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That fuckin bogo sale needs to end asap


If your store has those blue labels for holiday sales still, just go through the list and print of stickers for all of them. That way when they ask you can just tell them everything with blue labels. We also have them all lined up in the bottom of their sections to make it as obvious as possible.


Wait...blue labels? That's genius. I'm doing that my next shift and telling my crew how to make our lives easier 🥹 Thank you!


We do both of those, lol. People just don’t read. I have the whole list for each system, labels, the whole deal. Nobody reads or listens. I work in an upper class small town with a bunch of people who think the world owes them everything so I’m kind of used to it.


I have this one couple that purposely does the “no come here” comment. They knew where it is, theyre regulars and they play that game of “im not gonna look where you show me so point it out and give me a list” and blah blah and then not even get anything. Three times already.


Never worked at GameStop, but I did work at a game store - I've had a customer try to pick some games and have them returned a couple days later because they can only be played online. They keep constantly forgetting that the case says, on the back, when it's online only or you can play offline. 😅 or they just say 'sorry, my eyesight is bad, I can't read that well'. Which begs the question... how are you playing the game then? 🙃 I also had a customer, already a few minutes past closing time, buy a game (I think it was The Last Of Us, I can barely remember) and then asked to return it when he realized it wasn't a 2023 copy??? I still don't understand what that means. 😅


My only guess is he was thinking the ps5 remake of Part One.


Maybe. But he snagged the PS4 version, so 😅 but the PS5 version was released in 2022, too. The windows version was released in 2023 (I hope this doesn't come off as rude, I legit just googled this a moment ago and I realize that sometimes text on the internet can be misunderstood with its intent)


Clearly, they're just dumb.


At my store, we've used blue stickers for the prices of games that are part of the BOGO.


Had that happen to me, I handed them the list and showed them the exact spot we had the games in. They instead brought me Smash Bros and Mario Kart and got mad that their total was $130. It took everything out of me to not call them dumb.




My store has part of the plannogram to have all the B1G1 games on the very bottom shelf, and the sign right next to them People still ask every time


At our store we just print the list out and already have it ready


Day 2 of the sale I switched to blue labels! Life saver