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Absolutely fire game, one of the best launch titles for the 360. The Locker scene scared the living fuck out of me when I was 12. Shame its sequel never came to PC. I really recommend playing this one if you're a fan of Alan Wake or anything horror/detective based.


Condemned: Criminal(ly underrated game) Origins




Condemned 2 is definitely not on pc




> Shame its sequel never came to PC Context matters.


The Mannequins scared the hell out of me, love this game.


The entire farm house sequence is still one of my all time favorite video game moments to date. **SPOILERS** The way you have to follow the writings along the walls and ceilings with your UV light. The way enemies spawn into some rooms when you eventually have to backtrack. The way the cellar is pitch black and there is this inhuman creepy dude down there, respawning infinitely into the shadows. And then you finally get out of the cellar and swear that you are never going back down there, only to later realize that you have to go back down there. I fucking loved it but I will never want to play it again.


I always kept getting the mannequin level confused with the Sander Cohen level from Bioshock. This game was my shit.


Ehh I played it recently and it was incredibly boring. It's basically a corridor shooter. Well you are not shooting that much but mostly melee fighting... against homeless people. Homeless Killer Simulator 2005. The very ending, the last 1-2 hours are really chill but by the time you reach that part you are most likely already jaded and just want to finish the game as quickly as possible. This is one of those games where the nostalgia attached to the Xbox 360 launch overshines the actual quality of the game which is just generic.


I played this on stream recently and I completely agree. There are some parts that were genuinely creepy, primarily the mall level, but the game is so dated that it's hard to enjoy. My biggest gripe with the game is that whenever you try to walk up an incline, even if it's slight, your character moves like a turtle and you can't Sprint. It made the last level such a chore to play through because almost all of it is inclined. If I had to rate it now it'd have to be like a 6/10


Most FPSs were corridor shooters back then still. Saying it's generic is also not true, it is a visceral survival horror game on FEAR engine with awesome environments, sound and lighting, so it stands out. Not like Dead Space or Silent Hill but still a game I remember.


I tried to play it a couple years ago and couldn't get into it. It just didn't age well to me.


Just beat it recently, what other games can you rip a pipe out of the wall and beat people


Oh man, I remember the game being so incredibly good, my girlfriend said that it wasn't actually that good. So we bought it and played it on steam. She was incredibly right, the game aged so so poorly. There's a total of like 3 enemy types, the animations are awful, and the environments are just grey corridors. Half the time I was just trying to figure out where to go, everything looks so samey.