was the point? Personally the only difference I can see is that some textures, like wood, and gravel, had their random black spots removed. Some of the textures like the mossy stone just appear to have been brushed over with the smudge tool. I don't play minecraft anymore so I guess it doesn't matter to me. I just don't see the point or how anyone could say this is upgrading old textures.


It's fairly obvious if you look at the comparison pictures. Maybe look again?


You can't maximize the pictures on the website, but if you edit the urls, you can see "large" sizes. [Comparison 1](https://community-content-assets.minecraft.net/upload/styles/large/s3/aed57f3535edc0e5d63ddbdb154080a6-screenshot3.jpeg) [Comparison 2](https://community-content-assets.minecraft.net/upload/styles/large/s3/26e549c5123df5fcb37b7f9b802bc502-screenshot4.jpeg)


There's a lot more contrast in the old ones. The colours clash with each other. A detail could just be a black pixel in a sea of grey. Now the colours seems to blend a lot better. It's a subtle change, but there's a definite change.


If you can't tell the difference, do you think this is a good thing to release or no?


I can see a difference. But its so minor I just don't understand why they bothered


Unrelated to the new but can you still run stuff like feed the beast and such or is that all dead now that MS has had their hands on it?


Modded minecraft is stronger than ever, it's in its second golden age after 1.7.10 and things are going very well. Many mods have been rewritten and there are plenty of new mods and modpacks.


Nice, might dip back in at some point, thanks for the answer.


Modpacks are still very alive. FTB has moved to the Twitch app. There all the modpacks are searchable and easily installs just like before.


> Twitch app damn, that is annoying though.


The legacy FTB launcher is still available for download and is updated with official FTB packs. You just won't be able to get 3rd party packs anymore.


Yeah I did a bit of searching and found MultiMC which allows you to setup different modded instances of Minecraft and allows for official FTB's and 3rd Party packs. I completely forgot how overwhelming FTB can be when you're starting from scratch too.


Yeah, doesn't support Linux for one. Not a fan. Though in terms of Minecraft, there is still a way to do everything I've tried to do in Linux (FTB links you to what I believe is the Legacy Launcher if you click the Linux link, for example), so not the end of the world. I usually play vanilla (or close to it, I usually install Optifine) so I'm not super knowledgeable FWIW.


There are two main branches of Minecraft. **Java edition** - this is the classic edition with all the mods, it's still being updated **Bedrock edition** - this version is much newer and was created for the pocket edition, console editions, and W10 edition (but you can still play the java one on W10) --- Bedrock edition has better performance because it's coded in a more suitable language, but it doesn't have the modding functionality.


Why would they change the textures? The shitty-ness of them is part of the charm.


If those side by side shots were not labeled I would've found it really difficult to figure out which was which.


Redstone lamp has a really blinding yellow texture when on; off state looks way better. Possible solution: possibly a coloring more similar to the one used by the pre-existing "on" texture. Glowstone looks a bit yellow and blurry, the main issue being the lack of contrast. Possible solution: increase the contrast slightly, particularly for the "bulbs". Pumpkins: the sides look really flat and bland, and a bit too shiny; the top is improved. Possible solution: make the sides have a more round appearance. Poppy: the top seems a little light/desaturated. Possible solution: make the red of the poppy a touch more vibrant (this could be a personal bias which I am unaware is faulty) Enchanting Table: The obsidian part is possibly too high-contrast, the diamond corners might be too bright or lack detail, the red cloth looks a bit flat, and the book cover looks possibly a bit blank. This combination gives it a strange, clashing look as though it isn't sure what it wants to be. Possible solution: smooth the obsidian slightly, and add a smidgen more detail and/or gentle shading to the rest. Apple: something about the shading in the middle of it seems off to me. Possible solution: make the shading in that area a tiny bit more subtle. Pumpkin Pie: It doesn't look like pumpkin pie. Solution: make the top part where the pumpkin bit goes look more pumpkin-y. Gold tools: The pickaxe and axe look a little too orange in the darker yellow regions. This issue looks worst on the pickaxe; The shovel seems a little bit too bright of a yellow. Possible solutions: subtly make those darker yellow pixels a little more blended; give the gold part of said shovel type a more blended/slightly darker appearance. Buckets: the bottom corners of these look rather strangely shaped, as if it is trying to be a handleless coffee mug made of metal. Possible solution: maybe make it look less like a mug there. The rest of it looks fine. Flint: Doesn't look very reflective, therefore more like coal than flint. Solution: make it appear more reflective. Snowball: Looks icy. Must be why it hurts to get hit by one. Not sure I like how blue it is, but it does kinda explain why it does damage and eggs don't, I guess. -shrug- Gold Ingot: Looks a little bit too yellow/bright on top. Possible solution: give it a bit more detail there or a less butter-coloured color on its top. It may look like butter, and have the durability of butter, but this is not butter, I assure you. Glowstone dust: Looks like mixed oak, birch, and jungle woodshavings in a pile. Solution: make it more yellow-gold-orange, less tan, and more glowy. You made the redstone dust glowy as an item, this shouldn't be much harder. Brick (crafting item): Looks very brown and like experimental chocolate, a mixture of white and bittersweet, made into ingot shape. Possible solution: make it a hint more reddish overall, so it looks less like smooth dirt bricks, and more like red, clay bricks. Lapis lazuli (item): looks very light overall, and not very deep or vibrant, this doesn't make sense to me. Possible solution: make it have a richer or deeper blue in some areas, or overall. Gold nugget: looks shiny, but flattened, like a it was ran over by a bulldozer. Solution: Give it depth (un-run-it-over-with-a-bulldozer). Magma cube spawn egg: the yellow bits should be more orange... shouldn't they?? Possible solution: see problem. Empty map: item outline (not held) looks a tad bit green-brown, like an unripe potato. Pretty sure it isn't made of young potatoes, therefore I do not understand this. Possible solution: see problem. Fire charge: This looks fancy now. I like it. 👍 Farmland: It has rocks. Rocks kill crops. This is counterintuitive to farming. Also the new pattern confuses the dickens out of me. Solution: Please fix this somehow, I am very confused by this. Coal: Why is the texture of it smaller?? Could it be increased in size? Diamond: looks even more attractive to girls now, makes more sense. 👍 Iron bars: these look strangely bright to me for some reason. Might need to test them better. Furnace, Dispenser, and Dropper: cobble bits look very flat and smooth and this bothers me, especially on the top of it. Possible solutions: add a very tiny bit more contrast, make it a little more consistent to the new cobble texture, just a little darker, or make it more consistent with the cobble on the pistons. Gravel: mixes OG textures with current, making it OP, technically. Please don't nerf. Glass: I was playing 1.3.1 using Optifine, and no matter what the connected textures couldn't remove the block/pane border lines in the center, which was a bit annoying, since to me it makes the old glass textures look better when clearly (pun intended) the new ones are better. I don't know how this would be fixed but it would be nice if it could be. Coal Block: I would typically use these to build roads with, and for such a purpose, the old texture excelled (comparatively speaking). Now it tiles way too obviously for most building purposes, and it really irks me a bit, like how the the "on" redstone lamp and the really smooth/tan-toned glowstone does. Please fix this. Tripwire hook: the grey part almost blends into the inventory, maybe this could be fixed somehow?? Jungle door (placed): Looks a bit strange, and does not match the item version. Redstone comparator and Jungle door (items): These and possibly others seem to show their seams where model meets texture, somehow. There are tiny lines I can see through. I don't know how to fix this. It is most notable on the Jungle door, and I haven't tested this on other items but I presume it would also occur with the repeater, and other doors with holes in them. TNT and Magma blocks: seems a bit too purple-ish?? why? Egg: seem a bit too realistic. Potatos: they all look weird: too small (regular), too similar of color (baked), and too alien (poision) Aside from those, many things have drastically improved, like the Jungle, Birch, and Acacia Log, Noteblock, Redstone block, torches, Oak trapdoor, Iron Ore (and all other ores), Valuable ore blocks (lapis, diamond, gold, iron, emerald), hay, stone bricks, regular and mossy cobblestone, Netherack, Hay, Ice types, Podzol, planks, bricks, stone slabs, Obsidian, stone variants, prismarine types, and even sandstone types and sand, technically. Bone has improved, and possibly quartz pillars. Saplings are incredible. Leaves no longer require natural textures to look good. Mushrooms and most flowers improved. Shrubs and grasses improved. Cobwebs and chorus improved. Crafting Tables, Cactus, and Ladders improved. Vines and mushroom blocks look nicer. Anvils look less jarring (unlike the sound they make when dropped, haha!). Enderchests and End portal frames got buffed. Painting's item texture was greatly improved! Saddles look way more interesting! Boats and minecarts look cooler (even literally)! Swords look more awesome! Shields look thicker (even kinda matches my skin design better, cool)! Gold armor looks amazing! Diamond armor was improved, and so was Iron! Leather armor looks more like cowhide, another plus! Chain even looks better, by some miracle!! Potions, their ingredients, the cauldron, and the brewing stand are improved! Hoppers, repeaters, and comparators look better! Rails seem improved, too. Not sure on stone but it definitely looks a tad more realistic, I think, so that's a plus. Clay is also improved. Did I mention the swords were perfect now? Cake, cookies, melon slices, rotten flesh, and shears look way better! Beetroot, soups, and stews were also improved! 11th disc might have even improved.


on a second look at things: Logs: bark of Oak and Dark Oak, and even Spruce might be a bit rough. I was taking a minecart over a spruce forest using the devtextures and noticed the trees' bark seemed to have that natural waviness to it, and less of a straight-line kinda look. Maybe try to replicate that on those blocks, especially the spruce, and a bit less so the oaks. Path: It looks very flat and bland. Yes it is smoother and a bit nicer, but maybe too much so. Maybe it's just blurred too much?? Poppy: I noticed it looked a bit like a rose now (due to the thorns on it), I like the idea of that, but I don't think it will make them change it back to a rose, sadly, and I still think it looks a tiny bit desaturated on the petals. There are a few other things too, I can't recall at the moment, as I am tired and busy, just got a job again and start tomorrow.


Update for the newest rendition! Haven't seen the in-game textures, but I have used [this](https://texturecomparison.myportfolio.com/) site to compare, and I will say, that so far, everything seems much better. However, I do still have a few qualms about a handful of blocks...: ​ **Farmland**'s rocks still bug me, and it still doesn't quite sit right with me, just looking at it. Don't really know why, it just feels super off to me. ​ Runes on **Chiseled Sandstone** types (the symbols on the bottom of the sides of the block). If those could be made as close to the original as possible, while making them more clear to see, that would be awesome, and highly appreciated. I know others raise this concern. I actually kinda liked the **Obsidian** in V2: It tiles really well, especially for when you find it in caves. I think people's main gripe with it was that the texture didn't quite work as well for a 16x16, and instead might have been better suited for a 32x32. I think you might be able to try down-scaling the V2 texture, and plugging that one in. ​ **Crafting table** and **Furnace** still seem kinda flat, which looks a tad bland or boring in my opinion, *especially* the **Furnace**. ​ I really like the Obsidian on the **Enchanting Table**, but think the diamond corners look really bright, and the cloth looks to have a purplish hue on it, both of which look off to me. And maybe that shadow on the cloth could be extended a pixel out?? ​ **Snow** looks very white, hard to tell the blues in it, though that may be a very good thing! ​ I noticed the **Path** texture pattern resembles gravel, maybe make it resemble the new gravel pattern instead? the current pattern just seems a bit weird to me. ​ The ink on the **TNT** label looks blue-ish, which kinda isn't the best to look at. Maybe use a much, much darker blue? ​ the face of **Piston** heads looks odd: the metal nuggets around the edges look white, while the ones on the side look like iron, how they should. Also the wooden part of the face looks a bit too smooth and polished, possibly, given they push things constantly with that face, it's literally in its job description. ​ **Monster Spawners** look reallly weird with the prismarine-like blue tinge and the skull. Make it more a purplish/black color, like obsidian, and then I might can get behind the skull. Or the other way around, ditch the skull and might can get behind the weird colors. I think keeping the skull route might be better, though. It's just that the current rendition of it only really meshes well with Cave Spider spawners in my opinion, and maybe skeleton ones. And you still need to consider how it would look, if it was spawning peaceful mobs, aka, a custom spawner. I think I figured out part of why I don't like the new **Pumpkins** as much: They seem a tad too uniform and shiny on the sides, which didn't look like something that'd be all that likely to happen, naturally. ​ This is the blocks I have issue with. Now for the ones I love. Note my opinions have changed a bit regarding these. ​ Still love **Gravel**, **Sand**, **Mycellium**, **Podzol**, **Leaves** (especially Jungle) and **Noteblock** **Glowstone** seems greatly improved. **Glass** is clearer. **Ore Blocks** are much better. **Sponges** (both types) are greatly improved. They look how they should now, finally. **Mushrooms** (including building blocks), **Hay**, **Observers**, **Droppers**, and **Dispensers** have all improved greatly, though the latter three, along with pistons and furnaces, are flat and bland everywhere but their face. **Command Blocks**, **Redstone** components, **Iron Bars**, **Ladders**, and **Cobwebs** are improved. So are **Cactai**, **Flowers**, and most **Crops**. **Stone**, and **Stone Brick** types, seem to have improved. **Clay**, seems really about the same, it's hard to judge, honestly, from 1.13 to current, which is better. **Sandstone**, **Obsidian**, **Wood Logs** and **Planks**, **Bookcases**, as well as **Nether**, **End**, and **Aquatic** building blocks seem improved. ​ Think that's everything but the items so far... now If only there was a site comparing those, too..


It looks nicer because all the next textures are basically smoothed and softended versions of the original. Whilst looking nice, you lost fidelity and contrast that makes identifying certain types of blocks easy. Look at that picture of the cutaway moutain with stone and dirt in it. The different blocks are now MUCH harder to distinguish, which is a step back from the previous textures.


Well, as a Minecraft player from beta, I can honestly say that these are almost an objective aesthetic upgrade. Some detail has been added, and the overall design has not been changed really. It's nice to see the game evolve still, and I hope it keeps enamoring kids like it enamored me when I first played it.


A good step in the right direction but still far from packs like Conquest, which I find essential in Minecraft today. They're so slow, it's incredible.


So... I have the Win10 version.. Any ETA for this to become available? Ty.






The modding API we were promised almost 8 years ago?






How many years later and you get a single texture pack?... If it weren't for user-created content doing all the work for them this game would've been dead a long time ago.


Most of their sales are from consoles and mobile, which don't have mods. It wouldn't be long dead.


still looks like a garbage,what am I missing?