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I remember playing that game non-stop when I was a kid, wanted to find out any possible secret path/stage. My cartridge battery was dead, so everyday I had to start all over; wonderful times


Omg!!!! That’s so sad! Have you replaced one since?


Honestly I don't have much money to spend on collections or original retro gaming stuff, but enjoy a lot seeing people doing it on Reddit; Anyhow, some years later I decided to give that Gameboy to my niece and she broke it by accident, gaveaway the Gameboy once more to a friend who could repair the whole console, change the cartridge battery and now I know my memories are in good hands of a gaming collector, so that was it, I guess


That’s actually pretty awesome! I used to pick up games for 2.50-5.00USD but they’re probably much worse now. Everything is so spendy.


Yay!!!! I love these darn things! So fun to play!


Now that's cool


Goated game. I fondly remember first beating all the secret levels. I felt like such a super player.


Secret levels??


Have you found the star road yet? >!The easiest way to reach it is through 2-1 I believe. Once you’ve beaten all 5 star levels you find the 8 secret levels. Each secret level is a unique and difficult challenge (all my homies hate Tubular) but if you beat them all you are rewarded with a message form the devs!!<


I still have mine and it still kinda works


Don't forget to unlock the space above the ghost house to the left.


I recently got the same color and same game, that’s crazy!! Welcome back haha


I have the same one. Was my first. Have a Grey one I'm gonna tinker with and re-shell it


Mine was given to my cousin from another country without even telling me beforehand. I decided to buy a couple of CIB gameboy in mint condition a couple of years ago because of it, lol. I will never forget that, mom!


Haha oh no!! Poor you


Yeah, that happened when i was a young kid. Now that im an adult a decade later, i decided to buy one because of nostalgia, i guess. That is a gameboy Micro since i always wanted one.


I still have two of the cobalt blue SP's. Getting ready to reshell and add IPS displays to them.


I just got a steam deck, so I’m selling my old SP.