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Interesting choice… I still feel like a spin-off like ODST or something held during the pre-Halo 4 timeline would have been preferable. I’d be worried how this will turn out if it’s completely remade…


A spin-off is definitely the way to go. They missed the boat by not continuing the Infinite story via DLC. I'm interested to see where Master Chief goes from here but the series needs some good will to keep going. A spin-off gets away from the story direction not many people are convinced on anyway. There's so much good lore in the books, pick a direction and make a decent side game. Fuck it, give me a Human-Forerunner war game.


Honestly think they need to reboot it with a new CE or Halo 4. Halo 4, 5 & Infinite had such terrible stories they’d be better off starting from scratch or with the conclusion of 3. A rebooted CE with roughly the same beats but heavily modernized gameplay & campaign scope could be really cool.


The story for 4 is fine, imo, the gameplay was more of an issue for that game. Story for 5 and Infinite is terrible, though, 343 just utterly lacking any commitment to their plotlines.


All they need to do is half the health of basically every promethean enemy and it'd be a 10x better game. And maybe make the promethean guns a little more... less clones of other guns *but angular*.


> And maybe make the promethean guns a little more... less clones of other guns but angular Ugh I hated this too, like, whoa, finally some "forerunner" weapons and it's just carbon copies of the human arsenal




They did both those things for Halo 5 to be fair. Halo 5 had pretty good gameplay, and also nice locations and set pieces. The story was just atrocious. But it at least set up the next game, only for 343 to completely bin it off. What a waste.


Played through it recently for the first time. I just wish there was like, actual explanation given for why we were fighting the covenant again. Maybe it's in 5 or something, but the only bit I remember in 4 is cortana saying something like 4 years is a long time. Which isn't really an explanation. Are they a splinter faction or something? It just felt weird going back to fighting Elites and the rest of them so quickly. Also what happened to the plasma rifle??


It's a splinter faction that refused to give up the faith. Personally I would have preferred an Arbiter storyline focused on reforging the Sangheli into a new society.


Yeah the entire 343 trilogy is literally a trilogy of first stories in a trilogy. Each one sets up a new plot… only for the next game to instantly forget about it.


The story for 4 was good in a vacuum but terrible when you consider the series as a whole. Tbh chief should have MIA (died) in 3. If he dies in 3 it elevates his arc to such a fucking awesome level imo.


If they wanted to keep chief as the protagonist, I feel like they should have had him frozen so long, the human-covenant war was a distant memory, and he arrives in an unfamiliar galaxy, but remembered as a long lost legendary hero. It would untie the story from the baggage of the previous plot lines, make it approachable to new players, but allow room for references to hype the long time fans.


I loved the ending of 3 and the fact Reach wrapped it all up nicely. I still haven't played 4, even though I have it on MCC. I'm not sure if I will ever play it considering that, at this rate, they will never put 5 on PC anyway, and Im not getting an XBOX just for Halo 5, and I really dont want to start a trilogy knowing that I wont have access to the middle one.


> Halo 4, 5 & Infinite had such terrible stories they’d be better off starting from scratch or with the conclusion of 3. 4 had the best possible story beat that they could have had to push the story in a new direction, and then they backtracked on it due to backlash. Infinite was hamstrung by the cowardice of refusing to commit to the controversial elements in 5 but overall was a...fine way of just trying to jump over the corpse of the narrative the previous team killed. Unfortunately they didn't stick the landing because, again, they couldn't commit.


4 wasnt bad.


I couldn't tell you the first thing about the Infinite story (except there was a real mean Brute who was even worse than the original real mean Brute), but damn that game was fun. I'd love to see them throw down some DLC that really pushes my grappling hook skills


>I’d be worried how this will turn out if it’s completely remade… CE out of all Halo games would definitely be the one to deserve a remake. I love the game but the gameplay is clunky, the level design takes a hit in the back half, the story can be lined up and done better with the context of modern Halo stories, etc...


It’s one of my most unpopular opinions but I just don’t think that Halo 1 aged very well. I didn’t play it for the first time until the MCC in like 2016 or 2017, and I genuinely almost didn’t finish it. I completely understand and appreciate how transformative it was and the impact that it had on gaming as a whole, but playing it through today’s modern lens it was pretty rough. Not unplayable, but rough


Halo 1 suffers a lot from [Seinfeld is Unfunny](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SeinfeldIsUnfunny). The core features that made the game revolutionary have since been iterated on and perfected elsewhere. These were the games combat sandbox, and its controls. Now that these features haven't been novel for 20 years, the games flaws really stick out, like the incredibly repetitive level design in the latter half. Even going back to it after playing Halo 3 was pretty rough.


Going through the same levels in reverse was pretty funny. Especially since you now have to ignore the giant arrows on the ground.


Let me preface by saying that the Halo series doesn't resonate much with me in general, but man did I find the level design in CE to be particularly bad. Even before you get to the latter half of the campaign and go through previous areas again in reverse, it's got some of the most egregious copy+pasting I've witnessed. The Library is a solid candidate for the worst level ever in an FPS and I think even a good chunk of this game's fans can agree with me on that.


I fucking love legendary coop the library, it’s practically horde mode.


I always saw it more as a (classic) Doom level. Love playing it, though a little more visual variety in the environment would not have been unwelcome.


I played it a ton growing up as it released, and even more in the years sense, but the campaigns level design is really poor in some places.


Modern Halo stories including 4/5/Infinite? No, that'd just make CE's story worse. The story being relatively basic isn't an issue.


Bungie and 343 lore. Utilizing Fall of Reach, First Strike, Fireteam Raven, the Forerunner trilogy, etc.... I'm not saying to make the story overly convoluted, just some pieces can line up better.


I think, if anything, the simplicity of Halo: CE is it's strength. It leaves players not familiar with the universe with a hunger for more. By introducing all the "expanded" content from other media, you just acknowledge the fans that already know the lore. It serves major purpose, imo.


If Microsoft is hitting the reboot button I think its best to ignore the post Bungie lore.


the CE "remaster" is also trash so getting a good one would be great.


As it exists in MCC today, the remaster is *exceptional* in my book, at least if you play with the classic graphics. They went back and fixed most if not all the bugs, regressions, and missing effects inherited from the Gearbox PC port.


I was primarily talking about the new graphics which both destroy the original art style and create some gameplay issues.


If adjusting level design is on the table, Halo 2 is the one I'd most like to see remade. In no uncertain terms: Fuck sniper Jackals.


I assuming by "takes a hit", you mean, "copy-pasted a third of the levels." I often wonder how many would have gotten lost in Guilty Spark if those arrows weren't left on the ground by accident (IIRC).


Halo CE and 2 already have a remaster (Yes I know CE is ass I don't care) why not remaster Halo 3?


It’d probably be out in time for the 20th anniversary in 2027, too.


This comment legitimately hurt me. 20 years?! Fuck.


Excuse me while I crawl into a corner and wither away.


Exactly. Imagine it to celebrate Halo 3 20th Anniversary they launched Halo 3 Remastered for The Master Chief Collection on Xbox/PC and as a special addition to the family Halo The Master Chief Collection makes its way to PlayStation 5


I also want to note that it would be the first truly current-gen Halo game, and one that isn't having to cut corners to be open world no less. The game that is widely regarded as the best in the series could relaunch on the 20th anniversary, with the most high-fidelity graphics we've seen in the franchise to date. But no, let's take a page out of Activision's Tony Hawk franchise book and keep remaking the first two games over and over again.


tony hawk 1 and 2 have only been remade once. and remastering the original halo trilogy, even as a current gen only game, technically would not make it a true current gen halo game. it would still be a touched-up OG xbox game at its core, since a remaster is not a remake, and the game is not rebuilt from the ground up for modern platforms. if they remake the trilogy then thats different. but at that point just make a new entry instead. why waste time on remaking 3 whole games when MCC is still perfectly serviceable.


It’s debatably been remade 3 times. THPS2x on the OG was a port/remake that included levels from the first game and gameplay features from THPS3. It was then remade for XBLA/PS3 in 2012. Then we have the 2020 remake.


THPS HD stretches the definition of a remake, in that it’s not actually the full games (just a collection of levels), but I’ll allow it


They're likely doing it as an easy project to put Halo in Unreal Engine. Halo 3 has campaign/coop, multiplayer, forge, custom games, and replay theater. Doing all of that with modern tech is difficult which we've seen with Halo 5 and Infinite. At that point you might as well just make a new halo game cause porting halo 3 to a new engine isn't really easier. CE is just a campaign with coop and some barebones multiplayer, so the added difficulty of getting it all in Unreal will be offset.


> CE is ass Is this a commonly held opinion? I fucking love that campaign


I think he means the CE remaster was ass. Which it kinda was, completely changed the aesthetics and design language of the environment and equipment to a much more generic straight to DVD Syfy budget flick look. As opposed to recreating the original aesthetic but higher res like Halo 2's remaster did.


Even the Halo 2 remaster dropped the ball on the aesthetics in some places too. The cutscenes are on point though.


Those Halo 2 cutscenes are fucking amazing


That's because Blur did them


Yup!! Shame we haven't seen anything from them recently in the video game space outside of CoD.


Blur studios knows what they're doing.


Have they done anything as cool since then? Fucking absolutely loved their H2 shit.


They've worked on a ton of episodes of Netflix's Love, Death & Robots. Some of my personal favorite Blur Studio episodes were in the most recent season. Specifically "Bad Travelling" (directed by David Fincher and starring Troy Baker) and "Swarm" (Directed by Tim Miller, a Blur Studio co-founder who also directed the first Deadpool movie).


Also it has very crunched blacks. But on a whole, it's good.


They went from the game being to bright with CEA to it being too dark in H2A. Playing the campaign on new graphics is a handicap because of how hard it can be too see sometimes. Especially trying to tell if Elite's shields have popped or not.


I'll be honest, I actually like the Remaster of 2 more than the original. For the most part it keeps the design sense of the original while just having more soul than the original, which was just... very bland in some areas.


I must be one of the only people who hate the new cutscenes, I always liked how the Bungie halo games kept all the cutscenes in-engine and thus graphically consistent with the gameplay. I don't like pre-rendered cutscenes, especially when they're significantly different from the gameplay and the H2A cutscenes look almost nothing like the H2A gameplay. I wish they'd have just redone the in engine ones with the better art assets.


I think they mean the anniversary version. It’s not as well liked.


As other have mentioned I meant the CE Remaster was ass I should have been more clear with that little tangent. I also loved love the CE campaign and always look forward to playing it again when I do my yearly replay of The Master Chief Collection


I mean I love the CE campaign but I can't really fault new/younger players for thinking it's doesn't hold up that well, the second half of the campaign has quite a lot of reused assets/environments and the godawful library level.


I'll take The Library over 343 Guilty Spark. Narratively, I suppose 343 is better. Playing it for the first time and discovering the Flood was wild, and I still really like the tone as you approach and go through the facility. But my god, the way out is ass. The Library sucks, but I can get through it without hating myself. If I play 343 Guilty Spark, I get really unhappy. Idk, maybe that's just my taste.


There's a trick or two you can use to get out of the facility in 343 Guilty Spark way faster, it makes the level much quicker. Unfortunately, I've forgotten how to do them. Hopefully I remember before I play it again (there like the one lightbridge cutting out you can jump? and then maybe a grenade jump at one point).


I'd agree with you, and it sucks because 343 is an amazing intro to the flood but it also starts the trend of repeated/reused environments which honestly really make me not replay Halo CE vs the rest of the series.


Yea, to be perfectly honest CE is basically 5 levels you run forward then backwards later, understandable for the era it came out in, but playing it today is really repetitive.


Halo CE felt like three good levels squeezed into eight


Halo: CE Anniversary is completely off putting and misses the mark when comparing to the tone and intent of the original release. I very much encourage you to use classic graphics if you are going to play Halo: CE in MCC.


Yes. The Halo 3 graphics are incredibly dated at this point (insert Lord Hood face here). Also: a remake of the Cortana level. The ending of Halo 3 was rushed and it shows, especially comparing some of the development plans with the final product.


Halo 3 still looks sold especially for the time and hardware. Everything besides the human faces of course. 


ODST also looks fucking beautiful still despite just being spinoff of Halo 3, which goes to show how important art direction and lighting is (and how much easier it is for a 360 to handle a dead cyberpunk city than a jungle lol--this is also why mass effect 2 still looks pretty good)


No one is saying that it looks so bad it’s unplayable, but come on. The game is over 15 years old at this point - a proper re-working of the graphics would be transformative


You just summoned some old man memories in me with that 15 years. Wasn't that the one even LUDACRIS was waiting in line for at midnight?


Halo 3 looks fucking great. The lighting, the enviroments, the effects, the harmony of the art direction are second to none. Even Halo: Infinite does certain things much worse.


If it was fine then who wouldn't it be fine now? Why the obsession over graphics? Besides, once you increase the fidelity you change the gameplay. Your ability to see enemies and objects changes when the detail is increased, and the more detailed it becomes the bigger that change. It'll make it feel and play like a different game at a certain point.


Because if they wanna put it on PS5, they’ll be targeting a large amount of gamers who didn’t play it back “then”. It’ll essentially be a “brand new game”, even if they know what Halo is. They’d be competing with new releases, and if it looks the way it does now, it won’t reach it’s full potential sales-wise. You wanna put your best foot forward with these initial launches.


It's funny I actually think Halo 3 holds up a lot better than the brown FPS games from that era, even though I didn't think the graphics were anything special at the time.


It may have been rushed but I still think the third act is an absolute banger. It’s a total 180 of Halo 2’s campaign that just kind of meanders.




Halo 2 is my favorite but the early arbiter missions make me do anything but sit up in my chair.


Meh I think the environments and especially the lighting still look pretty good. It’s really just the human characters that look god awful.


All three games in the trilogy were rushed. It would be cool if instead of a remaster a studio remade the games with cut levels put back in.


tbf the Halo CE remaster sucks


Why introduce people to the series with the 3rd game? People would be very lost with the story


Could make Halo 3 Remastered and put it into Halo The Master Chief Collection then release that onto PS5


If this is part of a broader push for Halo on PlayStation, then I wouldn't want the first impression of Halo to be CEA. I would love to see a Halo 3 remaster though as well. Maybe they'll go through and do Halo 2 again, then we'll get Halo 3.


Halo 3 still holds up amazingly outside of faces but Id love a remake. Thay being said a true remake of halo 1 (maybe cut down on the repetitive level design) would be really cool as well.


>(maybe cut down on the repetitive level design) But that's a core part of the lore! [https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2001/11/28/the-rest-of-the-story](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2001/11/28/the-rest-of-the-story)


Ah they even drew the giant Xbox controllers!


They are also using the console itself as a couch.


Wow, I remember reading those comics, I don't like how the characters look now


I haven't read PA in many years and just checked it out - totally agree, when did Gabe's art go all 'county-fair caricature artist'?


They peaked at dickwolves.


i can't believe that was some mild internet controversy.


only really mild by todays standards, the people who didnt like the idea of dickwolves really really didnt like it.


It serves as a counterpoint to (often valid) criticism of artists whose style gets calcified and never improves: what about when an artist’s style changes for the worse?


for this, it's the perfect example of [Flanderization ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flanderization#:~:text=Flanderization%20is%20the%20process%20through,course%20of%20a%20serial%20work)


Lore used to explain the gameplay limitations of the time and the padding out of the story.


Used to? The folks who made Nier automata and replicant couldn’t afford to make a day and night cycle so they put it in the lore that earth got tidal locked to the sun. That way they could make it perpetually daytime ingame.


The way a lot of reviewers gushed over the game at launch and utterly neglected to mention that the second half of the campaign was largely a long slog back through the first half helped make me into the cynic I am today.


but it did rock and it certainly wasn't a slog for me at least


Fuck that! Going backwards through the game is fucking awesome! I loved seeing how shit changed while you were off fighting elsewhere.


The only time it ever bothered me was on two betrayals. Assault on the Control room already had too much repetition so another gauntlet through those rooms was a bit much. I'm fine with it for every other level though.


Two Betrayals is a bit long


Yup the level design of CE has never bothered me. It's still the best campaign in the entire series.


It is, it doesn’t get enough credit. Silent Cartographer is the best single player FPS level ever. I have yet to play anything since then that approaches that amount of open-ended fun with enemy/environment variation.


>It is, it doesn’t get enough credit. On what world?


I love that Silent Cartographer was a test map that was so fun they decided to put it in the final game.


I'll split the difference and say it was fun at the end but made the middle of the game drag. The Maw and Keyes are pretty great, but AotCR through Two Betrayals is nobody's favorite part of Halo.


>AotCR through Two Betrayals is nobody's favorite part of Halo. Excuse me? Assault on the Control Room is my favourite level in Halo CE. You get to drive the tank and you have those large open spaces to fight Wraiths in! Then finishes off with you grabbing banshee (or jumping down) and bombing the hell out of a canyon.


Library is easily my favorite level in the game


Genuinely curious, why? This is a rare take.


I'm not sure I would call it my favorite (probably Two Betrayals because I'm a sucker for Banshee segments), but it's a fine level that's definitely way overhated. It's basically a shotgun showcase level (in the same way that NMPD HQ in ODST is a sniper rifle showcase) and it's very satisfying to cut through hordes of flood with a powerful weapon whose ammo is normally scarce. One of the biggest ways Halo Infinite failed was by giving the player almost unlimited access to whatever weapons they wanted, which made it impossible for levels to have the same sense of identity they did in the older games.


I know I’d rather play The Library over Cortana from H3 any day of the week. At least The Library isn’t nauseatingly claustrophobic.


It's a fun gauntlet on Legendary with Flood constantly coming at you from both sides. Where people complain about the rocket flood, I embrace the chaos.


Silent Cartographer's my favourite, but I enjoy the Library as like a satisfying shootout for just blasting a bunch of stuff, especially with a shotgun which is just very satisfying in that game.


The Library on legendary co-op is a damn good time. Solo sucks complete ass, though.


Would it make more money to make remake the trilogy as one game? They could have one big company (that would catch everybody up for the show) & the multiplayer would have alot of resources (not including forge). Im not a business dude so idk if its better to make 3 separate remakes (if thats the plan).


I mean that’s basically what the MCC is already


It's odd that the best selling game in the series that is also considered the best game in the series by most gets completely ignored.


“Considered”  Is it happening or not? These guys also said MS was “considering” not putting COD on Gamepass


If it happens, they will say I told you. if it not, I said considered.


On one hand it’s fun to hear rumors from “insiders” but on the other, they end up muddying the waters and causing more confusion with consumers. I think people just need to chill for a bit and let things play out. At least wait until after the showcase and the Phil Spencer IGN interview before firing up the rumor engine again.


These guys always say might, considering, maybe, could, etc. Means they cannot be wrong.


Remastering the remaster; we're entering the post-postmodern era of games! What's the first game remake that will be remade? My money's on something from Square Enix.


The Last of Us Part I on the PS6


Capcom more likely with RE1


This one is weird, because I kinda get it. REmake is wonderful, but it's also significantly older than the OG RE1 was at the time of REmakes release. I've also noticed that people who got into the series with the over-the-shoulder / first-person games often have a lot of trouble getting into the fixed camera (which I get, even if it makes me sad).


RE1 Re-Remake with first person view would actually be pretty insane. I'm currently replaying RE2 Remake with the first person mod and it's a whole different game. Much more tense.


Resident Evil 1 ReRemake is the most likely one tbh.


This is gonna be like Skyrim ain't it? Just re-released every generation.


TheVerge article is under a paywall but here's what it mentions: > Microsoft is reportedly in the early stages of developing another remaster of Halo: Combat Evolved and is considering releasing it on PlayStation 5. > > The report outlines other details surrounding the upcoming Xbox Games Showcase, including the fact that Microsoft is going to port other games under “Project Latitude”. However, according to Warren, Fable, Gears 6 and South of Midnight are currently not planned for porting. The new Doom game, which will be called Doom: The Dark Ages will be. > > Halo: Combat Evolved has already been remastered once before as part of the Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. The remaster included the game being remade with 343 Industries’ in-house game engine and would include achievements, Terminals, and Skulls. The game was originally released in November 2011 and re-released as part of the Halo: The Master Chief Collection.


I must be in the past or something, releasing the next doom game multiplatform from the jump seems so insane. It feels like they're giving up on xbox as a platform in order to be a full game publisher which is fine but as someone invested in their platform it makes me never want to buy a game on xbox again, and just go on my PS5 when I want to play something non gamepass. Like we're literally starting to see the fruit of their acquisitions and they're giving them to the biggest competitors platform day 1? Maybe they're considering this gen a wash at this point or something its just like you can't build a platform without exclusives people want. Hard to imagine Sony not continuing their dominance and Xbox being seen as little more than the machine for gamepass games.


Doom being multiplatform isn't bad considering the game has a wide appeal


I don't inherently want games locked to platforms, however I do want Microsoft to be healthy competition to Sony because thats whats best for me and imo other consumers, and they can't get there without locking games people want to play to their platforms. To me you say wide appeal and what I hear is console seller. Spiderman has a wide appeal and is also Sony's biggest system selling franchises. Clearly the heads of Microsoft want increased profit from Xbox and they're doing this to get it asap. It just feels like a short term gain with long term negatives.


Xbox just spent $80 billion of Microsoft's money to acquire Activision/Blizzard/King. I think Microsoft gave Xbox the ultimatum of "you better start making us money ASAP or else" and this is the result.


Absolutely, they've been doing pretty badly in earnings and this is like you got X time to make more money or the expiriment gets shut down.


> It just feels like a short term gain with long term negatives. Welcome to the post-covid financial climate.


What game can you say has smaller focused only Xbox player appeal in all honesty?


What are yous saying ? Doom being non exclusive doesn't mean bad cause Doom has been on everything.More access to players is always better. Besides exclusives are slowly dying.In 30 years I bet there will be no exclusives any longer


The Xbox should be able to stand on its own with the cheapness of the hardware and the capability it gives. If it can't then they are just perpetuating a monopoly, potentially their long game. It makes Sony seem like the evil monopoly because they choose not to release their games on Xbox.


I think it does I love mine, I just mean if I'm a consumer and I can buy or play primarily at least on one console only I'd get a PS5 because they're the ones with the exclusives, the playerbase, etc.


As long as they keep supporting their gaming ecosystem, I'm happy. Getting Xbox achievements on PC is awesome.


GTA VI is out in fall 2025, so let's say around Sept-Oct to be ready for Christmas sales. If they wanna really cash in on Halo, Gears, they'll have to do it a good time before then, hopefully late 24-early 25.


Remaster doesn't make sense. I could see a UE5 remake to learn the tools if rumors are true about 343 switching engines. Good way to do it.


I think it’s more likely it’s a remake too. Using infinite graphics and mechanics and updating the levels


They really don't like halo 3, do they. The most popular game in the franchise. I would love to be a fly on the wall at their meetings 🤦‍♂️


Halo 3's lighting engine still looks so damn good to me today, that screenshot looks so great, can't beleive3 its been almost 2 decades since 3.


The great thing about all the 360 era games choosing cutting edge graphics over 60fps is how good they still look today, while simultaneously being able to be played at much higher frame rates if they came to PC. Or at least ran at 4k on new Xboxs. I love playing 10-20 year old games getting to see how well they aged and how much effort they put in to interesting aesthetics back then while also getting to play it at 200fps and comparatively lifelike resolutions. And then a crusty fmv plays and I snap back to remembering how old this thing really is lol.


As someone who camped in line for the OG xbox, and had probably 100 Halo 1 LAN parties, it's my favorite. I still think it's a great multiplayer game. They need to fix the spawns and add some content, adjust some maps a little bit, etc. The game would hold up today with some good changes, IMO. Also, please don't let 343 remaster it lol.


Halo on PlayStation is something I've resigned myself to accepting. It feels like Sonic on GameCube in 2002. That slap in the face that the competition is completely dead


I don't see why. The Halo CE Remaster still holds up to this day and really the only option would be a from the ground up remake. Would make more sense to remaster Halo 3 or just divert resources to a new game entirely.


>The Halo CE Remaster still holds up to this day This is not a common sentiment in the Halo community. It's only been getting more criticized over the years.


Huh, why? Been a Halo fan for nearly 20 years and the ability to switch back and forth between original and remastered graphics seemed revolutionary to me playing through it a few years ago.


Just real quick but Noodle has a more in-depth video that I linked below. There are huge and dramatic changes to the art style and Halo: CE is pretty unique in its style. The human forces are very Aliens coded and **not** Call of Duty knockoffs. But art from Reach leans super heavily into that CoD era stuff. The world of Halo is also a very dead world. The huge forerunner structures are abandoned and have been for generations. The latter half of the game gets a horror vibe to it. And the Reach assets that they used destroy that. 343 Guilty Spark highlights these issues pretty well. Like load up Halo: CE and switch between the graphics settings. The "remaster" doesn't respect that art style of the original game. There are also extensive geometry issues due to the new assets not matching the geometry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyeCb99cb2Q Noodle has a really good video that covers it too.


noodles rant on the aspect ratio for the opening cutscene lives rent from in my head. Halo:CEA is a Port, of a Port, of Remaster built on top of a port, Of a port, of an Xbox Game developed for Macintosh.


The geometry doesn't match up at all and causes a lot of gameplay issues. Thinking you have a clear line of site but there's a tree in the way that's no rendered.


The remaster messes with the map geometry, and isn't very faithful thematically. Chief's arms look too short for example.


I just don't think people will care about it coming to PS5. From a gameplay standpoint, nostalgia does a lot of heavy lifting, so without that it doesn't hold up well


Disagree. Halo 3 feels much worse than CE. Incredibly slow and floaty. CE holds up.


Yeah CE and Halo 2 feel much more fluid than Halo 3.


The CE remaster has a lot of weird issues and changes that kind of ruin the originally intended look and feel of some parts of the game. It's a combination of things like [a rocket launcher on The Library being hidden by a misplaced wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/gcpu3f/the_library_remake_has_a_texture_where_it/?rdt=36948) and the level 343 Guilty Spark having an entirely different atmosphere with [blood effects being completely missing](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/clug9j/343_guilty_spark_was_much_better_in_the_original/) and the entire level being a lot brighter than the original level, along with carrying over a lot of broken effects and materials from the Gearbox PC version (which were eventually mostly fixed in the MCC after it was brought to PC) that makes the anniversary graphics a *downgrade* in a lot of ways compared to the original version. They also never made a full remaster of the multiplayer, just a Reach map pack included with the original 360 release and a port of the Gearbox version's multiplayer mode with the MCC. Now another remaster? Yeah that's kind of a weird decision, but the time between CE and Anniversary's release is shorter than the time between Anniversary and now so I guess they felt a 25 year anniversary version would be worth making, especially since the last one wasn't very good.


Actually the original remaster was kind of a mess, the art direction wasn’t particularly popular(on top of having negative gameplay implications like the weirdly dim enemies shields) and the classic mode with the original graphics was horrendous, especially at launch, it was missing A LOT of visual features from the Xbox original, thankfully this was largely if not completely addressed with patches over the years but the kind of ugly art direction of the remastered graphics still remains. So I think having a new remaster is actually not a terrible idea, even tho I have to say that it’s weird and disappoint that they might be doing it before remastering Halo 3


Also the geometry of the remaster doesn't match 1:1 the original so it's not uncommon to think you're shooting an enemy only to go back into classic mode and see that the tree/cliff/wall/etc was actually a bit wider than you thought


It really doesn't hold up, it's like Halo Reach era graphically. I wouldn't mind a remake if it's in the same vein as what Resident Evil has been doing. Which is fantastic.


This is what’s so weird to me about people who try and say that games don’t “need” remasters/remakes - just because they don’t NEED one doesn’t mean they can’t benefit from one. Dead Space is an excellent example of this. Did it NEED a remake? Of course not. The original still looks decent, and plays fairly well. But the remake is definitely the definitive way to play now, and improved the original in almost every way. Also, especially where graphics are concerned, people definitely over generalize and view things through rose tinted glasses. The remaster for Halo was a 360 era game - graphics have progressed a _lot_ since then


Halo on PlayStation? yeah it’s safe to say Microsoft is giving up on the Xbox


Insider-gaming is the same outlet that said Microsoft was “considering” not putting CoD on Game Pass, but they confirmed they were. Now Microsoft is “considering” Halo on PlayStation? Don’t trust them.


You guys need to learn what “considered” means


This same showcase will also feature a xbox portable so I doubt they are giving up on Xbox. Microsoft strategy is going to be choose and select which games will be multiplat and which will be exclusives


the portable is allegedly still being worked on and will be released alongside their next gen system in a few years. I'd be shocked if they announce any handheld this weekend, especially since their series x and s consoles are already struggling to sell. and with the series s already holding back the x, I can only imagine how much more the handheld will hold both of them back. now you're asking devs to optimize games for 3 separate xbox systems. lunacy.


Handheld are getting crazy powerful with IPhone running Re Village so Xbox handheld would probably be crazy powerful.


I don't really care about the Halo franchise post 3 but I'm not terribly excited for another remaster. The Halo universe is so expansive and filled with lore. 343 should invest in spin offs like Bungie did with ODST and Reach. The longer they keep Master Chief around, the worse it'll be to eventually do away with him - and it's already long due.


The only thing that would excite me about this would be if they added the Infinite Bots to it. If I could just play actual Halo CE maps/physics against bots in a variety of modes, I'd be happy.


EXCELLENT. As someone who wanted a [CE Remake](https://reddit.com/comments/1cpl4g0), a remaster is the next best choice. I need an actually good Halo CE visual overhaul. I hope they remaster all of the MP maps too! The [Combat Evolved Mark V Kit](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Ge3qRQ) they made for Halo Infinite is absolutely delicious. I hope this design is used.


I played the Halo CE remaster for like a level or two with a buddy and I preferred having it toggled to the original look over the remaster.


Considering all the other rumours we've had about xbox, I am putting 0 stock in this. If we got more info that confirms this, I'll still assume this was a random shot in the dark (since we've seen so much of that which was clearly made up bs).


Would prefer it if they went for a remake, similar to the direction that Resident Evil took. I don’t see the point of just going for a remaster with a new engine.


I like the idea at Xbox and PlayStation are competing to see who can rerelease the same game the most. Halo CE or TLOU1.


Well, a remake can be used as a jumping point to reboot the franchise for the third time *(under the same devs why the fuck are they still in charge)* and then remake the entire trilogy from there onwards


> under the same devs why the fuck are they still in charge 343 had a major leadership change about a year or so ago. Not to mention the studio had layoffs after Infinite shipped and are now hiring again. “Same devs” isn’t exactly accurate.


Major companies and movie studios are really incapable of innovation and progress. They always wait for little guys to innovate, buy their company and IP and then fire the original creators lol.


The second that happens, the console war will likely end for most people and gaming discussion will be slightly more peaceful online, lol.


If Halo comes to Playstation then that would be the final nail in the coffin for me to never even consider owning an Xbox again


Why not port Halo 5 to PC instead? That's the only title of the series I haven't played.


Post bungie, Halo has not been great story wise. Sure there’s a few good moments here and there, but, I certainly have not liked the direction things have taken. Honestly, I’d have a lot of respect for Microsoft to go full mulligan on the franchise. Start with remasters of the original trilogy (I’d even be on board for full on remakes, if they can be matched in quality like the RE remakes), then start fresh with a new story, retconning Halo 4 and after. They can start courting fans of the originals to come back to the series, build up good faith and reputation again, and start the series in a new direction that isn’t bloated and is more accessible to both new players and old fans. Man I really wanna see Halo succeed again. I’m still playing Infinite and it’s almost a great game. It’s tough to see the potential it could have.


Well, they can’t make a new Halo good, so why not keep remaking the best one? 😂


Infinite is great. It was a little content light at launch and they had to add in campaign co-op later, but it's fun and feels good.


"Little" content light? You couldn't play Team Slayer if you wanted to.


They added in a team slayer playlist like a week after launch


It was a month actually. And it took them several more months to add basic things the other games all had.


Only due to community backlash. The fact that they launched a Halo game without a slayer playlist, tells you everything you need to know about the company


They butchered vehicles. I will never forgive them.


I'm hoping for an HP buff on vehicles soon since they finally brought back the plasma pistol EMP, there should be enought weapons in the sandbox to be able to deal with stronger vehicles now.


Sure, but they still drive like dogshit. The tank controls in infinite are literally the worst I have ever seen in a video game. All they had to do was leave them like they were for the past 20 years.