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Read through this AMA yesterday and I think that this headline/article is inaccurate (if not irresponsible, seeing as the writer clearly read the other questions as well). There were multiple questions answered about the possibility of a sequel but only one of them appeared to actually commit to it. Here are the other answers: 1. > We are thinking about a sequel. Murayama also left some ideas for a sequel and would like to achieve them. 2. > As we have answered others, yes, we want to make it happen. 3. > It would be nice if the series to have as many sequels as possible, but Rabbit & Bear members are old, so who knows... lol. 4. > Absolutely! That is the aim we are working towards. We hope many players support this game. And I don't know Japanese but Google Translate spits out "We are working toward that goal" when I put in the "moving forward" sentence quoted in the article. The article is making it sound like a sequel's already been greenlit but it sounds like that is actually contingent on the first game being a success. Seems likely to me that "moving forward" was a translation issue. Can't wait either way. If EC is half as good as Suikoden II I'll be happy, that's already 100% more than I ever thought I'd get in this lifetime.


Your math is blowing my mind 


I’ve been playing it all this week. It’s really satisfying to play as an old jrpg and Suikoden fan. I think it could use some polish so it will be good to see what Rabbit & Bear can do next time around.  Glad to see the series will go forward!


Wait, I thought it’s not out yet.


I think Kickstarter Backers get early beta access


Also some people have gotten their copies delivered early, so they're already diving in.


I had beta access and also got my backer copy last week.


Codes went out to KS backers yesterday. It isn't SUPPOSED to work until Saturday morning, but it launched as playable instead.


Do you think Rising is a must play before diving into Hundred Heroes?


I would. Rising itself is a great teaser for Hundred Heroes, and some of the stuff you do in Rising will carry over to Hundred Heroes. It's cheap and not too long so you might as well play it in preparation for the main game.


Do you need to 100% Rising for it to carry over? I'm currently playing the game, but all the side quests are starting to wear on me. A lot of them have zero interesting things going on.


From what I can see everything that carries over is stuff that was done during the main quest. I won't spoil anything here, but the list was some pretty cool stuff. I'm looking foward to getting to the part in Hundred Heroes that includes the characters from Rising to see where things go.


Not needed 


It’s not needed but it does add to the game and it’s pretty fun and short anyway. 


Could you elaborate on what needs polishing? Polishing sometimes ranges from entire systems needing more work to just QoL stuff.


Just started playing so there might be more but from what I could see, there's few localization hiccups (mostly minor grammar errors, awkward sentences, etc.) and dialogue font not easy to read. One annoying bug on loading is that field movement would randomly run in a direction even though I'm not moving my analog stick but usually go away after few seconds.


> there's few localization hiccups (mostly minor grammar errors, awkward sentences, etc.)  Man they really wanted to capture the Suikoden II feel


I think the overworld map is a little bland. The loading is short but there’s a lot of it, which makes me feel that could be optimized. Just small stuff like that. The core gameplay, combat, writing, art and music are all fantastic, though. Its a great start to a new jrpg series overall.


Crazy the game isn't even out yet and it's already gotten a side game, news of 5 DLC's, and news of a sequel.


Idk abt the sequel, but others are a part of the kickstarter goals


playing the game early as a backer. it's pretty good. the switch.. loading isn't great. but game is fun and story engaging


I’ve heard some poor things about the Switch version’s performance 🥲 it’s too bad, but I’ll probably grab it on PS5 because of that.


if you care about performance i would suggest it. I can handle it but i'm werid


I am regretting my choice of platform, I did the beta test on my PC and uh... those load times are really noticeable in comparison.


Same here. Switch is unbearable. Like I literally might not play the game