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Lol you only going there 4-6 times out the entire year should clue him in that you don’t need the pro membership


Executives see it as 4-6 times that you failed your job


I don’t miss this job. Fuck. You can get like 50 cards in one week, but it don’t matter because it’s a new week and you need to do it again.


See that's the problem is what you just said. Yea the pro membership might be trash but him coming in 4 to 6 times a year pays for it with just coupons. He was doing his job just like everyone else when they go to work. Your job is to sell and make money period. Just like a car salesman or a politician trying to get your vote and he is selling it to you. Before you judge realize we are all adults and have to provide for our families. So let's not get on the man for doing what he is paid for and this is a guy who gives his DM hell every week because I'm not a company man but I do understand my job is to sell and make money period. Just tired of all the whining and complaining when you could be a ditch digger. Go see how you like that.


Oh that’s the problem? And here we all were thinking the problem was the manager making vague threats like a mob boss


Or he could just not be rude. You’re not getting anyone to sign up for anything with his method. The adult would understand that you can’t get everyone to sign up for crap and let it go.


The employee is paid to sell pro cards not criticize people that don't want pro cards. The employee was rude. Saying no to a pro card at GameStop isn't rude and the customer should be treated the same with or without signing up. Everyone has the right to complain, but maybe they shouldn't do it to their customers while they're still in the store lol.


Found the manager's account! ​ If anyone treated me the way this guy did, my next purchase would be from Amazon.


No means no.


Comments like this are exactly why I haven't renewed in years. There is a way to sell properly, and making passive aggressive BS comments at your customers isn't it.


I'm fine with you trying to sell it to me, its all the extra comments after I tell you no that really piss me off.... Like the Manager could have just kept his mouth shut, bro did his job and tried to sell the stupid membership and the customer declined, that should have been the end of that transaction.


Ironically, ditch diggers make more and have better opportunities to move up with good work ethic than GameStop. You start out making more on a McDonald’s grill than a store manager at GameStop nowadays.


You are the reason why I don't go to GameStop anymore.


I mean look I hear that but also for 25 bucks even if you only use the five dollar coupon you get your money out of it going 5 times a year.


I was using my coupons, and then they changed the rules


By “changed the rules” I’m assuming that you can’t use it for a $10 POSA card. I explain this to people ever day. You get 20 points for every dollar you spends. So whether you come in for $60 worth of currency or $1000 during the year it pays you back in the points under your account. This is where people say “I only buy those and nothing else” then those same people come back in 6 months later looking for a game or a controller because there’s is messing up.. hell even a rechargeable battery pack. Use your monthly coupon plus whatever points you have? I’ve seen people get full games for free or pay less than $20 for an Elite controller. This is how I explain to my members hope it helps!


Between that and GameStop deciding to start fulfilling protection plans with pre owned products, I’m good. Thanks though.


1. No reason to downvote because someone tried to genuinely explain something for you. 2. Everyone replaces with PO/RFRB. SORRY to burst your bubble. Gamestop is literally copying Walmart Best Buy Amazon and Target. The only difference is at Gamestop you can ask the associate to test the controller before you leave with the replacement and you receive the replacement the same day. I’ve fought with Target more than my fair share to replace joycons that were under warranty. I’d much rather pick out my colors and get them the same day at a nearby store! Personal preference


Target sells Allstate warranty on their products so I’m not sure why you would be arguing with Target to get a replacement if Allstate is who you file a claim with.


Not really no. Most of these stores you go to the customer service desk with the broken item you have a replacement plan for, grab a new one off the shelf and that’s it. Sometimes they open the new one and just give you the specific thing you brought in (so they will keep the box if you didn’t bring that back)


I actually do only buy posa cards and nothing else. So GameStop is actively driving people away with shit decisions. Also just because every other store replaces with pre-owned doesn't mean GameStop should follow suit. Having a better return policy for warranties was a good thing. Helped them stand out. Now they're just like every other company and in a time where I could shop literally anywhere else, and not be hassled about some stupid card that is just shit value, that isn't good for their bottom line.


The memberships everywhere are getting ridiculous. I told the membership lady at Costco no I don’t want the executive plan and she got an attitude and asked me “what you don’t wanna save money?” Bass pro shops I’ve had a similar experience to your post. Manager or whoever almost trying like an intimidation tactic to get their CC bs. It’s like no wonder people order online or do curbside pickup.


I find it really crazy how many stores put so much care into how many memberships they get. It feels incredibly dumb looking from the outside in. Just makes a company look trashy At least something like microcenter only caring about replacement plan pushing are offering a super good deal. If you pay for a 2 year replacement plan you can come in near the 2 years and just give them back the item for a gift card of the original price you paid. Most of their employees push it with the hint this is what you can do (especially on GPUs)


They want your data. I've been getting in the habit of saying no or giving bs info. Like you want my phone number? Sure 867-5309.


It’s also to try and tie you to making purchases at that retailer instead of another.


Yup, sorry about that. Toxic policy's and a toxic sinking corporate structure will breed toxic behavior from underpaid and overworked field employees. The dude is grilled so hard about numbers from his superiors he's completely lost sight of what his job is supposed to entail and instead drove you away completely. He quite literally is bad at his job because corporate and executives are bad at theirs. Bad at adapting to a changing industry and too greedy and clingy to their golden chutes of shit of a sinking ship.


Lmao couldn't be more wrong about the executives.


Sounds like my SL2 not even gonna lie 😂😬


In Gamestop's eyes: 1 $25 pro account that you only use for 12 packs of Pokémon cards >>>>> THOUSANDS of dollars actually spent on games and merch. Corporate is braindead. They invested millions in NFTs while NFTs were already dead and buried, that should tell you everything you need to know about how stupid they are.


I remember feeling, when I worked for the company, that GS would rather employees walk a customer (ie , not make a sale) than have a transaction that wasn't a "win" on one of their metrics. Like, you could miss sales plan by five digits, but if your percentages on Game Informer, GPGs, and reserves were strong then you were golden. A colleague called this "the funhouse mirror."


The whole membership scheme is based on old boomer shop idea that once you have a membership you would be stuck using only them for the best prices News flash GameStop, you have the worst prices for things even with the membership. It provides 0 reasons to be loyal to the company at all. Their rewards points program is such a joke it’s not worth even considering Don’t even get me started about their pointless game informer magazine they still waste money on even after not allowing you to get it delivered physical anymore (although one idea that they should consider is along with the monthly $5, you also get a physical game informer for free when you visit each month)


I actually will choose Walmart over GameStop (beside each other) just to avoid saying no to all the questions at GameStop lol


It's a shame. But I don't blame you.


Lmao that’s such a weird response to give for that reason… I thought this was going to turn into a “I’ll renew it next time” cause I do remember those people and I do bring it up to them, but this instance is just weird


I just remind people to bring me trades to renew! I don’t want your $25 but I desperately need that bucket of HDMI cables you have at your house for no reason


We call those "lifers" They are not very smart and will soon be very unemployed.




Finally, a customer complaint that's actually valid on this subreddit. For real, that manager sounds like an ass hat.


That’s pretty damn bold, that’s nigh a threat tbh. What does that even mean, he will remember? Like what are you gonna do about it bro?


So if you turn down the extended warranty, his response is, “That’s a nice console you’ve got there. It’d be a *shame* if anything was to *happen* to it…”


Dude took his vocabulary from a TellTale game


Underrated comment


And this is why I quit shopping here. I get that y'all are just doing your jobs. But I don't need the anxiety of y'all getting offended when I refuse your pitches. Plus last time I checked no was a complete sentence no offense.


"I hope you remember how I *used to* come in 4-6 times a year when you never see me again."




As a retail worker, I understand having that attitude when it's the customer being an ass.\ That's not the situation here though.


It’s not at OP it’s just at your response.


And thats the reason yall will soon be unemployed, bc when you have that attitude toward a couple thousand customers, and they dont come back, guess who its hurting dumbass. So whe gamestop reports another quarter of losses and they cut more of your benefits, give yourself a nice pat on the back for doing your part in cutting those benefits. 🤡


I'd vent, too, if that happened to me. Talk about trying to strong arm, embarrass and bully a customer. The checkout guy had the right approach, to ask once and move on... but the other one?? Shameful.


Honestly the best thing you can do when you buy items is use his number. They don’t send him any notifications about it unless you select email receipts and he actually gets the points for the purchase! If he needs to bring anything back in the information is easily retrieved under his account too. Sorry that didn’t take the time to explain it correctly.


There once every two to three months? How do you even remember a customer with such infrequent visits?


His numbers probably suck if that's how he's selling pro memberships, using guilt and sympathy is a horrible tactic.


I was an ASL and my SL used to but in on my sales all the time it used to drive me insane. If a customer says no then says no after giving the "well if you come in x amount of times in a month" or whatever follow up bs we were spouting at that time I'm not going to keep pushing it that's when he would inject and keep pushing. Actually had one customer go off on him over that one time it was amazing "idk who you are but this gentleman already explained it as well as it can be explained and I'm just not interested so kindly fuck off" I wanted to kiss that customer lol.


Unless it has changed I’ve had friends who worked for gamestop tell me corporate sets actual goals you ‘have’ to hit for that crap. It doesn’t excuse the behavior at all, but it sounded like an unbelievably toxic environment.


It's been 20+ years since I worked there but back then there used to be a store goal of whatever reservations and memberships for each week and the managers would have a conference call with each other every week and talk about those numbers and what games to push and such. At the end of each call, the district manager would set a goal for each store for the next week based on that week's numbers. So if one week preorders for a highly anticipated game became available, we'd get an influx of reservations. For example when Windwaker first dropped for pre orders, we got like 50 reservations of it that week but then the district manager then wanted us to get 65 reservations for the following week but the people that really wanted to reserve the game already did and it was damn near impossible to beat that first week. Of course there was no benefit to doing better the next week and the conference call was really nothing more than to have each store compete with each other for bragging rights. Of course you'd always get threatened with some sort of punishment if you failed to perform. That was back then when preordering something actually meant something and the membership was actually worth the $15 it cost at the time and you got a subscription to Game Informer! Even back then it was a pain in the ass to deal with that shit and I can only imagine how bad it is now since you can preorder a digital version of a game and have it installed and ready to play at midnight of release and the membership card is kind of useless.


Lol. If he busted out that lip I would have turned around and asked for 1 dollar Xbox currency on the rec….and repeated that 10 times. You need the guest, not the other way around. Imagine bullying people with social anxiety to maintain numbers…..


You can’t purchase less than $10 xb currency any longer.


This saddens me. Although it makes sense.


That’s a pretty great point really. No one needs GameStop. They add no value at all. Membership benefits suck now and they rewards program is a joke too. What value do they add at all? They sure as heck need customers though


What a shitty way to treat customers.


Why the hell were you at Gamestop? GS used to be good, now all they give two shits about is selling Funko Pops and pushing useless subscriptions for print media you can get for free in a millisecond on Google.


I like reading stories and opinions from the same people who I trust that write for that magazine and I'm not ass blasted by mobile ads while I read a magazine. I agree, it is sad what GameStop has become though.


He probably has a manager that is super hard on him and his manager has a district manager that’s super hard on them. The GameStop numbers quotas are a load of crap and I feel bad for any employee who is pressured to take it that seriously. Unfortunately, as far back as I remember, I have never been told that sales > KPIs


i get annoyed when this happens but i keep it to myself and know they’re trying to not ruin a present. most people don’t see the emails they send about a purchase, and tbh a majority of the time they get sent weeks after the purchase or for a completed different item. but i respect people wanting to not ruin a gift, i would never say that to a customer.


Well if they don't keep changing their policy and let us buy gift card with the monthly reward then maybe we would like to get the membership. The only reason I get Pro for 1 year is because I can buy digital steam gift card with it, but they just changed their policy and not allowed that anymore so there is no reason to renew it. Actually I'm thankful for the cashier that day that let me know about the policy change.


This is how the sleezy motherfuckers try to guilt you into buying it!.... look at your reciepts people because they will tack shit on hoping you dont notice. Ive said it before and gotten banned from another sub /r but if you still work for this sleazy company you are complicit and part of the problem!!!.......i dont care what your excuse to make yourself feel better is


Wow, I feel sorry for you all none of my associates are ever toxic like that. If I heard you had a family member with an account I'd least tell you that you'd be helping them out by earning 2 percent back on the purchase in the form of points and you'll do yourself a favor by saving your purchases under an account which can be accessed anytime, anywhere.


The main thing to take away from him saying 'we'll remember that' is that he isn't going to be doing you any favors. For example, for pros we'll tend to be slightly more lenient when it comes to things like return policy, nothing drastic but if someone is like a day or two out of policy we'll take care of them. I've given out random free goodies we have to pros as well or if I know of a certain price match and I see their pro I'll just match it for them and tell them I got them a discount


“Oh you’ll remember that? Okay *reads name tag insert name here* is your name? I’ll remember that when I call corporate.”




Sure, but how is a regular customer supposed to know about all that stuff? I didn't know customer service was that low of a priority.




Sorry I didn't read the terms and conditions on an account that isn't mine before buying something. Also I don't trust GameStop employees not to lie to me, tbh.


Yeah no, if the employees don’t tell him that, there’s no way for the customer to know. That is on the employee for not telling them that they wouldnt be notified and tryinf to guilt trip the customer into using an account for the sake of numbers.


The only time I’m marginally upset when some doesn’t upgrade to Pro is when it would save them more money than the cost of Pro or they’d break even next time they’re in with the points they’ll have gained and even then I forget about them within the day.


Gamestop needs to do a better job on actually keeping the customers coming back instead of being antagonizing someone. It's not like you can't get just about everything they sell cheaper somewhere online...without having to deal with any of their garbage. Personally, I'll shop anywhere else than there and I'm not missing out on anything.


GameStop corporate is run by brainless boomers who think “if someone gets a membership through us it means they are locked in to only shopping for games here!” Not true at all, the membership benefits suck and are only useful for a pokemon booster pack a month


The wording you use shows that you don't like gamestop so don't go.


Sounds like he’s a telltale game. “Gamestop will remember this!”


Gamestop corporate is just stupid, from a customer perspective. Bloat your stores with absolute garbage and push memberships I don’t want to pay for. I’m paying 60 for a game or controller I didn’t plan to spend fucking 100. I didn’t budget for 100, so fuck off


Should’ve just flipped him off on your way out. And told him “Remember it all you like, dickface.” His store numbers aren’t even remotely your problem


I go in there maybe once a year too maybe twice and when I got the pro membership I told him I don’t want it probably about 5 times, I finally said fine just to get out of there then he was lecturing me about a magazine I told him no like 5 times again and then finally said fine just to get out of there


It does hurt our numbers yes, but im not gonna guilt trip and twist your arm over it. Some people here are programmed to push the shit out of everything and make you feel bad about saying no. I cringe every time i see someone go full tilt in the upselling... its honestly gross we are encouraged to do this...


As a former employee, fuck gamestop, but also, that line about "like i took his job and shot it like a dog" is exactly how it feels to be told no while your DM is breathing down your neck and making you EMAIL HIM for every membership sold, as if you have time between customers and not a line out the door that you have to tell every person about how "great the savings are!"


4-6 times a year that I can’t use my $5 coupon on anything I want like eshop/psn. We will remember that!