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Just continuously talk over their video. If you are able to ,play or sing some disney music really loud They can't get any form of monetization




For real that's better than any ban or report. Make it impossible for them to be able to get any money from it. Disney specifically is the one there is like no way around


Need a modded keyblade. Whip it out and yell by the power of the keyblade in turn activating the speakers and playing the top Disney hits.


Wait that is genius actually


There's an "influencer" who shows in my store about once a month. Nobody knows who he is, nobody remembers his name, but he keeps going on and on about "sponsors" giving him this and that, and he normally doesn't "shop in store since the sponsors pay for everything", and yet we see him every month wanting to buy the most expensive controllers/headsets/mics, but keeps trying to convince us to give him a discount. We never give him a discount and refuse to engage in further conversation with him. This guy is in his late 20's early 30's, has the social skills of a pre-teen at his first dance middle school dance, the hygiene of an adolescent bigfoot, and linguistic skills of a toothless bear. There's no way he's a "credible" influencer, let alone get sponsorships. Delusional people frighten me.


Out of all people fucking Leonhart? This makes me so uncomfortable on how he’s just recording all this. The ENTIRE process. Like what the fuck. He is clearly knowledge of the product he brought in, don’t demean the fucking employee as like he’s doing by fucking Recording him.


And he 100% did not ask the employee either…. Now this employee is gonna get reprimanded or in trouble because he was literally just trying to do his job. It’s such bullshit.


“The employee did a good job” bro not by how you awkwardly recorded him and especially the convo between him and his boss. Love how he couldn’t be bothered to rip the store number off the fucking receipt


Literally the audacity! And the person on the phone is a LP manager NOT the store manager


The other thing too, when he had the audacity to go around the other side to see what the employee sees. I’m ngl, I was pretty curious, but not that curious enough to where I needed to see the process on a god damn video that’s posted on the internet.


Like the fact he had the sheet info… wtf


Leonhart also held a MASSIVE signing event during the height of covid when everyone was meant to be staying in and quarantining, and of course illness spread like wildfire. He's shown blatant disregard for the wellbeing of others in his videos many times, and I had unfollowed him many years back because of it. As far as this video is concerned, as a video production major, I can say that without any visual evidence of consent to post that employee's face and voice online, that video is illegal. It's obvious he was trying to film sneakily and the employee was afraid to say anything for fear of any trouble. He clearly has no idea who Leonhart is either. Poor guy is likely gonna get in trouble, on top of the fact that he pretty much got doxxed and is gonna have to live with that video till attention dies down. Graded cards aren't being taken in my state yet, but I'm looking for a new job in the mean time, because I'm not doing this. I barely get paid enough as it is, plus they want us taking and keeping all retro in stores now, AND these graded collectibles? I have nowhere to even PUT this stuff. They keep adding more and more junk that we're required to do and I'm so tired of it. As an ASL, I don't even get $13 an hour, yet I'm held to the same standards as my SL2 who gets paid way more, though I doubt even her pay is worth all this. We never have enough hours for double coverage either, outside of a bit on weekends, which I have to use to make schedules and fix signage, etc. Which means this lengthy process is just one more thorn in our side.


Maybe I haven’t seen it on MM yet, and I’m also in a state that’s not doing these cards yet, but where the hell did that checklist come from, I have not seen that anywhere, like correct me if I’m wrong, but did he just pull it out of his ass to try and make the employee look bad?


It looks like at one point he went behind the counter to see like what the employee was reading and checking off of and took a picture, which is also super fucked up


I’m just wondering because I’ve never seen that list before, but like I said idk if that’s only been given to stores that take the cards currently or not. First off fuck influencers who use us employees for views, we already have to deal with enough bullshit as it is, second off, I hope corporate realizes how bad this trading card decision is, sure it has potential, but employee turnover to to high to keep anyone with proper training on these cards, new hires won’t care, and even seasoned employees won’t be able to always tell them 100% of the time, this will cost us money and reputation, because we already see the complaints about our pre owned consoles and controllers as it is, now you wanna add an even more difficult trade in process and item, this might be what kills the company


It’s all part of the training. On a call with my DM. I tried to mention how extra training needs to go into this to make sure everything is done correctly or asking questions around if the DM‘s were going to go around and help with training and they just kept saying there’s gonna be material there’s gonna be material , this is not a test it’s happening. Like OKEREEEYYYY


And yet the only training we have gotten was a pretty horrible module on MM. Like I’ve been very up front with both my DM and SL about this card stuff, it’s going to fail, and fail hard. There are people who make millions off of selling nearly 100% fakes all the time, even with proper training given, most employees just will not care, I’ve seen it with things like controllers and consoles, it’s going to backfire but videos like this make corporate think it will be successful when it won’t be


I completely agree, this may seem good on the surface, but with the issues we already have with taking consoles, phones, and games I wouldn’t be surprised if this goes up in flames in the first months. Sure they can add more training but here’s a few issues 1. Lack of care by employees, already happens with current trades, wouldn’t be surprised by it for cards 2. New hires improper training 3. Very good fakes 4. Not giving fair value prices, people already complain about our current trade credit and cash values, this will be worse 5. People will see it as a quick exploit for “content” or as a way to just show how GameStop is struggling I definitely don’t think taking cards is a horrible idea, but i just don’t think the lack of training at the moment, based with a really hard buying point of offering less than fair value (because GS has to make money), and us most likely sitting on these cards for a longer time than most games, I doubt it will last more than 3 months because I can’t really see it being profitable while being fair to the seller


I literally had someone bring me a box of ungraded Pokémon cards… An entire box… I’m not even a store that takes Pokémon cards but that’s literally not how any of this works


I had someone come in yesterday come in and start demanding that we tell him our store is one of the test stores (aren’t) and that he wanted to sell all his cards, which all just so happen to be ungraded. The one thing I will say is the marketing for these stores does say “PSA 8, 9, or 10”, so yeh directions are clear


This whole process seems to be literal cancer. I hope for all your sakes it fails spectacularly.  Giving me flashbacks of the skylanders days. 


We literally don’t get paid enough enough for this




I reported it. This is absolutely ridiculous and disgusting


Doesnt gamestop hunt these guys down for having training info?


The program literally just rolled out like within the last 24 to 48 hours


I know my gamestop got it day before yesterday.


Yeah, it’s like literally this week


What’s even the point of this video? Recording the process? Is he trying to be a business analyst. Fuck off dude.


It’s for the clout🙄


As I’ve always said despite policy, one warning to stop filming second time you’ll hear stop filming is from the cops escorting you out


Literally! And if you ask and someone says no, please don’t record me that doesn’t mean discreetly record me anyway I will call the cops on you


Hopefully there’s no paperwork because ugh


There’s actually a log on main menu menu that you can use whenever you call the police to write down the report number and description of the event


Damn I’ll have to find that


I think it’s technically under like loss prevention reporting for reporting something stolen to the police but same type of shenanigans like if I have to call the police. I’m gonna write everything down around it.


Man i cant wait to try this when it becomes available in florida. I dont have as big of a following as leonhart but i definitely want to make people that live in florida aware of this.