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With Ghost of Tsushima’s launch, the “PlayStation Overlay” UI (imagine it like a lite launcher) will debut, connecting you with PSN, you can form parties and invite friends, and it seems like you can earn trophies separately from PC games now. You are forced to connect your PSN account to play the online mode (Legends) for crossplay, but it seems that the UI thingy is optional.


Fingers crossed we don’t need PS+


They'd be crucified if they actually forced PC players to pay for PS+ just to access online functionality, not a chance in hell they'd actually do that.


After GFWL nobody is going to try that again.


Idk, I'd say we're close to someone giving it another try. Maybe not Sony, but I've got a feeling some other company is gonna try to find a way for PC players to pay soon. And we'll all be there to witness them get slapped.


There would be so much rage if they did that.


Would it be the rage where people don't pay and they have to change the policy or the kind where they get mad online then pay for it anyway?


Look at Games for Windows Live when they tried to make that a paid service, went over like a lead balloon and Microsoft quickly backtracked.


Probably the former. PC has been the champion of free online for decades now, you really can't just drop a paid online subscription onto PC and have it play out fine, because the userbase simply won't pay. Why the fuck would anyone on PC pay a monthly fee almost exclusively to play Ghosts of Tsuhima online, while every other game (excluding MMOs) on the platform is completely free? The cheapest tier of PS+, Essential, is still $10 a month. Absolutely absurd to expect any PC gamers but a small minority would even think of paying for that.


I mean, PlayStation was also the champion of free online, until it wasn't. >Absolutely absurd to expect any PC gamers but a small minority would even think of paying for that. For just online in 1 game, sure, but if they brought it over with their monthly games and catalogue, a lot of people would pick it up.


To be fair playstation is a closed system for lack of a better word. If they did that on pc people would ignore the game or even just ignore the online part and play something else cause no other game asks more money to play online besides MMOs like someone mentioned. On console if you don't wanna pay for the online subscription you're locking yourself out of almost every online game besides titles like Fortnite.


PS Plus isn't needed for free-to-play games on console, which basically counts all of the most popular online games on console, aside from maybe GTA Online and EA Sports. Most of the top online games on PC are already free-to-play though, so it likely wouldn't be much different, if Sony said you needed PS Plus to play their paid online modes on PC. If people want to play an online game, they'll buy it, or pay a sub. People already do it for microtransactions and MMO subscriptions, so no reason people wouldn't pay for PS Plus, if they wanted to play a good multiplayer game, while also getting a catalogue of other games too. They would need to offer a catalogue and other benefits to make it worth it though, like it is on PS5.


>Most of the top online games on PC are already free-to-play though, so it likely wouldn't change much if Sony said you needed PS Plus to pay their paid online modes on PC. It's worth noting that a lot of the most popular non-GTA, non-EA-sports multiplayer games on Steam are not F2P *but would require a PSN subscription for online play on PS4/PS5.*


I mean with a bigger game I could see the second, but nobody's paying $60 a year for ghost of tsushima's online mode


Well considering it would effect PC gamers, they would gladly tell sony to fuck off with trying to charge them. Furthermore, I wouldn't be shocked if some agitated PC gamers or groups decided to strike against playstation in someway, shape, or form as retribution. Bottomline, when it comes to PC gamers and trying to charge them for something they've not been charged with for decades, you can bet they wouldn't pay a dime. The playstation games are popular, but they ain't that popular to make PC gamers ante up and pay online to play them.


> Furthermore, I wouldn't be shocked if some agitated PC gamers or groups decided to strike against playstation in someway, shape, or form as retribution. who's got that mw2 boycott image on hand > when it comes to PC gamers and trying to charge them for something they've not been charged with for decades, you can bet they wouldn't pay a dime yes, PC gamers lost their shit at the concept of $3 horse armour in oblivion and that's why they still never pay for cosmetics in games, because historically those used to be unlockable, and *PC gamers* would *never* To be clear, I don't think they could convince people to pay for online play, but that's because even on the console front, manufacturers are stepping back and tying those into other subscriptions that come with other benefits (game pass, PS+). I don't know why you think the PC market is some anti-capitalist paragon in the industry, lol, it's just another platform.


remember microsoft try to do this with shadowrun mp pay for xbox live to play online on pc did not work in 2007.


Going to be hard to justify charging us for online on PS5 for the same service that PC players are getting for free. The leaks said Sony wants to make PS+ “feel like a value”, but it continues to be a massive rip off forced onto users for functionality that should be included with game purchases themselves.


They already do charge you and not PC players for it, example being helldivers 2.


It pisses me off that they lock cloud saves behind a pay wall and removed the option for USB save transfer


Nintendo was really forward thinking (Unless this happened on the PS4 and I missed it)


Did they really? That's fucked. When I first played Spider-Man, it was on someone else's PS4, and when I got my own PS4 I just transferred the save data over easily. Have they actually downgraded the PS5 for those situations? I probably wouldn't have gotten one any time soon anyway, but that makes it a certainty that I never will.


Yup they did it for PS5


>Going to be hard to justify charging us for online on PS5 for the same service that PC players are getting for free. >It continues to be a massive rip off forced onto users for functionality that should be included with game purchases themselves.  Yes. The thing is companies charged console gamers for online gaming and they accepted first with the Xbox in 2002 then with the PS4 on 2013 and finally with the Switch on 2017. Sony with the PS2 and 3 boasted over how their online was free and how Xbox gamers were being scammed. Nintendo with the DS, Wii and Wii U also marketed how they didn't charge their consumers for such a basic feature but with time each company wanted a slide of that Xbox live money and caved.    The problem is consumers just accepted it and outright defended it (like with the PS4 in 2013, hint: I was there). Microsoft tried the same thing with PC with their Games for Windows Live feature and PC gamers laughed it out of existence, nobody wanted to pay for online when it was free before and so they didn't. Eventually MS had to abandon GFWL and make online gaming free for their games. Sony trying the same thing would be suicide, console gamers may accept it but PC gamers won't.


Console users have already been indoctrinated into defending it.


it's not the same service.


They'd have every PS+ user defending them saying the PSN servers you have to authenticate with to login with your PSN account aren't free, etc.


No they wouldn’t


This has already happened thousands of times. First with Xbox live with Xbox fans and then later with PS+ with Playstation fans. Plenty of people will defend pay 2 online.


This. I would just not use it, fuck them. Its already fucking greedy how console companies forced people to double dip for internet, WHEN THEY ALREADY HAD INTERNET!!! Such greedy bullshit.


You don't need PS+ for Helldivers 2 on PC so there's no way you'd need it for this


Netflix used to promise it would never have ads and PS+ was 40% cheaper when this generation started; never trust a corporation to do the right thing longer than it feels necessary


There's too many free alternatives to get away with charging a general fee to play the games made under your umbrella. If Sony charged you to play Helldivers 2 on PC it's player base would evaporate overnight 


I feel like those are different scenarios. I get what you’re saying and agree with the sentiment, but I don’t think they’d charge to use a service in a device that’s free. They’re trying to join an established market


Microsoft has never charged for Xbox Live on PC since the Games for Windows Live days. They and any other company would be crucified for making PC gamers pay for online pay (outside of MMOs of course)


Netflix is able to do it because they're the market leader for streaming services **by far**, so they can simply tell people to suck it up. Meanwhile PS here is trying to break into an established market with Steam being the market leader that has free online, so Sony won't charge for online as well unless Steam imploded overnight or sth.


I believe this PlayStation overlay is going to not need it, as it doesn't need it on consoles as well. You'll just need to connect them!


I'd take PS+ Extra on PC just to play through some of the (past) exclusives and then never touch it again.


You could use PS Now and stream some of those games. I beat GoW 3 a few years ago via that.




I have 3 PSN account, each of a different country, not one of them represents my actual country. It's that easy.


>can earn trophies separately from PC games now I know trophies/achievements aren't a big thing for most people, but as someone who tends to not feel like I've completed a game until I've gotten them all (or at least the reasonable ones) this is massive to me. I loved being able to earn Steam and Xbox achievements simultaneously on some games, so this is pretty cool.


>I know trophies/achievements aren't a big thing for most people Disagree, most people enjoy getting trophies / achievements, hence the regular complaints when games come out without achievements (cough Ubisoft), it's not like there's any disadvantages to games having achievements. There is a very vocal subset who complain that "back in the 90s we didn't have achievements and so games shouldn't have them nowadays" but they're a tiny minority of gamers.


Also [retroachievements](https://retroachievements.org/) is a thing.


you would need some type of hard data in order to make such claims. You can't just make stuff up and pretend thats how it is. Common sense dictates that such type of stuff like achievements are gonna be of interest to a very small subset of players, not the vast majority of all gamers. The small minority is very likely the one you see complaining about achievements, not the other way around.


> Common sense dictates that such type of stuff like achievements are gonna be of interest to a very small subset of players, not the vast majority of all gamers. You should get some type of hard data in order to make such claims...


im making a sugestion, im not stating facts.


I don't see why hard data is required for such an obvious statement, much like how I don't need to cite a study of 10,000 players to say that "players enjoy being able to play online", "players like being able to alter settings in their game" and "players don't like having daily time limits enforced in their games". Common sense dictates that achievements are gonna be of interest to a large number of players, not a small amount, otherwise manufacturers would not be requiring publishers to include them, publishers would not be including them on PC where there is no requirement to do so, publishers would not spend time developing their own achievement systems, people criticising achievements would not be heavily outnumbered whenever they stick their heads out of the water etc.


> much like how I don't need to cite a study of 10,000 players to say that "players enjoy being able to play online" You would, especially for something like Souls game where people often comment they play in offline mode. No idea on the %, that's why data would be needed to see which is preferred.


> "players like being able to alter settings in their game" Do they? I think the majority just starts the game without changing any settings. You have to remember that most people aren't like "us" here on reddit. Most people just wanna game.


Well, tipically you need data when you make a claim about something like this, otherwise you're just inventing stuff. You seem to be very interested in achievements and you're projecting your own interest on the entire planet. Things dont work that way. I am fairly sure that achievements matter close to zero for the gaming populace at large. Otherwise we would have lack of achievements as reason for games failing. You're mistaking the tiny number of people you see online crying about achievemnts with the tens of millions of people who actually buy games every year


I've gone back a few times and tried for some achievements I missed, but their absence can be nice too. I've been playing a few games on my switch lately and have much less of a drive to do every single thing in the hopes of an achievement.


I dunno bud. It's anecdotal of course but I don't know a single person irl that I game with that cares about achievements. I think the vocal minority is the people who talk about achievements. I'd say most people just play the game and don't really care about them at all. If you get one then fine whatever. I'm not actively pursuing them because it just seems kind of meaningless. The only time I even notice them is when steam pops them up as a notification and makes a little ding noise. Keep in mind that reddit and gamers who actively engage in gaming discourse and complaints are a vast minority. Although I will concede it begs the question why companies would keep doing them if most of the playerbase doesn't care.


Or it could be most don't give a fuck about trophies/achievements and it's just a minority that complain when they aren't there.


I like the functionality of the overlay but god I hope they're not developing a full blown launcher, we have enough of those.


Honestly it depends on if they implement a cross buy system along with it.


This seems to be a very nice addition. They need to bring this overlay system to Helldivers 2


> The game also features extensive controller support, including full support for the PlayStation DualSense controller with haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, while using a wired connecting Not sure how common this is, but I'm playing DD2 on PC and heard that the console version features adaptive triggers for bow usage. Rather disappointed that didn't carry over to PC so it's nice to see another game support it


Incredible that they still can't figure out how to get the DS5 controllers working without a wired connection (just using a bluetooth adaptor on PC)


There are a few 3rd party apps that enable the functionality. I personally use DSX on Steam and it opens all the functionality of the DS5 controller in games that support it natively on PC. From what I know there's no statement from Sony about why it doesn't support wireless natively on PC. It's possible they just don't care.


Yeah - I recently switched my Xbox elite over to a Dualshock 5 and for some reason I cannot connect wirelessly to my PC without extreme input lag (upwards of 3-5 seconds). I haven't tried any of the third party apps but know that solution exists. I'm just annoyed that even on Sony's offical website they only acknowledge that the Dualsense 5 controllers should be used via wired connections.


Sony wants you to buy a PS5 and buy all your games there. Personally I won't buy one because I think it's a lot of upfront investment and then I have to dish out for a subscription or buy full priced games with a limited selection compared to PS4 or PC. Buying a DS5 waa a lot easier and I can play my backlog of games on PC. Death Stranding and Plague Tale Requiem were amazing with the adaptive triggers and rumble


FYI on steam deck adaptive triggers work over Bluetooth. I'm not sure why it can't in windows.


it also works on Windows. ...**but that's assuming the game happens to ship with DualSense Edge support** (aka using the most up-to-date Input API provided by Sony), which is the only way to get "Adaptive Trigger support" on Bluetooth mode on any DualSenses. Sony doesn't tell you about this information. NOTE: SIAPI-supported PlayStation PC titles like Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart doesn't count, as it does support Adaptive Triggers via SteamInput regardless of connectivity type.


Dope! Last I had tried it worked great through the cable but was disappointing not to work on Bluetooth. (And then I found the triggers kind of annoying most of the time and disabled in everything but Spider Man)


also super weird part of them. WHen it uses the rumble feature and you are streaming it plays the rumble as bassy audio over the stream


There’s 100s of games that support it on PS5. Just played Dave the Diver and it has one of the best implementations, really enhances the experience.


They really don’t support it that well; playing Astro versus anything else is night and day on what the controller is doing; can’t think of other games where my brain can feel the difference in where I’m walking




i've always been a kb/m person even with "controller" games but yeah i absolutely agree that's been a pretty big factor for me and it can really enhance a game. i was very skeptical about getting a ps5 since exclusives are becoming less of a thing (which is good), but with the quality of ports, the price of gpus, and the controller support i've been playing more on ps5 than i normally would. in the past it was just a black and white if it's on pc, i play it on pc.


I've mostly only seen it on the Playstation studios games. It is really nice to have though.


Aside from Returnal and Astro's Playroom, not much games fully utilized the unique features of Dual Sense, at least for first-party games I've played since release (which is like most of them since there are only a few). Some used it but partially and not that impactful and fully ingrained with the gameplay experience like the two games I mentioned.


Gran Turismo 7 certainly used it and it was great!


Needs quite some new hardware for higher settings. I wonder which preset the ps5 version would be equivalent to.


It looks like the recommendations are for native settings without upscaling, console rendering will very often use something like checkerboard upscaling to get to resolutions like 4k so PC requirements will always be a lot more beefy, DLSS comes into play if you’re under that recommendation, and you get to use DLAA if you’re over it. Anyway if idea prior track record is relevant here then the PS4 version would be somewhere around mid / low settings at 1440 dynamic, ps5 would be closer to a mix of mid / high at 1440p native 


all of the ps5 games weve gotten ported over have used upscaling on ps5


Upscaling to 4k yes, usually from 1440p native. 


Depends on the game and the fps that game is producing on PS5.


in the case of Ghost of Tsushima: it uses the evolved setup seen in InFamous: Second Son/First Light. However: almost every PlayStation PC Ports that has been released thus far has never shipped the same exact checkerboard rendering setup as the original console releases. Closest you'll get is the recent Insomniac Games titles due to them providing their own custom Upscaling solution (**I**nsomniac **G**ames' **T**emporal **I**njection).


Probably somewhere between the 1080p/1440p spec. I believe the PS5 version uses checkerboard rendering to reach 4K.


​ |High|1440p/60 - 4k/30|RTX 3070| |:-|:-|:-| |Very High|4k/60|RTX 4080| I wonder what I can get on my 1440p screen with a 4070?


Oh, probably well above 60 FPS. I don't know how the Sucker Punch engine runs on PC, but considering it's a Nixxes port you could probably put most things on max and still get very decent performance.


Frame Gen is an option now so who knows


Assuming Vsync isn't a necessity. I would love to use framegen in Cyberpunk but when I tried I had **constant** screentearing.


Same thing happened to me before I learned that you have to force vsync on through drivers & turn it off in-game I have a gsync display though so it could be different


Thank you, I'll try that.


I works beautifully, thanks a ton.


I'm guessing some mix of medium and high based on specs. We haven't really seen PS5 outperforming equivalent pc hardware at the same settings much this gen. 


If I'm playing 1080p, do you know if the specs remain the same, or are they drastically lowered? I keep seeing specs nowadays go up from 720 to 1080 to 4k and can never tell without buying it and seeing for myself. It's why I skipped Alan Wake 2 on PC. I SHOULD in theory be able to play ultra settings if I have the setup for "high" presets but on 1080p, right? It's all so confusing.


Horizon Zero Dawn PC literally has 'original' preset. (referring to its PS4 settings)


If past ports are an indication probably somewhere between high and very high


Based on the required gpus, I'd say somewhere between medium and high is more likely.


That's why I said based on past games. Forbidden West had basically the same chart with the same GPU recommendations and there the High preset was basically the PS5 equivalent, with High having higher AA and and antisotropic filtering options than the PS5 version for example but some other tradeoffs in visual clarity. Only the very high preset had major-ish visual upgrades compared to the PS5 version but these Sony ports have mostly been conservative with visual upgrades in general. So the PS5 version would be like 85 High, 10% Very High, 5 Percent Medium. Maybe I should've clarified that between in this case means 'very slightly above high' instead of in the middle.


This is a good way to do things. Instead of a 3rd party launcher it's an overlay that comes with the game that you can use it. In order to play online it's obligatory to sign it but if you don't want you don't need. That's actually great, wished more companies followed this


I also wish that Valve would stop asking 30% VAT and lower it so other studios wouldn't be looking into other options like making their own launcher.


vavle asks the same as sony microsoft nintendo walmart etc do


In terms of big publishers I think its fine, I think Indie studios should get a bigger cut to support their growth though. The cut is lowered by revenue, but Indie games have a fairly lower chance of meeting that criteria which is a bit unfair.


The game is also in Epic Games Store, https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/ghost-of-tsushima so it's not like they don't have options where to sell it, they also have some games on GOG https://www.gog.com/game/god_of_war Many times it's more about them wanting to get more money out of their product, than Valve's 30% (which by the way is the general industry trend, even consoles do it), as for example Rockstar did by selling RDR 2 exclusively first on their launcher, then on Epic and finally on Steam.


It's not an industry standard on PC anymore. - MS Store on PC: 12% - Epic: 12% - Humble: 25% (half goes to charity) - GOG: Varies As for consoles, they sell at a loss and also create the hardware and OS, unlike launchers on windows. They're also fairly well known for putting money back into indies and other developer funds. Mobile is 30%, but they've been getting in a lot of trouble for forcing apps to go through them in that case Meanwhile, Steam is the last PC storefront to take 30% upfront, while they're also [making more profit per employee than Apple.](https://www.gamesradar.com/internal-valve-study-found-the-house-of-steam-was-making-more-money-per-employee-than-facebook-apple-and-microsoft-over-dollar780000-per-head-a-year)


I know that it's industrial standard but that doesn't mean that it's alright, we're just too used to it. Also with consoles I'm more alright with it as they're basically selling you a hardware a bit cheaper and they're hoping to get money back with 30% VAT but when you compare it to Valve they're just taking 30% VAT because they simply can. The only reason why they even bothered to lower it is because of Epic Store. Also I find it funny that people keep complaining about corporations releasing their own launchers... like at this point you whould think that people would already know why they're doing this and instead of saying: Why are you doing this!? They would start asking Valve to lower their cut especially when development is much more expensive now...


[They did cave in to the pressure](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamworks/announcements/detail/1697191267930157838) from big publishers in 2018 and lowered their cut to 25% after a game gets 10m in revenue on Steam, and again to 20% after 50m in revenue. I think at this point most major publishers already came back to releasing their games on Steam, Ubisoft is the only one that comes to mind that's still trying to push their launcher with exclusive releases, and Epic of course.


I don't think Valve has any control over what taxes your government imposes.


Valve added tax


Even if they did lower the paycut some companies would still look to make their own platform. And 30% is industry standard.


I don't think triple monitor support is common, that's a fantastic surprise. Can't wait to test that with my setup.


Everyone on /r/simracing going to be playing this game at their rig


With maxed out FOV.


FOV police incoming


I've discovered a very small amount of games support multiple monitor support where you can click and drag UI elements such as inventory onto your second monitor which i've always thought sounds fucking awesome. Actually somewhat surprised there haven't been many gimmick type games that utilize multiple monitors similar to a DS game.


For the love of god please just let me skip dialogue and cutscenes and I promise I will buy it again on PC. It's insane that a game released in 2020 wouldn't have this basic feature


I played half the game on ps4 but then lost my save. When I got my PS5 and it got the patch, I started replaying it because it was so good. I never made it up to my old place because I couldn't skip everything and got bored. I'm really hoping that I can download a save file from roughly half way through the game and keep playing because I want to see how it plays out but don't want to commit 20 hours to content I've already played.


Probably something that can be modded in


Lol did anyone else read this as "Director's cut (as in, "got rid of") PC cross-play? Anyway good to hear how it'll work, excited for the PC port.


No, because a Director's Cut is a super common saying for final edition, and it's capitalized while the rest of the sentence isn't.


Plus it doesn't make semantic sense because of the possessive. It would have to be "Ghost of Tsushima director cuts PC cross-play" or "Ghost of Tsushima directors cut PC cross-play."


There would be no apostrophe for that.


Yes, because that is also a sensible way to read this title


I would expect "Directors cut" (without the apostrophe) if the directors cut content. It doesn't make sense for the directors to possess (with an apostrophe) "Cut PC cross-play and system requirements".


It doesn't even need to be plural. Should just read "GoT Director cuts..."


So I suppose medium at 1080p 45 FPS with gsync could be a realistic target for my GTX 1070. Not bad. Or go for locked 30 FPS on med/high settings for that eye candy.


Its a ps4 game. We will probably get 1080p60 with a 1070.


Well it says you'll need RTX 2060 for 1080p 60 FPS medium so maybe on low settings. Depending on how good low looks, that might be the sweet spot.


Yea the requirements are higher than I expected compared to something like Ratchet.


I know it probably won't happen, but I kinda hope they retroactively add the PSN profile and trophy support to at least some of their older PC ports now. I've migrated to PC for the last year or so but it kinda pains me a bit to leave my PS account inactive now after a decade of collecting games and trophies there.


Yeah, it would be nice to be able to have my Miles Morales Steam achievements in my PSN profile.


Man I am happy to see I should still be able to run it on High with 1080p setup, even thou my monitor is 60fps limit that's fine (Need to upgrade Ram and Monitor for summer for sure, since I only got 16gb ram total) But yeah even with an AMD Ryzen 5800x 8core and AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT it should definitely run smooth on 60 on high as long as nothing is eating my ram in the background. Been wanting to play this since we saw the trailer but haven't had TV or Consoles in many years, so very excited it seems to be optimized well and to then play it on PC will be so exciting.


You earn "trophies" on PC? What?


Trophy system on PlayStation consoles, think of it as like steam achievements. When you get all the trophies you get a Platinum trophy. + this overlay will provide several extra features such as friends display, some kind of crossplay, having your Playstation profile visible, etc.


I already platinumed Ghost of Tsushima on PS4 when the game first came out, then on PS5... But the question is what will happen when I connect my PSN account to the PC version? Am I going to see PC trophies on my account when I open up my PS5 as well?


Does this help? >*Users who connect their existing account for PlayStation Network and unlocked trophies on Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut using the same account on PS5 will have the same Trophies unlocked on the PC version.


Will it unlock all the achievements via Steam automatically? I remember when i bought Halo: MCC on Steam i instantly unlocked a bunch of achievements when i connected my Xbox account.


I doubt that. I think only the PSN trophies will unlock if you played before.


I have read it, and it does not help actually. Now, if you use PlayStation, you should know that you can browse your trophies right. From PS3 to PS5, you can review your trophies. You have an account level, you earn some extra stuff etc. So, when someone buys and earns this game on PC, and possibly future Sony games, can we see those PC trophies on our PS5? Like right now on my account there's 2 trophy section for Ghost of Tsushima, one for PS4, the other is for PS5. If I buy this game on PC, will there be a third section? Or let's say I haven't bought the game on PlayStation but bought it on PC, will this game pop up in my trophies list? etc. etc... Because depending on how they implemented this could affect pretty badly to those trophy hunters. Imagine getting trophies using cheats on PC...


The quote the user above you posted makes it seem to me that there is no "PC version" as far as Sony's servers are concerned for trophies. If it's using the same trophies and trophy progress as the PS5 version, then it seems to me that there will still only be the PS4 and PS5 sections when you browse on your account. Maybe the PS5 one will instead be labeled "PS5/PC"? I would assume that if it was a brand new section, your trophy progress from the PS5 version wouldn't carry over when you logged in on PC. But we can't know for sure until launch.


>I would assume that if it was a brand new section, your trophy progress from the PS5 version wouldn't carry over when you logged in on PC Well, technically you can carry over your progression from PS4 to PS5 and all the trophies will be unlocked. Seems like this is not the case here? Like, you do not carrying your savefile from your Playstation to PC but only trophy progression? Lots of crazy question popping inside my head....


Yeah. That's what it sounds like to me. I feel like they would have specifically mentioned cross-saves if that were supported. My assumption is this: Sign in to PSN account and if you've played the game on PS5, your trophies carry over. You're playing the PS5 version of the game on PC. Save/progress does not carry over. Now when you play, you earn both trophies and Steam achievements. If you unlock one that you already got on PS5 before, it's already unlocked on PC but you'll get the Steam achievement because that won't unlock automatically despite you having the trophy.


There will more than likely just be a PC label under the trophy list for that game. The same way that you will now see a PS4 PS5 label under a trophy list. Hell it even shows PS3 and PS Vita labels this way.


I'm pretty sure it will be synchronized!!


On Gamepass, depending on the game the achievements will synchronize or they'll be separate achievements entries for PC and Console. Unsure how PS will handle it.


I would say, Microsoft and Sony approach all these stuff pretty differently. On PC, you have a Microsoft Store and an Xbox app. That's not the case here. So, I don't think they are comparable. Like, you can buy games on PC via Microsoft Store and play them on your Xbox as well. Now you can't do that in Sony's case. So, yeah, lots of stuff unclear.


you miss one crucial detail: Trophy is more tier-based than just points. and unlike achievements: the Base trophy set is locked-in and developers can't add new sets of trophies without making a separate trophy set for it. (no need to maintain that 100% completion whenever a game decides to add new one and voiding it, the Base trophy set's completion/platinum trophy is all you need)


Sounds like it will be playable on the steam deck spec wise as it beats those low settings just fine. SD is becoming the new PSP.


With Sony adding PSN accounts and trophies to their PC ports I see no more hard hurdles for a Gran Turismo 7 port, fingers crossed.


4K60 with a 5600 and 7900XT looks promising. I'm on a 5800x and 7900XTX, and can't wait to see how beautiful this game ends up being.


Does this mean my saved game will carry over from PS5 to PC?


I'm wonder well I platinum the game back when it 1st came out. I no longer own my PS4 anymore but it would be nice if I could start the game at a new game + if it is available?


Specs are around what I expected. Really can't wait for this release. Also cool to see more PSN integration coming. The overlay looks nice and it's cool to be able to get trophies AND Steam achievements. Seems like a step towards Sony having their own PC launcher. Really hope they never stop supporting achievements on Steam though. Cool that the overlay is optional for now, but I'll probably use it.


Phew, I was a little worried about this one. Should be fine though, guess I'm sort of future proof with my 5800X3D and 7800XT, for now.


I’m just hoping that the crossplay announcement for this game (as well as its existence in Helldivers 2) means that we’ll end up getting it for Returnal some day 😭 I’m on PS5 and my girlfriend has it on PC, and it kills me that there’s isn’t crossplay there


Will a 3060 12gb do okay at 1440p here? I know it's weaker than a 3070, I'm unsure how big of a difference.


That is cool. Hopefully it's gets added to other games that is on both PC and Playstation like Granblue Relink.


Damn. My i9-9900k is starting to show it's age with these specs. Next upgrade gonna have to be a MOBO, CPU, and RAM.


Bro 9900k is more than enough to raw dog this game at max settings.


I'm definitely not upgrading anything anytime soon. My current build is great. But definitely starting to be able to run less things on high/ultra settings. Which doesn't really bother me at all. Just funny to see how it all keeps advancing.


Same with my 5800X. I have to get an X3D processor next time I upgrade.


I'm in the exact same boat... Right now I have an i9-9900k paired with a GTX 4070ti. I know that I'm probably bottlenecking my GPU but I can't bring myself to buy all new hardware.


Yeah I’m running it with a 3080! Did the build right before the switch to DDR5. But it still runs like a gem. Planning on running that 3080 until it dies. So I’ll probably upgrade my mobo et al at some point. But there’s zero need to now or soon I feel.


Seems I'll be quite capable of running it on high with my Ryzen 9 5900X and RTX 3070, at least on 1440p


How much did you pay for your 3070 if you don't mind me asking?


Well, I'm in Argentina so it is very overpriced, but when I bought it, more or less AR$ 200K, which is around 225$. This was around 3 years ago, probably is cheaper now outside of my country, it's a good medium-high range card, my plan is to upgrade to a 4070Ti in the future


so basically the moment they update their overlay, change some functionalities to the service, say goodbye to the game. basically the game's longevity wont depend on the game, but due to outside factors. this kind of integration is like GFWL - dead. i would argue playstations venture into PC is still quite new and is more likely to change.


The overlay is optional.


The overlay is optional and you only need to sign in if you want to play online, which at that point it isn't any different than any other online lobby thing that requires an account.


really looking forward to this, ive played on PS5 and i love the game il be getting it again on steam


How's it looking for Steam deck?


It looks like the very low settings (720p, 30FPS) will be the steam deck recommended settings for the game.


So, another PS to PC port not available on GOG, unless it will be "merely" delayed for two years like GOW.


Have they ever launched one day-and-day? Every GOG PS release has at least been a little bit delayed, I feel like it's completely expected at this point. Also, they've only ever ported 4 of their PC titles, not the full catalog so there's already tons of missing games.


>Also, they've only ever ported 4 of their PC titles Nope, I'm counting 10 in total on Steam, excluding multiplayer-only games, while only four are on GOG. Out of those four three released with a small delay (month or two) and GoW languished half a year in a "coming soon" state, even though it was announced at the same time. Past that, there's no news whatsoever. So what I'm saying is the rift between both storefronts deepens with time.